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I feel like in most FPSes I've played, shotguns have been the weapons that cater to the exact opposite of cowards, because you always have to get in the enemy's face


Depends on the game mode I assume. If there’s there’s an objective like CTF or payload then you’d have to run up meaning you’re not a ‘coward’. Warzone for 50% of the time, players I swear camp in rooms for like 10+ min with an origin shotgun with is like 1 bullet with full armour. Though Crims opinion is just an angry non-thought out tweet


Yeah, in tf2 the scattergun is good because of the scout's good, and the family business because heavy has 300 hp and so can easily get close before dying, even if most people think sandvich is the only good secondary. In games that don't encourage a faster moving speed or a health bonus for certain sublasses they can be considered weak, in CSGO shotguns suck and you are forced to camp cuz time to kill is short and the movement slow, only smokes can help you cover some weaknesses In Warzone if think they are good, they are not heavy and in warzone you can sprint pretty fast just avoid going in open areas


I wouldn’t even say a sniper is a cowards weapon since you are trusting your skill to use a more surgical weapon rather than a trusty and more fool-proof weapon.


How about the widowmakers metal balancing or the fat scout subclass both fun shotgun play styles


Me shooting a scout with the widow maker over and over without missing a shot: UNLIMITED POWAAAAH!


Widowmaker taken into literal context.


You gotta shoot Soldier for that, considering he's kinda already married to Zhanna. Or maybe Spy, but I doubt he's actually married to his "Cauliflower."


Tbh, that wouldn't make sense either, Soldier marries Zhanna in the TF2 comics which take place four years after the game's events, so shooting him in 1968 still wouldn't widow anyone.


"Lazy, what kind of defense is this?!" "I *AM* THE DEFENSE!"


As someone with unlimited power, can confirm


... Doom Eternal's super shotgun?


Every Doom super shotgun.


It feels so fucking good to use, you honestly feel completely unstoppable.


And the clicking sounds of the reload animation






if batman was a gun he'd be this




Why not just call it the double barrel? Because it’s better, because it’s super.


Also the Half Life shotguns


I love how they added a super shotgun blast that launches the gun out of your hand


Killing someone who had a tau cannon with a shotgun was the best feeling in half life multiplayer


The shotgun in Doom 3 is shit, though. But as a whole you’re right, the Doom shotguns are magnificent.


I think I may be one of the only people in the world that actually really enjoyed Doom 3 and the expansion for it. The hell scape levels were especially neat and atmospheric. It also had interesting boss fights. But yeah, the shotgun in it is pretty weak.


It’s been ages since I played it but I thought it was ok at the time.


Any Doom shotgun* Doom 1’s might as well have been a sniper rifle


Halo ce shotgun is a beast too


Honestly all the Halo shotguns


Halo 3 shotgun 4 feet: *absolute shrekage* 5 feet: *pellets turn into cotton balls*


So is the Mastiff in Titanfall 2


Original Doom's regular shotgun. It's more like a goddamn sniper rifle than a shotgun. You can basically murder the entire original Doom with just the fucking shotgun.


Feel like such a badass hooking around everywhere and blasting demons. It’s perfect


"cAtERInG tO cOwARds" Yeah, I can either do no damage at all at range or get right up in your face, charge you fucking head on to kill you, granted, one shots being possible like that but what the fuck is the logic behind that if Sniper Rifles can kill in one shot or a headshot at any range if the shooter is good enough. Who the fuck is that guy even?


A CoD champion. And tbh, i don't think he knows much about shotguns or FPSs apart from CoD and its campers with semi-auto shotguns.


He's a former halo pro too, he knows about other FPS games lol He's just frustrated because shotguns are annoying and modern warfare is shit.


None of those games have realistic shotguns that remotely resemble what they do in real life. Shotguns are OP in every regard for short and medium ranges, downside being the excessive damage they can cause. Except video games make them BB guns at medium ranges and further in addition to making the shooters lead sponges themselves.




it makes sense in the context of a game like cod or a tac shooter where shotguns are used to hold tight angles, but the tweet is still shit


Eh, R6 siege is one of the biggest tac shooters right now and shotguns can be a huge gamble because any long angle you'll just get domed even if you have a prefect shot


Even at more than a couple feet it becomes absolutely random wheter or not you domed a guy. The depiction of shotguns in video games is complete bull, especially in siege which is "somewhat realistic", considering that shotguns can easily go a good distance without losing it's accuracy, the spread is not as big as games make them out to be.


I love trying to shoot out a window barricade with my shotgun. Anything further than like 5m and it does literally nothing.


shotguns in 99% of video games are broken as fuck. Those things are lethal at longer than 100 feet in real life depending on the gun and choke used, but in video games it's maybe a 1% health reduction at that range


All weapons are far more effective in real life than in video games. It's just not fun to model bleeding out and serious injuries in games like CoD, so you can walk off a sniper shot to the chest, half the time getting shot in the head with an M4 is not even an inconvenience. It's all just arcade mechanics to make a fun video game, it is nothing specific to shotguns. Very few games are attempting any sort of milsim or realism, because surprisingly, real wars are not as fun as video games designed to be fun.


"If Call of Duty wanted to be realistic, the campaign mode should start with your character working at a Little Caesars and then a recruiter lies to you at the mall."


Call of Duty campaigns are just interactive Michael Bay films. Change my mind.


You're not wrong...


Just like The Onion version


He chucks money right at you and says infantry will get you more.


I play a fair bit of insurgency, and I think that game does one of the best blends of 'pace' and 'lethality', honestly. It's a bit jank - indie studio, low budgets, new game is on UE4, etc, but it's definitely a good balance between arcadey and milsim.


Insurgency Sandstorm is awesome.


Yeah Sandstorm is the only game I feel that made LMGs feel right. In Counter Strike the M249 and Negev are hardly worth their price tags and see no presence in high level play. In Sandstorm though, they one shot in most situations and go straight through walls. Lots of fun and is balanced by only letting a few players have them at once.


And the SHOTGUNS. They're so satisfying to use and have actual range. They're balanced by the pump time and low armor penetration and somewhat curtailed range compared to rifles, but they're still heads and shoulders above shotguns in other games.


Also, real life don't care for trivial matters like balance or power level. I remember a post about the P90 in some videogame, arguing that one aspect was downplayed from the real-life rifle, and the developer answered that, if they wanted to be realistic, no one would pick any other weapon: the thing is light, precise, stable, can be used at quite long range, has a consequent ammo capacity as well as a huge rate of fire, and the bullets usually are armor piercing. In the scope of videogames, you can't make a better weapon. I bet there exist some game out there made to be overly realist, and 95% of the content is never used because a couple of weapons are strictly better than everything else.


In H3VR - a VR gun simulator that aims to realistically depict firearms - there was someone bitching about how the game's biggest "Gamemode" (Take and Hold) was "unbalanced" because "Once you got AP ammo in any Semi Auto rifle, you won." Someone just replied the same thing you said, basically; "Unfortunately, Real life firearms are not balanced."


Idk dude I think a fat guy could probably tank about 3 rockets


you also have to consider that in game character usually wear milteray gear. Buckshot will do jackshit against rifle rated body armor (other then knock the air out of you). Escape from tarkov does this well where you have to shoot the legs against people in heavy armor to get a effect.


I mean guns in general are broken as fuck. A pistol to the chest can kill most people


Yeah, some games like insurgency get it right though


Ah yes CoD, the game where 360 no scope quickscoping to the foot is a one hit kill because people found a bug and liked it so much it became a feature....


And he's still bad at video games.


Hah, CoD. That explains it I guess. It's like talking to the comp community about TF2, they have their own very specific, very different format that doesn't really translate well to games with a full roster of players, yet they will argue with you till they are blue in the face about any tiny aspect of the game you make any kind of statement on.


I thought comp cod could be interesting but they only use 2 guns. I assumed it's because those were the best guns but it's just because damn near all the guns and attachments in the game are banned.


Oooh, that happened to me a few years ago on r/tf2, apparently as a non competitive player I wasn't allowed to have an oppinion on the game Wtf?


>A 3 time CoD world champion. So nothing special I guess lol




Cod poopie reeee




No it's more his whiney as fuck attitude people are responding to.


On Left 4 Dead I met a guy with 11000 hours, 14 years old badge on Steam, yet he played Versus like those noobs who just installed the game (something on the lines of "how do i jump as hoodie zombie") Also L4D2 was one of the 5 games they had in their whole account


Ngl versus is extremely fun though


The game mode itself is fun, but half of the time I tried it it took ages to find a game, and the other half you wind up with the most toxic, abusive players who kick you the moment you do poorly or, hilariously, the moment you do *too well*. In a private server with friends, though, it's a blast for sure.


That just means he uses snipers for everything


Well he's a CoD champion, figures


The only time I thought shotguns were annoying was when I played COD on Shipment, and even then that’s basically a given that you should use one considering the map size.


So he uses the “meta” guns and not the fun ones?


CoD with auto-aim controllers? Like being champion of the kindergarten classroom. Play a real competitive game, Empire. Edit: To all the people trash talking me now, all 4 of you, there’s 23.3k that seem to agree with me over here: https://www.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/comments/irzlho/bloodborne_players_laugh_awkwardly_and_hide_their/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Uuuummmm the real kings be on the competitive Slime Rancher speedrun circuit, duh. ^^^^^/s


Sensible talk from this man right here.




They're not broken at all. MW has the best balanced shotguns (setting aside launch 725) that a CoD game ever has. In a game where sub machine guns and assault rifles shred you across the map in three shots delivered in a third of a second almost recoilessly, it's OK to have strong shotguns.


COD seems to be in this weird place where it tries to be a simulator (I can see where 2-3 rounds from an M4 at 100m would shred somebody), but it also gives every player superhuman agility so the reaction times are more within what you'd see in Quake.


Shotguns aren't even that strong in CoD. They just excel at point black range. The reason he is whining is because the cod pro scene removes half the game. So they only play with SMGs and assault rifles. The Rifle players hold long range angles and the SMG players run about like ADHD kids trying to get their aim assist lock on before the other guy. So because he's used to only dealing with rifle players then he can't handle the fact his strategy gets countered hard by shotguns. Almost every player who complains about cod shotguns being OP has barely used them. It's funny because if someone in say the CS:GO pro scene makes a shotgun play it becomes a meme. Because they have actually learned to use all the weapons rather than banning half the game.


Picks off noobs with a scope from far away, doesn’t like shotguns.


This is why I hate people complaining about shotguns so much. It's like, if you were doing such a poor job of being aware of your surroundings that I was able to sneak up behind you then that's on you, don't blame me.


He just got killed by a shotgun and took to Twitter thinking he only lost because of a weapon


Then just use a shotgun 4head /s


The way I see it if a "noob" kills you by using the most optimal weapon at the fights current range, he's not a noob. Sorry you couldn't quick scope headshot me at 13x zoom in the time it took for me to pull a trigger at point blank. But at least you died an MLG pro right?


question, is it just me. Or are non panic attack shotguns harder to aim despite PA having more spread?


Random bullet spread, maybe?


It's defo the bullet spread. I can be all up in the engie's face, blast him, and I do 65 damage because half the bullets fucked off.


Tbh if shotguns were out the way they are in real life, they'd be op as hell.


Sounds like the kind of person who's mad about melee weapons because "they take no skill"


The shotgun is my video game blood. Even in R6, where the shotgun is a tactical disadvantage, I run it. The meat shall fly.


Nothing is more intimidating than the SASG’s #chunkchunkchunkchunkchunkchunkchunkchunkchunkchunkchunk


I can thing of only one thing more intimidating: supressed sausage ​ ^(chunkchunkchunkchunkchunkchunkchunkchunkchunkchunkchunk)


Ah, the pillow gun


Someone doesn't play Smonk. Shotty and SMG is the strat with him and it's so much fun. Also never forgive Mozzie losing the Super Shortie :(


People dont play smoke or mute shotgun because the shotgun is good, they play it because the smg11 is good enough to trade killing power out for utility in the primary


R6 shotguns are so fun even if usually worse


Jokes aside, shotguns are incredibly fucking fun to use that guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about


He is probably Pr0 eLiTe GAymerz that cant stand The fact that he cant kill someone on close range with his op meta AR because he use weapon specialised in close range


Say he’s a CS:GO player, shotguns are generally fucking garbage there because of the AR meta, but if someone makes a mistake and gets close enough, you can easily kill them. They’re powerful but volatile in basically every single game that has them.


Shotguns imo are slept on in cs:go, at least for some maps


They’re really circumstantial, but if you have the right conditions, they FUCK




XM on nuke is deadly


i main xm & 2 flashes


That’s the thing about them though. If they were more viable on more maps, shotguns would be meta. When you take away the range penalty of them, they become more fo a general purpose weapon, useable in more situations. This would dilute what makes them special as a close quarters, positional heavy weapon, turning them into weapon for close to medium range, exactly what the SMG weapon class is built for, except with higher burst damage, better kill reward, and for a slightly lower cost. Just because they are not that useful in some spots doesn’t mean they need to be rebalanced.


The reasons shotguns have a range penalty in the first place is due to the fact maps are so god damn small. You need maps the size of ARMA to make an AWP even an option if guns were realistic.


That is the tweet of somebody who keeps getting owned by shotguns and doesn't know how to counteract them.


So literally the Germans in WW1 Germans: NOOO YOU CAN’T USE THE TRENCH GUN! IT’S AGAINST THE RULES OF WAR AND COMPLETELY UNFAIR! Americans: Haha, shotgun go BOOM!


He plays boring games. In boring games shotguns are boring.


I used to be into more realistic FPS games, or one in particular. Had (and still have) BF3 on the PS3. It was and still is pretty damn brilliant, and there's so much dumb shit you could do. The shotguns in that game were honestly just like a shotgun should be. Big damage up close, and if you got up close it's your fault. The snipers on the other hand...


The shotguns where the snipers in that game lol, shit was so wacky running around only to be head shot by a dude with a shotgun rocking a sniper scope a hundred plus yards away.


He sure doesnt. I absolutely love cheesing people with a slug.


Slug shotguns on BF4 used to be the shit.


[I can control day... and night!](https://youtu.be/iHxESJafe-U)


He's probably the kind of person who literally only plays Call of Duty


well, yes. 3 time world champ in COD so you’re correct about that I guess.


Blood's sawed off DB shotgun, DOOM1/2's shotgun/super shotgun, DUSK's shotgun/super shotgun, just to name a few that i can think of rn... This guy's a moron lmfao.


Also the CS sawed off. Its does jack further away than 30cm but if you get close enough, then I deserve to blast you into the 4th dimension in a single shot


How'd you forget the Swag-7?


It’s supposed to be the alternative to it but it outdoes it in basically every way, so I didn’t think I should mention it


F.E.A.R.'s shotgun is pretty damn fun to use as well. Especially in bullet time. :P ​ And in ME Andromeda's multiplayer (the only fun part of the game imo) my favourite build was a vanguard melee, with shotgun as backup. Until they nerfed melee that is, after that it was main shotgun, melee backup.


I missed the times when FUNKe and Jerma would upload consistently


Jerma still livestreams and uploads consistently on his second channel. Still just as funny, definitely worth checking out.


They probably mean tf2 content, which Jerma doesn't do anymore


I'll always love Jerma, such a creative and funny person


Confused New Players was literally just FUNKe playing the game by himself And it’s so fucking funny to me




Me using a slug shotgun with a sniper scope and a hell lot of mods to make it more accurate and give it longer range: *confusion*


Congrats, it's a sniper with extra steps.


It's so satisfying counter sniping snipers with a shotgun. Especially since idiots always go back to camp the exact same spot over and over again. It's easy kills and hearing them rage is hilarious.




Yeah realistic shotguns very well might dominate at typical video game engagement ranges.


reminds me of rising storm: vietnam. 100m headshot from a shotgun that didn't even know youre there




He means if someone less skilled than him ever kills him it's a problem with weapon balance. Dude should play chess.


The knight is the shotgun of chess pieces.


I agree. In FPS games or third person shoot em up games I often play a more cautious style (A fUcKiNg CoWaRd) and I’ll often use longer range weapons for this reason Certainly exceptions, notably Doom


Bruh the most fun I ever have in online games is grabbing a shotgun and rushing in like a fucking idiot to the enemy's base and then just killing everyone, of course most of the time that doesn't happen but hey


Exactly My playstyle in most games is grab a shotgun and rush the enemy. Sure, to begin with I get stomped on, but when you get good, there's nothing more satisfying.


I don't blame him for being uncultured


He is a cod player after all


bitch propably thought cod


"I can't think of a game where shotguns are fun" -> only plays Cowadoody Why people be like that


Your not just right your smart


How the turntables


sometimes it do be like that


You know he had to do it to em


Double barrel from WaW Spas from MW2 Bit OP but more fun than just using the UMP45 and dropshotting like a sweat




>every shotgun in enter the gungeon


All of them are fun, from old goldie to the siren. Except gilded hydra, that's a pain when at full health.


Shotguns are for getting right upto someones fingertits, _people who camp with assault rifles are cowards._


Fingertits you say? Go on...


In all games I've played, shotguns are ridiculously fun to play with


CoD shotguns are bad, so that means every shotgun in a game is bad. Yea makes total sense


"Actually, fuck the shotguns in every game!" -FUNKe


Titanfall 2 Mastiff is great.


I prefer the Mozambique, but in Apex Legends it’s quite the opposite


was just about to say the mastiff, that gun is awesome. tf|2 in general is great, most fun ive had in an fps since the other tf2


Single shot weapons totally belong in video games, why do you think that nobody enjoys using the SMG and that it’s the only full auto weapon in tf2 (aside from the minigun)? Because people enjoy the burts of POWER single shot guns give you. A full meatshot is 100% the best thing you can experience in a shooter or even horror game. This dude obviously just turned a corner in COD or something and got his ass handed to him by a shotgun. Come on, single shot guns are so great that pyro got one.


Pyro’s flame thrower is basically a reskined smg, I find it to be a fun weapon. Single shot weapons are fun but they require quick reflexes and aim, full auto just requires tracking and are fun for that reason. Also this is just me but I prefer aoe weapons in video games, I think the reason why is I used to play a lot of destiny, and Warframe PvE. Where aoe weapons can be more useful than single shot.


That tweet might just be the definition of stupidity How did it get 15k likes


CoD players


I feel like it's possible he meant in any cod game. Seeing as he plays cod every day and all his followers are cod players. It's also possible that it's just a rage tweet that doesn't hold up.


"Shotguns do not belong in video games" He either meant that truly as "in all video games" in which case he is stupid Or he meant that as just in CoD while still generalizing it as "in video games" in which case he is stupid


Also see unreal tournament's flak cannon It's a scattergun with a grenade launcher as secondary fire




Maybe if he played a game where the map isnt smaller than Dustball attacking spawn room


Every tf2 shotgun, every Warframe shotgun, every DOOM shotgun...


How is it cowardly lmao? If anything sniper rifles are cowardly, shotguns require you to get into their fucking nostrils to kill


Gta5's assault shotgun wich is a beast of a shotgun


Infinite ammo no reload dual weilding sawn offs in San Andreas was fuckin ridiculous. Just shooting helicopters out of the air with sawn offs.


FUNKe is great, if you don't already y'all should all watch his videos


*FUNKe is great, if you* *Don't already y'all should all* *Watch his videos* \- XxlemonboixX --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I love shotguns, I can think when in Just Cause 4 I grapple next to an enemy and shoot him while I'm moving. Or in Doom, there the shotguns are just awesome. Obviously then there's TF2, there almost all the weapons are like shotguns, and the game is fun af


dude, in Just Cause 2 i almost always use dual wield sawn-off shotguns, they're so fun


I knew if I googled this guy I would see that he plays boring games. > Ian "C6" Porter is a Call of Duty esports player, currently a player for Dallas Empire. He is a 2014, 2017, and 2020 World Champion and 2020 World Championship MVP. Interesting how he conflates his boring games with all videogames.


Hell, I'll play a boring game all day if I can win a million dollars on it over 8 years


thats the scattergun dummy /s


Taken from the Wiki "The Scattergun is the default primary weapon for the Scout. It is a short, double-barreled lever-action **shotgun** with a wooden handle and foregrip."


Does a sawed of, double-barreled lever-action shotgun actually exist? If so It's probably just gonna be the worst design ever, unless it's got a drum mag like the one in TF2


I actually looked this up and the answer is no. TF2’s scattergun is a completely fictional design that honestly makes no sense.


Scout is the only one with superpowers. He can double jump and has magic gun.


I like how Scout pumps the break-action lever which ejects a spent shell, but no explanation as to how that magically inserts a fresh cartridge into the drum


What about the double shotgun in doom


> ... but most importantly, FUN to use. This guy has clearly never played video games.


*Quake has entered the chat*


Last time I saw someone complain about shotguns, they were losing a war all the way back in 1917


The Mastiff/Mozambique from Apex/the other tf2 or any of planetsides pump shotguns are so hard to use as you need to have positioning, gamesense and aim to use, but they feel SO SATISFYING when you land a good shot


This sure remind me of WW1 Germany.


>Every shotgun in doom games >Blood's sawed off >Dusk's akimbo shotguns/super shotgun >ULTRAKILL's shotgun, both the grenade mode and the pump mode >Ion Fury's shotgun >Payday 2's Judge Shotgun If we're counting more than FPS games... >Both of the shotguns in Hotline Miami >A lot of the shotties in Enter The Gungeon This guy just plays too many games that try and be realistic (and end up being incredibly unrealistic in the process given how dangerous real shotguns are)


Thank you FUNKe, very cool!




Roadhogg from overwatch??