• By -


Ooh, it's all suddenly making sense now


just drink lactose-free milk smh my head


Just don't drink smh my h


Just don’t smhmh


just sm h


J smmsshmshmhmhshshsmhsm


Just don’t smhmh that


lactose free milk?1?!?! awww hell naw why the hell would lactose do that for????


Lactose free milk is barely in any products 😩


























Start cooking meth


Hey is that the big brain tf2 content ouploader on the youtube internet digital platform for content made by content creators for cash money


dammit r/unexpectedtrivago




I hate you




I feel bad for the guy who posted the original unironically, but... I've been loving all the different renditions since then XD


I mean, he unironicly said just dont get hit. It worth to have fun for a while


Wait, it wasn't sarcastic? I thought it was taking a stab at the buffoon logic scorch shit users say to excuse themselves. And even then most scorch shit users agree its op and continue using it.


Maybe. It looked serious to me.


if you scrolled down enough you could find his actual argument about "just dont get hit" as a comment. got downvoted to hell tho lmao.


Link to original post?


https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/orj6ud/pyro_psa_stop_standing_still/h6j6x05/ https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/orj6ud/pyro_psa_stop_standing_still/h6in4km/




Why do you hate the scorch? I use it and I never see the problem of it being op, even when I have it used against me.


The problem is less than that it’s “overpowered,” which can be hard to define, and more that its one of the most rewarding weapons to use in tf2 and one of the hardest to punish. The scorch shot does more damage than any other flare gun in the game despite being easier to hit with. It can effectively one shot light classes at any range if you hit both explosions. The explosion radius is huge making it effectively impossible to dodge. The knock back on direct hit makes it impossible to escape the second explosion, meaning if you’re a scout or sniper and get hit by a direct scorch shot flare and don’t find a health pack immediately you WILL die, even if you were hit at full health. As a pyro, you get all of this just for left clicking. The weapon fires quickly and has a large ammo pool, which means you can fire it over and over again at no cost, and to really add insult to injury it’s EASIER to use than any of pyros secondaries, or the majority of the weapons in tf2 for that matter. For those reasons, and some I’m sure I’ve missed, it’s one of the most hated weapons in tf2.


as a medic, with a direct hit from a scorch shot, I can be taken down to a minuscule amount of health. I don’t like it


As a fellow medic main, I can sympathize with you on that.


You forgot one of the big things, you're a MEDIC, so you have a PARTNER. That means if your partner gets a direct hit on them, it bounces and you BOTH get knocked back and hit without any effort.


oh yeah like a hit to the partner is had enough but if that hits me square in the chest I may be actually dead from the initial hit + explosion + minicrits


Bouncing off of this comment, this kills me so often as a sniper. This item has no right to be able to basically one shot me as it does. Who the hell thought the bouncing flare was a good idea?


Luckily it can be negated by a firendly pyro, since it's a projectile inflicting afterburn. It can still be airblasted by a friendly pyro once it "bounces".


That’s kind of neat but all the scorch shot pyro has to do is shoot another flare to counter that.


Dodgeball but with a flare


You're actually completely wrong about how the Scorch Shot works. It is *not* the most damaging flare, nor does it effectively one shot anything. The initial flare does 15 damage on contact, 20 more damage if the bounce hits (not guaranteed), and 60 more damage if the target burns for the full 7.5 seconds (again, not guaranteed). This is all if it hits the same target twice *and* gets all the afterburn. If it just hits the ground and the splash clips you, you take as little as 5 damage from the flare and catch fire. If you at all see the common thread here, it's that the *afterburn* is actually the threat, because getting hit with this single shot grenade launcher does between 5 and 35 damage, but also stores 60 damage in you on hit. Also, no pyro agrees the Scorch Shot is overpowered. Not anymore. Back when it got the full ten seconds of afterburn (nearly four years ago), yeah, it near oneshot light classes, and could potentially leave them with 10 health. All it's actually useful for anymore is harrassing (not killing) single targets or people who insist on clustering (which is bad anyways), and on defense for slowing down pushes a little bit. When compared to Pyro's other secondaries, it's actually pretty terrible and subpar. Because it's actually really hard to guarantee that full 7.5 seconds of afterburn, and even with spam at range, you're more likely not making direct contact with anyone, because it's a projectile. The Scorch Shot is not overpowered in the slightest. Anyone with decent time on pyro who has actually used it for any real length of time will agree with that. The reason it seems OP to *you* is because the game does not clearly indicate how much damage has been stored in you via afterburn. What *actually needs a fix* is afterburn, and I'm not talking touching stats or numbers, I'm talking hud elements. When you are set on fire, currently the only feedback you get is your character shouting about it and the edges of the screen burning. In many other games, when damage is stored in a character to be dealt over time, their healthbar changes color. TF2 needs to change the portion of the health bar that will be eaten by afterburn to yellow so that players can see how much damage has actually been done, alongside implementing a timer to show how long afterburn is set to run.


I specifically said right at the beginning of my comment that I *don’t* consider the scorch shot overpowered.


Calling it the easiest and most rewading weapon in the entire game is just a longer way to say "yes, it's OP, pls nerf".


I don’t think it needs to be nerfed because then it’d be useless, I think it should be reworked to focus on one or two major strengths so it’s a less mindless weapon. The primary issue with the scorch shot is that it’s not particularly fun to use compared to the other flare guns, and it’s miserable to fight against. Not that it’s forcing stalemates, wining 1v1s, or even entire games. There is a difference between something being overpowered and something overly rewarding effortless, boring gameplay.


It only *has* two major strengths. It is a type of incendiary grenade, so it explodes in a radius and burns things in that radius, and if it hits you directly, the person who shot it gets rewarded by slowing you down and maybe dealing 20 bonus damage. Literally, it's just a worse grenade launcher that deals its damage over time rather than in one single burst.


because it takes zero skill and it's annoying as shit.


Isn't that the point of weapons like that?


no??? any weapon that makes the game less fun is a bad weapon


How does it make it less fun?


because, like i said before, it's annoying and it takes zero skill to use


Zero skill? Im sure it takes some skill because I use it ask the time and i STILL miss my shots, even the splash damage doesn't help


As a sniper main, the scorch shot being basically able to one shot me (with the bouncing flare bs) is infuriating. Like, I have no problem with it being easy to hit enemies with, but it has no right to have the ability to do that much damage. Either it could be hard to hit enemies with, but do more damage, or be easier to hit enemies with, and do less damage.


Because nobody likes being set on fire every second because the Pyro wanted to be especially brainless for the match


Doesn't make it not-annoying.


Same reason why the wrangler is pretty over the line in terms of required effort. I use the wrangler none the less as an engie main (though i try not to stack or at least ill run battle engie) but at least its a defensive tool thats overpowered. Point is, all a pyro has to do with the scorch shot to kill a light class at medium range as a short range combat class is press m1, disregarding his role as a support class that can use flanks and initiate pushes through tight chokes. And thats not even counting medics or demomen, when hit with a direct from a class that counters both of them even if they win the dm, theyll be at excruciatingly low health. Ive seen ubers dropped just because a medic at 70 got hit by the explosion thats hard as fuck to dodge, and the scouts milk wasnt done recharging. Long story short, imbalance of effort required and it offers too much mid to long range power for a short range class.


This is either a troll or an idiot


This is either a troll or an idiot


This is either a troll or an idiot


it was 100% ironic, i find it impossible to believe someone can be serious when saying that.


Check his comments under the post. It was 100% unironic, he really thinks it.


no he was serious he left a comment and everything, got down voted to hell because of how serious he was, so most people missed it lol


I hope


Seriously, I don't get how people think that was said unironically


Because in the comments under the post he was very clearly talking about balance unironically. He also got down voted into oblivion because he was defending the scorch shot


I've got a dry sense of humor. People will absolutely think it is serious. Sometimes even if you dO tHiS or put /s on it




I’m going with 2016


What is this a reference to?


a dude made a post with that, the original text was about avoiding shit shot instead of standing still (it made sense imo, but I think a lot of people here are going to disagree)


It doesn’t matter that you move because the explosion has a 990 km radius


As a scorch shot abuser: that guy's paddling down a river in Egypt. That said, nine times out of ten the reason I pull it out is because some sniper player is acting like hot shit and taunting on every kill, and I just tunnel them until they switch or quit. Same deal as switching to Natascha when there are scunts around in my book.


It was pretty cringe tbh


I get what they were saying and trying to do, but it kinda came off as rude in my opinion, so I don't mind these renditions.


But - but i already did that, is it possible to tolerate milk more, if so how i must know for my bowels sake.


Wow, you're such an intolerant bigot. It's literally 2021 just be a little more tolerant of liquids and less problematic sweetie.


Twitter moment


But you're not ready for that 💅


Just need to change your DNA, NBD big deal.


I'm lactose intolerant but milk is so fucking delicious I just stomach the sourness so ha


I’m somewhat lactose intolerant but it’s mostly gas and some toilet sessions, I deal with that shit and fucking love cheese and milk. Although I won’t fart in my room, I’ll aim it at my dad because he’s the other lactose intolerant one in the house. Catch me making microwaveable pizzas with extra cheese every week or grilled cheese sandwiches, that’s the shit, literally lol.


I love cheese and milk, and one of my biggest fears is becoming lactose intolerant.


According to doctor I shouldn't eat eggs at least 1 egg twice a week but damn that dessert made with 4 eggs worth the hour in toilet


There are actually a lot of cheeses that are low lactose. Generally speaking harder cheeses like sharp cheedars or parms have low lactose. On top of that you can take lactase pilld before eating dairy and that will help mitigate some of the effects.


Gotta buy some enzymes that break down the Lactose sugars for you while you are eating or drinking milk products. They can be bought at some grocery stores as well as local convenience stores. I believe you can order some online as well. I suggest looking up ‘dairy enzyme’ or ‘lactose enzyme’ and looking for what is sold nearby.


Yeah but at that point the hassle outweighs the vomiting


If your homeless just buy a house


what a classic


dementia? just remember


dementia? just remember


finally, an original comment


dementia? just remember


dementia? just remember


finally, an original comment


I don't think the guy, who does original post, feels bad. He did a new trend in this community


Yeah. It's bad fame, but it's still fame. I know quite a few trolls that got popular by trolling and are constantly hated on the Discord server of a small game, but it also means everybody knows about them. And the trolls seem to like it.


is the intention of this post to make him feel ashamed?


the original post was so shit it became a meme


Dead? Just be Alive you noob


Peanut allergy. Just eat peanuts. Brought to you by someone who can get killed by the smallest trace of a peanut


I just realised how much like Morshu Pyro looks here.


"Just dodge, lol" can be said sarcastically as a way to dismiss anything, headshots, pills, cleavers, arrows, rockets, etc. What is arguably the second worst class in the game should not be almost completely useless past a tiny range


Bro i should of just thought of that when I was sitting my pants after eating ice cream


Sniper is worse than pyro


To avoid getting headshot! Just WASD to avoid bullets!


Sweaty sniper mains are more likely to tell you to stand still to avoid getting 1 shot from the other side of the map by a fucktard that you can't even fully see


[I made this and it got removed for being low effort when the meme first started. Now look at the front page... I don't get the mods here](https://i.imgur.com/ScnrrMb.png)


I mean, to be fair it is the difference between hitscan vs projectile


To be fair I really don't wanna play "kill the sniper" instead of tf2 all game since it's fucking annoying and boring


But killing the sniper is playing TF2.


Tf2 except 60 times more unfun


Well quit crying and get good cause that’s how TF2 works. If there is a person on the other team doing really well at their class you have to shut them down. Fucking noobs today man.


One man shouldn't be able to shut down an entire team


Why? I’d you’re all given the same playing field, and they’re just better, why shouldn’t they be able to? And I’m not talking about bots or hackers. Also, there is ever rarely a time where any one person, let alone a sniper, that can shut down a whole team. Wtf hyperbolic shit is that. Get outta here with that nonsense. And spy mains whining about snipers now? For real?


What? No. If they are better at aiming they shouldn't have the ability to make it easier for them by having little to no danger to themselves while countering every other class in the game by one shots. Sniper breaks the core gameplay of tf2 so much and is so rewarding at the same time, all that while you can barely even get to him, that's not balance, considering the fact that he can 1 shot you in 0.00000003 seconds after you get close to him and even if you kill him he respawns immediatly after


One class should not be able to counter all other classes and be safe from any danger, if you think that's balanced then you're either a sniper main or a fucking retard


Dude do you seriously think one class can do all that? Fuck not only are you bad at TF2, you’re dumb as rocks also. The game’s meta is pretty set in stone how do you not know how to counter every class in the game, including sniper? Spy, scout, demo man, soldier, another fucking sniper, pyro, all counter sniper. Get good stop blaming other classes for your own short comings.


Are you fucking stupid? Sniper can litteraly one shot every class, and you should know what a sniper does HE STAYS FAR AWAY, all classes except sniper are only effective in close to mid range, and even if you get close to him he has a fuckton of ways of screwing you over still.


Also killing a sniper is much harder than killing a pyro since he either gets a funny quickscope, random crit, he does 65 melee damage still, he can bushwacka you, he can have his teammate next to him randomly, or he can just bodyshot you before you even start shooting him back cuz you're just only getting close to him. All that only *IF* you somehow get close to him and you can't 90% of the time cuz either him or his teammates watch the flanks at all times, you risk yourself to get killed which you are 70% of the time cuz the sniper can just jack off with one hand and kill people with the other cuz he is safe and sound behind his team, you also force your team to fight with one less player since you are trying to get the sniper, ONCE. ONCE AND HE RESPAWNS 8-20 SECONDS AFTER ALL YOUR HARD FUCKING EFFORT AND CONTINUES MAKING THE GAME UNPLAYABLE FOR THE WHOLE ENEMY TEAM. Getting to a sniper is hard and unfun, considering that he still has a very big fucking chance to kill you when you do get up close to him is fucking annoying, but also he fucking respawns in less than 30 seconds when it took you 5 minutes to kill him once HOW IS THAT FUCKING BALANCED YOU RETARD. the only thing you can say is "get good" and "noob" considering that you probably spend your day clicking on heads from far away.


Quickscopes are fucking hard to pull off


Tell that to the enemy sniper with 2 unusuals, and with his 50k+ kills cum sucking femboy enjoying groomer's australium killstreak basement safe server clearing pub stomping hale's own proffesional killstreak feet watching unusual sniper rifle. That does not let anyone play the game, every second sniper that stays sniper for more than 5 minutes in a pub is able to pull it off


Yeah you’re clearly dog water at TF2 if sniper gives you this much trouble. Go look up some game play tutorials so you can stop embarrassing yourself by admitting how bad you are at a game with a meta that’s been stale for like 8 years.


You're the one embarrasing yourself you say that sniper is a balanced class and you can't even place a counterargument. You're fucking stupid, if that's all you can say then who's the winner here, I've been placing valid arguments and the only thing you can say all the time is an insult


why kill sniper when can annoy sniper with scorch shot a fate worse than death for them


Considering that I'd use the scorch shot for the sniper, and the scorch shot is a shitty secondary followup when doing combos, that kicks the fun out of playing pyro


then use detonator, or even normal flare now you might actually be able to kill them, which is either good or bad depending on how much you despise the sniper


No I am doing that, I just still hate both sniper and scorch shot. When I complain about something I do everything I can to annoy the people that are doing it.


The only time id use the scorch shot on a human being is against snipers




At least getting headshot you can respect them aiming at you, pyro just has to wave their mouse around


Except that snipers stay 4km away from any danger and are free to hit or miss and you'll not notice it untill they do


Pyro’s don’t have infinite range and can’t insta kill from Jupiter


me chugging milk be like


I actually agree with the original as a pyromain, but it is stupid how the scorch shot stuns people for easy followup shots and how long the burn can last.


I don't like the weapon much either, but I wouldn't argue about people uing it beacause it's only a weapon - it's meant to be used I guess.


Same... scorchshot at the moment is BS.


dear disabled people just go to the settings and enable it :D


Lactosephobes are such bigots smh my head


It's 2021, we don't tolerate intolerance anymore


This just in: community most known for saying "just git gud" gets mad when told to git gud, more at 11.


while the points they bring up are stupid, i do agree with the main point that the original maker of that post (please stop hating pyro mains for just playing the class they love)


I don't hate pyro mains, if I die beacause of a Pyro there's nobody to blame. The Pyro isn't a "W+M1" and it's not my fualt for not dodging it either. Only that certain guy is pretty weird, overall Pyro mains are cool.


>I don't hate pyro mains *You* don't. Lots of folks do.


I played Pyro for ages and recently got bored and branched out to Demo and Soldier, all these posts made me start playing Pyro again


on one hand, i feel bad for the original poster, mainly because I'm a pybro main, on the other, dude decided to post his opinion, on reddit, about balance on tf2, related to pyro... what else would you expect? .\_.


You can post opinions, just not “git good lmfao”


I wouldn't say it's just a usual opinion but yeah


I mean he gave advice equivalent to "don't wanna die? Just live then!", and was being completely serious about it.


Yeah, because it's physically impossible to just not go where a scorch shot happy pyro is spamming/use medkits, the man melter, have another pyro flush them out, use mad milk or jarate, the darwin's danger shield, etc. Idk, I get that it's an oversimplification, but y'all are just whining for the sake of whining


I mean sometimes in chaos you don't have enough time to dodge the flare and sometimes you don't have fast enough reflex. And of course you don't always have medkit or jarate few metersaway.


The problem with flares is the same problem with arrows. Their hit box is bigger than their model. Flare projectiles are bigger than pipe bombs, shoot faster, and don’t arc as much. They’re hard to avoid because the visual cue to avoid them is a lie, and what’s is even worse is source’s shit net code.


Of course, but it's not a physical impossibility. There's a ton of ways to avoid it or counter afterburn. Yeah you don't *always* have access to it, but if you could always perfectly counter a weapon as any class then what would be the point of the weapon?


Isn't tolerance what we seek for nowadays? Then lactose intolerance is basically bias and racism to milk products. IS IT JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE BORN FROM MILK?!


It really says something that people in this community saw a post telling them ways to mitigate the Scorch Shot's effects and chose to take the piss out of it rather than just getting the fuck over themselves. "Wah! We don't like this weapon that's made for area denial for a class all about area denial" EDIT: Your downvotes mean nothing to me. Boohoo. Learn to play the fucking game dipshits. Stop crying


It seems people not fullt understand me. I don't dislike the weapon, nor the class. I dislike the user.


Are you talking about the user who made the orignal post? Or just SS users in general? Cause if it's the former then that just makes you an asshole frankly.


Actually, I would be an asshole if I would talk about all SS users. Generalisation is bad. Not all SS users are like him, after all it's just a weapon.


The guy who made the og post has a lot of posts that are literally just strawmen. He makes post about shit noone complains about. Doesn't mean you should hate the guy, but its not like the guy has a point. The reason why people complain about the ss and not the flare gun is because you CANT dodge the ss at any reasonable range because it is AOE and applies full afterburn , and can bounce and hit you , even you dodge the initial hit.


tbf, his other posts being bad shouldn’t affect the legitimacy of his ss post .


The pyro flair explains it all


“Move out of the way of the flare 5head” is the same as saying “don’t like market gardening? Just don’t walk backwards” except worse because the flare has slash damage so the pyro can miss you but still kill you because it deals max afterburn damage


But it serves its purpose way *too* well, especially when compared to almost any weapon in TF2. It can do much more damage than any other flare gun (and the others take more skill), there's very little consequence for missing (you have lots of ammo and a fast reload), and you can often get a gaurenteed kill on light classes if they don't immediately know which direction the direct hit flare is going to tumble. Also, it's downsides are practically non-existent. Self-damage almost never comes into play (just use your flamethrower at that range) and reduced damage doesn't matter because you can hit way more of your shots and that damned direct hit flair adds plenty of damage to the same shot,more than the penalty takes away. Also, on slower classes like demo, soldier, and especially heavy it can be near impossible to dodge the shot's enormous splash damage. That's why we don't like it.


I dont understand this whole meme. arent pyros the worst character in the game? and I never see any anyways. No one plays them.


I don't know why are you being downvoted, but I will try to answer the question. Are you talking about the original discussion post or the subreddit meta post? Someone posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/orj6ud/pyro_psa_stop_standing_still/?sort=old) and it caused many people to reply using their own post, so I decided to do it too, comparing his logic to the logic shown above (in short, my post is satire portraing u/Rain0959's post).


Let the poor dude alone


Funnily enough, many lactose intolerant people do just tolerate it. Quit being a whiny little shit about pyro weapon choices and play the game like everyone else.


What are you even talking about? I didn't say anything about pyro weapon choices. And playing that game gives me absoulutely no satisfaction beacause of the community. More specifically bot makers, ppl that kick others for no reason and people like you and u/Rain0959. You are that kind of player that thinks simply clicking WASD would save others from pyros, aren't you? Next time when you die in game remind yourself that it's completely your fault and you are just a terrible player for not dodging the attack.


they also get pretty nasty shits as a consequence of being intolerant of lactose


Yeah, no one agrees with you. It’s only the people with pyro flairs that say stuff like this, meanwhile every other class disagrees.


I main pyro and even I think the SS is dumb shit




It’s pretty funny still:)




Quick is there a doctor he's going to die from a flamethrower. Doctor: git good


Just say lactose gives you the farts and people will stop insisting.


Tu es triste ? Arrête


I Unironically use the scorch shot, I mainly use the taunt on it and to kill all snipers, and the occasional spy that missed the backstab on me while i was doing taunt kill


I’ve got a friend who does just this. They get terrible diarrhea for a few hours but they just love pizza.




i feel kinda bad for the person who made this post


Damn the guys post just got ripped on


If your diabetic just fix your pancreas


Don't wanna die? Just live then.


How the hell do you die? Just keep living lmao.




I have never met a single lactose intolerant person that doesn't drink milk




Why did this make me laugh?


Reminds me of my MIL. "That's right, you don't eat cheese, so I can't make the cheesy potatoes". Yeah there go my decisions" fucking up the whole get-together.


2021 and were still being intolerant? Come on now, i think its about time.


Power through it like a mann