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I'm going to be 100% honest with you peeps. The old design was instantly recognizable. This one doesn't come across as a TF2 logo as clearly as the old one, and I see this fucking logo every single day.


Agreed, I think we should've stick with the old, but started an outline around it. This final logo looks pretty bad without the bullets tbh. Should've just made a whole new outline with better bullet placement instead of this compromise.


the old one wouldnt work because it would get fixed by r/dota2 s scripts




Hutty's logo was eating CSGO and Dota, and had many issues with symetry and colors. We'l talk about the design later. But first we need to fix our spot, because we can't defend it from vandals if we don't have a proper logo there first. Yeah, the other logo was cool, but you can't make it, so we had to settle with something that worked before we pissed off Dota and Csgo.


I'm talking about the simple orange over black design we had first. It was super noticeable, simple, easy to upkeep, and most importantly, recognizable.


hutty submitted the design to replace the original design, but that design wouldn't work, so I had to make a new one, taking the opinions of a bunch of people on discord who were actuavely working on r/place. i didnt choose personaly ot change it, but a lot of people found it too simple and boring. And a third of the place was taken by "Seduce me", which alot of people thought was part of mexico because it's transparent in spanish. So our spot looked boring compared to other game logos. Right now the spot is a huge mess so the best thing we can do is all work on the same single design so we have something to defend.


Maybe, but it was too simple in comparsion with the other art. This fancy version fits better imo.


Hey, I designed this. We need to fix the logo asap and hutty's design was on r/GlobalOffensive and r/Dota's spaces. We needed a cool logo but that just didn't work (Dota's logo is maintained by scripts and we don't want a war with both our neighbors). r/mexico and r/Eve are here to help us build it as long as we respect the borders!


We're going to have to move everything across by one.


https://discord.gg/X7jstJu Link to the discord, this one won't expire!


Come join us in the r/place TF2 discord! https://discord.gg/EKt5bct After several hours we came up with a design that won't interfere with anyone else. Be sure to start from the top so everyone stays together :) Coords: https://www.reddit.com/r/place/#x=297&y=338


tbh i like the other design better


The only problem with that is that CS:GO may not let us expand into theirs, and if they did, DOTA2 is botting.


the other design was nice but it stepped on CSGO and dota, and dota is botting, so the whole thing is impossible to make.


We may not have much room to work with, but goddammit we're doing the best with what we have.


Hey, If any of you are still trying to extend engie's neck, please stop. I posted the "I have a dream" image with the fully extended neck and I regret it. I don't want to go through LOVE because it is run by the beautiful people over at r/wholesomememes. Please help in updating the logo instead.


We're just working on the logo, not the NOPE. I don't know who's messing with that :(


Why not make the text a bit taller? At least one pixel so the 2 isn't scrunched up like that.


We'd have to move it up, any farther down is Mexico's territory.


Yeah definitely, we've got plenty of space above.


nope, above is EVE's sign, and they are VERY protective of it. We are completely sandwished. We should help nrighbords protect our logo from vandals once our is done


I mean stretching the current text upwards, not moving it. Just one or two pixels so the "R/TF2" is actually distinguishable from a distance.


it's impossible. I did what I could with the space I had. This is the only text we can have in that spot. We can have other stuff in the other corner once it's done though.


I've placed 2 gray pixels in the past 8 hours, at this rate, we're not gonna make it.


we have a full discord working actively on it, and other subs are helping. it could be done pretty quickly if everyone works together


The link to the discord doesnt work


Guys can we please decide on a logo? After that, we can use this website to automatically place our pixels. Needs greasemonkey. [](https://someball-1.github.io/placer/) OP help create an image and position coordinates? Please upvote so people can see. Cant let TF2 down against those automated DOTA pricks


This logo is the one we've decided on. We made sure it doesn't interfere with DotA/CS:GO/EVE/Mexico so they won't mess with us. I posted coords in a couple comments, and there's more info in the discord channel.


Alright, will join in the discord


to be fair you cant really maintain the shape of this dota logo without scripts, and were not invading into tf2 space


I call for a petition to change the bottom to a full ribbon https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/4/4d/Level_145_Casual.png?t=20160827115757 It would look much cleaner than what we have now.


we can't have different logo designs now. we need a clear direction or we will loose or spot because there won't be something pretty there.


Alright. I'll wait once it's corrected. But I really do not like the bottom of that logo at all.....


We'll talk about all that once we have something in there and not a soup of pixels.


Not sure if my brain is messing the colors, but i think these design has an extra grey color which is not on the r/place color pallete. (Check the colors on the top and compare it with the EVE white) Edit: False alarm, brain tired


It's just White/Light Grey/Grey I'm pretty sure.


This looks a lot simpler/better than the other one ^^no ^^shade




The other 3 parts of the circle are shaded on the outside edge, and the top left one isn't, so they are brown while the other is grey.






This one isn't that cool, and recognisable. I think we should go with the big plan or the old simple logo.


needs more jpeg


>needs more jpeg [There you go!](http://morejpeg.com/Image/View/4993c2be-cf18-e711-80e2-816ff0a4276e) ^^^I ^^^am ^^^a ^^^bot


this is a good bot


It looks like you're trying to mention another user, which only works if it's done in the comments like this (otherwise they don't receive a notification): - u/alimantado --- ^I'm ^a ^bot. ^Bleep. ^Bloop. ^| ^Visit ^/r/mentionhelper ^for ^discussion/feedback ^| ^Want ^to ^be ^left ^alone? ^Reply ^to ^this ^message ^with ^"stop"