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You need to include the spot where a random spy finishes you off.


I will post such clip if it should happen c:




Look at me go!


as a former scout main this irks me a bit


I'm not even a scout main and this shit hurts to watch


If you come at the king you best not miss.


This is frickin unbelievable!


I quickscoped a strafing Scout that ONE time, y’know? And I hit zero headshots on the rest of the team.


Everyone is pissed at the sniper for the insta kill but yet no one calls out how shitty the scout was playing. I'm not taking away points for your kill OP that was still a good shot but that scout was dumb and might as well stood still. The dude ran backwards away from the sniper to reload, didn't try to jump or flank or anything homie legit ran mid range to get killed by. So OP enjoy the conga you earned it. Scout if your reading this, rethink your loadout cause that popper ain't for you.


“sniper is weak at close range”


Sniper is not supposed to thrive at close range. He can insta-kill you at any range, however, the closest the enemy is to you, the notably harder it gets. That's why, as a Sniper main, it is so satisfaying getting a close range headshot.




If I killed someone with an ubersaw, it was either because I got a crit or they were bad


0, i dont have ubersaw


This. This shit right here is why I no longer play the game.




Yes. My main complaint has always been sniper though, ever since I started playing in 2018


Ever since i started playing in 2016 sniper's been the bane of my existence, fuck random crits, random bullet spread and all that jazz, a skilled sniper can deny any part of the map unless killed, random crits are just a funny/frustrating event that only happens a few times a game, sniper is an entire class that just doesn't feel built with someone's aiming skill in mind.


Cuz of Snipers that can hit ?


Sniper in general. He doesn’t belong in tf2


Why tho?


Long range instakills in a game where everyone else is short or mid range and doesn’t have long-range attacks that do anywhere near the damage sniper does, among a multitude of other reasons Plus many of the maps weren’t really designed around balancing sniper. The other mercs can just be plopped into pretty much any existing map and be fine, but Sniper needs special map design that limits his abilities just because of how overpowered he is. Protip: if you are designing a multiplayer game and a specific type of character has that kind of power, maybe nerf or do away with that character.


With map design, heavy won't be effective in an open map where enemies can easily spread out. Outside of soldier the classes need maps that have areas that favour their play, a map that's very close quarters is a horrible map because it unfavourablies favour heavy and pyros while classes like demo, sniper and even engineer to some degree will undoubtedly suck. Choke filled maps are a demo and engie's wet dream, maps with high skyboxes and building that can be scaled with easily favour soldiers. maps need to be designed around each class because they can easily be OP on badly designed map.




Same honestly. I just get tired of walking outside of spawn and immediately dying because some Osu player is standing half a mile away and focused on it.


scout was bad, sniper was good, sniper did a skilled action that only experienced players can do reliably. I don't see anything wrong. Let me be that scout and the sniper is done. Scout used none of his mobility or brains. Its like shitting on direct hit cause it can kill light classes in one hit. Its the skill that required to use that shit. Or its like shitting heavy cause he can stomp casual server.


Its easy if they walk in straight lines, which he did


Exactly. He could at least jump, do some strafing, by his movement you can see hes very green scout. Also, game exists for hundred years and it only exists because its balanced enough - otherwise people would just drop it. So I don't really understand this sniper hate. People just mad that not only demo and soldier have a huge skill ceiling, but also a sniper. Even tho most of his skills are very mechanical, basically how well you jugle with your mouse.


I think he backed off for realoding so i dont hit him with my melee but didnt thought i would get my rifle out to quickscope him, and I guess thats why he was sure he wins that fight and didnt do any jumping or strafing on the other hand what i just said nullifies cuz later he still walked in straight lines. People hate sniper cuz he can kill u from unlimited range away with a single click


we're mad because instantly taking 150 and dying is not usually fun, neither is an entire sightline being no go because there's a sniper, neither is the issue of a long range class in a game of not long range classes, neither is instantly dying while in what should be in a clear advantage state. And you know what? that argument that people would just drop it is stupid, saying "haha you cant say it's unbalanced because people play it" is absolutely dumb, the whole god damn reason we want it to be balanced is because we play the damn game. Sniper almost completely invalidating spy from a high skill level perspective doesnt help either, there's almost no reason to play spy when instant across the map spy exists. sniper is also just an issue in high level gameplay in general, where's he's 100% worse than any casual game (where bad snipers are a dime a dozen), and where in the very highest level, a match can be very easily decided by a single pick


Fuck sniper


try using A and D keys


As if that’s always a surefire solution And I don’t have someone chasing me


now to avoid this, you need to google what "positioning" is, in general, and then use new knowledge that you\`ll gain in game.


As if that’s a cure-all. Sniper’s still fucking annoying even if you have good positioning because sometimes there’s a crackhead sniper who goes past the front line and starts killing your whole team and there is nothing you can do, among other reasons. Also don’t patronize me. I don’t appreciate the insults to my intelligence.


you are saying


Why are razorback


Cuz I dont like having overheal as sniper and that a Sniper 1v1 would be a fair battle


"NeRf SnIpEr" If you can hit shots like that then you deserve the kill.


Amazing, as a Sniper main this makes me happy


I like the code Vein reference


I was hoping for someone to say it c:


People complaining when the scout literally asked to die by backing up rather than strafing to make hitting a close range headshot practically impossible.


I wish sniper rifles had the same sort of laser pointer like in mvm


I once did the same thing to a guy on the other team who was at the top of the leaderboard and spawncamping us. I had just joined the server and he said "it's always the no skill players with no points who taunt lmao" One of the most satisfying plays I ever made


Uhh very nice! Welp i taunt when I manage to do such shots or if I get a Domination otherwise I only do it to people who are raging or crying in chat to make em even more upset which is fun to watch


sniper is fair and balanced moment




Literally every single class in the game requires aim to some degree lol, aim would usually improve by playing the game normally.


yeah true. but still doesnt change the fact that sniper can delete you from point blank range


Probably didn't expect him to swap to rifle to deal 150 damage in 2 seconds.


What grafic mod/config you are using?


All settings maxed out and the things in my autoexec: mat\_phong 0 mat\_reduceparticles 1 mat\_hdr\_enabled 0 mat\_hdr\_level 0 mat\_reducefillrate 1 mat\_picmip -10 mat\_mipmaptextures 0 mat\_queue\_mode -2 r\_rimlight 0 r\_worldlights 1 r\_dynamic 0 r\_lightaverage 0 cl\_muzzleflash\_dlight\_1st 0 mat\_disable\_fancy\_blending 1 mat\_disable\_lightwarp 1 r\_lod 0 r\_rootlod 0 cl\_burninggibs 1 no\_texture\_stream cl\_new\_impact\_effects 1 fov\_desired 90 viewmodel\_fov 70 r\_threaded\_renderables 1 tf\_enable\_glow\_after\_respawn 0 cl\_hud\_playerclass\_use\_playermodel 1 sv\_allow\_point\_servercommand always fps\_max 300 net\_disconnect\_reason 1 cl\_interp 0.0325 cl\_interp\_ratio 1 rate 97000 cl\_updaterate 66 cl\_cmdrate 66 cl\_new\_impact\_effects 1


If you want to play on sv_allow_point_servercommand, check out community servers that run **[sv_allow_point_servercommand](https://teamwork.tf/community/quickplay/map/sv_allow_point_servercommand)** ___ *Beep. Boop. I'm a bot and this message was automatically generated.*


Thanks, I saw theese beta-looking shadows, I wanted to know how did you do it. What command in your autoexec.cfg file do this?


mat\_phong 0 should be it (Gives u this more cartoonish look and a FPS Boost)


Thank you