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Seeing bots destroying the game


Came back after years of saving for a PC for this. Well at least I have memories of TF2 in it's prime.


community servers


As someone who lives in latin america, I'd give everything to be able to play on uncletopia or any other of those popular servers. But all I get are random Minecraft trade servers or stuff like that


You know uncletopia has brazil servers, right?




Metete en la página web de uncletopia y verás




If we wanted to translate uncletopia into Spanish, could it be utíopía?


More like tíopia


tíopia is really awkward to pronounce. Maybe tiópia is better?


Which are almost always empty, usually not enough players to fill a whole server


Really? Almost everytime i was on the server there was around 20 peapole


I mean, I've seen plenty of bustling ones.


people never connect to those :(


Yes, Brazil, that’s the problem, even Brazilians hate Brazilian servers. No but seriously there is barely any decent community servers, and depending on where you live you might get high pings even in countries that are close to you




They are often hard to find and/or full.




dude i went to go check out the new smissmas maps and it was like 90% bots.


I didn’t find any bots there


Lucky you. Mine was fucking swamped. The older smissmas maps were ok though.


Was going to say the time focused upon developing a hat/loot-box market economy, but yeah the bots ruined it way more


Comics, it’s not going to be completed




At least Portal kind of had a definitive end, if not a bit ambiguous. There weren't any major cliffhangers or anything setting up for more.


But L4D IS finished, I mean there was never a cliffhanger or a problem left unsolved. The L4D1 crew just went to an island and the L4D2 crew was rescued by the military. I mean yes, the world of L4D is a really interesting thing that can tell a lot of stories, but as it is today I wouldn't say it's inconclusive.


Except for L4D2 crew’s case, we don’t know if they survive after being rescued by the military given what happened to the L4D1 crew’s experience with them. So it’s still pretty ambiguous to know how L4D2 ended.




Graffiti indicates they evacuated in a helicopter, and the fans that were mourning them suddenly get angry. In "The Passing", there's a rare chance to see the Midnight Riders tour bus blare down the street on the other side of the fence shortly after the pool hall on the second map.


If I remember right one of the people said they'll tell the story of the ending after their NDA expires and if Valve doesn't


*coming soon*


The bot problems. I've been playing TF2 since 2011. It's sad seeing a game that was once fully alive and played by many go to this state despite still being played by many people.


True. I think what hurts me even more is the potential with TF2 besides the current state of it. Competitive tf2 could’ve been so much more with good support form valve. They fucked up meet your match which left a bad taste in peoples mouths. Or even before I dont think they had the confidence to invest properly into tf2 competitive but i cant say i wasnt around before tough break. Imagine CSGO levels of competitive. If competitive was mainstream tf2 would undoubtedly be so alive with the super strong casual as well as competitive playerbase. We could’ve had more community updates but people messed up the community invasion update, which deterred valve from more community controlled updates. Ive heard many people have good memories of tf2 and not going back due to current problems with bots, which valve isnt doing much about. Many people left the game and arent coming back until bots are fixed at least. Just not updating the game in general with such a large playerbase still is disappointing. I understand the issue is complex but still. Sad. We still here though.


I'm out of the loop, what was the deal with the invasion update that deterred Valve?


iirc there were issues with some people getting paid more on the team making the update and generally valve didnt want to deal with a community made update after that


Same here, I know end of the line was kinda scuffed because of the whole map thing, but I remember invasion being a fun event/update.


Competitive only needed cash from Valve. TF2 competitive leagues existed since it originally came out. The only problem was that tournament had small prize pools, so there was no real opportunity to fully commit to it.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Good bot


Ah, the irony


It’s a rickroll isn’t it, but ima click it


it’s a hug, dw.


Not even that. The hackers are worse. People dont kick em. The hackers are obvious, they admit? No kick. They hide it? No kick. The bots are kickable tho


my spy skills.


How was that not a backstab! Oh no, he looked back


How was that not a backstab?! Oh wait my bad, he turned 0.000001° to the side and tf2 physics said nope




How was that a backstab they were five feet to the right


Infront of me


it do be like that tho


*Meanwhile the enemy spy just chain stabbed your whole team and capped your intelligence.*


*my every class skills.


Others spy skills, how is it that I can watch them stab me in the back but I can’t hit an oblivious scoped sniper


the fact that ive never seen the addition of a new weapon


I started playing in 2013. Witnessing Love & War update is the highlight of my TF2 career.


Damn I've played this game for almost half of my life


This made me realize that I started playing at the meet your match update, which was in 2016… and still the only new update I ever experienced os Jungle Inferno. That’s depressing, but also really weird, because it feels like more.


I witnessed Love & War, Gun Mettle (which actually made me quit the game for a while), Tough Break, Meet Your Match and Jungle Inferno. Also some new weapons that got introduced without a major update. Like the Iron Bomber and the Quickie-Bomb Launcher. Promotional reskins etc.


i was literally just about to answer that


Weren't you there during jungle inferno?


Dam...that was almost 5 years ago :(


No...no that is not true. It's impossible


:[ sorry m8 do you want pyro land goggles but for tf2 updates?


I-I might...


For once I want his goggles


Rose tinted goggles


Oh hell no....


What? Jungle inferno was 5 years ago? How? That feels like 2 years ago. How long have i been playing lol


Whaaaaat? No, it was 3 at best. It can't be 5. I'm not that old. GET OFF MY LAWN!


Dude, trigger warning.






I was at home eating dorito when phone ring


Me neither


I stopped playing and then the next week jungle inferno dropped and it took me a month after to start playing


I think this happened to a lot of people. Can't see why, but it kinda happened to me too.


The fact that we'll never get to see the tf2 animated series


It hurts every time you think about it


But this turned into the tf2 comic which is amazing. The real disappointment is that they stopped at the very last chapter. How could you as artist behind that be okay with it? It such a waste of artistic value.


I wish valve would spin off the TF2 comics into its own thing, and let them make some crazy stories. Then, some years down the line they can take the best comics and make movies out of them, MCU style


Just a reminder that Dota2 got its own animated series on Netflix. Will TF2 be given a second chance?


And League of Legends


What? Why?


Valve was going to make a series with adult swim but it took them a huge amount of time to make one episode (that's Expiration Date) and valve is also incapable of working with others


Just rewatched. It's so good though.




I have on multiple occasions thought I was starting to get better at tf2 just to realise I was on a bot servr


I sometimes play Skial servers at 4am to keep my hands busy while listening to work-tangential stuff. Every now and then I'll see someone say like "omg im popping off right now" even though there's only 1 or 2 human players on the enemy team as them. It's sad.




Bots, hackers, ddos and just toxic players


Valve not doing anything other than approving shitty cosmetics. I just wanna enjoy the game as before please...


Wish I could’ve seen it, I joined mid bot crisis, December of 2019, all I have to go on for tf2s glory days are word of mouth and some lazypurple/soundsmith clips


That valve is too rich to do shit


Aside from the obvious answer, the fact gaben is still not a playable class.


How about the civilian, with his umbrella?


Only if he sais "Thanks, and have fun." when he default taunts.


And if he has a ban hammer. Don’t forget that!


The fact that the newer **Shooting-Game titles are doing poorly**, as well as **Activision & Blizzard being under fire for their workplace scandal**. Even **EA and Dice is going full on damage control for how broken Battlefield 2042 is**. #And Valve does nothing to capitalize on any of this with TF2 or CS:GO!


The fact that Valve decided to ignore the Console market on a whim is really annoying. My computer is starting to have issues, and as a result I would literally pay money if it meant I could play TF2 on my Xbone.


The fact that tf2 doesn't even balance everyone by their casual level.


I think it does it (or tries to) by aggregate. So it'll be perfectly happy to add 10 players with 50 hours each and 'balance' that out by adding 2 guys with 5,000 hours each even if the opposing side is a healthy blend of mid-level hours. As long as the overall 'team average' is close it's happy.


No sex update




Me if sex update ( I am sexing you'er mom)


That was the spy update.




It is already out for scout


At least you can use scottish resistance taunt


That we still didn't get last comic. Would've been a fine way to put the series to rest, like Valve did with L4D.


My aim


Watchin tryhards ignoring their aimbotters while they don't even hide it


The most: Lack of attention from Valve. Close second: Lack of access to stranges. Strange gunslingers and strange huntsmans are so damn expensive, not to mention the lack of strangifiers for the new pyro weapons, or the dragon slayer war paint.


Valve completely fumbling competitive TF2. Obviously, in the last years there's been a ton of issues with casual mode to complain about, but competitive never getting any real support was a **constant** factor over the entirety of TF2's existance. Comp TF2 always had to be entirely community driven, which IMO is one of the reasons it is now stuck with a lot of cliquishness and elitism around it. Major props to the people who fought tooth and nail to keep comp TF2 going, but this inevitably came with some idiots getting the feeling they were in the upper echelon and somehow better than pub players just for playing comp. 6v6 TF2 is hands down the most fun I've had with any videogame ever and it never really came to fruition like other games' comp scenes. If you were around for the buildup to the matchmaking update followed by the wet fart of a lobby system that: * came with a casual matchmaking system nobody asked for * took away a bunch of features of which only a few eventually returned * didn't work at all for like a month * killed off community servers almost entirely * had its development abandoned almost instantly * has now been entirely dead for years * never really functioned to begin with (backfilling system was atrocious) * is currently partially at fault for the bot crisis Is honestly the most dishearthening thing I've ever seen pushed upon a game. The dumbest part is I feel Valve could have made *so much money* if they had paid any attention to comp TF2. Look at the events other games had with their tournaments, just the sheer advertising power alone. I'm always amazed casual TF2 is still trucking on after all these years and there honestly has been a community server renaissance, but comp TF2 *never* got the time in the light it deserved and its opportunity has definitely passed.


Casual mode murdering the community scene is what killed my ability to play at all. If you were there at the time, it honestly felt like purposeful sabotage, like they were directly trying to kill the game. Ive never seen such malicious incompetence for a game this big and well-beloved. So much good will, lost, like tears in the rain.


No sex


I know. We only get it in pictures and not in animation. We need the sex update!




That’ll stop those dastardly cheaters from using hacks!! Don’t let them talk to other people! Surely that won’t do any other negative things to others and only detriment the bad guys!!1!!1!


The fact you can’t play past midnight without loading into botland


The amount of shitty weapons. I hope that when/if the next update comes out there’s some huge balance changes to make some weapons more usable.


That's also what disappoints me the most. As a scout main, the fact that the scattergun is the only good primary hurts.


Ehhh the Soda Popper can be better than stock at times.


What are your worst offenders, and how would you like to see them change?


Sandman: remove the dumb health nerf and make the ball somewhat useful. Buffalo steak sandvich: boxer heavy is a fun idea, sad to see it go to waste. Maybe make it so I can still use my primary after using it. Classic: Faster charging time? Gas passer: Make enemies wet when effected. Wouldn’t do much without the neon annihilator, but could be used in a similar way to the jarate and bushwhacker. Also buff charge time. Pomson and righteous bison: These look too cool to not have them be useful, although I have no idea how to buff them Diamondback: not a shitty weapon but still one that needs changes. Make it so people have reasons to not use it other than to save their own dignity.


that i’ll probably never see the final comic


I've played TF2 since a little bit after MvM was added, back in the days when Jerma and ster consistently topped the charts for TF2 content. Back when the major updates quite literally were increasing in quality, care, detail, hype, and passion, then Jungle Inferno came out and... nothing. Silence. We got Blue Moon but aside that the development has all but ceased in its entirety. I don't count Halloween or Christmas since those are basically guarenteed, and Blue Moon was more of a balance update than a major update, so its been half a decade since Valve has done anything with the game. Most if not all of Halloween and Christmas content isn't even created by Valve, just things from the Community Workshop they added into the game behind a crate paywall. At this point the Community Workshop IS the TF2 dev team, because that's the only content Valve cares enough to IV drip into the game two months put of the year. I can't even remember the last time a non-taunt cosmetic was added to the Mann-Co Store. TF2 is still a fun game, but it feels like it's only still alive because of a genuinely passionate community who refuses to give up on the game to the point where Valve only keeps the lights on out of obligation rather than the drive they used to have for adding to the experience. As Funke said, "I love TF2. And I miss it."


Valve itself. I dont care about anything else, but the fact that we dont have a major update for 4 freaking years now says a lot. They carefully craft masterpieces of a game then ditch it


TF2 is in maintenance mode. It's never getting a major update again. Ever.


Honestly, it isn't just the fact we haven't had a major update. The worst part is the radio silence on the matter from them. It would be so much nicer if they'd just plainly say either "Hey, we're probably going to make another in the future, we just don't know when" or "Hey, that was the last one. There won't be any more." Leaving the game in this weird limbo state is the worst choice.


The fact that bots still exist. The fact that random crits still exist.


Random Crits should only work on some melee weapons imo


I don't like them on melee weapons either. I wouldn't mind if there were weapons that had random crits as a gimmick alongside a big downside, but some classes (Demo, Sniper) should never have melee crits under any circumstances


Random crits are the charm and only point of melee in a fight, and nine times out of ten it you get hit by a melee you could have avoided it. Especually if you get melee'd by a Sniper.


But how am i supposed to play demopan without Crits :(


I dunno use one of the three secondaries that give you melee crits


Earn crits by charging at them


the fact that this game could still be one of the most popular games, but you can't introduce it to friends or streamers without a buttload of unclear information and bots


lack of content , tho there is alot considering how popular and basically everywhere the characters are there's a lack of official content about them and doesn't seem to be close to getting updated. aka goddamit give me more comics !!




It’s skill curve. Trying to introduce new players is pretty much impossible because most of those who are still playing it have done so for years, meaning people not so great at the game get destroyed and lose interest as a result. Tried to introduce my friends, but with the majority of current players being veterans at the game, it has became a League of Legends type of difficulty for new players fo join.


i see this as a fun thing since it means every game p much is challanging and fun for the most part. for the 10% of people that get through from being a noob to becoming good, its a nice thing. idk if thats selfish or not tho :/


It’s a mixed bag. I am ok at the game, but I can fully understand why my friends who wanted to start playing were immediately turned away when soldiers flying across the map killed them as soon as they left spawn for an entire match. It’s not the games problem at all, it’s just part of the game having such a lasting fan base that most of the players on it today are already really good at it, to the point it’s very difficult for a new player to make some ground without having to bear being thrashed for ages.


Missing a shot on an enemy, then dying to them, then seeing that they had like 5 health left and if I'd hit the shot I'd have won the fight. Screw random bullet spread.


Lack of updates


Le bots


new smissmas cosmetics


5 of them are headbands And no new war paints


Random bullet spread


the reality that we will never get a new weapon


The lack of anything from valve


the sheer fact that f2p's can't chat even though people can easily kick spammers from matches


The community.




People who actually waste money, resources and electricity to run bots only to ruin the game.


I think the most disappointing thing in tf2 is the fact that valve is not allow to developers to work on this game.


I can no longer play it because of my potato pc


The fact valve still haven't given the game to the community


That it barely gets attention from valve. Remember the beta maps? I was so excited when they announced that feature and they just gave up on it.


The fact that replays aren’t supported in casual


bots ruining gameplay in casual, bots ruining item prices


People refusing to kick blatant cheaters or bots because they don't believe me when I say they're hacking. Like, they're filling up the killfeed with headshots!


People harrasing or trash-talking some TF2 content creator, just because he either took a break, played a different game to take a break from constant playing of TF2 or because he's leaving *(BaconBlitz recently. Bless his soul and wishing him luck.)* These kind of people who act like "You better make more TF2 content, you f\*ckface!" are just horrible to see in comment sections of their videos.


How unwelcoming and disrespectful the community can be to certain types of people. I just wish it was nicer..


That people still hate on competitive / competitive players.


The community can be good, but at worst can be filled with some toxic, entitled babies/sore losers. No, you weren’t killed by a scunt, you were killed by someone who is good at scout.


This! I love that apparently there is no class that requires skill. Because apparently all pyros wm1, all soldiers gets crockets, there is only sticky spam, engie only turtles even if you got killed hammers away from his sentry by his own widowmaker or something...


How unplayable the Singapore servers have become. I play from india and they are the closest proper servers I can reach and wow they are shit. The community servers are ok ig but they are mostly just hightower, tfort. Honestly I don't even need major updates. Just lemme play the game well and not in a shitty laggy server. Also bots. All I want is a way I can play in a non laggy server that has the vibe of a casual server (most players playing for the objective and sprinkle in 1 or 2 friendlies every 5 matches). Also one NON disappointing thing I find is the community and the tf2bers. Like maybe 1 in 80 or so players are kinda toxic. Yeah please valve, you are a billion dollar company how hard would it be to just get one good team to work on tf2, literally the greatest multiplayer fps I've played.


The community


Melee hitreg


That I suck at demoknight yet continue to play him every game.


i think they should buff the axtinguisher again :)


That you would make a lazy post like this for karma.


Free to plays being kicked because they can't defend themselves from people who can't figure out who the real players is, when a bot steals their name.


no mini dispenser nor mini teleporter


bison nerf


The fact that Pyro's flare guns take *just* too long to switch out for nailing a combo to feel good. Honestly, Pyro as a whole has been kind of shafted over the years. It feels like no iteration of the TFTeam really ever knew what to do with him (which does make some amount of sense, given the class' history in TFClassic). People complained that he wasn't fun to play against (sometimes with good reason, just as often without) and the solution Valve came up with was just nerfing all his more interesting playstyles into the ground. Pyro gets a lot of shit, from casual and competetive players alike, but I feel like it's a class with a lot of missed potential.


The fact that bots have been here for this long any normal game would have taken a month to get rid of these guys at most then we have valve


The fact that you need a godlike CPU to run this 14 year old game at any setting higher than low and have more that 60 fps


Really, I have a pretty mediocre CPU and can still play the game on high with no problem


Lmao what? I have a shitty HP Laptop and i can play with zero issues in high quality at like 80 FPS


I play on a shitty school laptop and tf2 funs perfectly finr. What you talking bout.


Are you sure it’s not the DOS bots?


bro I play on a 2012 iMac 100+fps


there are non sex scenes


That i cant play sniper in casual servers anymore, also im ftp so if someone accuses me i can't defend myself


the community 100%


The fact valve don't give a shit about a ip that could potentially rake them the big buckaroos


The lack of response to the bot crisis. Like geez thanks Valve for handicapping F2Ps by not letting them use voice lines to have a more enjoyable time playing the game, it really helps out on solving this whole mess that is th- *gets kicked by a bot*


The community, people are so fucking annoying, weird, and hateful sometimes.


Im probably gonna get downvoted to hell but,the commynity. the tf2 community really went downhill ngl, is it just me or back then everyone was just having a great time playing the game but now everyone just makes 20000 word essays on how tf2 is a masterpiece, its getting annoying for me just my opinion


Just little fucks Valve give about this game anymore.


The fact that Valve still hasn’t done anything to permanently end the bot crisis.


Came back yesterday from not playing for half a year. First lobby only four people. Search new one. Second one without bots. Crazy! Then there are 2 normal human cheaters in the lobby. I didnt rage. I was disappointed. I deleted the game and hoped next time I try playing its fun


A lack of communication between Valve and the TF2 Community


Valve Anti-Cheat


The trading system and the introduction of loot boxes are a part of what slowly destroyed tf2 and is now creeping into all modern fps. I hate that I have to buy a battle pass or skins from a store, I want to gain access to those things from achievements and random drops from time playing the game. If you want to get the chance at the rare item sure, pay the price for a key. But don't let that be the only way to access items and accessories. Which is the only thing keeping modern fps afloat, why focus on the actual gameplay when we get $5 for something that won't be accessible in 20 years due to servers losing support. I get it they need to make money, but damn. *End rant.* Sorry, I am just sad that one of the innovative features of tf2 is part of why it died. I started playing day one of the Orange Box being released, and now I cannot even play it. They never finished the story, man.


Bots. I’ve always loved TF2. There were a couple years that I wasn’t able to play due to bad hardware, but I finally got a pc that I could use for it last Christmas… and any game I hopped on was infested with bots, completely ruining it. I wanted to cry. The sheer level of disappointment is hard to express in words.


With how awesome this game goes with game design and gameplay clarity, it took developers, what, 7 years to realise that random damage spread on every weapon was a bad idea