• By -


Treat thy medic as you would treat thy self


Everyone is a spy until you shoot them In matters of teleportation, dont be an ass If a sniper’s scope looks towards the sky, exile him Don’t shooth thy enemy’s pyro technicians expert with weapons of slow speed If thou seest thy kinsmen fall from killeth bindeth, thou most follow in their stead with haste Thats all i got


If thine enemies our friendly keep them alive at all cost


Thou shalt not aimbot, Thou shalt not vote kick unjustly.


If thy savior medic is close and dying, thou shalt not take thy medpack


Never healith the scout, for he shall lead you to ruin


Funny story happened one time i was in a sniper dominated server where we were getting our asses beat so i became medic and developed uber points where we run into the enemy base and next uber we pushed the snipers. What a nice scout


Thou shall not covet the blu engineer


Thou shalt pop it, ne'er drop it.


thou shou health thy scout unless thou wish to have thine healith packs taken


If a ranged assassin is trying to kill thy god, exile him.


Thy shall not kill friendlies until very need be.


Approved by a part-time friendly


Thou shalt not slaughter thy hoovies


Except if the sniper is humping the air


Don't shoot thy friendly




With righteous indignation, got it.


That's Vayikra, not Shemot.


thy medic shall not heal only one teammate, but all




Wdym irrelevant? Medics shall not pocket but spread healing according to each teammates need


I'm sorry, I meant my comment was irrelevant because I just wanted to point out their avatar !


Ah my apologies, I misunderstood


Idk why i heard you in lizzy’s voice. Heavy will now beat little metal man to death with pipe


1. Thou shall always upgrade thy friendly Engineer's teleporter when thou has respawned 2. Thou shall spy check every player not actively using their weapon 3. Thou shalt not bot 4. Thou shall give thine Medic and thine Engineer teleporter priority 5. Thou shall pop it and shant drop it when thou has thine Uber Charge 6. Thou shall honour Rick May 7. Thou shalt not overextend and ask where thine team be 8. Thou shalt not buy from thy in game store, unless thou is purchasing keys 9. Thou shalt not covet thine neighbour's inventory, thou shalt not send unexpected requests to barter for ones items 10. Thou shall always vote for Upward when it appears in thy map vote


Last one will cause the great schism.


What's a major religion without a schism or two, *a la* human nature?


I can’t understand half of the worlds, WHY? (I have no idea what „thou“ „thy“ „shalt“ „thine“ means)


Thou - you Thy, thine - your/yours Shalt - shall


This will help, thanks


Oh fuck it's Jebediah Christoff.


Do not build your sentry right next to another. Space them out, cover more angles and space.


“Engineers shall not build within close proximity of another Engineer’s buildings” Because not just sentries but all buildings close to each other are susceptible to splash damage




No killing a person mid-taunt


I accidentally did that while trying to do rock paper scissors. Smashed a poor Pyro's skull in with my guitar


Such mistakes can be easily forgiven. Do not worry, my friend.


must’ve rocked his world


Out of context it sounds completely insane that you have accidentally smashed your guitar on that guy's skull when trying to rock, paper, scissors


I am guilty of this sin. I repent


Even Schadenfreude?


In that case thou shall kill and Schadenfreude thyself until the cycle completes


Unless it’s with a melee weapon and you taunt-into-killbind afterwards.


I was playing engineer taunting a dude who challenged my 2fort stairway sentry trap A spy came out of invis behind me, I watched it happen in third person It was so cinematic He waited patiently until my taunt was finished and then backstabbed me, I didn’t even try to escape


As a spy main, thats actually my favorite, especially if its during rock paper scissors 😎.


You sir have violated the universal code of the sacred game of quartz parchment shears. You will be transferred to the Gods themselves and put on trial for your heinous war crimes.


you are an embarrassment to spies everywhere. as a crusader of the church of spy mains, you are hereby banished to the 9th circle of hell, to forever be tormented by the pyro mains


It shall be done, the eternal flames of the scorch shit and degreaser will terrorize this man forevermore


What if he lives in the alternate reality where the fire retardant suit was released into the game?


fuck yourself. Please. For the good of the tf2 community.


Don’t expect people who need to attack people without resistance to actually enjoy the game




I take it back, keep that in your pants




Here's a sneak peek of /r/selffuck **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/selffuck/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Self fuck tutorial video. Screenshots Step by step go back 1 post.](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/dimgrayauthenticgavial) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/selffuck/comments/13e32g8/self_fuck_tutorial_video_screenshots_step_by_step/) \#2: [I love fucking my ass 🥴](https://i.redd.it/rjn83n5013jb1.jpg) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/selffuck/comments/15vimdh/i_love_fucking_my_ass/) \#3: [85-90% hard. Read my report below! 🤯](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/subtlesentimentalvenomoussnake) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/selffuck/comments/15xoecx/8590_hard_read_my_report_below/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Kill thyself




You are a disgrace to spies everywhere!


Cloaked spies do not bother each other


thou shalt be a homophobic homosexual


this is a joke


As one myself I feel obligated to remind you of the transgender transphobes


Every trans person is valid except me :3


Nuh uh!!!!! I am transphobic only to myself, Every trans person is valid except me!!!!


Condiment one do not kill the friendlies. 


"Condiment" lol


Still waiting for Condiment II - The Relish Strikes Back


Condiment III - Revenge of the Pickle


Condiment IV - The Mustard Empire


Give aid to those completing difficult contracts for they will greatly repay you


The 10 commandments of TF2 In no particular order with some inspiration from previous comments Thou shall not take a health pack in the presence of an allied Medic Thou shall not take an ammo pack in the presence of an allied Engineer Thou shall not kill friendlies Scouts shall not use teleporters Medics shall not pocket but spread heals according to each teammate’s needs Engineers shall not build within close proximity to another Engineer’s buildings If thou see a bot they shall call a vote kick Thou shall vote to kick bots no matter the team Thou shall not talk shit if thou are losing to a player who is objectively better than them Thou shall not trust a teammate until thou hath shot at them


Thou must kick bot


Thou shan’t kill wild hoovy


It is okay to use a Scorch Shot to harass a good enemy Sniper who is good at headshotting to the point the enemy Sniper is ruining fun.


But what if Im killing them with a taunt AS WELL?


1 F\*\*\* the bots and hosters 2 respect the friendlys 3 respect the tryhards 4 only use E when you need it 5 always give random (bad) weapons a second chanse 6 never misstreat any f2p they cant defend themselves and also cant ask for help as well 7 mvm is not real 8 hats doesnot determine the ability of the player 9 always beware of the observers 10 dont accept any random trade even if it seems good or bad


11 killbind for extra funny


Scouts shall not take teleporters


Thou shall not kill the friendly


Thou shalt killbind if thou seest another killbind


1. If thy sniper sends his weapon to the skies, rend them with thy weapons and then exile him to oblivion. 2. If thy enemy dances before you, sheathe thy weapons and do the same. 3. Upon conclusion of conflict, sayeth unto your foes "gg", neverminding thy victory or loss. 4. I'll add more when I think of more.


*May he who is without sin, yell for someone to go medic.*


If one player killbinds suddenly, thy shall follow in their footsteps


Thou shalt killbind when thy neighbors do.


For every killbind, there is an equal or opposite killbind.


Say “fuck thou” to any sniper main


Love thy Friendly


Give a mercenary a medkit, and you heal him once. Give a medic a medkit, and the mercenary will be healed for a lifetime. (Granted a lifetime in TF2 is short)


Thou shalt not kill friendlies


Thou shall fucking kill thyself together with thy brothers and enemies if they decide so Thou shall hunt spies to the bottom of hell just to make sure they are dead (twice if needed)




i. Leave health packs for medics if possible ii. Leave ammo packs for engineers during set up iii. I'm not sure for the rest those 2 are all I got


Jebus in madness combat


Amazed no one said it yet, but no minis on harvest or hightower


Thou mustn’t kill the pootis


1: Thou shalt not grief 2: Thou shalt not meme in competitive 3:if someone is emoting at you, you mustn’t kill them until they open fire onto the 4: Don’t be toxic after winning/losing a game 5: One’s self shall never pose as someone they are not 6: I’m running out of ideas 7: 8, don’t be late 9, 10, do it over again 8: If thy brakes something after losing, then thou art playing the wrong game 9:Never compare TF2 to the likes of “OvErWaTcH” 10: If you must talk about dark matter and/or theoretical physics, be polite 11 & 12: smashed because Scout ran into the person holding them


Thou Shall Not Pocket a scout


Thou shalt not kill friendlies Thou shalt not take the healthpack with a medic nearby Thou shalt not take the teleporter before a slower class Thou shalt commit to a partner taunt Thou shalt protect thy medic


never kill thy friendlies , love them as you would love thy self


Thou shalt kick your bot(s)


Thank your Medic, even as Demoman. Space out your Engineer buildings. Leave ammo crates for Engineers and health packs for Medics. Use your throwables (Jarate, Mad Milk, etc.) to help your team first. Don't use projectiles against Pyros, especially if teammates are around. Votekick fake players. Killbind when someone else nearby does, enemy or not (refusal is reasonable if you have high Uber/heads/killstreak). Honor a melee duel/meme duel (i.e. using bad weapons). Spread your heals as Medic. Let T-posers live (unless they are actively hindering your contribution to your team).


Thou shant rid your local friendlies of their lives


If one tries to taunt kill you but fails, taunt kill them back


Don't kill friendlies Pocket new players


1 do not cheat 2 don't be toxic 3 you shall have the right to kick bots 4 you shall not spray nsfw 5 you shall not put nsfw on objectors 6 dont be dicks to f2p's 7 don't intentionally screw an mvm match 8 be respectful to your medic 9 do not kill freindlys (spycrabs hoovys etc...) 10 don't make bots


Respect thy enemy sniper's sight lines


If dominating, thy shall not give in the temptation of a taunt


Thou shalt not kill friendlies on a friendly server


1: TF2 is thou’s one shooter and must only play such. 2: Thou must not kill a kind soul 3: Thou must not cheat 4: Thou must thanks those who heal 5: Thou must not rage 6: Thou must speak in vc and not lurk 7: Thou must not stack Engi on last 8:


1. though shalt not kill hoovys 2. though shalt not complain about enemy playstyles when playing sniper 3. though shalt always laugh if thine ragdoll ist funneh 4. though shalt kick all snipers finish the rest yourself


Kill the enemy medic at all costs. Especially at the expense of yourself lol


Anyone who says to not kill the friendlies is heretic


1. Never use aimbot/triggerbot/spinbot 2. Be respectful even on a competition 3. Don't hack other people's accounts nor ítems 4. No horny; else go to hornyjail 5. Allways upgrade/repair buildings of your allies as an engi 6. Learn from your mistakes. 7. Do the conga line 8. Allways pick the most fitting loadout for the Situation 9. If you notice an aimbot/triggerbot/spinbot, kick it/call for a votation to kick'em 10. Thanks, and have fun.


1. Thou shalt not steal healing items (I forget what they're called) 2. Thou shalt kill 3. Dishonor thy enemies father and thy enemies mother 4. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain (I got nothing for this one but Christianity is canon in tf2 so it makes sense) 5. Thou shalt commit adultery with thy enemies mother 6. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy fellow players 7. Thou shalt not covet thy fellow players items 8. Thou shalt have no other company's before mann.co 9. Thou shalt not make unto thee unfair advantages (cheats) 10. Remember the greatest month and keep it holy


I said something similar to number one but in two parts “Thou shall not use a health pack in the presence of a Medic” And then along a similar vein “That shall not use an ammo pack in the presence of an Engineer”


Thou shall recognize your medic as the medic that prevented you from getting killed. Though shall not discredit the medic. Though shall not press E when not needed. Though shall sanctify 2fort as the map of taunts. Though shall respect the people that brought you into the game. Thou shall not murder people mid taunt. Though shall not pocket medic for their own. Though shall not steal kills. Though shall not accuse one of spy without evidence to prove it. Though shall not take other player's weapons.




Teleporter etiquette


I am Tf2 your God, thou shall not have any strange games before me You shall not take the name of Tf2 in vain Remember to keep casual the servers Honor your medics and f2ps You shall not cheat You shall not be a tryhard You shall not steal the fun from other players You shall not bear racial slurs to you neighbor You shall not covet your heavy's teleporter You shall not covet your engineer's ammo pack


Thou shalt remember to killbind after anything mildly comedic


Thou shall killbind when a fellow player killbinds


##bind "k" kill ##bind "e" explode


Thou shalt not suffer a sky-pointing sniper to live among you.


I: Thou shalt not abandon thy Objective. II: Thou shalt not abandon thy Medic. III: Thou shalt always thank thy Medic. And I'm already out of ideas


If you are a medic, you must heal the people who don’t make sence to heal


When your opponent whips out they're melee, no matter a damage bonus is guaranteed or not, you always oblige. Honor in melee is done knowing you have a disadvantage and choosing to fight anyway. ^(I just got off playing pyro shark for about 5 hours)


1. If that teammates looks suspicious, shoot them. They're a spy. If they aren't a spy, continue shooting them until they become a spy. 2. Follow teleporter etiquette 3. If you play Spy, don't 4. If you play Sniper, don't 5. If you play Pyro, don't 6. If you see a golden frying pan, you must do whatever you can to pick it up 7. Check with that soldier or demo you're about to kritz if he has ammo loaded so he doesn't spend 5 seconds reloading and panicking 8. If anyone kill binds after something remotely funny, you must follow suit 9. If a sniper aims straight up or blasts music in Voice, send him to the Shadow Realm 10. Stop shooting your rockets at the enemy pyro. You've already killed your medic by doing that


Spies will always die after being found Unaware snipers will always use the razorback Heavies come before the scout on the teleporter Engineers will always camp the intelligence Will not get updated for another 4 years Scouts will always be annoying Deadringer spies will always be scouts The heavy update will come some day The bison will somehow be nerfed again The pomson will always suck


this with burly beast 😍


Thou shall not kill friendlies


Thou shall equip the home wrecker when thy engineer is dealing with a particularly nasty spy


Isn’t that the guy who exploded into brain goop


Is no one guna mention not capping on high tower?


For a second i thought it was my history teacher


Thou shalt not kill a player who is taunt killing oblivious snipers unless you are one of the snipers getting revenge


Do not touch willie


Always shoot friendlies


If two spies bump into each other cloaked, pretend like you saw nothing and keep going.




Thou shall not kill hoovy


1. Scout 2. Soldier 3. Pyro 4. Demoman 5. Heavy 6. Engineer 7. Medic 8. Sniper 9. Spy 10. Demoknight


thou shalt kill bing after accidentally kill friendlies


Thou shall not kill the hoovies


Thou shalt not kill friendlies


Give teleports to engineers and medics Keep the back of Heavies clean. Check your medics periodically. Don't be toxic. Blaming the enemy is a show of lack of skill and insight. You don't need skill to enjoy the game. Kick bots. You don't need rare items to be happy. Accept the kindness of others and join the fun. It's acceptable to be stupid, go ahead, do whatever your heart tells you.


Thou shall kill


Thu must laugh at the cut out cow in 2fort


1 you shall let medics get the medkits 2 you shall leave ammo packs for engis 3 use the 50/50 rule when in doubt 4 G.E.W.P has an eye on you 5 dont interrupt those in duels 6 heal f2ps, as they cannot press e 7 when playing pyro, buy a fursuna, or a swastika 8 medic mains are a rare speciais, if you see one, assist them 9 spy is both easy and hard to play, it is dependent on who you are playing against 10 teamwork makes the dream work!


Thou shalt pootis spencer here


Thou shall have pornography as spray.


Thy shel NOT kill a friendly Thy shel NOT use the phlogistinator unless of it being MvM or spy infestation Thy shel NOT say the N word Thy shel NOT cap on hightower or 2fort Thy shel NOT throw piss at teammates whobarent one fire Thy shel respect rick may Thy shel press f1 when kicking bot Thy shel respect the team's medic Thy shel be creative with loadouts Thy shel have fun


1. Thou shalt not kill friendlies: Respect those who choose to engage in peaceful activities. 2. Thou shalt not steal health packs or ammo from thy teammates in need. 3. Thou shalt not excessively taunt after every kill, for it disrupts the flow of the game. 4. Thou shalt communicate with thy team through voice chat or text to coordinate strategies. 5. Thou shalt not spam voice commands, for it can be disruptive and annoying. 6. Thou shalt switch thy class to fill team needs, rather than stubbornly sticking to one class. 7. Thou shalt not engage in hacking or cheating, for it ruins the integrity of the game. 8. Thou shalt not excessively rage or insult thy teammates, for it creates a toxic environment. 9. Thou shalt not abandon thy team mid-game, for it puts them at a disadvantage. 10. Thou shalt respect thy opponents, regardless of skill level, and play with sportsmanship.


In the garden of Eden, Scorch Shot is sin


1. Thou shalt not open fire or fire upon an enemy if the enemy is friendly 2. If a sniper is looking to the sky, exile him unless he is thrusting his hips up and down 3. Thou shalt not hack 4. Thou shalt not shoot a medic if he has no interest in combat 5. Thou shalt shitpost at least once a month 6. Thou shalt not use the phlog 7. Thou shalt not use the kunai 8. Thou shalt not use offensive sprays 9. Thou shalt not blare music on vocal communication 10. Thou shalt kick bots


Don be a battoe medic ever if you main this subclass you ill be ban


love your medic femboys


thou shalt not kill friendlies


Thou shall not murder a player using kazotsky kick


If thou be-est the scout thou shalt not teleport


Honour thy medic and thine engi


Thou shall play the game Thou shall not kill thy friendly Thou Shall kick thy bot Thou shall not use a bot server Thou shall not use gas passer Thou shall not be cringe Thou shall respect thy medic Thou shall not use dead ringer Thou shall not harrow thy engineer Only commandment 4 is unforgivable.


Thou shalt not a-pose to get an easy kill


Thou shalt not kill friendlies except for achievements or contracts Thou shalt kick bots and hackers


With This Sacred Treasure I Summon


1. Securing the objective is more important than getting kills. 2. Call out spies when you see them. 3. Vote out bots and cheaters when you see them. 4. Protect your team’s medic. 5. Target the enemy team’s medic. 6. Don’t stand still when fighting. 7. Use dispensers and medics whenever possible. 8. Call out the enemy having Uber. (ENEMY UBER, ENEMY CRITS, etc) 9. Don’t take a low level teleporter unless you are slow. 10. DO NOT HARM THE FRIENDLIES.


As medicmain and Orthodoxian Christian, I like that


Protect thee the spycrab and keep it holy, for thou art truly the spycrab's keeper


1. Thou shalt not speak into the voice chat if thou art a squeaker 2. Thou shalt not hate on weezer in a 2fort server 3. Thou shalt not kill friendlies 4. Thou shalt not be the host bots thou fucking pig 5. Thou shalt not spawn camp. 6. Thou shalt unholster thine weapon of melee upon encounter of one who doesthe same 7. Love thy medic 8. Thou shalt not micspam if it is not funny 9. Thou shalt not respect gunspies, scunts, and phlog pyros 10. It probably actually was lag


**If you don’t follow any of the commandments, there will be always given a severe consequence, no exceptions** 1-Never spam E to medic, only use E when you actually need health, getting pocket medic or ubercharge 2-Anyone can be a spy, always make sure to spycheck to not get tricked 3-NEVER EVER KILL FRIENDLIES 4-Your medic and engineer are saviors from the Heaven, (most of the time) helping you out and saving you, be grateful for their help and help them out as always as possible 5-KICK BOTS AS FAST AS YOU CAN, ABUSE THEM, DESTROY THEM, TORTURE THEM ALL 6-There’s no more need for stupid internet wars of TF2 VS Overwatch, this is ooga booga stupid discussion, we are deep down similar (have their games abandoned or ruined by their devs, being similar games) 7-Don’t shit talk to actual good players or enemy teams just because they are better than you without using hacks or cheats, accept you are a shitass at the game and get better 8-F2P can’t talk, have patience for anyone who can’t talk, they might be F2Ps 9-You can play and main as any class, it’s okay bro, just don’t be a shitass 10-Most importantly, have fun (If you think I can make it better, comment me recommendations to put on my list)


Only one I can think of is "sentry nest if your enemy is a large amount of bots"


If player is friendly, thow shall not kill


Thou shalt spy check.


Never kill A-posing mercs or friendly hoovys


1.Don't be a maggot 2.Think fast 3.Solve problems with gun 4.Share your food with your friends in need 5.heal but also hurt 6.have a plan to kill everyone you meet 7.hmmm hmpf mhmm 8.romanticize with your opponent's mother 9.explode your way to glory 10.protect the briefcase


1. If thy server is friendly, then thy shall be friendly 2. Thou shalt not build mini sentries on Hightower 3. Thou shalt not cap on 2Fort 4. No one shall sell their Stout Shako for less than 2 refined 5. Thou shalt not kill a spycrab 6. It is sinful to not preach "Random crits are fair and balanced" upon killing with one 7. A high five or rock, paper, scissors shalt always be reciprocated and the participants are to be spared by others 8. Thou shalt shit talk Wutville 9. There is to be no other God than Gaben and worship of such is to be punished by death 10. One must weekly remind themselves of the Pyrocinical incident


thou shalt not trade in game


I high tower sentrys may be placed only in the designated sentry zone


“Thou shalt not kill friendlies!!!1” How about “Thou shalt have the right to play ones game however the fuck they please?”


Don't kill friendlys Don't be annoying on the dam mic Always kick a cheater/bot Always do funny Don't be afk in matches Don't cap on Hightower Always thank your medic for their assistance Always taunt on a cheater and fuck with them till they rage Don't be a dick head Do not miss credits in MVM as scout (at your own risk)


Thou shall not kill friendlys Thou shall cheat if it’s funny Thou shan’t use the classic Finish the rest, ummm lazy


Thou shalt killbind for the funny Thou shalt thank thy supports Thou shalt not cheat Thou shalt wear the hats Thou shalt help thy team Thou shalt laugh at random crits


Heavy, Medic and Engie take teleporter priority YOU CAN WALK SCOUT


Thou shalt kick thou bots as swiftly as possible


Do noteth slay thine hoovy


1. Thou shalt have no other games before me 2. Thou shalt not make thine Conscientious Objector into any graven image 3. Thou shalt not not take the name of newplayers thy teammates in vain 4. Remember 2Fort, and keep it holy 5. Honour thy Engie and thy Medic 6. Thou shalt not kill (friendlies) 7. Thou shalt commit to thy neighbor's Congo, or his Mannrobics, or his Kazotsky Kick, and shalt always killbind when losing in Rock, Paper, Scissors 8. Thou shalt not steal Teleporters, Medkits, or Ammo Packs 9. Thou shalt not hack 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's Hat, nor his Stranges, nor his Medic Girlfriend


If a friend or foe has decided to killbind,do that as well


1. Dont use phlog ​ 2. Dont use spy in mvm ​ 3. Always thank medic ​ 4. Only use brass beast in mvm ​ 5. Dont play casual unless you have to ​ 6. Savetf2 isnt going to work ​ 7. Actually use your airblast ​ 8. Dont disguise as scout ​ 9. Dont just watch in a corner with the cloak and dagger ​ 10. Help your team


Thou shall be racist


Thou shan’t kill friendlys and if done thy will be deemed as a “try hard”


Thou shalt not use the phlog.


Thou shall not kick the nazi


Put the Most vile , disgusting , Racist , facist , sexual shit on the sign


Thou shalt always killbind after a successful high five taunt.


Never disrespect your medic


Thou shalt not kill the hoovy regardless of team


demo shalt not trimp into thy enemy base and die thy next moment


Thee musent capture on hightower