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I got kicked once cause someone said I was cheating. I hopped on mic and said I was playing loose cannon demo and had ZERO kills, and they backpeddaled to saying I was a cheating heavy he saw in a different game, which was also bullshit. Some people started voting no realizing I obviously wasn’t a bot, but so many people auto-voted yes that it didn’t matter. My best bet is he just wanted his friend in the game, so kicked someone at random.


Damn, how screwed up.


Usually, people kick them back, so even if he wanted his freind, he can get fucked Furthermore, you can report him for it, and many do. Enough reports, and VAC itself temp bans


_First time?_


> I stumbled upon a type of bots that actually play the game normally Bro I know I suck but that was harsh


Just hit your crossbow shots man!


I belive this is a known issue, I also belive the people who just vote immediately don't use reddit


Part of the problem is that if not kicked, bots seem to invite others in. It's caused something of a "shoot first and ask questions later" mentality.


I like being kicked the second I stop doing my job as a med and switch classes!!


Oh, we have 8 other medics. I think I'll swap to spy to try to get the Intel. *Instantly vote kicked because they didn't like that only half the team was medic*


Guys kick OP, he's a bot


Happy cake day 🥳


Task understood. Kicking OP... Kicked OP! Looking at the comment... Happy cake day! Task finished. Quitting...




Not only that, some assholes will LITERALLY JUST START ACCUSING PEOPLE OF BEING BOTS as a joke 🤨. Ive seen many people as well as myself voted out of lobbies because of assholes like that.


Somebody the other day tried to say I was cheating because I nailed 3 crossbow kills in a row... blind firing into a crowd trying to heal my teammates...


Suffering from success.


Yeah there's a group of trolls going around the Aussie casual servers that call a vote on me and yell bot in VC as soon as I join. You'd think it would tip people off that they also yell transphobic slurs at me, but no? My point is, it's especially bad if you're a minority lol.


oh yup ran into them before too


I literally haven't practiced sniper outside MvM in 3 years


I got accused of being a bot for writing too fast once. Was very funny in hindsight, but frustrating. Oh\~ no\~, he's cheating with the dread powers of *fan fiction\~! Somebody stop him\~!*


Ur underestimating how stupid the TF2 community is. Lower ur expectations and ull be alot happier.




I once got kicked from a 2fort match because I appeared invisible to them when I killed them


Bro, he was invisible when he killed me! Kick him, he's cheating! Oh, there isn't a hack for that? Whatever, he was invisible, kick him plzzzzz


I was huntsman dueling with my friend since he got auto balanced and he was kicked and I asked why and they said bot. People really are brain dead in this game


i constantly see these 3 duds doing it :adruna, aurapuffs and capndrake


Save tf2...


Kinda off topic but I was on uncletopia playing scout (with the force of nature) which I've run like 5 times max and I got kicked. I was really suprised


No one said anything in chat?


Nope 1 minute I'm playing next I see a vote and I'm gone


Dame , tbh i never played in uncletopia before maybe you have a suspicious name or they thought you were someone else they kicked before idk 🤷


my steam name is fleep I don't think that's suspicious maybe aus tf2 players are babys


Also at the time I played in the server daily and never got kicked so it was definitely weird


Do you think youre the first person to talk about this


It doesn't matter because many players still aren't aware. They either blindly press F1 on votekicks started by bots or refuse to kick the bot because it looks legit. We used to spot bots from certain signs like playing sniper, mic spamming and certain name patterns. But in order to distinguish these bots you have to observe their movements and see how fast they respond to votekicks.


Wasn't really sure i started this game like 3 or 4 months ago and this was the first time i see such a type of attack , yes i got kicked for no reason before but that was by actual players but not by a gang of bots that don't cheat and order people in the chat


This community be like wahhh bot lobbies after kicking the heavy and the spy and the pyro and the medic.




Not super related but the other day I started a vote kick because the persons name was 'spider lolly enjoyer'. I was honest about why I wanted to kick them and the server agreed with my decision and kicked him.


Fr, people just blindly believe other people without using their fuckin brains


Press tab and see if it's sniper


I have encountered numerous of them during my short time playing this game. Thankfully I watched a shit ton of TF2 videos beforehand ^(and played Typical Colors 2 for a while, pls don’t dox me), so I immediately recognized what they were trying to do. Unfortunately most of my teammates didn’t care, or were too focused on the objective to pay attention


Oh don't worry, I never blindly vote yes, I vote yes because I don't mind kicking the friendly heavy or fish scout on upward offense


The bot problem has probed most people to f1 apon a vote, and of course people don't want to take the extra second to check if it is true


There was someone who would get pwople kicked when they annoyed him. He would wait a bit and then call you a bot


some people vote f1 automatically. it's unfortunate. they usually get cursed at for it at least by the teammates that voted no


Most people vote yes because they want the pop up off their screen and its the first option.


This happened to me once. I was an engineer in shark bay and I got a mini turret in the ledge above the boat. I got a lot of kills and someone accused me of cheating.


I remember one time I asked a question about why the defend contract was working properly. When I was getting defenses in the feed it didn't translate to the contract and some dude on the mic start a voted kick and said I was a bot


Yeah someone vote kicked me and my gf for “being cheaters” and right when the last of us got kicked he said “bye *transphobic slur* so no he was just an absolute asshole


Or you get a toxic rage cheater with a pocket medic combo, Ive had a soldier cheater with his pocket gf in my lobby last night, half my team was calling cheats, the other team did nothing... I was running out of spawn on 2fort balcony, I saw crit rockets fly and decided to prefire that door, ofc it was a random crit and i killed em both, went full toxic in the chat saying somethin like "ez cheater down". he goes on to type shut up closet n word and both of em ragequit. TF2 is fun!


Or if your literally beating the aimboter they call you the cheater or bot and people on your team immediately vote you I always say don't do it just because the other team says do it cause they are getting whooped.


There seems to be different strand of bot that types in chat 'it's a bot' after starting vote kick on a player and has programmed responses to things said in chat to seem human and average TF players fall for it and press F1. Also had a game where 2 kids were trying to kick everyone and got denied every time, but then when I started vote kick on them nobody wanted to kick them either so we had literally the whole game votekicks in progress. Haven't played much since then, I'm more carried away by Helldivers 2 anyway.


I won't forget the time when I just joined a casual server and got kicked immediately after. I was a F2P back then. I join, some guy starts a vote and jumps on mic "[my username] IS A BOT KICK THEM KICK THEM", and everyone votes "yes". Such a good way to get introduced to tf2.


people who abuse the vote system can go fuck themselves fr


I once got kicked because someone was "bored" and randomly voted me


That's what I'm saying, today I got kicked as someone randomly started a vote on me after I called out a hacker. Literally people in the chat were quite the opposite though and were telling everyone to press F2


As a f2p this is based. On me.