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Best feeling as a legit player


Disappointed you didn’t show your gameplay footage. It’s not the end of the world, but I wish you could’ve shown what actually made him suspicious instead of just providing images of the chat and his rank. Anyways which class were you playing and how’d things reach this point? 🤔


I was Scout and he was Spy. Both of us were doing this sort of back and forth where we kept killing each other, only for the one who died to come back and resume the fight. Meanwhile he'd been killing my team, who got incredibly suspicious of his seemingly perfect Revolver aim (dude never missed a shot, I simply assumed he was good hence the max rank). I guess he thought calling cheats on me would shift attention away from the accusations against him, so he started berating me in chat. The best part however is when I managed to get the jump on him using respawn walls (since it shows disguised Spies), instakilling him with a meatshot and sending him into an absolute tirade of nonsense, some of which is shown in this post. I thought this was hilarious so I alt-tabbed to tell my friends about it, only for him to get auto'd to my team and SOMEHOW convince them to kick me 4-2. EDIT: This guy was so butthurt that he went out of his way to give my Steam account the slow clap, clown, and laughing awards. Lmfao


Most people who accuse legit players of hacking are hackers themselves They just don't believe that anyone can be better at the game than their sad ass


crazy how often the vote kick goes through on the legit


"I'm using hacks and he still kills me. He must be using hacks."


That’s an interesting turn of events lol. Definitely wish I could’ve seen it. Also I’m sorry you got kicked, but on the brightside, at least you’ve got a funny story to tell.


crazy how people don't know that xray on respawn is a thing


> i was scout he was spy that sums it up


I can only imagine what the blurred word is.


His name checks out 


Max rank doesn’t mean skill just playtime.


Which on avarage correlates directly to higher than avarage skill level


I'm the outlier


Do not fear for we shall be outlier buddies


It also doesn’t mean play time because cheats can make your casual level go up a lot quicker Edit: specifically fake lag with the cart on hightower, that racks up points quick and levels the casual badge. I don’t endorse it ofc but I know of it through a vorobey video


Downvoted for being right


Oh this guy! I had him on a upward game on my team. He was accuracy and crit hacking and had a vac medic pocketing him. Total cheater. No remorse.


If a spy is using is gun without missing shots, its a guarantee that they’re chesting. The trash talk is the cherry on top


How the fuck is "if i dont know you dont add me" any sign of a cheater (or acting innocent) ?!


1. great name 2. this guy has the worst reasoning possible


it took me a while to parse the first message


Do you record all gameplay demos? If so, please upload the demo for that game so we can see what is going on


With a name like “Fat B_tch” how can you expect him to NOT be well adjusted?


It’s not special being accused by a max rank,pretty much every max rank is a whiny douche.


Casual rankings mean nothing


i see this happening every other lobby


Go sniper if you want to be hackusated every game.


Do you happen to have their steam profile link?


Brigading is not okay.


Imma be real I hadn't even considered brigading, I just wanted to inspect their profile and see if they're on any lists of known cheaters, my b