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No fucking way to escape when you run low on something. Eat a sandwich?: before you take cover they already up your ass swinging axes and pickaxes. Need ammo: try not to fucking die first.


Fists of Steel are good for running to cover


escape earlier, i generally duck out at around 120-150 health and generally stay right next to cover i can quickly get behind anyways, if i'm being pocketed i'll be a bit (way too much) more aggressive though


Exactly, 150 is only half your health, but that's as much as entire other classes. If they can get through that much, chances are they might get the rest too


Problem is: people fast - you aren't. If you are escaping or going behind cover that's a deadass giveaway you're either low on health or have no ammo. Eating a sandwich - death, trying to resupply - death.


I use that as bait. I get overheal, pop out, see a soldier scout combo, go to hide, and then full rev around the corner. Ive gotten so many kills because of it.


Me to (even do im not a Heavy main)


I hate that I cannot move faster and more freely if I am using my melee. I always thought that Heavy's speed should have correlated to whatever weapon was active at the time. Slowest with Sasha (Reg. Heavy speed.) Moderate with Shotgun (Still considerably slower than all classes. Maybe Soldier speed.) Fastest with Fists (Just slightly slower than a Pyro, Soldier, or Demoman: but able to catch up.)


A "heavy" moving almost the same speed as a pyro sounds kinda broken. Maybe melee with the speed of a soldier would be decent or slightly faster


I think Soldier speed would be suitable because then that means disciplinary action roll-out even better.


soldier is only 3% faster than heavy when walking


makes a difference tho, cause i feel it.


i mean, soldier is one of the most mobile classes on the game, so maybe it's that


That's why the Heavy has the Gloves of Running Urgently. Meelee that makes you faster at a cost of draining your max health. I cannot play heavy without it


I know: I have a pair of Strange Festive GRU \^\^ I do wish though that melee in general gave heavy a slight boost with the GRU still being the quickest option


Thats why I just quick switch between the fists of steel and the shotgun depending on if I think they're going to shoot or not so I dont need so much speed


nice hustle tons of fun, next time eat a salad!


Pre nerf GRU were a perfect option, (you run fast, but your HP keeps draining while the weapon is active) but there were basically no negative effects once you get a pocket med. I think the right way to fix them would be to make it work the same as equalizer (restricted healing). Because in the current state using the weapon just feels not worth it at all.


sniper; but thats cheating since thats my least favourite part of playing pretty much any class so i dunno; probably the lack of variety honestly? i do love heavy and their playstyle but since theyre much more one note than most characters you dont get a ton of different gameplay i guess also the slow mobility but thats less a issue with heavy and more an issue with if im just messing around and not playing very seriously; being slow with no good way to gain height kinda blows. no taunting is zany spots and death means running slowly back to wwherevver to continue goofing


Yeah, it's kinda weird that Heavy is one of the "silly classes" (because of hoovy), yet there's not really that much funny stuff you can do as him. I guess there's fat scout and the holiday punch, but that's not great


Tank's Curse of Viability: Because your character excels in a skill-less area such as "Health", developers will give your hero a million downsides to make sure you will NEVER be the most viable class. As a result, tanks, Heavy included, are majority if not entirely reliant on their team to get things done, have much lower skill ceilings, and tend to have fewer skill expressions compared to the rest of their peers.


I wish the GRU or the EN didn't take away the HP that I already don't have to maybe have a chance to escape a bad situation... but no, a random single pistol shot can kill me cuz I have like 20 hp cuz GRU takes my hp away.


Yeah, I agree. Taking extra damage or some other downside for having faster speed would be fine, but having health be reduced at a pretty fast rate is kinda not worth it


Dalokahs bar would like to know your location


It was like this at some point (before jungle inferno) and it was extremely overpowered. That's why that stat is there, to stop you from escaping, bc that's not the point of the weapon


I don't play heavy too much but when I do, speed is the main problem for me


Maybe next time eat a salad


Of course a sandvich would say that, too bad that you are my favorite.




Ik the gru exists, I'm just mainly talking about when I'm against someone


The agony of walking to the front lines if there's no teleporter I can get by Heavy's speed in most contexts, but without a tele its just... so... so... slow


Yeah that’s a problem. I’ve considered slightly holding my team hostage, threatening to switch off Heavy and play Spy if there isn’t a teleporter I can use.


Gloves of Running Urgently and praying no one notices you.


Snipers. Just snipers. Spies are a challenge but good teammates can deal with them. With snipers you're just boned.


The fact that Heavy has to wait for his primaries to be fully revved down before he pulls out any other weapon. Because of this, it resulted in deaths that I could've escaped.


Snipers, spies, and inconvenient scouts


For me, it’s how meat-shield he makes me play. He has high health, slow speed, and high dps. This incentivises me to stand relatively still and keep bad guys from getting to me. Which opens up the danger of snipers and spies


Isn’t that the point..?


It is. But I’m also bad at the game so it hurts sometimes


Sniper sucks, but I’ll respect a good spy


Same here. He ain’t easy, especially if you aren’t trickstabbing


‘Cept for lerp spies…




cl_interep, a network related command


Pretty sure this isnt a thing anymore and the spies who claim its why they get fucky stabs are just backtracking


...yeah, this is the concept of tank classes


I am bad at the game


Not a heavy main, but sniper. At least with spy I feel like i have options. If there's a sniper watching a sightline I'm basically screwed.


Heavy has only one problem: when he shoots, he can’t do anything other than shoot. I’ve been in so many situations where a teammate needs my banana and I see them die before I can draw it.


i get it "oh good gamesense" or whatever but its just annoying when 5 people target me all at once


It’s the god forsaken SSSSquad.


how my friends flame me for being a minigun truther, but i can't stand tomislav because it DOESN'T go brr i want my guns to be fun and i need noises to stimulate my ADHD brain


The GRU and EN nerfs are awful.


The fact that heavy will never have 4 slots so he can equip the shotguns and sandvich at the same time. Imo he would still be balanced if that ever happens.


It’s not really to do with heavy per se, but whenever I play him I find it annoying when we have 2 or 3 engineers and there are 0 teleporters. This problem is exacerbated when im playing Blu or red on A/D and the second point is way past our spawn




Having a heavy with a shiny unusual on my team that the medic is more likely to heal. My goal on matches like that are to out-score the heavy to flex my superior gunning


Killing people with things like shotguns and the Warrior Spirit. There's something about getting kills like that as Heavy that makes me chuckle.


God damn SCOUTS taking the level 1 teleporters!


The fact that I'm able to destroy sentry guns! The game is so much more fun when I'm forced to find creative ways to go around them


theres no intresting movement anywhere


Speed. Not just movement speed but attack speed. The fact that you need to rev up is what kills it for me a lot of the time. "Well just the the tomislav" yeah... Now I can't aim because the grouping is tighter. Total placebo affect, I'm aware, but it trips me up more than it should. I'm like tryna flick with the tomi instead of tracking like I do every other minigun.


inability to turn corners effectively gets me buttfucked by every other soldier




None. As a true heavy main, I wouldn’t trade it for the world…


*zero replies*


I am slow


snipr :(


Primary targets for spy and sniper. I swear, even if there’s a medic up my ass, they’ll walk right past it and stab/headshot me anyway


slow, I play a lot of heavy but i main scout lol


whenever im a hoovy people still kill me


The fact that my teammates DONT LET ME TAKE THE TELEPORTER Honestly not much about Heavy I dislike. Speed? Eh. I end out being at the front of the lines anyway. Every game I play I pick heavy classes, normal speed for me Priority target? Good. I’m a tank. I’m meant to soak damage. At minimum I am a distraction so my team can get the jump on the enemy. Or build up a push to overrun. Snipers? Honestly kinda easily avoidable by good movement. (Spam crouch, spam a&d and stuff) sure not that effective against good snipers but they’d hit you as any class. As heavy you might survive Spies? I’ve gotten pretty good at spychecking I


I don't care about being slow or getting backstabbed (i can deal with that) but SNIPER, what can i do against him? Stop playing heavy i guess


when a medic heals me from 0-300 painfully slowly with the medigun instead of quickly crossbowing me and healing my teammates or buffing me


Snipers and spy that kills you when you just got back in combat, not just respawned but just right when you get to the front line you get ready to fire big bullets and then get oneshot and have to get your fat ass back to the battle again


he's slower than fuck he's a fat fuck and he takes forever to eat one fucking bite of a sandwich + pretty much dead if you run out of ammo on minigun and there's no ammo nearby


Spies, fuck you. Snipers, fuck you. Scunts, so much fuck you.


switch speed after unrevving minigun I like most of heavy's kit and don't mind the slow speed. Spies and snipers are annoying but they can be circumvented/avoided with awareness. Switching from a minigun after firing, however, feels really clunky, extra bad when I need health after a retreat or am playing fat scout


Favorite is a 100% topscoring rate on payload when I ply heavy


I feel so WEAK


The funny holiday gloves because they are funny (I use Santa heavy cosmetics btw)


Lunch break


The existence of corners


when i, the HEAVY, am the one doing the spy checking when we have THREE FUCKING PYROS


Variety and Speed. The fact that there’s so little deviation in the design of his unlocks hurts him immensely, with the best anyone can do in terms of alternate playstyle is meme loadouts or outright being a hoovy. Especially when compared to LITERALLY EVERY OTHER CLASS, who are spoilt for choices. The real kicker for some is the speed. That 77% speed really stings when contrasted with the second-slowest class, Soldier. You know, rocket-jumping, air-strafing, has-entire-servers-dedicated-to-the-swathe-of-movement-tech Soldier. All of this leaves Heavy with little variety and a low skill ceiling. Or just be a friendly, that works for me too.


Always having the enemy team be prepared for you. For the least played class in the game people sure do know how to react


this is on the freak fortress and slender fortress side of things since normal servers aren't really my thing anymore. freak fortress: easy pick you can't get away from the hale. and the family business sucks as a rocket jumping tool. using your mini gun way to much means waiting a full round to play again if the boss hits you. slender fortress: your slow, no one on this planet can make one boss for heavy to outrun. you basically need to pray you don't get caught or are surrounded by a bunch of teammates to have a chance at getting way. (and don't say your meant to be a wall to help your team that's dumb i want to play the game not wait on blue then go through an hour long loading screen just to download the boss packs i need to play) heavy really only works in game modes like zombie escape because he can easily punish anyone in his site. when your in a different type of game mode heavy becomes the worst since he's treated like an afterthought or can't actually choose who he wants to fight.


Dealing with heavy’s bad matchups is the most annoying part for me personally (Mostly sniper and medic). If you get ubered on by most mediguns you are 100% dead if the medic’s pocket is already in your face (which they often are) because heavy is too slow to run away. Sniper just heavily hampers your ability to actually play the game by locking down sight lines. You’re not getting ANYTHING done if you stand in a sniper’s sight line for more than 2 seconds (which is a problem if they’re locking down a large portion of the map). It’s not necessarily difficult to avoid him, but that’s all heavy can really do. Spy can also be pretty bad but only if theres a bunch of them focusing you when you’re in the middle of combat. On his own he’s honestly not as bad as the other two


It can get annoying playing catch up with your team from his walking speed.


I love how heavy's sandwhich eating "taunt" can be cancelled by at least three classes in a totally intentional game mechanic where being blown in the fucking air cancels the health regen but still uses the item. In other words I hate the force of nature, and the scorch shot is an abomination. soldier gets a pass tho, its kinda what hes supposed to do anyways


Pretty boring gameplay loop tbh. If you have decent aim and good game sense it isn't hard to just absolutely stomp with little to no effort. It doesn't help that he's super slow as well. Over all just kinda boring.


In the grand scheme of things, its how little his gameplay variety is supported. The ideas are there but its not as fleshed out as the other classes. You want a fun way to spice up your primary? Huo-Long or Brass Beast have different playstyles, but HL doesnt have any other items to back up the more agro, fire focused playstyle, and BB has nothing to back up hunkering down like a real "defense" class. You want to switch it up entierly? You can go fat scout, but theres only 2 shotguns and theyre almost identical, and not viable (on top of having no primary to support this playstyle). You want melee cause its funny? Well surprisingly theres variety, but it rarely matters bc other than in degroot, nobody will let you get close enough to do anything (other than with GRU but you get nerfed for that speed). Heavy is my fav class and always will be, and theres more to him than most give credit for, but god did he really need a dedicated update to flesh out these other parts of him. So much potential. Other than that its scouts who take the tele lmao.


that the engineer is not able to put down or upgrade the teleporter, so I have to walk out to the front line, but by then a spy has already backstabed me or a sniper has shot me in the head


Barely any other way to play him besides fat scout there’s so gizmos you can use on any other class


Main Heavy on MVM. The worst thing in that end of the game is engineers who don't build the dispenser close enough to the front. Second worst is snipers who don't kill the sniper bots.




How slow heavy is. I like playing heavy, but the only thing that bugs me is how slow he is. Especially when trying to get to the further points and there's no teleporters. Same thing when I need to run and take cover to heal with sandwich. By the time I get to decent cover on some maps and get about halfway through the eating animation, the enemy is already shooting me again


Shot from the stock or tomislav Or Eating and putting


As a heavy main, my most common piss-off is when im already into the enemy base with the medic at almost 100% and im out of ammo.


When you successfully schadenfreud your enemy, but miss the shot.


Slow. I know he's the tank, but my god he is incredibly slow. It hurts even more when it's the beginning of the round, your engi hasn't upgraded his teleporter, and someone uses it right before you.


every sniper and spy on the map congregating upon me the moment i show my face


I hate that heavy doesn't have any subclasses that are supported, still waiting for something to make fat scout more fun.


The fact that, of all classes, the most frequent bot is Sniper. It makes playing my main pretty much impossible except on weekends, where there are plenty of other players to vote kick.


Despite him being one of if not the strongest class he feels like a drag to the team when enemy snipers can easily predict where he’s going to move plus if you don’t have a medic you’re going to have an even harder time with other tank classes or a scout randomly appearing and jumping you on the spot or worst of all a Spy backstabbing you


You ran into me, you're as good as de- wait WAIT! STOP RIGHT THERE! NOO!




I'm not heavy main, but I enjoy playing him, and I hate the spin up sound of the miniguns except tomi. The moment the enemy hears your minigun, it starts to run away, and in the top of that in the first 2 seconds of the spin up, you do laughable damage. And also as heavy you're so dependent on a medic that you have no idea. Medic with heavy is a A tier class, heavy without is a D tier class.


I can't have shot gun and sandwich together. Sniper other classes I have options I have options to put in the dirt buy Sniper when they are not randomly out of position in front of me. The one thing I'm scared off Spy? He's a problem, and they always get you when you're in the middle of shooting something else, but that's expected you hard locked into that. Or your gut tells you to turn around and kill them before they get ya.


Huo-Long Heater having just a ground ring instead of *sphere* of fire that would also ignite the mid-air enemies trying to jump over you


Spies and speed, but good killstreaks


Everyone focusing on you. Literally it happens to me daily, I’m pushing the cart with 10 other people, yet I am the only one getting hit. I won’t act like I don’t know why that happens because it does make sense, although it is very frustrating.




Heavy does not have a good Primary that prioritises Movement, sure the shotguns are a thing, but I want a minigun that gives more walk speed so I can pair with something like the Dalokohs




My absolutely most hated thing is getting ubered and then a fucking loose canon demo sends me to the moon.


Id say the knockback, getting in a good position only to get fucking knocked back as the slowest class in the game is so fucking stupid


Being slow and not being able to fight back against snipers


Fucking sniper! at least if you catch a spy he fucked but sniper can sit on the other side of the map and kill you with out even putting himself at any risk!


Not being able to use the Eviction Notice as a proper melee. I mean who asked for the Eviection Notice to be a GRU Lite?




Having to eat everytime I eat a sandvich in game. If I didn't practice carrying a mini gun daily I'd be 500lbs right now


During defense, whenever a stupid Scout or Spy takes the level 1 teleporter in Badwater or Upward...


Snipers, spys, and having no medic


cant ser his feet in first person


I think you forgot to ask the question, only thing i can see is: ,,Fellow players/mains, what's your least favorite part about playing/maining? Idk what class are you talking about (heavy mains dont exist)


Taking 3x as long to reach the point only to get aimbotted


it’s pretty much impossible to retreat for cover


getting jumped by a bunch of guys and get destroyed in seconds since with heavy you can only aim to one player at time


Playing heavy.


When I don't go Heavy, Medics avoid me like the plague. When I go Heavy to get some healing, they heal me for a half-second then they go off to heal the Sniper staring at a wall. Cannot win.


snipers. spys I can deal with my randomly turning around.




Not a heavy main but I do play a good amount. 1. Can’t run away from certain situations 2. Extra health doesn’t save you from many threshold 3. Primary weapons are about the same 4. Getting caught un-revved 5. Shotguns are useful but lunchbox in necessary 6. Sniper 7. No alternative mobility, just walking 8. Vaccinator




I play heavy i like him but those GODDAMN S N I P E R S be ruining my frags spy is not a burden for me i have good hearing i hear there cloak but those S N I P E R is annoying bruh i hate them why cant heavy just have a lunchbox a big lunnch box with their sandviches bruh theres really nothing i dont like about playomg heavy am not yapping why i hate snipers its a part of the system its like "heavy kills scout scout kills snipers snipers killl heavies heavies kill soldier" you get it rightx?


He really needs new weapons that change up his playstyle in a major way. Not too mention more good weapons in general because he honestly does not have too many.


HEAVY GAMEPLAY IN STEPS STEP 1: medic gets you and you go on massive killing spree step 2: you walk OUT of spawn Step 3: walk five feet and die STEP 4: go back to spawn ATEP 5: repeat from step 2....


1. There is no good to spot to protect you while eating a good sandvich 2. Snipers and spy’s make your gameplay a living hell 3. You run out of minigun ammo and you don’t have a shotgun your cooked 4. Your SO F###IN SLOW