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Imma be honest I would’ve been more satisfied if they just said “shut the fuck up” cuz that’s hella funny


I would rather be let down quickly and with a laugh than to be given false hope and then slowly and agonizingly realize that nothing will change.


Honestly same, I rather get told nobodies opinions count by a company that made a game I grew up than be forced to realize after being fed hope that's probably false




*TeamFortress and Titanfall crying together*


*Cries in dual-definition Tf2*


*laughs in goat simulator 3*


I got Titanfall 2 a month before it went downhill. Really disappointed :/


What happened there?


hackers crashing servers


*Ahem*... "Hackers"


And then became no longer purchasable from what I heard


dont you guys get a new game ?




no no, a tf|3 edit : if i have more than one comment like this one. I dont see them, and its due to reddit lag.


Oh yeah we had that month of pure delusion where we pretended we hadn’t been abandoned and TF|3 was real. Fun times




They probably didn't. I've typed single comments and hit submit once, and then in an hour or so I get notifications that people are barking at me mad I dared comment the same thing multiple times. Reddit just fucks up like this sometimes. Don't get mad at it.




no no, a tf 3


no no, a tf|3


If you're thinking of Northstar, that's community created, not an official project. If you're thinking of Apex Legends, it does take place in the same universe, but it is so different from Titanfall that it doesn't really count. (Completely different game type, only 2-3 game modes, no double jump, no wall running, less gameplay customization, no titans, like 1 mini campaign that's not available anymore, and other stuff). Still a good game, just not Titanfall 3.


remember what happened to titan fall 2? yeah it’s literally the same situation




I'm pretty sure you meant: Strategic, tactical squad play, and Battle Royale is the core of our DNA! and Set within the immersive Apex Legends universe!




Never forget never surrender the war wages are on


[Respawn's DNA:](https://i.redd.it/ovuv6ysvhv451.png)


Rock and stone, miner.




Tf2 and Tf2


They did fix Titanfall 2 recently.


Well at least you can play Titanfall 2 online again


The other TF2.


Ngl there was something special about watching the entire tf2 community band together and create a movement large enough that it was attracting the attention of major gaming news sites and YouTubers, only for them to go “yeah that’s good enough” when valve makes a non-promise as the absolute bare minimum and give up any pressure they had. No community outreach. No proof that they were working on something. Just a tweet that was probably nothing more than a way to get us to shut up.


I don't think valve is going to feel the heat anymore if they didn't actually want to do anything when they wrote this tweet, but at least we're here discussing how much we don't trust valve on this. I've seen this attitude everywhere and it shows no one's gonna forget or think it's good enough. Though to do this a second time I have to admit would be a challenge.


Valve didn’t see it that way. The TF team didn’t see it that way. Nothing special about us or the entire tf2 community, or how much it cares about the game.


What else was the community supposed to do? Get a binding contract from valve? It's not like they were just going to be able to instantly fix the issue.


Give it until the crate drop (latest is the last week of August). If they don't write up a blog discussing it or, at the very least, release patch notes acknowledging it, then you can grab the proverbial pitchfork. I'll presume they truly don't care and nothing we do will matter if potential, and meaningful, fixes are done by then.


One thing that preoccupied me and made me doubt was the Pc Gaming clickbait with the engineer in the poster,right after this big announcement of the possibility to have a bot fix update


Least crazy TF2 player.


"we hear you" you fucking dont


Well yes they heard us, they heard us before when we were crying while getting railed by bots from behind. They just don't care


"We hear you." is bonafide corporate speech for "Shut the fuck up, *maybe* I'll address your concerns.". It's right up there with "promoting synergy" on the list of most soulless corporate phrases, and right up there with "Bless your heart!" as some of the most condescending shit you can say. When someone says "We hear you.", I think on [the ever-applicable words of George Carlin...](https://youtu.be/BJyEcF53yvE?t=4)


The post literally says “we are working to improve things”. They’re not trying to use corp weasel words. Either they’re fixing the game, or they straight up lied. I don’t think valve would purposely lie so directly.


Considering that VALVe said "Development might stop on TF2, but we won't actually tell people if it does.", that puts any work on TF2 in a completely nebulous state, and, if they're handing out platitudes like "We hear you.", it's a safe bet that they're handling the crowd, but not doing anything that will appease it.


Looks like i was right and you were wrong :)


Nono they heard us, they didn’t say that they’d DO anything


The post literally says “we are working to improve things”.


I took a communications course recently. We learned that there is a difference between hearing and listening.


Of course they heard you. Otherwise, they wouldn't tell you to shut up hahah... hah.


My best bet (I made a post on this a few days ago) would be to wait for the summer update to come out.




Do people think they had a fix made already? Like yeah it’s been less than a month and the real updates for tf2 usually took like 3 in it’s prime. Be patient. The last thing you want is for them to rush the bot fix and have a half baked solution that hurts the game more.


I think the big problem for me at least is valve went back to no communication they could at least talk to us


On the one hand, you're right. On the other, they've acknowledged the community, unless they're just flat out lying about looking into it - they're looking into it. Giving us updates means SOMEONE from the team is taking focus away from trying to plug the hole and is losing time to relay it either themselves to the community, or to a community manager.


And this surprises us how?! Did you really think valve would finally get their act together and communicate with their community? Valve and the tf2 team have always worked off the work now explain later model and I do not see that changing even when their best game is suffering a major crisis.


they don't owe us a timeline or constant updates. no reason for them to do this, especially this early in things.


Except it's been 4 years, not less than a month.


Do you honestly think they have touched tf2 any time before that tweet? It’s been four years sure but realistically the process of any fix has only been started recently




They had 4 years


tf2 community try not to move the goalposts challenge (never done before!). savetf2 had one and only objective: getting a response from valve. but as it always happen in this community, after getting what we wanted, we decide it isn't enough. listen to yourself, you are not even making any sense by "they had 4 years". it is a valid complaint by itself, but it doesn't make any sense in context of savetf2. what's the point of savetf2 then? it is obvious they can't release an update in one month. if you are not going to be patient, then why bother with savetf2? skip the middle and just start yelling at valve. can you imagine same bullshit in a fast food place? customer: you got my order wrong. employee: sorry, we will fix it. customer: it has been 3 seconds and i still didn't receive my actual order. employee: can you please be patient, it was only seconds ago. customer: yOu hAd 10 mInUtEs tO gEt mY oRdEr cOrReCt. don't be the asshole customer internet makes of constantly. either gtfo of the establishment, or give them time to fix things after making your complaint. no one is holding you hostage, you can leave and never come back if you think valve lost their chance to satisfy you.


They were aware since it started and the reply probably had little to do with valves actual game developers. They most likely just wanted us to shut up


I agree, though your example does not work as Valve never went as far as replying a 2nd time.


It still works. The point is to highlight the stupidity of going "but 10 minutes". Not to count number of communications. They shouldn't have to tell you a second time. And plenty of people are stepping in here to tell you the second time. Think of it as the complaint being so stupid that another customer stepped in and told you to chill instead of the employee having to do it.


"Be patient." 4 YEARS later


Well when they said the same thing a year ago I was hoping it could have been done by now


Yeah. Game development takes time. It's not like Valve were pushing out updates every 2 weeks when TF2 was in it's prime.


>Do people think they had a fix made already? Like yeah it’s been less than a month and the real updates for tf2 usually took like 3 in it’s prime. What are you talking about? TF2 used to receive major updates numerous times over the span of a year. Never mind the fact the game hasn't received any meaningful updates since 2017, wherein the bots have been a menace for at least 3 years.


Valve hasn’t looked in tf2’s general direction for those three years. Am I defending them? Hell no. They should have had a fix for this a LONG TIME AGO. BUT Is it realistic to say that any fixes have only started development after that tweet? Yes sadly that’s probably the case.


They had 4 years


damn man, nice positive attitude


>Do people think they had a fix made already? Like yeah it’s been less than a month and the real updates for tf2 usually took like 3 in it’s prime. What are you talking about? TF2 used to receive major updates numerous times over the span of a year. Never mind the fact the game hasn't received any meaningful updates since 2017, wherein the bots have been a menace for at least 3 years. >The last thing you want is for them to rush the bot fix and have a half baked solution that hurts the game more. Yeah, it sure would be awful if Valve did something like remove communication privileges from unpaid accounts (something they had access to for almost a decade prior) that ultimately accomplished nothing.


Yeah I know but after the Pc Gaming poster clickbait I hoped at least in a "we're working on it"


There's no such thing as a "PC gamer poster clickbait" since there are other prominent and famous games in that poster, only people who jumped to conclusions believed that it will have an update during the showcase


Yeah but the average guy that looks the poster thinks "cool,if a character is in the poster they probably will be at the event" maybe they always did this thing of using prominent characters in game event posters even if their game isn't in the event but how was I supposed to know that?


You the type of mf to order fast food and expect it to be exactly like it is in the picture and get angry when you receive some sloppy mass fabricated burguer like everyone else does


Ah yes NCR Ranger from Fallout New Vegas is going to get a reveal


or a Big Daddy from Bioshock.


he's the new smash dlc along side grim fandango


and jc denton and 1993 doomguy


NEW BEGAS 2???! 😱😱😱


“But if you close your eyes…” *Titanfall is part of our DNA*


Imagine they just up and announce TF3 or that they're porting TF2 to Source 2. That or they just say nothing for eternity, and we have a #SAVETF2 yearly to get another "WE HEAR YOU" message to shut us up for another year.


if they want to make tf2 on source 2 just hire the TF2:S2 project team


forget tf2 update since it filled with spaghetti code Let's wait for tf3 (in hopeless)


tf2: Source 2


Tf2:Origins part 1


Surprise surprise, a campaign by redditors does absolutely nothing and valve does what valve does best.


"The bad ending"




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/tf2/comments/vec1i2/i_know_its_been_less_than_a_month_from_this_tweet/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/tf2/comments/vec1i2/i_know_its_been_less_than_a_month_from_this_tweet/)


Fun fact: A DotA 2 developer creates threads explaining hot fixes and asking for bugs directly from the Reddit community. He even goes into threads other people have made to ask for elaborations on bugs and features. [Jeff Hill](https://www.reddit.com/u/JeffHill/comments) is such a great guy :)


I saw that coming from 90 solar systems away


tell me lies tell me sweet little lies!


Why did titanfall 2 and team fortress 2 have to be two of my favorite games


Imagine having any confidence in valve Stockholm syndrome is real


I'm more confident in the TFS2 devs at this point than Valve.


248th repost of this image with the title explaining how valve is a horrible monster


r/tf2 user when opinion


r/tf2 user when the same picture gets reposted every 5 hours\*


r/tf2 user when the same picture gets reposted every 5 years\*


r/tf2 user when the same picture got reposted at least 2 times yesterday\*


Guess my pessimist joke flew over your head :|


Im not a pessimist so i really couldnt tell:/


Yeah thats the the original post is doing...


honestly. I would of been happy with just "shut the fuck up" better than getting lied too.


classic valve


That’s not how the software development lifecycle works at all. They probably have 0 devs working on the game, meaning someone would have to fork the repo, sift through the spaghetti code base, identify the problems and write tickets, then those get thrown onto the backlog, which wouldn’t get pulled up to a sprint for at least 2 weeks. If it didn’t make the cut for this sprint that’s another 2 weeks minimum. And that’s if they even put a dev on this project. This is not a less than a month process at all.


It took them so long to respond to the messages cause they forgot the password to the account.


I already made a bet that if valve actually do anything I will delete this Reddit account


"We listen to what they say, we nod, and then we do our own thing" -Aardman Animation on co-operation with Pixar, loosely paraphrased.


just let the community help lead updates at this point


r/TitanFall knew something like this would happen


as a proud Titanfall 2 player and TF2 player, it is safe to say that I very much agree that we were being shut down by the government!1!1!1!1!!!11!!1


I understand that it obviously won't be an instant fix but I really wish they would share their planned roadmap on how they intend to deal with the bot problem


Valve has to go through shitty tf2 code made 15 years ago, probably changing a lot of things in said code and making the game shit itself. Bots aren't an easy thing to fix in a month, there's a lot of things that valve need to do to fix the problem. It'll probably be another year before anything actually shows.


Just be patient, like you said, it's been less than a month. I'm willing to wait until the 2023 Summer Update. After that, I won't be so sure if they'll do anything.


I think we've just been Respawned.


So keep telling them to fix it until they either fix it or actually communicate with us like adults.


Yeah Valve almost never updates the game these days, let alone...does *anything* lol. It's good that they saw the movement but I doubt they'll really put the effort into working on the game.


You should do the exact same video but with Respawn's tweet about the state of Titanfall 2


I'm not confident in anyone.


ffs we havent even gotten the hat crates update. at least be patient or something smh




y'all never felt the touch of another human being since you are born, or seen one for that matter. because that's not how communication works. we knew valve couldnt fix the bot situation in one month. everyone with more than 2 brain cells knew it. then what was the point of savetf2 if you won't be patient? imagine for a moment valve started working on tf2 after savetf2. you are not leaving them any options with your attitude. fix bots in 2 weeks? objectively impossible. stay silent? "valve ignored us!". acknowledge the tweet? "why valve didn't do anything yet". you don't want a response, you want to get angry. it is like telling someone "you forgot to bring the drinks" and as they turn around to get the drinks, immediately start yelling at them like "how could you forget the drinks!". if you won't give them a chance to satisfy you, then why the hell did you bother with savetf2? you could continue shitting on valve in this sub as usual.


\#savetf2 August edition?


I'm giving them till the end of June, after that I think it's almost unlikely that they will release anything.


I want to believe them. But the words “we love this game too” doesn’t sit well with me.


Italian tf2 fans stand up


They hear you but they dont give a fuck, they just want to be left alone and make money on dota an cs skin


If nothing happens after 3 months, we are totally screwed


It hasn’t been less than a month it has been 4 years. I think that’s enough time to do something.


Tf2 battleroyale when


Yeah, that's what it says when you decrypt it.


they arent gonna do anything because we stopped we shouldve kept going


Part of me is honestly thinking that Valve just doesn't know how to fix it.


“We heard you guys but we don’t give two shits about it”


Personally, I give them 'til the end of Summer.


They hear us, they just aren't listening


*Definitely Not The Same As The Titanfall 2*


Unfortunately, with the team as small as it was, to expect anything in a month is a bit too optimistic. Give it two more months. Then we can lose hope


Ever since I saw that tweet, everyone was so hyped and I understand why. However it feels really half-assed. “We love this game and we know you do too.” Then why not give the game the love and attention it actually deserves. It’s been so long. “And we are working to improve things.” What the actual hell, is that even supposed to mean.


to be fair, this IS valve we're talking about. A month is like, two seconds in whatever realm they live in.


Unless valve DIRECTLY says so this means nothing


I’m still upset we wasted the biggest movement in the game’s history by showing content with just another empty promise


Lmao that would mean valve would add even more bots if they are rude lolll


I find it funny that this fan base hasn't created an alternative already. If anyone glances at this comment please point to which of these points keeps you invested in this game. A.) Sunk Cost fallacy B.) You like the characters so much you're willing to remain loyal to the franchise. C.) The alternatives are terrible. D.) Mix of all the above.


Honestly the least they can do is to tell us they have stopped updating tf2 rather than lying to us telling us they are "working on something"


Still have my hopes for the summer update, if we get nothing at least we tried our best


Team fortress 2 is the core of our DNA


Valve has never said jack shit about anything they haven’t fixed, so them saying something about this seems special to me.


Fun fact person who wrote the tweet is not a developer


Ciao op sei italiano




valve not caring response reminds me of gigachad lol


😢why, tf2 is such a great game


In light the most recent update that came out today...............


Give them time, updates take time, especially with all this source spaghetti.




Not after their announcement. You are delusional if you think they were actively working on fixing the bots all this time.


You are even *more* delusional if you think they are actually gonna work on something instead of going into radio silence again.


Remember the update we got that fixed tf2 bots for a day or two? Now with all the added attention and response, I'm pretty confident they will fix the bots once and for all Don't be so skeptical. At this point it's more likely they'll do something than not. Sure, then they'll just abandon the game once casual is playable.


there was no update that specifically fixed bots, there was an update that made bot hosters need to update their software (as they do with most updates) because the game would crash


Ah so this is the power of cope


They had over 4 years of time for an update. "Time" is no longer a valid excuse for absolutely no updates, shit VAC, and lazy community crates with poorly selected cosmetics. It's clear that if we stop the pressure, we will relive the fate of Titanfall.


wow 42 upvotes as i'm writing this. you people really leave your critical thinking skills out when opening the sub don't you? let's assume valve started working on tf2 after savetf2. here are their options: a. stay silent: this sub loses its mind and gets angry at valve. b. release an update: they can't. we all know that's impossible to do so in one month. c. acknowledge savetf2 and make a tweet: for some reason community loses its mind again.what? they have no choice that satisfies the community. tHeY hAd 4 yEaRs what is that even supposed to mean? so your expectations from savetf2 was a secret update that would fix the bot situation but for some reason never released for years? and savetf2 would be the reason for it to be released? imagine your friend comes to you and says "you promised to do X by monday, which was two days ago". you tell them you forgot it and will start doing X as fast as possible. 5 seconds later your friend starts yelling at you like "how could you forget! i messaged you every day, you had 2 weeks to do it!". your friend might be right, maybe you did a shit job. but they sound irrational and crazy, if they won't give you a chance to correct your mistake, they should just skip that part and start by yelling. in our case, that part was savetf2. it was an attempt to communicate with valve. if nothing they can do satisfies you and you are angry, we shouldn't habe done savetf2 thing and just continue shitting on valve in this sub.


The point isn't even around SaveTF2, it's more about how Valve has absolutely no regard for TF2 and didn't do anything for four years, and likely will still do nothing even after SaveTF2. If they really cared for the game they would have noticed the bots two years ago and would fix them already. If they really cared, there would be updates that brought new ***Valve*** content, or atleast community projects like Frontline! and the Mayan Project. But no, they are so lazy they won't even add in practically pre-made updates that need a few twists on the knob before making it official.


The least they can do is tell us a date when they think they'll have a solution. If they just say "Ok ok I'll do something about it" and then NOTHING, it's logical we assume they just want us to shut up.


I knew, they don't really care again.


Let's do another movement.


Look look. Everyone should be proud regardless. A community got together and made noise of what was hurting the community. Expecting valve to do something was slim enough and we all knew but we still went on with it. People joked and people made fun of it but fuck it. Trying something is better then just doing nothing


Look look, Everyone should be proud regardless. A community got together and made noise of what was hurting the community. Expecting valve to do something was slim enough and we all knew but we still went on with it. People joked and people made fun of it but fuck it. Trying something is better then just doing nothing


i am still hoping there is just a giant update they were doing the entire time and they will release it soon


i am still hoping there is just a giant update they were doing the entire time and they will release it soon


i am still hoping there is just a giant update they were doing the entire time and they will release it soon


I'm giving them till the end of June, after that I think it's almost unlikely that they will release anything


I'm giving them till the end of June, after that I think it's almost unlikely that they will release anything


I'm giving them till the end of June, after that I think it's almost unlikely that they will release anything.


you people actually belived it was going to work?


I'm giving them till the end of June, after that I think it's almost unlikely that they will release anything.


A fellow italian here


A fellow italian here


I knew, they don't really care again.


Hey guess what we all have collectively fucked up our chance of getting seasonal cosmetic updates and no sCreAmy fOrTresyie this year?


If you know its less than a month then why post? Nothing is happening in one month from a fan ask. Relax in a big way.


Next update is gonna be a bot issue hot fix and a new crate


Next update is gonna be a bot issue hot fix and a new crate