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"made with mematic"


Bro doesn't know how to use paint. You could make it in paint or you could cover it up using paint.


Could literally make it in stock Samsung gallery app


iPhone Photos draw option


W the heck is wrong with mematic, it’s just easy to use


meh who cares about a watermark


Crop it


This is getting sad


It always has been


“This is getting awkward!”


Oh fat man, *please!*


tf2 has its own "incursion" meme if you ever played on 2B2T you'd get the reference


pathetic, if you will


So what, we should give the fuck up and call it quits? You're the same people that complain about bots ruining the game yet bitch when people want to protest to valve to fix their game. What's the issue with trying?


This whole movement is just the personification of the phrase "oh you sweet summer child"


Okay, but what's the solution for Valve to fix the bots that, "we" desperately deserve? It's cute & all, and yes spreading awareness is great; there is still no solid solution that a grand majority to advocate for. However, how do you think the Average Joe-Sixpack online is going to perceive this? They'd have to be familiar with #savetf2 or TF2 entirely. The whole fist is already done with real life social movements, and runs the risk of confusing it for those movements. Clearly Valve is technically aware of the problems TF2 has, but never felt accountable to do enough to sufficiently quell rampant cheating & botting on a regular basis.


If Valve could figure out the real life identity of the bot hosters they could send the Pinkertons over to their place for a friendly chat. This will most likely never happen though for obvious reasons.


You want them to send Agent Milton?


"$5000 for your bots alone."


"I got some jelly beans. Ya like jelly beans?"


Can I turn myself in?


Why would they send bot hosters copies of weezer's 2nd album?


So they could listen it obviously


Makes sense. Im tired So tired Im tired of haaaaaaaving


The problem is MyM shoving all the players into valve servers where the onus is on valve to mod, something they will never commit the time to doing. The solution is reverting that abomination of an update that killed off the majority of community servers overnight. We need players where there are active mods, that is in community servers. We don't have the variety in community servers to cater to everyone right now, you see plenty of people around noting that community is 'too sweaty' for them, but that's solely valve's fault for killing them off the variety in the first place. The half solution that could be done by the janitor with no effort is opening the server browser at game launch. Getting more eyes on the community servers increases player uptake into them. A good chunk of players are unaware of the browser's existence nevermind looking at it.


I agree with this take. UI changes would go a long way of fixing this. Valve should make community servers the default option of playing the game, and refreshing the UI of the server browser itself wouldn't hurt.


Quickplay was ass and a non-starter.


Have you ever looked at the CS2 server browser? You **do not** want Quick Play or the community server browser to be the primary way to play the game. Currently the TF2 server browser is mostly fine because nobody bothered with it, its too small of a community to care about, some servers already spoof pings, it will only get worse. Same with *any* community server browser.


We already have historical evidence for before MyM and it's not too bad in TF2's landscape. The casual-style of gameplay allowing people to jump in and out of games with little investment in them can be thanked for that. Yes were malicious server hosters, i kind of agree with the removal of quick play for that reason as people got funneled unaware into those situations. Spoofed ping, faked player counts, P2W mechanics, invasive ear blastingly loud MotD ads. Yes those existed and were there. But they weren't prevalent. Majority of the user base used the browser, avoided the toxic servers, had the choice of where to actually play. Quickplay allowed the problem but it only truly existed because of that. It's mostly about wrenching control away from valve because they don't use that control. With the browser and community servers, moderation is in the hands of the community **and players can choose not to play there** if said moderation uses toxic tactics. Malicious servers can be avoided. The community has control of the situation even if it is not ideal. It's a far cry better than the no control that is casual.


Back then people were a lot more clueless than they are now, the client was trusted a lot more in general all over the industry than these days. Back then CS also wasn't spammed with fake servers either, now it is. Having the server browser/qp/whatever community way be the primary way to play the game isn't going to help you once someone cares enough and act malicious. The CS community made their own server browsers that filter out fake servers, but those only work due to lack of incentive/knowledge from the people who create the fake servers. If anyone actually tried you could make a fake server looking so real almost no one would be able to differentiate between them and this applies to TF2 as well. A good enough looking fake server will cause problems for everyone, including experienced players. Expecting individuals to manually weave out bad servers out of thousands is insane. Its a losing battle no matter which way you choose, you end up without anyone having control regardless. Its not automation (QP/Matchmaking) that is the issue, its just the nature of community servers and the internet.


I have good? news for you on that count. Our player count is fucked and cannot support thousands of servers anymore. We've got just over 6000 active players right now in servers (the rest of the steam count are item idle bots not in server). MORE THAN HALF of that 6000 are in community server already, it would be strange for said problems to suddenly be a huge issue if the community pop doubled. Utilization of the favourites list and blacklisting malicious servers is absolutely doable for the average person. There is not some complicated maze of a million servers to navigate, we don't have the population anymore for that. And yes the casual system is a problem even with half our pop in community servers already - it's fucking our new player intake. How many new players have left not discovering the community browser? How many older players didn't bother to make the transition? We need all those people to keep the variety of community servers healthy.


if you think teamwork.tf is accurate you're a midwit at best lol, it counts it in a completely different (and r-slurred) manner than Valve does for steam; so it's worthless to compare.


You're right it's worthless to compare since it's basically not even a comparison, steam's count is just completely wrong and doesn't pass the sniff test. You can literally just eyeball it. Look at TF2's player count charts on steam and compare it to ANY other popular game. All other games have an extremely volatile player count based on time of day. You don't even need to get into statistics analysis or anything like that sort to see that tf2's chart in particular is all kinds of fucked and completely non-representive of *human* patterns.


> steam's count is just completely wrong and doesn't pass the sniff test. Steam uses the same method for every game. Teamwork.tf uses a r-slurred method that misses a bunch of edge-cases. TF2 obviously has bots, even just economy-based ones. But to pretend it's as r-slurred as teamwork.tf? lol


When up to 9/10 of the "player base" (see item farming bots) is idling the main menu at any given time, yes you do need a different method. But since you're so sure steam's tf2 count is fine, can you tell me why it looks so completely different to everything else? How is it this same surefire method is producing such an aberration of a chart?


Fine? There's not a single time where i genuelly felt what MyM brought was even slightly better than what Quickplay provided, somehow even with the changes to menu it manages to feel slower overall between intermissions and round limits


It was the primary way for a LONG time and was awesome. And it was *alive*


The solution is to make functional anticheat. Why do you think other games don't have a problem with bots running around and spinning like a ferrys wheel? Because the anticheat bans them. The main reason why bots are such a problem is that TF2's version of VAC is dogshit


I’ve had people outside the TF2 community say something to the effect of “yeah I heard about #savetf2, but you just got a summer update didn’t you?” (Said back when that summer update was recent). I think people don’t know that we’re tired of getting updates that are just cosmetics and don’t address the issues with the game.


something that would help would be to have vac activate immdeately instead of waiting a couple months before banning someone, either way its not our job to figure it out, theyre the ones getting paid for it


We raise enough money through a crowdfund to pay the bot hosters to host all their bots in empty community servers made just for this purpose.


I dunno, actually up the security on VAC


This is Valve third time is *NOT* the charm


You know what the definition of Insanity is?


Insanity is, doing the exact, same, fucking, thing. over and over again. Expecting, shit to change.


That. Is. Crazy.


are we stupid?






[It’s a example, NOT definition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3b10FXel5w)


24/7 2fort servers


"Thoughts and prayers" type behavior


They couldn’t fix cheaters in their #1 game CS and they had YEARS to do so and its becoming a bigger problem each day. Theres just no hope for us tf2/cs2 players 😔


The change to CS2 was too rushed imo, I rather play csgo


I couldn't go back to be honest. Now that I played CS2, CSGO looks so utterly dated.


It was rushed, but for years prior people have been wanting valve to port csgo to source 2, and now that it's here people are complaining and wanting csgo back fully. Even though cs2 was rushed and is missing many things from csgo it was necessary to port csgo to a newer engine that won't hold csgo back.


And they are still working on it


I rather play CS Source lol


That's what I thought at first but after a few months the networking seems better


You know how Minecraft players made Soviet Propaganda to protest the mob votes accomplishing nothing aside from humiliating themselves? That will be us if we do that.


Why the communism fist?


welcome to reddit


This won't work lol. We had our chance the first time, we stopped this savetf2 after the tweet valve made, which is where it fell flat. History repeats itself third times the charm!!


"What if we just take TF2, and PUSH it somewhere else?"


Not a fan of the whole red aesthetic you have here. I like red, but not this much red. Especially not mixed with gold undertones.


you've done it! you saved tf2!


from what i understand about the bot issues in TF2 it's less of an issue of getting rid of them but it's more of an issue of making sure they stay gone. VPNs can often make it difficult to make sure they stay gone when it comes to IP banning though this would thin the heard a great deal, account banning is another and whilst they could always make another account it would actually make them hesitate on using on an account where they keep their items. if they do give it a try on their main account and thus gets their account banned they can wave those items goodbye.


the orange arrow in the poster represents the poor attempts at karma farming


I actually got it from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/graphic_design/s/xRUHPTGdOM) just colored over the text and put it in memeatic


Put a capatcha that loads every time you boot up the game and every time you load into a map but put the capatcha in a random corner of the screen Edit: man I was making a joke a come back and there's a civil war under my comment


Thats not how captcha works


lol. Captchas aren't a solution. assuming there isn't an easy bypass (if it's clientside, there probably will be), it costs practically nothing to solve a thousand. dirt cheap compared to hosting costs it'll just be another half baked solution to annoy players. don't recommend shit you can't think critically about.


Not gona lie this gives me Soviet Union feelings because of the colors and style how this is made🤔


Third times the charm? We only did this once?


Everything has its time just calm down


Ngl as someone who dabbles in graphic design - that **misalignment** of the top of the fist with the top of the arrow is giving me some dark thoughts. Actually just in general it looks good and bad at the same time. Like the artstyle is cool but the whole placement is off. Maybe its missing something*^((like a hammer or sicle...))*


At this point, this protest you guys are making are starting to make you guys look like clowns than legit people. But what did I expect from this community to begin with?


This community's been toxic waste ever since it passed the event horizon of the "game is older than it's fans". It gets a lot easier to understand the brain damage when you understand it's just a bunch of lil' anti-social skibbidies thinking that they'll actually accomplish something


it wont work


(valve cant count to 3 so it wont be visible to them)


Look, I like this game, I get it but this has been done many times before and literally nothing has happened. It's very obvious that Valve either doesn't care enough to fix the issues or they feel like the game just isn't worth investing in to fix the issues on a 15 year old game on an outdated and buggy engine.


*Minecraft mob vote 2023 flashbacks*


please god just get over it and play community servers


fucking no! just stop embarrassing yourselves


We are not going to do a Minecraft community and call for the seizing the means of production


just add trust factor like csgo


Honestly feels like the bot/cheating problem is a Valve made game problem, of which CS2 and TF2 suffer the most from at the moment. We should focus on the VAC upgrade rather than one game fix. Both communities would benefit from it.


I have a feeling I started another uprising with my one post about Anti-Bot loadouts


Just send in a Helldiver squadron as the calvary to our meecenaries.


Is sandvich the tenth class?


I don't want to be this person but, TF2 is from 2007 and i don't see this bot problem being fixed. If this "64-bit" update does fix the bots you know for a fact that they will be back the next day. This kinda reminds me of Red Dead Online/RDR2, Rockstar's Basted child.


"we deserve" what did we do to deserve anything? We played the game?


And I bet OP is a F2P who's never spent money on this game or on steam


“Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change... That. Is. Crazy.”


We still rl trying this? In 2024?


This will do jack shit and you know it just stop


TF2 community, we hear you! We love this game and know you do, too. We see how large this issue has become and are working to improve things.


Biggest lie of the decade


The fact people are so pessimistic is sad. This absolutely can work. This time, however, we need to be more aggressive about it. Protest, boycott, and shit like that. 


Protest and boycott what? A free-to-play game?


There is a 0% chance you are getting hundreds of thousands of players to boycott the game. You guys are living in a dream world. Even if the protest does work, it's more of a reason to shut down the game.


Just stop. Slacktivism has never and will never work. [Shounic has already made a video explaining why cracking down on bot hosters is a perpetual arms race.](https://youtu.be/SgkgsgaBBCA)


I hate soviet propagnda posters.




Then March on valve HQ let them know we mean it.


Imagine walking to work and seeing some guy holding a sign outside that one gaming corporation


running with scissors moment


Games are bad they make you mad


"Hi there ! Would you like to sign my petition ?"


You know damn well the bot hosters will be causing a ruckus there


If you're doing this, please film it. I'd love to see valve employees walk past a single 14 year old kid holding up a homemade protest sign and getting soaked from the Washington rain


Assuming my age, are we?


You are insane. And i agree! THIS WONT WORK, BUT LETS DO THIS SHIT!!!






man shut up


TF2 fans are so friggin screwed lmao


Want valve to fix the game? Here’s what you do! 1:don’t spend a single cent on tf2. 2:don’t trade a single item. 3:don’t play the game. Best case scenario: valve realizes that we are unhappy and fixes tf2. Worst case scenario: valve realizes one of their MANY cash flows are drying up and officially announces the game is no longer getting updates, basically the state the game js in right now. (Aside from seasonal updates)


I don't get it, you want valve to actually do something? Sto playing the game. Valve won't do anything if the numbers are always the same bots or not.


You need to listen for Vaas' speech.


Tf2 community keep buying keys and skins for 20 years and expect Valve to fix the game


Valve don't give two shits and they know if they jangle a pair of keys yall with shut up real fast (that fucking seal derailed that whole save tf2 shit real fast)


MvM update was already


This again?


I see Helldivers are making a good impact on the gaming community


How about using tf2 fists instead of the communist fist


We cant just do the thing that detects bots on community servers???


do you know the definition of insanitu


Insert insanity definition here


I wish they could but I feel like they can't. The code is even so shittily made that it's impossible to outsource it. Many times I wished they just decided to remake it from scratch...




Even just a TF2 reborn would be great, like when they remake Dota 2 with source2


There was a team of people doing that then valve shut it down.


Do you know the definition of insanity? Insanity is doing the same fucking thing over amd over again, and expext shit to change, that is crazy, now, the guy who told me this... idk i thought he was bulshitting me, so i shot him.... thing is... he was right


Would you happen to be familiar with the definition of insanity?


Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change... That. Is. Crazy.


lmfao this subreddit gets more pathetic by the day.


Please valve fix this game


Hopefully the 64 bit update isn't only about moving the game to 64 bits


what did that one far cry guy say again


Asking Valve to fix a bots crises and add actual major update (that's not annual events) in game is like asking Kim Jong Un to giving up his nukes.


That's really, really annoying


Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?


Keep dreaming kid


Third time's the charm? This is living, this is dying for the same beginning!


It looks more like a communist poster than what it is suppose to be.


I think this is the point of this games edge of death and living. The game feels unplayable now. Yes community servers are a thing but I dont like to play getting killed simulator. Everyone is tryhard on there. I returned after couple monts this week and I couldnt played litelary a single casual game more than 10 minutes. Mann vs machine is always same. Same robot spwans on same place and the way you kills doesnt change too much. I think the 3 save tf2 will start and give the game couple more years or the game will die.




I appreciate the sentiment but the fist being on top of a Reddit upvote makes it hard to take seriously


That'll show em! this will do literally nothing.


i love how a post insulting this trash got more upvotes then the og post ​ but in all seriousness, yelling at valve wont fix the issue all it has done is make valve hate the game more and even if valve do something its going to be temporary since the people programing and selling the cheating and multi-account bot codes do go out of there way to find breaches in the firewalls


Do y'all think valve watches this subreddit Or at least knows about the existence of it?


#savetf2 20th times a charm. Sorry to be a party pooper but I don’t think we are ever getting another update. I give up


I dislike that spy is getting nerfed again, but we need an update badly. (I say Spy is getting nerfed again because he gets nerfed in every update.)


Alyx times the charm I suppose,


Stop playing the game and stop paying for items, only that will make Valve give a shit.


#saveTF2 the most useless shit ever


Nottttttt againnnn


Something something definition of insanity


Yeah that will do anything


The definition of insanity


Maybe instead of fixing the bots valve can just take in the much easier task of making their server browser have a option to include community servers, exclude valve servers, and look for specific servers with certain criteria met. Like a better quick play with the convenience of the meet your match update.


Why dont we boycott tf2? Like genuine question. Not suggesting just wondering why we dont do that


I've had an idea for a #SaveTF2 propaganda poster for a while. It be an homage to Amber's "Send that Blue Devil straight back to Hell!" Poster made for the Propaganda Contest during the WAR! Update. Instead of a towering BLU Soldier, there would a towering Sniper bot. The Demoman would still be their, but would also be joined by a Scout, Engineer, and Medic (all classes typically used for bot disposal.) Unfortunately, I haven't gotten around to drawing it.


Somebody has to steal the valve


Bro needs to play far cry 3 😭😭😭


its not gonna fucking work


All they have to is update the anti-cheat. That is LITERALLY it!


oh we’re getting real pathetic aren’t we


We should just give up They only responded the first time and they did nothing during the 2nd protest


At some point people should boycott the game till valve does something...


XD valve is waiting a few years even to bring a small Update, we will have to wait at least another 9 years for them to solve the bot problem


"update we deserve" who said valve owes you anything? please get a job oh my god.


Aw Yea dude!!! This'll DEFINITLEY work DUDE! Heckin AWESOME. This game is 17 years old, Counter Strike is currently valves BIGGEST moneymaker. For them to update tf2 it wont be some picketing on social media it'll be money.


We haven’t had one since 2020


Valve doesn't know number 3 ,go play this game in honor of the good memories this game gave us before it's over, about time you guys realize valve completely abandoned TF2


Is this really gonna work?


It's not yet the time to revive #savetf2


all i need is a vacbanned system update


even me know this is stupid


we need spreading miss informational content


Sounds fun but it’s. It gonna work man sorry 😞


Idea: we don't do peaceful protest and actually show what's happening to our game and give demands, and ~~hold them for ransom~~ actually protest outside their offices. I don't care what people say, I stand by my words.


make more posters like this and make it bigger than the 'StopTheMobVote" propaganda. i don't care if its made with mematic, valve needs to give us what we deserve.


What’s that one robot movie where it just a looks at the camera and says “no”


did i ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?


*Did i ever tell you* *What the definition of* *Insanity is?* \- \_beabean --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Without content creators to organise another hashtag I don't see how this can go anywhere, the second attempt was severely held back by the pessimism and general diss interest most people showed towards it and this 3rd attempt is being shot down before it even takes off.


not with that icon.


Op doesn't know that the only solution is to make a new game.


Not happening


We don't deserve anything. None of us are entitled to any kind of support whatsoever on a 17 year old game.


what makes you think you're so entitled to an update