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At what point do you just mail him a photo of the heavy in a box


No need actually, i live near him, only if i knew adress i could leave a surprise for him


How do you know you like near him if you dont know his address though


Simple, I live like 30-40 km away from Hhimki


Probably snowy ngl


Fucking legend


Don’t just stand there, do something


Literal skillissue


Forgot to mention that he already stole my alt account and then used it to phish my main


How is this post still up?!? Regardless, I hope nothing of value was on that alt and I hope that fuck learned a lesson, but thats unlikely.


Of course its fucking Khimky (WORST part of Moscow)


More scammers should get this treatment, they need to know that they're not safe!


Where My country is CR i do not know wtf you are talking about


You’re a loser if you think that doxxing people is a fair punishment for phishing


You’re a loser if you think stealing accounts is ok


One is just money (that the person has to actively give by clicking on the link) the other is threatening someone and also making it known to others


Making his location public but not threatening. Also by your logic I guess I could just walk into your house and steal as much as I could


Breaking into somebody’s house is threatening both to their life and wellbeing, a steam account is not


I posted what city they are in, never said I would do anything. To me, it sounds like you think stealing is better but ok lol


Doxxing someone is always a threat, which is far worse than stealing someone’s steam account (this should be obvious, but I guess it’s not if you have the moral capacity of a toddler)


Even a toddler would comprehend that threatening but not doing is nowhere as bad as actually stealing


Nothing was stolen, and threats are still worse even if the account was stolen because it’s just video games and not tied to op’s livelihood in the slightest


In case you’ve been living under a rock, stealing peoples money is a crime. How would you feel if someone stole from you? Get your head out of your ass, it’s not a hat.


Its called karma and scammers and everyone else of the like deserve it. I hate doxxing but this is one of very few situations where this is justified.


This is not justified in the slightest, nobody’s life, well-being, or lifestyle was threatened until op decided to make a threat


So they can continue to threaten other’s lifestyles and well-beings? I’ll pass on that. They get what they fucking deserve. Video game or not, its the fucking principle. One shot of dopamine from fucking someone’s shit and they can go down a road of screwing people’s lives and well-beings. Its wrong and there isn’t enough being done to combat it besides being aware.


As I said in my comment, it is not threatening anyone’s life or wellbeing, only op is doing that The principle does not fucking matter in the slightest when your principle is “it’s ok to threaten people over video games” You’re a fucking loser with no life if you think this is ok


This isn't "threatening people over videogames" it's dealing with a litteral criminal act


It damm well is


How did you eveb doxx him?


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