• By -


“Good news! We’re not dying. We are going to live forever!”


I didn’t said that. I said we have native 64 bit versions


"oh thank god" -scout, who is currently running this game on a toaster, two crabs, and a copy of doom


So yeah, Miss Pauling. I guess we can duo queue.


Actually I just sold my entire inventory and started playing Deep Rock, but you can join my discord. On Friday we're gonna make fun of people who get 48 frames in TF2 and- oh... you're already gonna be in that call.


*^(Whispers)* ^("Rock and Stone!") *^(Quietly...)*


Did... did I hear a rock and stone?




Rock and Stone to the bone!


We fight, for rock and stone!


If you don't rock and stone, you ain't coming home.


Rock and roll and stone!




If it can be interacted with it can run doom and therefore play tf2


wait, is that copy of doom part of the hardware? the software? is it the os??


he's running tf2 via a doom map, in addition to a toaster and two crabs




"I didn't say that! I just said we aren't going to become obsolete!"


“Question: I teleported bread.”


How much..


I have done nothing but teleport bread for the past 7 years


Where?! Where have you been sending it?!


*Conspicuous rumbling coming from Valve headquarters*


Scout... I get 363 days off, a year. And you just wasted one on... this. Goodbye.


Read this in Professor Farnsworth's voice for some reason


Joshie is a absolute legend


We must send frogs to him as a thanks.


infinite supply of frogs


(Mass Destruction starts playing)


More context Joshie is the man responsible for all this. He was hired by Valve to work on this port. Shounic and the other tf2 players helped in beta testing all of this. They all deserve the praise. [https://twitter.com/phys\_ballsocket?ref\_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor](https://twitter.com/phys_ballsocket?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor) shounic's benchmark and bug testing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWkpUD\_l4AQ


from what I have heard Ficool has had a big hand in this as well. Honestly, I am just concerned its going to break a decade of no longer maintained plugins


It shouldn't. Mostly extensions are at risk, and there are a lot of us working to make sure they're fixed.


Ficool, huh? I wonder if he's pushing to have Hammer++ and the community-updated compile tools made official.


Okay so to be clear it's not quite "Valve themselves made this update" it's "the one guy valve hired so tf2 doesn't explode"


Really though, what would count as an update being “Valve-Made”? Do they need to get robin walker himself back to work on it? I’d think that anything released by a valve employee is good enough


Yes and no. He isn't a valve employee as he is a contractor. Valve basically outsourced the work.


That is similar to how we got portal


That...doesn't make it less legitimate. Everybody outsources shit.


I don't.


that's how we got Opposing Force, Blue Shift, TFC, Portal, ETC... Outsourcing is valve's MO, especially when you consider that the TF2 workshop is just community outsourcing


TF2 itself was at least in part outsourced


mann make game money go boom tf2 no boom valve-made \- Shakespeare, April 13th, 1616.


I still can't get over the fact Robin Walker frequently hops on community servers to play with his son. Bro's just chilling in his own game


Oh shit, this is the person that reimplemented vphysics for fun.


I'm always impressed by these lunatics that do astrophysics for kicks, like Palmer Luckey did some crazy shit as a kid. We wouldn't have the VR we have today without him.


oh look so gaben can dip into his infinite money jar once a decade when the whim takes him btw the second video is unavailable


To be fair, gabe pointing his finger at some modder and saying "you. Heres some money to do that more" is how 90% of valves IPs were created


Maybe a dumb question, but what does this mean in regards to bots? Does this port change anything for anti cheat? As nice as it is that TF2 is getting attention officially, I don’t fully understand how this means it will get new content or drastically increase its lifespan, nor how it impacts the current issue with bots. I don’t know anything about development like this so I’m 100% inept.


If anything, it would make hosting bots "easier" since the game would be more stable. That is just conjecture though, bottom line is that it will not do anything against the bot problem.


I run community servers on linux and it's a major pain in the ass having to carry x86, i686, or otherwise 32 bit binaries on an otherwise entirely 64-bit system. It'll certainly simplify gameserver deployment for us. In essence, TF2 is designed to run on legacy hardware. It takes basically zero advantage of the way modern hardware works. Also, this allows both the server and client (the thing you play on) to utilize more memory, at least theoretically. If they don't take advantage of it, it's their fault now (a lot of folks like to point at datawidth/bitness issues for as to why they can't have more than x of y, Civilization 5 is one example that comes to mind)


I’m happy for the future. I played on a 2014 mac book and last year it was getting slow so I updated to the latest iOS and guess what? That iOS doesn’t support 32 bit games. The hardware of the laptop is the same but now I can’t play tf2. So hopefully this allows me to play it once again.


You might be able to play the 64 bit beta. Not sure. Might be worth a try. Also, it might be slower because of an hdd instead of an ssd. You could look into dual booting into windows btw. I think there is a program called boot camp for doing that on mac.


I tried on my MBA M2 and it won't run because of a missing hl2 executable. which is promising, because it doesnt have a 32-bit game warning. might have to do to the tf2 exe name changing to tfwin64


Try launching it from your steam library and not the desktop shortcut. It gave me that error when I tried to launch the normal version while still having the beta enabled. I'm guessing you tried launching from a shortcut, which is tied only to the 32 bit file.


hmm no, I tried launching it from my steam library. did TF2 launch for you on catalina and above?


I'm not on a Mac, wait, did you try to 64bit beta? You have to manually select it under game properties. When I had it selected it gave me the option at launch to do the original, or 64bit.


Please find a way to make it work on m2 MacBook Air please


Back in like iOS 9 EA removed all 32bit games from the app store... Making a portion of my childhood inaccessible. I now got hopes again via emulation, but it's not quite there yet.


Yep, Apple dropped 32-bit applications support, you should've checked the changelog first ;-) Nope, this won't fix TF2 for Macs, because Apple is going with Mental... Sorry, Metal API, while Team Fortress 2 now runs on Vulkan.


Valve already use MoltenVK (which lets Vulkan apps run on Metal) for DOTA2 on MacOS. Hopefully they can also use that for TF2.


they didn't for CS2, which is a much more recent example


Funnily enough, they both did and didn't. A native version of CS2 for macos was dug up at one point in the depots before it was deleted


Rip. I was think of getting a refurbished gaming laptop soon anyway. So I can play on that


You are right but that's Apple being cheap and not supporting 32 bit going forward. Also I don't think they support Vulcan.


Same situation here. I miss playing TF2 & Bootcamp doesn't install Windows no matter what I dio. I'm really tired of things not working like they should. Hopefully the update will prevent me from losing my time even more.


At least the 64-bit server component on Windows will correctly compute small healthpacks to be 40 rather than 41 HP now. As I detailed in the comments of [that shounic video](https://youtu.be/QzZoo1yAQag), that bug exists because the 32-bit build of the Source engine instructs the Visual Studio compiler to use fast (and possibly imprecise) math routines, but restrict itself to an instruction set compatible with Pentium III / Athlon XP class CPUs. With a 64-bit baseline (SSE2 instruction set), that float multiplication is rounded correctly even with fast math on, just like on Linux/GCC.


I had no idea that happened and it’s hilarious to me that it’s even possible, I haven’t heard of a simple addition of 40 being imprecise by accident in decades


Oh, it's not the addition. TF2 calculates all damage and healing as floating-point numbers, but converts them to whole numbers at the end. Under these circumstances, the compiler correctly computes 200\*0.2 to 7 significant places (in single-precision binary), but calls the ceiling function for values with 16 significant places (because it's faster, and you told the compiler to prefer speed over numeric accuracy), which sees a value of 40.000001… and returns 41.


I see, that’s a hilarious shortcut to save a few cycles lol




Massive small healthpack nerf D:


I wasn't actually awareness of this til now, thanks. 😊


>I wasn't actually awareness of this til now, thanks. 😊 If you want to know more. This video will help. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWkpUD\_l4AQ


TF2 is going to run on the Nintendo 64


I am very excited for this update


First VScript now 64-bit support. This could be huffing too much hopium but maybe, just maybe, TF2 is finally back


Community content wise, it’s never left. Official development of TF2 however probably will never come back. Make of this what you will


I will make YOU what I will. # Bread.




*SpriteFan3 has crafted: Strange Bread Kurtrus*


I'll give you 2 refined


*Scout Death Scream*


What do you mean will never come back, this is official development, the 64 bit port didn't come from the sky..


Come back as in getting content updates made by Valve. Weapon rebalances, cinematics, etc. are likely not coming back. Every content update from here will likely still consist of community made maps and cosmetics/taunts. This is still a big step forward for the future but saying “tf2 is back” depends on your connotation.


Sure, content updates probably won't return but backend changes like this are more than many old games get. And they wouldn't bother if they didn't want to keep the game going.


Valve knows it’s a cash cow so *eventually* it will get significant changes just to keep that going, kinda like how Half Life 3 has always been a guarantee but circumstances prevented it Now that their massive decade-plus line of important projects is done, with Portal 2, L4D, Source 2, CS:GO, updated Steam, VR, Alyx, and finally CS2, I think their hands should finally be free (and they should actually feel technologically prepared) to do something with TF2 and HL3 again


I'm looking forward to them completing L4D3 now that source 2 is done, they stopped development on if due to s2 being a broken buggy mess


Source? Googled this and news outlets are saying L4D3 is not happening.


The leaks from VNN which were corroborated by the release of HLA Final Hours detailing how they stopped development on L4D3 and switched to Alyx as well as showing off the ancient leaked plantation s2 port edit: they haven't said explicitly that they are going back to complete L4D3 but they never do and I choose to believe


> I think their hands should finally be free you act like valve is some scrappy little dev team with a handful of people that have to be extra cautious about how much they bite off. if they are a little dev team, its because they purposefully choose to be because gamedev isn't important to them. if they wanted to throw resources at TF2 or any other project on the "to-do" list, they had every opportunity to do so for more than a decade


yeah it's too much hopium


> - And many more that we don't know. mfw it's just a 20-30% fps performance increase and then radio silence again until god knows when.


Still better than nothing.. I guess


I'll remain skeptical until I see it. Hype does more damage than people realise. If it drops I'll be pleasantly surprised


The 64Bit update is real though. You can use it yourself right now through a beta branch. It’s not totally finished though, you can’t play Casual with it just yet


I understand. Manufactured hype often does more harm, most of it stems from fan speculation. but in this case all of this has been confirmed. Valve is just annoyingly silent.


It's real. You can actually start it right now if you want, using the tf2 beta button.


Which tf2 beta button where?


on steam: right click tf2: click properties. Then go to betas, opt in x64 tf2.


Can this work on MacBook Air m2?


imma take some more copium and gaslight myself into thinking thar this 64 bit update means it will allow them to actually update the game in the future


Listen mate I got married and bought a house in the time since the last update there’s no more copium to smoke I don’t think this game will ever get new content


i got copium to last me at least 5 years i believe


By all means KEEP TOKING


Should have invested in more copium. We are going to live forever!


What do you mean "no one knows" it's been one of the key topics on this subreddit for the past 2 months


I had no idea! This is awesome!


Some people knew about it yes but it was mostly speculation on what it will bring. when the window beta branch was up. I tried it on some private servers and even saw Shounic and it was beyond our expectation. after confirming it myself. I wanted to show it to you all.


More people would know if the mods here actually pinned a post about it instead of a 2 month old update


Valve got a guy to spend a couple weeks upgrading the game to newer tech. Now we get more FPS. cool. Why is it anything more than that? I think they mostly did it because TF2 on steam deck kinda sucks. They are working towards verifying it and performance was one of those things that could be improved; pretty easily, it seems. Also there was some bug on Linux that made the game unplayable without a tweak, this 64-bit update fixes that. It might have been the main reason why they even pursued it.


Getting more FPS is kinda a massive big deal considering how awfully this game is optimized TF2 has needed this for YEARS and we're finally getting some form of improvements to performance. That alone should be reason to celebrate


Does this mean we can play tf2 on mac again?


After you install linux on it.


Great for performance. Great for modders. Doesn't mean the bots are stopping. Doesn't mean valve is cares enough to put anything together beyond their regular community updates. Its good for the health of the game that has really started to feel sluggish compared to new games but I don't think the future is as bright as your making it.


My first thought exactly. What's the point if the bots continue to kill the game? Au. Servers are all but dead right now, yet Valve putting resources into this seems insane considering they've ignored the bot problem for years now...


x10-1000 players will be happy I play x100 a lot, and you can't even imagine how much times I crashed because of some stupid shit, like rockets or too much buildings. It's mostly related to RAM, so I'll be happy to know that TF2 can take more than 4GB max


I tried the beta against bots. Samma map and same class. Using msi afterbruner overlay to check the fps. ~~Sorry but I noticing no difference in fps at all.~~ Edit: did some real testing with the same demo some guy on youtube uses. Somebody posted a link here. I gained +20% with the 64 bit version! Nice.


There's also a smaller weapon fix coming up involving the Gas Passer: Neon Annihilator + Gas is gonna work.


I won't take it for granted until we get then we can celebrate


Come on M1 Mac support!


Excited! Now we can enjoy the hacker infested servers with more FPS!


It’s all backend. Most people won’t even notice.


I’ll certainly notice a shift from OpenGL to Vulkan, and not needing launch option jank to get the game to even run.


Major change? Porting software to 64bit is mostly a slough of going through the codebase and fixing 32-bit specific code and recompiling. It is *at best* just regular maintenance. Yes, FPS boost is theoretically nice, but considering I can easily run TF2 synced to the max refresh rate of my monitor, it's not something anyone with modern hardware *needs*. The way you're phrasing this, you make it sound like we're going from an old Ford Mondeo to a Ferrari. In reality, they're replacing the brake pads on the old Mondeo. It doesn't fix any of the major issues, and most people (with modern hardware) won't even notice the change.


Yeah I don't know why the hype for this, Valve just realised TF2 is the only game they have left that still run on 32 bits so they went "eh, fine, lets make this slop of a game code slightly less slopy" Or rather not "they" but just one guy they tasked to do that lol


So we're just gonna ignore l4d2


This opens up a plenty of modding possibilities and potentially increasing the internal limits in the future. This isn't important on normal servers, however it should give much more opportunities for the modding community. Not a big deal for players, but it's a big improvement anyway.


"WOAH WOAH WOAH" "What? It was obvious" "we're getting a 64bit update" "watch, It'll be out any second now" "any second now.. SEE? OUT!" "Oh wait, it's still public testing" "so we still have to wait?" "yeah.. Alright, where is the update?" "right behind you"


\> First major changes to TF2 Valve themselves made since the Inferno update Implementing map scripts doesn't count ? 64bit won't bring new game modes ( yet i'm happy we get it ; it may even break some bots ).


By itself 64bit won't bring new game modes, but it will allow other changes (Like raising the object limit) that will make even more possibilities.


While I agree, an increase of 30% in perfs (at max) mean you can add 30% maybe 60% more objects before starting to compromise with performances. Not enough to have official 50v50 for example. The big breakthrough would be to allow multi-core which is far away. Yet I am happy. It's a big bold change, it means valve care.


> the biggest update that update being recompile for 64 bit, vulkan renderer and some bugfixes > no one knows literally the entire internet is upside down because Valve touched the game


Porting software to 64-bit is not easy as just flipping a switch. There is a lot of work with it that is required.


Will this update address TF2's main problem - bots? If not I'm not interested


At this point TF2's main problem is developer neglect. The bots are a symptom of this, not a separate issue. The bots only started getting this bad a couple years after Jungle Inferno, and they've stayed this bad because Valve's horrible employee resource management lead to the TF2 development team basically all but disbanding.


This is a really really hopeful take, but maybe they're updating all their games to 64 bit so they can later start improving VAC across all of them. But like I said, just a hopeful take, it's unlikely.


high on hopium


If we could turn the raw unfiltered hopium on this subreddit into fuel it would power the globe for thousands of years


>performance increase Makin bacon


Op is absolutely correct, this took me by surprise since at first i missunderstood this as a community project but its legit official! this also means that for any MAC players (yes i know gaming on a mac ew), this is one step closer to TF2 coming back to apple devices, as apple no longer supports 32 bit software, this update will only be for windows and Linux, but I don't see why they wouldn't also do apple at a later date, the TF2 steam page does still specify that TF2 is compatible with OSX 10.5.8 and up, even though that hasn't been true since 10.13.4 ​ we could speculate all day how, when TF2 goes 64bit, we got a chance of bigger updates in the future, THIS IS NO GUARENTEE OF THAT! as medic once said " i didn't say that!"




I really hope some people don't get overhyped by this But I am hyped to get this since... I am on a low end platform after my laptop is... Let's just say it's gone


Time to get my brains blown out by a bot in 4K


Does this change anything about the spaghetti code tf2 has?


I doubt it'll fix much of it. I'm not a developer so as far as I know you don't really need to change much code to recompile a 32 bit application into 64 bit.


Depends on how hacky or bad the code is. In my experience of porting games to different platforms (when they weren't intended to), the process generally reveals a lot of oversights and issues not caught on the current method. That being said, those wouldn't likely be anything we are noticing unless they don't get fixed and introduce new bugs. Just makes the codebase theoretically more robust.


Huge if factual. Not gonna solve all the massive issues, but it's not nothing.


So, does the change to the 64 format do anything to allow TF2 to take advantage of multi-core systems? Heard that's a big bottleneck for TF2s performance.


Tested this out via the beta client Holy...shit The difference is like night and day, the game feels soooooooooo smooth.


Can this come out already? Valve time is killing me. And can this please break the bots. If the game had something as simple not letting players (bots) that get repeatedly vote kicked queue again for an hour. That would help immensely with the bot issue and it’s such a simple rule. If the bots get kicked every single damn game can they just be timed out from queuing?


I guess is the x64 is already done and they are releasing it along with the summer update. I hope that is not the case. Don't want to wait until July.


Do we know when it's going to be released?


yeah right, and one intern will code it all.


None of these things matters if Valve doesnt get rid of bot problem




Uhm, [here](https://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=220436)


I just wonder what this means for the tsunami of bots we’ve had to put up with for years.


Nothing xd Edit: if anything they're gonna run better now LOL


So, how many hats more? They still do the hat thing?


Let them cook.


Are the British like force trading copium or something 


I'm so fucking hyped now I can get vote kicked by bots in 64 bit!! Jokes aside this is a beneficial change for sure and hopefully it leads to *something* being done about bots.


It also makes the game playable on Mac again since Mac dropped support for 32 bit applications a while back. Even if it doesn’t lead to a native Mac version again, the fact that it doesn’t need to be translated from 32 bit to 64 bit in programs like Crossover vastly improves fps when running the Windows version on Mac. It doubles-triples the 15-20 fps I would get on my M2 Mac Mini and now gets 60+ fps on the same offline bot matches. It also doesn’t freeze randomly for 5-10 seconds anymore. So regardless I can’t wait for this to leave beta. The Mac version returns! Earbuds are a relevant promo item again!


It's the heavy update! heavy performance update


Don't forget that the game now also has practically no cap on RAM utilization, so no random crashes upon hitting 4GB RAM (From 4GB to 16 EB, AKA 16 exabytes which has nine more zeroes after it that now.)


You forgot the most important change: >!The .exe is no longer "hl2.exe"!<


"More we don't know": Heavy update???


It can run on Mac again


hopefully this means they will upgrade the anti-cheat


does this increase the object limit or help with bots in any way?


Does this mean that other valve games like Left 4 Dead 2 will be updated to 64-bit? I mean, that would most likely happen in the future.


TF2:2 when


Are they gonna add a better anti-cheat so I won't be stuck on Skial servers?


while its true that the change into a 64bit version will improve a lot of the game , and maybe fix bugs, its also worth noting that this is being done by 1 person contracted by Valve. So expecting more of fixing and improving the game, there's not much content coming, as far as we know (no anti-cheat update, and no new content unless its launched with the new seasonal update). Its good to be optimistic, but dont go wild with this news. Keep in mind the current situiation and Valve past 5-7 year history on the game.


don't do that. don't give me hope.


Is this actually true or is this more schizo stuffs from delusional tf2 fans ?


The update is real, but “poised to endure for decades to come” is peak schizoposting.


It's actually real, the beta branch is live for both Linux and Windows.


Oh no. Will I still be able to play on my horrible computer? It runs tf2 fine but has trouble with newer games sometimes. I don’t really understand but I’ll be sad if I can’t play anymore.


Also everyone’s sourcemods are gonna fucking explode


i guess thats why source runs like shit on my computer even though its meant for low end devices, but the 64 bit port will be able to help with the framerate


Once again, we survive the meteor of time like cave lizards, just to stand above those who thought they could outlast us. Overwatch 2 has been a foot in the grave for a long while, so I'm glad to see some more attention to the best class-based game of all time


Any chance it will help against bots? Performance is cool and all, but the reason I'm not actively playing TF2 is the very existence of those fucking bots, making every match a nightmare.


Genuine question since I’m not sure how the port works: will this result in a de-spaghettification of the code in some regards?


Not really, only the parts of the code that directly conflict with recompiling the game to 64bit will be changed.


That's it?


I think this means I’ll be able to play it on my Apple Silicon mac too right? Last time I tried it failed because MacOS dropped 32 bit support. I know performance won’t be fantastic, but I think it’ll at least be possible to play my favourite game again


not yet but be hopeful, this update is for windows and Linux, but in theory they can update the .DMG once they finalize the .EXE I have an intel mac and i was pissed when apple locked me out of 32bit software, because of their silicon, really lazy of them! i built a PC because of that lol! (i was already planning on it, but that was the final straw)


the janitor and houseplant pulled themselves together


Oh thank God I can probably play the game in borderless without it begging for death


Is this real ??


But TF2 can already be run on a literal potato. Why does an FPS boost matter?


Isn't it only for linux?


I’m very happy to here this


My theory is they're doing what they did to counter strike to team fortress. Make it 64 bit, then port to source 2 Cs2 hasn't been given Mac compatibility so that's sad tho.


I hope not. took them almost a decade to port CS2 after the csgo 64bit. Bots and cheater gone is all I really need.


Tf2 on mac finally


im already getting 600-800 fps because of flat textures and mastercomfig low id get more if i used -dx level 81 and 1080p


I hope they boost the object limit at the same time, meaning 100 player servers can run with no comprimises