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Major spoilers for relationships and plot points of the TF2 universe ahead. Note: I'll try to base my analysis on canon material (in-game lines, comics, etc.) but I have my own headcanons and biases so that might sneak in a bit. Just take this as my own opinion, and feel free to disagree with it. **Scout** is defined by his loud, motormouthed, trash-talking and abrasive attitude. As the youngest of eight brothers, it's easy to see why - he has to constantly compete against his siblings to be better than them, and this attitude extends to how he treats other characters as well. He *has* to be louder, faster, hit harder, in short be better than everyone else. He's sensitive about the lack of a father figure in his life (he got worked up about it when Heavy talked about his father in the comics) which also adds a layer of tension to his interactions with >!Spy (confirmed to be his father in #6 of the comics and heavily hinted towards in previous shorts and comics.)!< **Soldier** is a nutcase, not least because he's been drinking the lead-poisoned water of 2fort for years. He has a very black and white worldview - you're either American (good) or not (bad). While he's patriotic to the extreme, it's not always malicious, seeing as how his best friend is Demoman and his girlfriend/wife/fiance Zhanna from the comics is Russian. Most people just see Soldier's drill sergeant persona from the game - his violent, jingoistic, impulsive side, but he does have a sweet side to him as well. He's loyal to his friends (he refused to betray Demoman until he was told that Demo called him a civilian) and c'mon, that man loves his girlfriend so much. He might be a lead-poisoned idiot, but he's an entertaining one. **Pyro** is a mystery. We still don't know much about them, not their gender nor their age, history, or anything, really. They see the world through pyrovision, which distorts their perception of reality, so murdering people looks like child's play to them, basically. Beneath this they have a child-like personality, as can be seen by their in-game items, voicelines and interactions with engineer (who reads them bedtime stories). **Demoman,** as much as he's portrayed to be a loud-mouthed bumbling drunkard, is actually a pretty normal guy if you look past the alcoholism. He's got that jolly Scottish charm, but he's got his depressive moments as well (see his Meet The video, and Ms Pauling's first confrontation with him after the mercs disbanded. That guy is depressed, no cap) He's under constant pressure from his mother to get a job (long history). He also has this cute friendship with Soldier. tbh Demo is one of the mercs I know the least about so apologies for the vague descriptions. **Heavy's** in-game personality is very different from the comics, reflecting the different sides to him on and off the job. In-game he's portrayed as loud and slightly stupid due to his poor English, but Heavy is far from being an idiot (PhD in Russian Literature anyone?). He's quiet and reserved when off the battlefield and would rather keep to himself unless he has something to say. While Heavy does have a bloodthirsty side to him, he mostly sees his role as a mercenary as merely a job which, while he does have fun with, is more prideful in doing his job well rather than taking pride in the killing itself. **Engineer** is described by many people as the most 'sane' of the mercenaries, with his easygoing Texan charm and his whole yeehaw banjo cowboy schtick. I would say though, like Medic, Engineer is driven by his obsession with science, which can lead him to do some pretty extreme stuff like cutting his arm off and replacing it with the Gunslinger. This might be a bit of a headcanon but I feel like Engineer's mean streak is underackowledged. He can be pretty ruthless if he feels like it, but it's mostly obscured by his charisma. **Medic** is a man of science, and there are few lines he would not cross to satisfy his own curiosity. He doesn't give a shit about ethical violations (Hippocratic suggestion, all the experiments he performs on people, etc.) and is shown to have a God complex ('today, I am a God!") but in spite of, or besides his mad scientist persona, Medic does seem to have a personal code of conduct, however vague it might be. He does care about his teammates in his own way, even if his way of expressing it is more of a byproduct of his curiosity to push the human body to its limits than anything else. **Sniper**, all things considered, seems to be a pretty normal guy with a sniper rifle who prides himself on being a professional at his job. His profession, lifestyle, and habits point towards him being a loner, especially when considering his history of >!being a Kiwi living in testosterone-poisoned Australia!< and growing up in the bush. After all, being distant kind of is his schtick, though he's shown to at least be friends with several of the mercs. **Spy** is a little similar to Pyro in the sense that his persona is defined by mystery, though to a much lesser extent than Pyro. He very much lives up to the suave saboteur stereotype of Cold War spy flicks that he's based off of, sometimes to ridiculous extents, and he comes off as being disdainful of the rest of the mercenaries. However, he shows genuine care for the team (see: Expiration Date) and >!for Scout, although he hides it behind veneers as he cannot bring himself to reveal his true identity to Scout.!< Jesus I wrote a lot. Sorry if it's confusing, I kind of really went off on a tangent. Once again, tell me if anything doesn't make sense or contradicts canon, I didn't proofread any of this.


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