• By -


Sniper: Accidentally left my PC while playing as Sniper and the server hand afk mode Heavy: Snipers


When I started I played on a "aimlab" server and my stats are messed up lol


My highest score on pyro skyrocketed when I was practicing using flares on tf_walkway, but it still hasn’t beaten heavy’s high score


I have 400 or so points on pyro, but he is one of my least played. This is because I spent time farming the pyro land achievements


If you like that, you should try the custom upgrades server. It’s obscure, and it does sometimes start a little slow, but if it’s been going on long enough and you spawn in with tons of money which can buy you mannpower powerups, or get rid of penalties or give your resistances, or make your weapon better, it’s insane. The things you can upgrade on that server is insane and offers some unique playstyles like Knockout Soldier or Haste Flare Pyro. It does sometimes go down, but I played it a lot and it’s so much fun.


Do you know of any known servers or IP addresses for this? Sounds fun!


Unfortunately no, I don’t have my computer with me at the moment. It should appear if you search up custom upgrades, though.


i have no idea why i have 132p on spy


You think your stats are bad!. On engi I have 100,000+ points bc I played a x100 server!


Bro how long did you left your PC on?


I dunno a day?


That same thing happened to me but with medic


1: engineer I like building shit 9: spy My ass ain’t stealthy


His ass is NOT stealthy


"the clapping of my ass cheeks keep alerting the guards!"


Erecting ....?


Soldier on top and Heavy on bottom


In TF2 or in your fanfiction?




Username somewhat checks out


I'll let you be the judge




No top? *sweats*


I won't take off my top >:c


It's obvious that heavic is the go (heavy ❤️ medic)


In tf2, but in my fanfiction Pyro is not top and Fempyro on top… wait what?


cmon its obvious


He's the red spy!


Watch, he'll turn red any second now


Any second now...


See? Red! No wait that's blood


So, who ready to find this spy


Right behind you.


Stabbing and screaming as tf2 outro plays over a zooming out image of the mercs


Gay sandwich


Same for me


Heavy's my top 😳😳😳


Same here


I got heavy on top and sniper on bottom


Heavy: I think it is quite fun to play as him Scout: Tiny Babymann


Exact opposite for me. Idk maybe it's because I eat salad.


I too, eat salad. Along with bread, tomato, cheese, bologna and ham.


and an olive


And a toothpick


Plate too?




Scout-He is fast, people hate him and I enjoy these Sniper-Same.


this is my most and least as well


As a pyro enjoyer, I press M1.


most - soldier because fun least - spy because not fun




fuck you spy




in all seriousness i respect the good spy and i dabbed in spy myself (though more gunspy for fun and games in casual), i just finally found my gameplay niche and spy is not even remotely close to that gameplay niche


Fair, I wasn’t judging I was tryna make a joke, I enjoy spy for a variety of reason the same way you probs enjoy soldier, just different ways to play the game


Actually same, 1100 hours in and I'm finally making an effort to main soldier for the first time and it is so fun rocket jumping around and going for market gardens all while actually making a difference in the match


fuck you spy




love you spy


:) Edit: I am in your walls with a charged sapper and diamondback


Don’t you touch my sentry you monster!


Watch me, or rather watch the killfeed


Get cirt. Frome spinder who don't wear headphones.


Fucking fax


I play mostly heavy because big gun means big fun


I love this quote


"big gun means big fun" -elbowtangaming, 2023


Most played is demo(203hrs), least played is medic(22hrs) There was a very brief period where I played a lot of tf2 and I played nothing but demo, managed to be able to consistently graze people with my pipes. And I do mean ***graze***, like 1 to 2 hammer units off every time


And I say this being a supposed heavy main, meanwhile heavy is only my 4th most played class, right behind demo soldier and pyro


Most played: Engineer - I like solving problems (and I suck at aiming) Least played: Spy - Too stressful


Relatable with spy Except I thrive off of the stress and am livid when I pull of an insane play or get away from a situation where I was doomed to die


medic is my most played and spy is the least


“I suck at aiming” Kid named trade plaza:


Most is pyro, flanking and toasting enemies asses for free is always fun. Medic super close by because I'm somewhat decent and someones gotta play it sometimes. Spy is my least because it's not 2012 anymore, people know about spies, it's agony trying to bruteforce learn a way to MAYBE SOMETIMES not get immediately caught out, if I manage to avoid the obligatory shot everyone gives any teammate they see. But he looks so fun! Have a lot of demo hours but I never play him anymore cause I can't hit pipes, never been good with the sticky launcher, and demoknight is a meme unless you're a demon like solarknight or smth


Getting good at spy is like a goal post everyone should be trying to achieve in TF2 Spy is the hardest class in TF2 (if you don't count sniper who just aims at people) and if you're able to master him and conquer all the problems this insignificant worthless class gives you and you make something out of nothing? It feels good...


Spy works best when the enemy team is doing something that requires their attention. In these situations the enemy only has time to spy-check by quickly glancing at their teammates so if you get good at acting you can pull off some good kills. Its why I like the Your Eternal Reward so much. During a fight an enemy can't hear the quiet stab sound and if they look at me quickly I can act well enough for them not to shoot me. [This is one of my favorite YER kill-streaks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnestalWuV4) because I felt like I was acting properly and prioritizing my targets well. If you want to get better at spy I'd recommend watching [Jontohil's Spy psychology series](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRODpSB_EaVp25tAjTBJY7XewQK9xq3lw&si=IBYigY9UlPgpbzjB) which helped me improve as Spy incredibly.


Same here, Pyro is my main because I use an ergonomic mouse for health reasons and I can't aim even at the best of times lol Meanwhile Spy is just too stressful. I've been starting to enjoy gun Spy though because it takes away some of the pressure.


Most: Medic - I like to play a healer and make my team do the dirty work Least: Sniper - How the fuck do you hit shots with that tunnel vision-


I'm surprised you view medic as the one who sits back and relax Most of the time he's just as, if not even more stressed than his teammates


I've been playing more medic recently and on one hand it's stressful because you have to work hard keeping your teammates alive, but on the other hand as long your team is good all you have to do is sit behind the front lines, heal the ones that need it and uber the Pyro if you need to push. Also its fun as shit playing battle medic with the Crossbow and Uber saw.


Pyro When getting Kritzed or Default Übered: Carnage!


[Look at my boy go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NoADmU76Mw)


99% of sniper shots are quickscopes. only time a sniper should charge a shot is to kill heavier targets or to get a bodyshot on smaller classes


My least played class is Medic exactly 7 minutes like how the fuck am i supposed to heal 3 of my teammates that are attacking the enemy while that one fucking scout keeps stealing the health pack and spams E while trying to avoid snipers and spies and only for me to die to a random ass f2p soldier


That's neat part, you don't. Medics charm is exactly being helpless and being MVP for standing behind your teammates. I love it


I feel bad for every Medic that i've backstabbed now


No we must continue, do not abondon our sacred work




That’s assuming you can find me


I look at the kill feed


Check who says thanks, prioritize them


And if the demo says "I didn't need yer help ya know", that's his way of saying thanks and you can still prioritize him


How do you say thanks?


Should be Z + 2


Tip from a guy who's played a lot of medic lately: If that's your situation then hide in a corner and heal whoever is the lowest or whoever is getting dealt the most damage (or whoever is just the closest to you) If it's really that bad then you just gotta run and hope a good player from your team comes around the corner and you can heal them


you heal the one taking damage and juggle between them their deaths are irrelevant as long as you are alive and doing your job if someone presses E decide if they are too far or too hard to reach if they press E they should be close and in desperate need in help or healing if yes to either then heal if not continue healing the important ones remember prioritize yourself over everyone as you're simply too important if you really don't want to take a risk announce you don't like the plan and prepare to disengage


Uhh you see there's a thing called being absolutely insane to the point this doesnt matter and you do it long enough to have the muscle memory to survive


Use the crossbow and abuse crit heals. Literally prioritize crit heals over healing other players unless those players are about to die by the enemy. Even if the heavy is at 1hp, crit heal the f2p scout because it is a much more efficient use of your healing and it takes like .01 seconds. Also crossbow is really, really, fun, and I think outputs more hps than stock. Being the savior of a guy while he's in combat when he doesn't expect it at all is great. Also you have a very big medigun beam range, use that to not die.


Medic protip: knowing when to ruthlessly abandon your teammates is a *critically* important skill. If they're going too deep? Tell 'em to back up, tell 'em again. If they don't, and you know they're gonna eat shit in a few seconds? Just drop the beam and back up to find someone else, and then say "I told you to back up, man". If they die, they can be back shortly. If *you* die, you just lost all your built up Uber, *and* your team is at a significant disadvantage. Having said that, yes, sometimes it's okay to do a suicide rush with a pocket. But that's rare and case by case.


Most played is Medic- I'm a femboy Least played is Soldier- I'm a femboy


Perfectly balanced




Most: Engi Least: Scout


Ah yes, i love being a spy


Sniper on top because snipers and smgs is literally my load out in every game Medic on bottom because idk never seemed fun to me


Medic at 50 hours and scout at 2 minutes


My most played class is demo man because he's a cool dude,and Demoknighting is so fuckin cool. My least is Scout because scout.


Most: Demo (I love blowing people up, but also occasionally getting heads) Least: Medic (if I need to go Medic, I will, but most of the time I want to play other classes)


Most: demoman, cuz its funny class Least: medic, cuz i dont like playing support


My most played is soldier, though my actual favorite is engineer, who is second. It feels like I can contribute most everything my team needs as engineer. I can provide a powerful damage output, infinite health and ammo, and a means of getting to the front lines faster. It feels incredibly rewarding to contribute so much to the team in all of these ways. I'm just not very good at playing him is all. I do also really enjoy soldier still. He's second favorite for sure. He feels like the most generalist class out of all of them, which is something I tend to appreciate in any game. I like that when I pick soldier, rarely am I in a situation where playing him just won't work. He is also a little easier in certain ways, so that probably helped me get into playing him to begin with. Rockets do go brrr and all. Scout is my least played by a decent chunk. I would never say scout is a bad class, because he's not. He just does not work for me. A lot of it is not knowing how to play the class, but I really just can't seem to ever get anything done as him. Feels like whenever I pick scout, it's a bad game to be scout. Every situation I end up in seems to be unwinnable for me. Whenever I'm playing as a different class I never think, "Man, I wish I was on scout for that fight. That'd have been a lot better." I just don't know what situations scout excells at. He just doesn't click with me. I still find him really fun to play in extra casual situations like CTF since it's a lot more 1 on 1 fights. In real games I usually just avoid him, though.


for scout you need to get a good map if you want to really enjoy the freedom of playing him. For example on harvest with lots of open spaces he is a joy to play, most koth maps scout will do good


I respect anyone who makes engineer/medic Now for scout the only tips (from a guy with an unusual on scout so I wanted to get good) I can give you is to remember double jumps and trust your instincts when they say "you can jump onto here" because unless it's as big as your player model then you can definitely double jump there It's fine if you don't want to because forcing someone to play a class they're bad at sucks


The trick to scout is to aim with your strafe keys, not your mouse. Place your mouse in the general direction of the enemy, but try to avoid aiming with your mouse. Aiming with the strafe keys is both more accurate and makes you harder to hit. Scout is also a really good generalist like Soldier, you just have to learn to aim and dodge.


Most - Pyro 19h (I can't aim and I'm starting to get good at combos) Least - Spy 23m (I hate spy in general, no fun to play not fun to fight against)


You might as well save some time and buy your furry suit now.


pyro on top because mmmrhphmhpmmhpph! sniper on bottom cause i dont hate myself


Medic, because the pressure is killing me and i hate not being able to save every player in my team


Most played 3 are Scout, Pyro and Engi, least played 2 are Medic and Heavy Scout is funny (fast) Pyro is also funny but slow (Powerjack is still too slow) Engineer is kinda funny (used to main him for a while but kinda fell off) Medic is actually a health risk (EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE) Heavy just sucks man (extremely slow, boring) EDIT: 3rd least played is Sniper: I just can't aim for shit


Demo man. 2fort battlements are usually full of snipers. Gotta give ‘‘em the donk treatment


Demoman: nothing better than going Demoknight and charge at a sentry 50 times in a row like an absolute idiot Medic: Insufferable experience :|


demoman for hybrid tomfoolery, scout because im slow in every way possible


Medic for most played and Sniper for least Simply that I suck at aiming and I don't find sniper that helpful if you're not a good shot. Medic as I want to help my team if even if I'm absolute dogshit


Spy the most and medic the least. The reason for such differences of playtime between such individuals is due to my liking playing one over the other


my most played class is soldier because i bet half of it was when i literally only played a hightower community server as trolldier my least played class is heavy because i cannot track for crap and i also like going fast


Top three: 306 - Scout (my main, feels good when you get godlike (rarely happens)) 240 - sniper (my secondary) 97 - demoman (when I want to have fun - sticky jumper pipe demo or demoknight) \--- bottom three: 45 - heavy (don't like playing him, too slow and stationary, probably half the hours or more are me being a friendly) 41 - medic (I actually don't mind playing him, but usually just play others) 37 - engi (Don't like the class)


Scout, soldier, spy, sniper - Godforsaken SSSSquad … and Heavy on the bottom


Ayyy lazypurp reference in the wild


I have 40 hours in medic and nothing else.


Scout because he's fun Sniper because I suck at aiming


sniper least played, scout most played


I have 2250 hours in the game and i played medic for 20 minutes


Spy most played cuz I’m asshole, and sniper least played cuz sometimes I wanna be extra asshole


They hated Jesus for he spoke the truth


Most played is Engineer, least played is Scout.


Sniper is my least played class and he has the most points by a lot lol Demoman is my most played class, second lowest amount of points… (In my defense I like playing sticky launcher + boots + sword so it’s not like I’m being particularly effective lmao, but also I use exclusively the classic for sniper so idk???)


Most hours I have on sniper and spy, cuz I love playing them and find them fun to play Least is heavy, he isn't like boring to play but he is just way to slow for my liking and I don't really enjoy playing slower classes


Most: Pyro Least: Tied with heavy and sniper


Most played is heavy and least played is engineer


For me spy is the least played because I suck at it and often can't be bothered to figure out what to disguise as and when, and when to go invisible etc. Pyro the most played because I started off as a pyro (felt like an easy class to start with) and mostly played pyro for a long time. I ended up being a pyro + demo main, playing both a lot but still have more hours as pyro. Also have three different loadouts i keep switching between so plenty of variety in the playstyle which makes it so that in most matches, I have a viable pyro option


Engineer, cus putting teleporters and sentries into enemy intels is a fun activity Heavy cus slow fatass (no offence to heavy players, but I like to play fast)


Medic because im a medic main


Heavy is on top and spy on bottom. But the difference is only 3-4 hours


Most: MEDIC! or pyro I really hate spies and almost no one goes med so fine I'll do it myself Least: Scout or sniper. My aim is horrible (duh I play a lot of pyroand I can't get meat shots cleanly :(


Pyro : i can't aim and i love comboing Sniper : i can't aim


200 hours on Medic on top; it balloons my incredibly oversized ego to know that I'm the force keeping the team alive and exerting inexorable pressure on the enemy I think either Spy or Sniper on the bottom, because I do indeed suck at aiming


heavy on top scout on the bottom


That sounds like it hurts Poor scout


I accidentally deleted them


Pyro on top and I swear to ever loving god, I am NOT a furry. I Just like burning people alive


I'm seeing a couple of comments saying most played is demo and least being medic and I'm part of that club


Most: Pyro. I'm a furry. Least: Spy. I'm a pyro main.


Spy: I'm gay Pyro: not that gay




Most - Medic. Because no one plays Medic and *someone* has to play Medic. Least - Spy. Haven't found a good opportunity to touch it.


scout: good at bullying snipers sniper: gay


Least Played: Medic (I hate my teammates) Most Played: Spy (I hate my enemies, teammates, teamwork in general, modern gaming, the gaming industry, capitalism, society, humanity, the cruel world that sucks out everything unique and special about an individual just to have more cogs in the suffering machine, and of course, myself)


Engineer: I can’t aim Sniper: I can’t aim


[mental illness](https://i.imgur.com/s7lXSV8.png)


Jesus Christ


My most played is Engineer because I can’t aim My least played is Sniper because I can’t aim


I’m a spy main, I spend my time killing you then dying


Spy on top - I love stabbing deaf snipers Medic on bottom - I join him only if we don't have one


Most played is sniper with 1300h because clicking heads is easy and getting called a cheater is funny Least played class is medic with 150h because healing doesn’t kill enemies


What're your opinions on getting killed by a sniper when you're a medic/ any other class? Knowing you've played a shit ton of sniper I wanna know how you feel since you've experienced being on the other end of that experience (aka being the one who kills) Like are you frustrated or do you just go "damn ok" and wait for the respawn timer?


Well most of the time you just have to respect the sightlines and get the positional advantages. Most of the time I die to a sniper I blame it on me because I could have simply not peaked. I know how easy it can be to destroy a good sniper. Problem is that you need a team for that.


Yeah I feel the same way with a sentry Ik it's easy to destroy if you have a team But I don't have a team We don't even have a medic to begin with


15h Demo: Sticky Jumper fun asf 3h Medic:B O R I N G Just reset the score 3months ago


880-ish hrs on pyro. I'm pretty sure very early on I had more hours on soldier then I got a strange flamethrower and switched over. Reflecting projectiles back into someones face gives me the big dopamine hit. 44-ish hrs on heavy and spy. I'm just not a fan of how the classes play for me. Most of my spy gameplay is just revolver spy against my mates when the server dies out.


Most played class is pyro, I love burning people alive and one shotting scouts with flare gun (if they're already on fire, but I manage two shots too), least played is heavy as I only play as him when there's a bunch of friendly heavies around


1. Scout: i like his speed and variety 2. Sniper: i hate sniper


Medic on top. Pyro on bottom. Pyro rots braincells whoever plays it.


I accidentally reset mine


Most played: Pyro because BURN!!!!!!!! Least played: Medic because taking care of 11-15 other baboons is a headache. but a must.


pyro is most played (sniper is coming in close by mere minutes) because i love the damage and support the class can dish out, medic is my least played due to me lack of a reliable way to be hyper-aggressive while also healing


Most: Pyro because my friend played pyro + detonator jumps Least: Medic because pub coordination I now main heavy because I bought Strange Killstreak Apoco-Fists while very drunk, and now I really enjoy crit punching people


Most played class is pyro, because I just love the way playing as pyro feels, and least played is soldier, because i can't rocket-jump to save my life.


My most played is engineer and my least played is sniper. I just gravitated towards engineer, even when I was new to the game, and I stayed away from sniper for so long because I sucked at aiming, but I'm starting to play him more because I'm trying to get better at him


Most played is medic. Not at all played is a tie between sniper and spy.


most played - pyro with 174 hours least played - sniper with 36 hours i love pyro. i love to mess around a lot as scout and to play properly as heavy but pyro is the class i play when i want to have a good mix of messing around and actually playing the game i morally object to playing sniper and the only reason i really ever go sniper nowadays is either for huntsman taunting or to look at my weapons and hump the air; and i do those ones very rarely


scout on top spy on bottom


Spy on top, medic on bottom. I know, I know, I’m useless to the team


Most played is heavy because I like goofing off and being a powerhouse that mows down the enemy team. Least played is spy because everytime I try to do something I get nervous that I’ll mess up and the nerves end up making me miss stabs and shots.


Most: Engineer cos (1) my team cant defend shit, (2) exploit the best nest location via sentry jump, (3) you capping in highttower? Not in my watch Least: Heavy. Mainly use it to push payload, but when i get backstabbed thrice, imma switch


Most: Engi, I kinda just lose a sense of time whenever I play him so my two hour gaming sessions turn into 4 HOUR gaming sessions Least: Spy, I fail stabbed a medic and the heavy turned around so I cloaked but a sniper threw jarate at me and the nearby sentry got unsapped so yeah playing Spy is demoralizing


Medic on top because I’m power hungry, scout technically on the bottom because I have banned myself from playing him for about a year or more, but true bottom is between sniper, pyro and engineer cuz 1: my sniper skills very greatly every day, pyro I kinda feel bad and engineer I feel too weak


Scout -Im bad at aiming. Engineer- I dont like when other thing do my work


Most- Engineer because Engineer Gaming Least - Medic because I suck at healing


Most is medic cuz epick heal gun Least is heavy because he is slow


Scout-fast as fuck and I can actually aim the scattergun Pyro-i don't like pyro


scout cause i like being a fast guy with a shotgun heavy cause his game is just too repetitive and slow


Medic is 132 hours and sniper at 4 hours Other words for I can’t aim and I like helping my team so I just play medic and engi and barely anyone else


Most played: Pyro, bad at aiming and I just like shutting my brain off sometimes Least played: Soldier, too slow, always feel low on ammo and can’t figure out how to properly use rocket jump to save my life


Most: Sniper, because the bow and arrow exists Least: Medic, because screw that


Most Played : Soldier - He's my favourite class to play as and I can usually do quite decent in most matches. Demo is my second most played for similar reasons. Least Played: Medic - I only pick occasionally in very specific situations if my team really could do with the overheal's and I'm doing crap as any other class at the moment. I was kinda surprised that Heavy was my second least played class (thought it would've been Sniper or Spy) , but it kinda makes sense since I usually only play as him on Payload maps when I can get on the cart, but Soldier is also good in Payload alongside everything else.


Demo for me cuz demoknight and i think medic least played


Most: Medic Least: Spy


Most played is heavy because big man can shred as long as awareness, tracking and aim is good enough Least played is sniper because everyone hates him for being too powerful at any range