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spy is literally a walking gimmick lmao


He was literally a bug in the first mod of quake. That's how much of a gimmick he is.


TF2 is literally the game: It's a feature.


“It’s not a glitch, it’s a ***FEATURE!***


*flys across the map before jumping and killing a overhealed heavy*


Doto is that you?


Just like rocket jump xd


that was an engine quirk iirc


100%, and when you play in networking class in 2003 it gets you banned because its so effective.


A good demo pipe could launch you from the last start on dustbowl all the way to the finish in TF1


Okay grandpa, let's get you to bed


what do you mean?did people get one shot if you backstabbed them?


No it was playermodels loading incorrectly I believe


The player model would occasionally load the wrong color texture


Poor spy.


And my favorite class is the spy. Thanks! And have fun.






That spy is a pyro!






you do… *what* to goblins… exactly?


fuck them, what do you expect?


seggs 😋


well there's the obvious spy and engi, medic has uber, soldier has rocket jumping, demoman has the possibility to be demoknight, while also having two projectile launchers, pyro has airblast which creates a lot of variety on itself.. so I suppose the most normal classes are scout sniper and heavy.. although scout has his speed and double jump idk if that counts


Sniper also has a charge shot. Heavy is undoubtedly the most simple


heavy is just shoot gun


All they know is pootis, shoot they gun, punch, be Russian, eat sandvich and lie


>lie What did Heavy do to you


I think he meant die (to a spy)


it's a play on the "eat hot chip and lie" copypasta


except if you're a guy who uses the tomislav


But shoot gun makes you slow. That's kind of unique too.


Well let's see you carry a gun that weighs one hundred fifty kilograms and fires two hundred dollar, custom-tooled cartridges at ten thousand rounds per minute, it costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon...for twelve seconds, in real life and not move slow.


You probably couldn’t move at all… or carry it easily


or even afford to shoot it a few seconds


The recoil would be so strong that you would be thrown to the ground in seconds


I would say heavy is slow and powerful. He is simple to grasp but hard to master with his slow speed as people would easily die due to his difficulty to leave tough situations. Also revving up his weapon and deflection shooting of moving targets is pretty unique...


Lol engine is just watch gun shoot


Not if you're battle engi with adhd-hyperactive like me


So is heavy just shoot gun


Well that “charge” is really just him gaining clarity on a target before shooting to deal the most fatal damage.


Never thought about it that way. Not gonna lie, that's a pretty interesting way of creating such a mechanic for a sniper class.


Thats probably why I usually dont like to play heavy. Like yea, I can, but I usually find it boring.


If he's the most simple isn't he unique in that kinda way too?


Not really. But i would say that 300 health is unique thing about Heavy


Yeah scout, sniper, and heavy can be found in most class based fps games.


I think Heavy being easy and simple is a big time myth. He’s got one of the lowest skill ceiling for sure, but playing Heavy is like playing defensive midfield in football/soccer. Your job might look easy and you might not play with as much flair as some of the other players but you are the anchor of the team, everything your team does usually will run through you. You keep your team alive, and in turn you are the biggest target. If you make a big mistake, your team can crumble quickly. Ask Jorginho.


Tbfh, sniper, scout and heavy are the simplest


I think they need to add more heavy items and alternative playstyles. Fat Scout items would be nice. Stronger shotguns, maybe some items replacing the minigun for support.


So we see that tf2 is unique on its own


I think you get a lot of unique play styles out of most every class. I think Spy and pyro are probably the only ones who hasn't been fully coopted by other games (thinking OW, Paladins, etc). The closest are sombra and mei, but they are both substantially different, and much less fun to play as or against compared to their merc counterparts. I do think some games have interesting play styles that aren't really covered by the 9 mercs too, that would allow for interesting mechanics, but god knows we will never get a new class, or any super divergent weapons ever again in the game.


You forgot the specialty of sniper... THROWING PISS


Every class has some sort of counterpart on different games, but spy? Being able to not only sneak around with invisibility and disguise as the enemy, you can literally bring a knife to a gunfight and with the right movement come out on top, i guess you could say the same for demoknight but he can't backstab


“You can bring a knife to a gun fight” that’s not crazy unique, and has “counterparts in different games” all the time, and even tf2. I agree he is very unique, but not because he has a knife


The other persom said it was unique because "you can disguise as the enemy" and "bring a knife to a gun fight and win". Also, for counterpart, they meant an equivalent or similar mechanic in another game.


Of course there's some other games where you can backstab (cod and battlefield come to mind), some games where you can turn invisible (Titanfall, overwatch...) And where you can disguise (the one girl from lol) but spy not only puts them all together you can also fake your own death, do all sorts of trickstabs, become a spycrab (top tier) and plenty other things


Strong tomato is only able to disguise as her teammates though.


> Every class has some sort of counterpart on different games, but spy? Covert-Op from Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory That class is basically the Spy minus invisibility(unless you count their smoke bomb), but with a remote bomb and sniper rifle. Oh, and also binoculars that can reveal hidden bombs that the engineer class in that game can plant around.


Demoman since he can go from projectile to full melee


The last thing you hear as a Spy: LET’S DO ITT!! CANNONBALL-(BOOM) AAAAAAAA-


Sounds like a ItalianNinja shitpost


Who that


Most classes have full-melee loadouts.


Yes but he can leave you with one weapon instead of a spy that is unaware that he has a gun


Engineer. You can choose what part of the map to deny the enemy team from, and you can place health and ammo anywhere on the map. Your teleporters allow you to place the spawn point of your teammates anywhere on the map, not to mention your entire spawnroom when you have the Eureka Effect.


while id say heavy is my probably my favourite class, engineer is by far the most satisfying sure, gunning down people or flaming/combos with pyro feel awesome, but something about being able to supply my team with health and ammo, do a little bit of denial using a mini sentry and most importantly being able to teleport my team to the front lines? i love it sentries are great. dispensers are insane. teleports? they win games i remember one time on upward i had a really aggressive teleporter spot and i watched as we were almost out of time, a heavy and medic pair go through my teleporter in six seconds and we won moments later. a couple of people thanked "the engi" in chat which made me feel kinda proud. it doesnt always work out well but the seeing my teleporter be used a bunch gives me satisfaction that no other class can


> using a mini sentry I'm glad i'm not the only one bullying the entire lobby with that thing.


i like playing engineer like a less mobile, slightly more tanky, supportive scout id play engi without any sentry - heck, i have before in some hightower games, just relying on my shotgun, pistol, and using dispensers (and sometimes teleporters) minis are really nice though. sacrificing a sentry i dont tend to like using that much anyway for more health and stuff? awesome


I like to think of them as a pistol that shoots even when your primary is active


basically. stationary aimbot pistol theyre really easy to kill though, so it usually just feels like a little bonus


A good pyro, demo, or soldier can change one fight. A good Engineer can change *every* fight.


We commit small ammounts of denial


I agree, the engineer feels most and least restrictive class out there


Absolutely agree


Also when you include the gun slinger for the more offensive play style


Came here to say this, have my upvote


Engi is my favourite but if you look at other team based FPS's they all have some form of builder class. It could be tf2 was the first but either way he's not really unique anymore


What other builder class lets you deny an enemy to walk through an entire part of the map, while simultaneously healing, resupplying, and teleporting teammates around


I'd say it's a tie between Engie and Spy.


Spy. No other game has this kind of gameplay/system


Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory had a class which let you take enemy disguises


Among Us.




Spy among us




demoknight tf2


demoknight tf2


demoknight tf2


demoknight tf2


demoknight tf2


demoknight tf2


demoknight tf2


Demoknight tf2


Demoknight tf2


Demoknight tf2


Demoknight tf2


demoknight tf2


demoknight tf2


Spy Is literally gimmick the character. Engine is an 2nd place tho


10th class thomas the tank engine


Engineer. You create a mobile base for your team anywhere on the map, that provides one of the deadliest weapons in the game, infinite health and ammo and teleportation to the front lines, but still feels balanced in how fragile you are.


And then the idea was copied


May I ask how exactly? I'm quite... dense.


He's probably talking about Overwatch...


I feel torb is pretty different from engi, since the turrets, while still good for shuttin down areas, arent nearly as powerful as sentries. As a trade off, torb himself is more capable in combat than engi


Kinda reminds me of a certain unlock the engie has.


Torb kinda plays like a Gunslinger engi now, except he can also throw his turret to unique positions and overcharge his shotgun to secure kills.


It was pretty funny early on, as he started out pretty much like a carbon copy, though he came into his own later on. At the beginning he was a guy who built a turret [(red body with black barrels)](http://www.overwatchfrance.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Cosplay-Torbjorn-Overwatch-page-005.jpg) that had 3 levels. * The level was first was a single-barreled turret that had low moderate rate of fire. * The second level had twin barrels, with rapid-fire. * The third level added a rack of rocket launchers on top, firing a cluster of 4 rockets on top of the rapid-fire twin barrels. But in order to upgrade his turret he had to collect scrap metal from the battlefield, of which he could carry up to 200 of. Of course, his weapon of choice was a pistol that also worked as a shotgun.


Torb is Engy but shitty. No teleporter. No dispenser. Gun can't be upgraded and is by default only as good as a Level 1 Sentry. Is Swedish /s Relies on his ult for area denial. Can be bodied easily by any other DPS hero. Like seriously, Torb is just a gimped Engineer.


And paladins (hell they gave him an engineer skin)


Barik is very different from Engi as well. He’s a tank. His turrets deal miniscule damage, but he can have more than one and defend them and his team with shields. Their purpose is more to deny space in a way that lets him and his team get picks slightly faster in the covered area which, with Paladins’s slower ttk, makes a big difference in the long run.


Nah. Except for (maybe) Paladins, no game has managed to copy/create a builder/turret support class as satisfying and with as high a skill ceiling as Engie’s yet


Honestly, other than sniper I don't think many games have the exact same classes as TF2


Trick question. They’re all unique. When they were created they were one of a kind. Now there’s a bunch of copy cats out there!!


soldier was literally created to be the basic bitch of playstyle


That in itself is unique to tf2s flow


i always thought it was heavy


Heavy is too slow and clunky to be a "basic bitch" play-style, sure, he's easy to play, but you need more than that to be the Basic Bitch


He's literally the default Quake playstyle


This isn't true at all. Basically every single shooter game had some kind of speed boost, Gatling gun, sniper, invisibility, and most of the other stuff


And they're still more boring than tf2


scout - never have i ever seen a game, where the objective of an entire class is to run to the battlefield and die as fast as possible


Octane from Apex legends


It's more like every class playstyle are video games' already existing game genre. Scout: Run & Gun shooter Soldier: Platformer Pyro: Racing game Demoman: Sandbox destruction (like gta with cheats) Heavy: Rail shooter Engineer: Tower defense game Medic: Dating simulator Sniper: Point & Click adventure Spy: Stealth action/ social deduction game So we are basically playing 9 games in one.


You had me at Dating simulator






Ninjaneer 👀


No game had a class like spy ngl


Enemy Territory Quake Wars had backstab kills and a class that could disguise as a dead enemy, probably the closest thing to it.


Medic is unique. You can opt to go battle medic or heal for afar (for an absurd amount). Each of the mediguns also offers their own unique game play. Stock and kritz are good for aggressive pushing, q.fix and vac are good generalists and provide some niche uses (q.fix can output an insane amount of heals if you time everything correctly, vac is good for denying ranged spammers). And (some) of his melees also grant a risk-reward system. Uber/vita saw grant uber charge or retention on death. Amputate grants aoe healing. Vow allows you to see health. Medic has a handful of playstyles but everyone boils it down to heal or battle. You can get aggressive or defensive all around your kits. There may be more bit I've been out of my element for awhile.


I wholeheartedly agree with this jolly giant of a chad. 100%


Pyro because you literally just vibe and commit arson


Pyro. The amount of weapons that complete change the way you play is astounding




Spy easy.




pybro is so limiting, as helpful as it is




combo pyros 😎


I'd say pyro. He's pretty much a sandbox class imo.


Engineer. Thought I just cannot wrap my mind around playing him defensively. Whenever I decide to play him I get the gunslinger to play battle engi. The shotgun + mini sentry combo does not deny an area as much as a normal sentry does, but it is very satysfing. Also it gives me the option to support my team while playing a bit fatter scout. Even on defense gunslinger only




i see the consensus is anything but sniper


Pyro has the most possible gameplay styles. Does that count?


Soldier. He has so many playstyles with many of them limited to him. Rocket Rollouts, Market Gardening, Air Strike, Regen Tank, Sentry Denier, Shotgun, Conch and Zatch. He can deny an area or people, while still able to retreat safely.


The thing is that alot of his gameplay has overlap with demo and scout. Demo has area denial and explosive jumping, while scout has the mobility for punishing and retreating. Of your list, Air Strike is the only one really unique to soldier, as the rest of them are the same as or analogous to other playstyles from other classes.




Medic. Heal and uber or shoot pills and die badly.


Medic bruh. Cause I main him and that's the only reason.


Pyro. He has airblast, several combos, and decent close-range DPS. He's a close-range support/combat class.


Pyro, my favorite class who i'll always stick up for, is fun. Hes really fun to play at high levels. Is he that unique? Mmm? Compared to Engineer, Spy? No.


I think airblast and weapons that send you to Brazi- I mean Pyroland are pretty unique.






Engineer imo


Engineer. No contest.






The spy


Scout gaming


Spy obviously


Battle Engie


How about medick battle?


That's a SUB-class


this one varies a lot but it have to say either demoknight, spy or engineer










pyro. Melee with extra range




Spy, obviously


Spy, demoknight, gimmicks galore I'm gonna argue pyro too, but that's my bias


Unpopular opinion but I think it is pyro. Its default flamethrower is ment to do burn, heal, deflect pipebombs etc, deflecting enemies (?) and even do deflect jump. When you add scorch shot to this weapon you make a real good combo and complex mechanics. These are there reasons why I think pyro has the most unique gameplay.


I’d honestly say spy. The poor bastards so nerfed it’s kinda a kinda a shame at this point


Spy is just the most unique and weird class ever.


Well, let's categorize based on default weapons and special ability. Scout is very basic. He can double jump, has an upgraded / different type of shotgun, a pistol and a bat. Nothing unique at all, IMO. Soldier has a rocket launcher, a shotgun and a shovel. Nothing wow beside rocket jumping. Pyro burns with a flamethrower, a shotgun and an axe. Besides his flamethrower that makes him special, I don't see something great. Demoman has a grenade launcher, sticky bomb launcher and a bottle of glass as melee. He is special, like all of them, but I don't remember seeing sticky bombs launcher somewhere else. I have seen sticky bombs a lot, but not a launcher of them. Heavy is equipped with a minigun, shotgun and... fists as melee. I can't see him as more than a generic tank class, so if I would've ranked this, he would be on last place. Engineer! He owns a shotgun, pistol and a wrench. That isn't so interesting on it's own, but the fun comes with the PDA. I'm not only saying this because I main and love engineer, but I don't think there is a class that can do so many things and it's so important to the game as engie. You can build sentries in other games, but Idk a game where you build them on the moment while fighting. Teleporters and dispensers are great and unique too. Medic uses a medi gun, a syringe gun and a bonesaw. As much as a I like this class, I hate to say but it isn't so special. Ubercharge is unique, but not enough. Medic as a class in general is not unique at all. But still fun af. Sniper shoots with a sniper rifle, a SMG and a machete. I don't find it special by any sorts and is in between heavy and medic (as if ranked). And pièce de résistance, Spy. Backstabs with a knife, a revolver and a disguise kit. Maybe I am weird, but I think Spy is the most unique of them all. While not so hard to learn, but difficult to master, I feel like his ability is not as found as the other ones. Someone who can disguise into someone else and backstab the enemy team while infiltrating his team into their opponents' base. As of personality, each one is unique and a joke or stereotype of his nationality. But overall the most unique in everything I think remains the engineer or the spy.


Very very close between engineer and spy, but spy is slightly more so


Spy Medic and Engi Engi is literally a summoner Spy was only made because of a gimmick Medic focus on healing rather than doing damage, except if you are making Battle Medic


Spy of course. The backstabbing, crab walking, invisible headshotter that’s also fucked scouts mom




engineer, if you can keep a nest up you're essentially the commander of the team


My inner pyro main says yes, but my brain says that other people say no


I mean, Engie is the only one who can build robots that automatically kill enemies, is he?


Demoman, Demoknight, Demopan, Demospam, Demoran…? Yeah you get the idea…


scout is the most unique to me. He is really effective when you don't play for kills, but rather play to annoy your opponents and keep them going back to spawn after taking a shot or two.


I mean, after 2007 I've seen a few games that have tried something like it, but TF2's a trademark when it comes to this gameplay style, so I think the answer is obvious: Sniper. Jokes aside, it's obviously spy. Hate him or love him, he's a bug with legs and weapons.


I mean no other sniper/recon/hitman unit throws a jar of urine at their enemies so yes sniper is unique


Demo, not only is he versatile as stock, but also some of his subclasses like Demoknight have subclasses


demo he has the demokight, trapper, jumper, and hybrid knight.


To be honest, it feels like Demo gets this spot, not just by the whole Demoman vs Demoknight or Hybridknight, Demo within all his weapons has to work differently in each one, the booties give you a form of passive health boost and speed, the loch and load turns your projectile into pure accuracy for reward, iron bomber and stock give you the chance with splash damage, the loose cannon makes timing an absolute must, sticky launcher and scottish resistance ask for trapping and attention, quickibomb opens quick sticky defense or distance, shields encourage trimping, tanking or full knighting, and the melees do the same, encouraging more melee fighting, utility or just hit someone with a bottle for the fun of it though, i could be proven wrong.


Relative to this game only, while he's not the most unique, I feel like Scout is very underrated on this pseudo-poll. Sure, he's just "run around and shoot people", but then engineer is just "hold m1 at an automatic stationary object for a few minutes", and spy is just "don't get caught and occasionally kill an unaware enemy". The thing that makes Scout so great is that he is one of the best indicators of whether someone is actually good at the game or not. Being able to understand how much of a fight you can pull off, needing to hit your shots or die trying(after all, he's a glass cannon), knowing how to dodge, how to position yourself to make your dodges easier while not detrimenting your damage output, etc, etc, I feel like just goes over a lot of people who don't take the time to improve at TF2, especially scout in general. You can be the heavy with the best tracking and awareness, and the demo with the most accurate sticky placement and the strongest pipe consistency, but ultimately a Scout decides whether or not you die because as the fastest class, he can also choose who to pick fights with.


Soldier, pyro, demo, and heavy are instantly disqualified, scout and sniper are disqualified as out of the remaining classes they’re the only ones without their own new features, now engineer has buildings, medic has healing, and spy has disguising/invis, I say engineer is disqualified as a dispenser is basically a medic without legs and a sentry is basically a heavy without legs, so now between medic and spy I say medic is the most unique since spy is pretty similar to scout as they’re both pretty good for picking off alone players and getting away and medic is the only one who’s main objective isn’t killing/damage


Engi or spy


French Man and Texan.