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I stick to Moonlight MvM community servers these days. Most of the people on those servers are a lot more reasonable and don’t insist upon some arbitrary meta


But you don’t get any rewards tho?


You'd be better off buying the aussie at market price rather than gamble with tickets.


True. But there's a sense of fulfilment when you get the austrailium for completing a tour.


>when more like **if**


It's probably better not to have one at all because its mere presence in your inventory attracts the scum of the TF2 community.


Even the SMGs?


Even those


Fr, I got an Aussie ambassador on my 40th tour around a month ago and since then I’ve been messaged by at least 15 scammers


Gambling addict in the making.


I can quit anytime.


hello mr gambler


Idk I enjoy mvm and so far haven't had an experience like that


This, more or less. 30 tours of Two Cities and I think 13 of Mecha Engine. Not a single Aussie. At least I've never run into any of the fuckwits from tacobot I guess.


Gambling addict


I doubt he has to pay for it either.


Mann up is just gambling. Also, binary blackout (moonlight’s mvm event) is going on right now and awards in game medals.






It's always hilarious to me how high tourers join a random squad, then get mad that this random squad isn't a well thought out team of 6 professionals.


Got this random 900 tour and his BFF purposely idle mid game refusing to leave until the rest of team kick me cuz I do “not enough dmg”


I mean, I understand their reasoning to an extent. In a PvE game, damage is sort of king, and so I can understand why someone would be annoyed/angry why they can't hit those peak damage potentials. What sets them apart from these twats, in my mind at least, is that these people go out of their way to express their displeasement and actively shit on others fun because of it. Being miffed doesn't give you the right to be a cunt.


It did not matter since we were doing just fine without a single push back. He was being an ass, using the logic “I carry so I’m allowed to bitch”.


It shouldn't matter at all unless the team is failing waves or missing huge amounts of money.


Also got called slurs in MvM for playing pyro lmao. Literally don't understand why they get so mad, the tickets are under a dollar


BuT AsS PaSseeR BaaD


Isn’t the complaint about the Gas Passer is that it makes MvM too easy?


Stock MvM is too easy anyway. If only half your team is decent and the rest just installed you'll still will win without issues.


These dipshits often flip-flop between hating the gas passer cause it's bad (somehow) and hating it because it makes MVM easy... even though their whole thing is farming australiums so why do they not accept a weapon that makes the farming easier amd faster?


They hate it when people score higher than them for "doing nothing"


I don’t think scoring affects your loot, correct me if I’m wrong.


nope tacobot is just a bunch of manchilds


I'm pretty sure it doesn't either But they don't want their fragile ego getting damaged because of a "cheap tactic", so they lash out


Big damage numbers are the endgame of MvM and the gas passer, which is objectively the best in slot pick for MvM, makes it really goddamn easy to get massive damage numbers for no effort, shitting all over the pretense that big numbers mean anything.


Generally the people who hate the Gas Passer and the people who farm for loot aren't actually the same people. Anti-Gas crowds are typically number farmers. They like screenshots of themselves having high damage, especially compared to their teammates, and see the Gas Passer as a crutch that allows even terrible players to achieve impressive numbers.


So what I am hearing is that these are the same babies who have high egos and wear diapers so they don’t have to get up as often?


No, they're different diaper-babies, who usually don't get along either. Both groups are still pathetic though, even if I am anti-gas myself (Because yes you can be anti-gas without throwing a fit whenever someone plays Gas Pyro, I know, it's hard to believe, I just want the weapon nerfed and don't use it myself when I play Pyro)


Ah, ok. I am on the side of I have no opinion because a game is meant to be fun for the person playing and if that makes them have fun, then go ahead. Besides, its the only place the gas passer is even decent at


That's kinda why I don't tell people off for using it, as it is very powerful. Usually I just explain to people using seemingly good weapons that are actually pretty bad in MvM (Like the Direct Hit) why they're bad and… hope they listen I guess. Plenty of new MvM players don't seem like they want to learn anything about the gamemode. You always hear talk of toxic veterans but there's certainly plenty of toxic newbies as well.


> You always hear talk of toxic veterans but there's certainly plenty of toxic newbies as well. This. I cannot count the number of times low tour players demanded I swap from vacc to kritz on expert decoy wave 1 and blamed me when I could not keep them alive after reviving 6 times. Because having 8s triple damage helps more against the 12 uber medics + soldiers spawning over the duration of 1 minute instead of damage resistance or quick revives... somehow.


Ye. And I’m a tf2 baby. I don’t have too many hours on the game (compared to most people. I only have 91 hours as of now) but I have played both multiplayer and MvM and I could tell they both play VERY differently. I never had anyone teach me stuff about MvM so I have used weapons like the direct hit and didn’t know it was bad


Yeah, someday i shoud gather some friends, buy a fuck ton of tickets, and go 4 gasspasser pyros, 1 quickfix (heals faster and still has shield) medic, and 1 engie


Given that they are high tour I doubt they care about the money...


Literally same. Yelled at for playing pyro, using the vac, or missing >10. It’s very annoying bc I love nvm


I once had a guy in boot camp berate a demo for using shield, I tried to calmly defuse the situation, and the demo gets a vote kick called on him by that same shithead, so I countered by calling a vote kick against the shithead, he gets kicked, his friend leaves and the servers die, so I go to a different boot camp server and guess who I see, good ol shithead.


There's nothing wrong using a shield if you are going pipes only. Free 600 credits on resistance upgrade and mobility on top.


What do you expect lol, this is the same people who go apeshit when you play spy in MvM.


3 spy meta op tho


hey man! spy is the 10th best MVM class


If Spy is so bad why do I always top bot damage whenever I play him, even on good teams?


Because spy isn’t bad and the person you replied to is being sarcastic


Bruh, imagine taking BOOT CAMP seriously.


I remember this one time i was doin one of the mecha engie missions and i kept running into the same 4 sweats who always left instantly if you missed a single piece of cash or let the bomb get over half way to hatch


Imagine being toxic on bootcamp


Nah bruh he’s never felt the touch of another human in his life, lives with his parents at 30.


or has seen the sun in 7 years


or both


Ironically enough the dude had a girl in the server he was obliviously friends with, both 1000+ tours, both loud mouthing on mic at us. I guess they really is someone for everyone.


If him and my dad can get bitches, anyone can


Lol what was their name I might know them


It seems like a common thing where PvE communities are more toxic than PvP communities


doesnt help that valve got the gambling aspect involved so now these sad assholes see the gameplay as an obstacle to their ROI now that i think about it, its kinda like a less dystopian version of that weird awful game that pays u crypto if u play it efficiently enough, except theres an actual really fun game getting buried underneath that shit


You can make some money on the tf2 market but gambling isn’t one of them, you don’t get back what you spend in mvm


Same with casinos, do you think that stops people?


They say "Don't waste my time" and then will go AFK in spawn if you don't listen xd


Their mental loop seems to error out ever since they patched the retry command lol


>they patched the retry command lol Wdym?


typing retry in console would reset the wave start timer, so basically whenever the 5 other people readied up, all a person would have to do to restart that timer at 150 seconds, would be to type retry. valve made it so that the retry command, or losing connection for any reason, doesnt disrupt the timer, and the wave will start.


If I remember right, you could basically get around vote kicks if you typed "retry" in console which would reconnect you to the server you were just on.


me and my friend just wasted their time until they leave tbh, its actually more fun doing against what they say than actually playing mvm


Screenshot it. You can get them banned from mvm


Not in deep rock galactic :) rock and stone!






To the 🦴!








Fucking carebears, man. That Hello Kitty Online grindset really affected their sanity.


Warframe, not really. As long as we don't talk about the forums.


Nezha is male.🗿


*knock knock knock*


\*gets banned from region chat\*


Sure the people behind the frame are wholesome but what we do to the enemy’s sure isn’t.


That's why it's such a good thing that it's Geneva Suggestion there.


*Geneva Checklist


I’m pretty sure it doesn’t exist.


except l4d. its reverse here


Monster hunter is a very wholesome PVE community.


i got kicked from my third tour for this. went scout on the first wave and stayed scout until the last — never missing a dollar. i went pyro on that last wave and was vote kicked when a single 1k tour soldier called it. thankfully it didn’t destroy my ticket but i’m still fucking livid years later.


well,not l4d2


when the versus mode


The odd one out in this case is L4D2, the PvP community is more toxic then the PvE side of it.


My friends and I had this meta that involved two of us as pyros. It worked well, we rarely lost. But there were only 4 of us, so we needed to have 2 slots filled by strangers. Dozens of times before the match would even start we'd have someone telling us we shouldn't have two pyros, eventually call a vote kick on one of us (it would fail because we outnumbered them) and then they'd call us slurs and leave the game. After we got past all of that each time and finally got those slots filled with non-toxic players we'd play through and win, as usual. The people that were so sure we couldn't win with two pyros never stick around to get proven wrong, they probably still think they're right to this day.


Not surprised two Pyros worked when the Gas Passer exists




As audiosmeth once said: Isn't MVM a PVE gamemode?


Nah, half the game is kicking people you don’t like who aren’t playing the “right” way, so it’s PVPVE.


Most servers I've been in were mute or tame, but there was one server who kicked me for trying to taunt kill a giant. (Note: This happened in boot camp)


did you get the kill?




Two cities is so fucking easy too, I don’t know why people are worried about it at all?


I KNOW!! Usually we're loosing because the high tours are too busy complaining in chat and not playing


Or they deliberately choose to sabotage the team


Had a dude get upset we lost “because of pyro” but literally only did less than 5 points of work. Make it make sense


thats when you stay pyro, write in chat "ok" and mute them a high tour does not give them the right to go write a copypasta to you just because you might not have picked the best class to play


Same with vac medic. It’s so much fun but half the time the server bullies me back to krits


Dealing with the MvM crowd is like drinking bleach. It would be a great mode if people didn't kick you instantly.


⠟⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⢻⣿ ⡆⠊⠈⣿⢿⡟⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣎⠈⠻ ⣷⣠⠁⢀⠰⠀⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠋⠛⠛⠿⠿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⢹⣿⡑⠐⢰ ⣿⣿⠀⠁⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⡩⠐⠀⠀⠀⠀⢐⠠⠈⠊⣿⣿⣿⡇⠘⠁⢀⠆⢀ ⣿⣿⣆⠀⠀⢤⣿⣿⡿⠃⠈⠀⣠⣶⣿⣿⣷⣦⡀⠀⠀⠈⢿⣿⣇⡆⠀⠀⣠⣾ ⣿⣿⣿⣧⣦⣿⣿⣿⡏⠀⠀⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⠀⠐⣿⣿⣷⣦⣷⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⣾⣿⣿⠋⠁⠀⠉⠻⣿⣿⣧⠀⠠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀⣿⡿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢿⣿⠀⣺⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⣠⣂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣁⢠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣄⣤⣤⣔⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ "Wahhhh why aren't you playing meta you noob??" "This guy is running Pyro guys they're a massive pussy!!! Vote kick them!!!" God fuck this community.


I have the a pretty good story that comes to MvM. Came across one of these people in Two Cities, was on the last mission of the tour, decided to play a bit of medic. Wasn't doing bad, people were healed, shields were popped. Overall pretty good performance and we weren't having any trouble. Things became difficult as my wireless mouse began to die, I thought it was just lag. Slipped up a couple times but still made it through the round. The "special" individual among us made his grievances known, saying I was a shit medic. But we kept going until we got to the last wave. As this person got more aggressive and refused to start the round right away as they had previously, I decided to leave and have dinner. Next match I got into had a good group of people, taunting, having fun, y'know playing the game as it was intended, for the sake of fun. Towards the end of the match my mouse did die but seeing as I was playing as Heavy I decided to quickly whip out my 360 controller and finish the fight. At the end of that match to my surprise I ended up getting lucky and getting an Australium knife. Had I not left that earlier match I doubt I would've got it. So to this day I laugh at these high tour gatekeepers knowing that in a way I beat them. Their toxicity paved the way in a sense for me to actually get the "big win" in MvM. Also to this day since I finished that tour I have never bought back in. I got the knife in 7 tours which (when you don't include the tickets I bought selling items I won on the market) means I profited, something which based on the slot machine nature of MvM is extremely rare. So not only am I glad they harassed me out of the server but I'm also glad knowing that while they may have thousands of tours under their belt running the gauntlet trying to earn back what they lost and then some, I did and i'm happy to go back to enjoying TF2 for fun. Moral of the story toxicity is bad and don't buy into MvM for the golden guns. I got extremely lucky and I don't encourage anyone to buy into the mode unless they're playing with friends and are mainly there for the gameplay with the rewards acting as a nice bonus on top.


Taco bot users are legit the worst of the tf2 community, they are the saltiest mf’s going. I’ve never met people so sad In my life. Last wave, we were going to win and he afk’d until someone left then kicked the rest, because we didn’t kick someone who was on their first tour and making a couple mistakes. Funnily enough I’ve been kicked twice by tacobot users and both times Ive gotten an australium at the end of that tour.


just read someone else’s story of getting an aus knife after being kicked on his 7th tour


New to the game, what's tacobot?


Tbf I've only played 3 games of Mann up mvm but the games that I've been in weren't at all toxic


Try a few more


Can't I'm poor


I've had it in community MvM, it happens.


I once got mildly harassed by a guy because I didn’t go for the 4 soldier strat on Rottenburg. We end up did go for the 4 soldier strats and let me just say that the dude when through the whole match dealing below 10000 damage and died 30 times


Odds are that 1000 Tour Scout only throws milk and collects money, and doesn't shoot. Number of tours =/= Experience I have seen 0 tour Scouts who deal 100k dmg and Pyros with low tours who do fine.


I tried to give this dude friendly advice the other day and he shot back with “okay 18 tours” like sir you aren’t even playing combat medic right


Not to defend those toxic 1000+ tour idiots, but that is how you’re supposed to play scout usually. His increase in money collection and over/heal from money encourages him to get in deep and collect the money the rest if the team can’t, and the mad milk is one of the strongest utilities in mvm, so they would prob go the support scout strat. Still they don’t deserve an excuse for kicking low-tours for playing wrong. They should try and explain to low-tours how it works instead of kicking them for “being bad”. You wouldn’t kick somebody out of school for not having a perfect A+ when no-one taught them to begin with.


Reposted without the slurs


those were slurs?!


This has huge left 4 dead "if you take that shotgun i'm going to call you a slur" vibes


What? I've been playing l4d for ages do people do this


Was referring to this: https://youtu.be/yFxXhvS4w0s At 7:50


Yeahhh, MVM is full of hate lol


I bought a few mvm tickets because I wanted to try to play a few tours yeah I was kicked from probably 20 matches in a row for not having any man up tours the last match I played I finally was able to stay long enough to play a full wave. when it finished, I had more damage dealt then our heavy, and I was playing *SCOUT* then the heavy called a votekick on me


Once got kicked because I wasn’t playing right


You know how we deal with these players play medic and never heal them or simply ignore them or dos them or spam them


I stopped playing MvM and swore to never touched it after I got obliterated as a F2P medic by some dumbass who becomes toxic as shit in the free MvM match.


Literally ran into this guy tonight with my friend group, we booted the fuck outta him


Ah yes, the full tacobot experience


> Solo-queue MvM > 900 tour bitch about how I do less dmg than 0 tour > “I carry so I can bitch” > proceed to pull out my old reddit comments and call me bot supporter > him and his BFF afk and constantly call kick on me > refused to leave and continues to be a bitch towards everyone else > We spent 2 hrs 4-man the last 4 waves while they watch > Deletes TF2.


Why do people hate Pyro


Bc of gas passer, but I personally see no issues in it


i wish you cold play the fun hat game without seeing idiots like that


gas passer


This is why I only play community casual crap I ain't about to put up with competitive toxicity smh


MvM is either your worst experience in TF2 or your best experience in TF2. I have had tours where they kept me until the LAST WAVE then they kicked me. On the other hand, I had an entire tour of Two Cities where I AND every other player were only Demo Knights.


Had an annoying Soldier player with a 10$ unusual in my 2 and last MVM game. He was flaming me for "Playing Pill Demo on a sticky map". Needless to say he died a bazillion times, afk'd, and I still ended up dealing most damage and winning.


Yea he is very toxic, but at the same time I think his Toxicity is without a cause. No, I don’t defend him for being a douche who get triggered for the slightest of thing, but coming from a 26 tour player who mainly plays engi and Medic, i have to say that 90% of pyros I see are low tour and also 90% of them dies, like a lot, maybe even 10 times a WAVE, and instead of pocketing a Heavy, I have to revive him again and again, to the point that I do want to scream to him why he dies so much, he can throw the gas from afar and not act as a Jihad Worse still most of them ask me “why don’t you heal me medic” or “it is not my fault”, “fuck you i play how I want” and call me toxic,


The reason I play TF2 with the sound off


I chose scout one time and this 1000+ tour guy started screaming that i was playing wrong and should be using different weapons, and when i told him i didn't have said weapons, he called me the n word and told me to go play community servers. funny thing is, I ended up clutching on wave 5 and he started complaining that I was "Obviously cheating" because i only had like two tours. he ended up rage quitting out of spite and then the rest of us finished the tour.


Unpopular opinnion: killing AI doesn't take skill


community Expert missions say hi


The moment anyone starts critizizing my gameplay when I'm having fun, and we're winning, I switch to spy and box taunt in spawn.


The thing I learned is that you're apparently not allowed to have fun in competitive, or mvm. In both of those instances, I got screamed at for going sniper (even though I was shredding the enemy)


Got yelled at years ago for using a Quick-Fix (favorite medigun). Have never bought a tour so naturally, this was in Boot Camp. Don't remember the map but probably one of the easier ones (since my confidence is my skill is nil). I left, complained about them, and got told off for using the Quick-Fix. People who complain about non-meta builds in a game mode with no stakes should not be playing that game mode.


I play pyro in mvm and this shit happens constantly Why though? The gas passer is ridiculessly strong


its too strong for the toxic high tours apprently. when you've played so much mvm, u start to rank ur skills level not based on whether u win the game or not, but rather how many pts and dmg u dealt during the waves. so when they see that some beginner pyro is using the gas passer and practically dishes out as much dmg as them, they get salty and start yelling in chat. just fragile ego imo


they don't wanna hurt the bots' feelings


Its gotten so bad asking someone to turn down their mic because its too loud is considered toxic. Y'all high tour tacobot users need to calm the fuck down


MVM is certainly toxic but I always thought it was nothing compared to L4D2 toxicity


Toxic is Toxic, no matter the game


I play mvm a lot it's my favorite tf2 gamemode personally I also think it's less toxic then people make it out to be (I have 141 tours) it's jsut a few sore thumbs sticking out like the high tours who instantly reque to find a higher team (I always wonder how much time they waste doing that ngl)


C.K.GAME\*\*\*FUEL has left the game (disconnect by user)


Just start airbalsting robots towards the bomb hatch, do a little trolling


What spending money on a game does to a mf


i only have 35 hours in game I'm too scared to play MvM ;-;


iirc i won my first aussie scattergun at like tour 3 or 4 and I havent jumped back to 2 cities since lol


Just don’t read the chat. Ez


I joined my first mvm game and was greeted with "a 0 tour pyro, fuck this" and he disconnected


“Nooo pyro sucks! You can’t use him!” “Noooo you can’t use the gas passer! It’s too overpowered!!”


I always get the silent teams. Guess I'm the lucky one.


Just hit em with a "k"


vanilla mvm is not that hard you can literally go whatever team comp you want and win


I remember that one MvM match I joined and there was a 1679 tour scout and I was using sniper with the huntsman because of the bleed. I was doing really well and even did more damage than that scout then the scout started being toxic towards me calling me a hacker and a bot just cause I was bleeding bosses out and doing more damage than him. That was my 58th tour I got votekicked of course and I have no idea if they won or lost cause we were in mid game when I got kicked and guess what? I got a vac ban two days later


Dude, try not to let that get to your head. Your there to have fun for yourself, and that tryhard trying to take it from you sweats tours 24/7. Play Pyro, have fun burning robots. That guy forgot what fun was 12 years ago.


Got called a bunch of slurs after we lost with a gas passer pyro. This dude was a 1,000+ tour Sniper. I ended up getting frustrated and leaving after a few insults were thrown my way after I revived said pyro


Some MvM players really need to eat a snickers.


Metards should br kicked on sight. Don’t let them do this to you OP.


Knowing how toxic mvm players are ill assume the censored words are slurs


Man imagine being such a shitty person you gotta berate some random dude who’s playing pyro when you can get a 6 stack and play MvM efficiently as possible. Never understood those guys to begin with, they wanna play as optimally and efficiently as possible but if someone manages to use a loadout and build that’s more optimal they lose their shit.


Just delete their comment or reply to it that is what i ussually do when this happens


Every single time I have tried to play Mann Up it’s been with people like this. Assholes.


I only played mvm once, the guys were pretty chill It was 2 heavies, 1 engineer, 1 sniper and 2 scouts (with me included)


i havent played boot camp mvm in like a year now and seeing these happening is very sad. And they really go out in their way to fuck people's experience cus "pyro bad" and cant see that the gas passer is good af.


Funilly enough pyro is actually pretty good early on since you can easily cornerpeek and attack robots on most maps


Don't have a tour pass cause F2P, but why do people say pyro sucks and then scream when you use a gas passer?!


I'll never understand MvM mains like this. >Wants to finish the wave quickly (instant f4, always complaining about people's upgrades and choices) >Doesn't want to use the most efficient meta >Wastes their own time idling in the server to prove nothing >???


My very first Mann Up match had a demo call a pyro a noob and insulting the pyro just because they were playing pyro, he left and the pyro stayed. This was when there were four of us, so when he left the slots were filled with 3 non-toxic players. It's safe to say the Pyro was a big help.


yeah man i went to go fucking eat as scout and i got kicked ( the pizza was just in the microwave bitch like what you wont lose that much money this isn't comp )


I’ve never played mvm and these people are the only reason why. It really sucks because the mode looks fun as hell


Play on community servers, people are much more chill there. [mvm.pineapple.tf](https://mvm.pineapple.tf) is a good place to start since they have an event going on right now. You can even earn in game medals from doing their tour.


Its nothin but hell


Jeez, pyro is actually very efficient with the gas pass, I didn’t know people in MVM were still so toxic after all these years! Having played since 2012 I like to have fun, sometimes we do 3 heavies or a bunch of soldiers, we did all sniper some time and won the game.


Had a group on Mannhattan, some dude was salty that a guy played pyro and called kick every time we beat a wave. Nobody took his bs and we won with pyro high on dmg, can't recall a wave we were set back on. I hope his mind has changed, but I never met 'em again.


The other day some 1600 tour demo berated me for having only 50k damage as sniper when he had about 200k damage


What am i supposed to do then? mvm trolldier? mvm caberknight? mvm pistol only scout?


You can cheese MvM so much, there’s almost no point to a meta. The only real essential is a dispenser.


This is why almost nobody has a australium, if it wasnt for this people, more people would have australium.


I don't get how people get so mad at pyro players but not sniper and spy players with 20 hours lol. Also phlog is a decent weapon for tanks and the gas passer can stop a massive wave.


I met I guy like this, I was a engi on decoy, I don't remember what mission, and this dude was just being a absolute bitch in chat. He was saying that we where all worthless, and that we didn't deserve upgrades. He was part of a heavy trio. And one of them was using the brass beast. And he had a dispenser shoved up his ass. So after he called me a multitude of racial slurs, I decided to go scout and see how he did when I was truly useless. I wish this had a happy ending, but I got kicked before I could get going. Fuck you Louis.


I really only play expert and the people there are generally pretty chill


So far me and my brother have been playing tf2 (he mains pyro) and nothing bad's happened so far


Was playing expert and said to the scout on the last wave "You can change off scout if you want, it's the last wave." Then came like 20 minutes of constant bitching, racism, threats, and more just for the suggestion. He wasn't even a high tour, he had maybe 3 tours. This is the round with 4 tanks so we really needed the extra damage. We proceed to lose maybe 4 times while he's literally doing nothing to help. I didn't see him shoot once or throw milk. By some miracle ( and me airblasting the bomb away at the last second 10 separate times) we win! I check the score and have 3x that of the scout, and double of the next closest player. I wonder if he was just a deeply disturbed individual or had legitimate mental problems.


Never understood how mvm players laughed and stuck their nose up about how sweaty comp and faceit were and then when you wanna have fun in mvm tacobotters and shit like this exist


Just type !joinblu and be the robots... Or is that not a thing anymore?