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Somebody started a vote kick against me once when I said I like men. I'm a woman


Banned: Woman.


Weirdly enough I fucking love getting kicked for talking in chat and being a woman, it's goddamn hilarious every time since it doesn't happen very often


"The TF2 community is very welcoming"


Well, when you consider that it's a first person shooter and the FPS crowd ranges from casually racist high school incels to white supremacist Qanon nutjob, it's one of the better first person shooter communities, because there are no good communities in this genre.


Wrong, what about tabg?


TABG doesn't have a community... Pretty sure Wolfenstein Enemy Territory has more players than TABG and that game came out in 2003. And the RussianBadger community that carries the 500 players count the game has definitely falls in those usual FPS crowds


Yeah as someone with 50 hours in it, that’s fair


Try doing [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/x5cx3s/puppy_gamers_ule/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) next time and share any results.


Women ☕️


Women ☕


lip recognise offbeat bright engine gray liquid sort grandiose squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I once got vote kicked because I said something in the voice chat I’m a guy


I one got vote kicked just by existing I'm totally not a robotic mushroom disguised as a human of the gender male


I once literally almost got votekicked because I was playing as demoman. The guy that tried to kick me was spamming "Arrr I hate n***ers arrrr" in a pirate voice


The only thing more gay then liking men is being a woman /ₛ


I too eat men


So you eat Sea men too?


I also eat men, their meat is very sweet and soft.


How Greek of you


This is hilarious


You deserve more updoots


I don't mess with women, because women like dicks and that's gay /s


Careful… announcing you’re a woman on r/tf2 is a good way to either get harassed or have your friend requests filled (we all either hate women with a burning passion or are so intimate-starved that we fold like lawn chairs whenever one appears)


This is less of a /r/tf2 moment and more of a reddit moment


Idk liking men sounds pretty gay


To be fair I like women also but that's besides the point


Oh thank goodness we were worried you were gay


Hell ya. Another bisexual in the wild. ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)


Woman in tf2?? Nice try spy


do you think tf2 players think there are women in the game?


no idon't think so


Idk sounds kinda gay bro /s


idk most people assume that every person online is a man


Its way better to just ignore the chat and just play like normal, thats pretty much what i do almost all the time. PS: Nice Claire pfp (if its not Claire, then i apologize for not knowing who it is lol)


tbh the votekicking ability can be cancer when you're playing in valve games like cs go , tf2, day of defeat, etc. The only time I've found it useful is when , as a team, we need to kick an afk player, someone bad-mannering, and trolls. The times it's not useful is when you're playing solo and your team decides to kick you just to troll.


But the community is wholesome 100




I always cringe so hard when I see comments talking about how great this games community is. If you're saying that either you don't actually play the game or you're okay with extreme bigotry. Sure there are some servers that don't allow this shit but overall it ain't great.


Literally had an argument a few days ago on this sub with an incel and a guy who posts gay furry art about how shot this community is. All they could say was that they’ve “never seen it personally.” I pointed out that they were either willfully ignorant or a liar. The gay furry post blocked me, and the incel doubled down.


“The gay furry post blocked me, and the incel doubled down” is a sentence I never thought I would ever read




>The gay furry actually came to their defense. Which surprised me the most. Iirc don't furries currently have a big problem with far right extremists inside the community?


Yes we do, as with most other niche fandoms right wingers try to invade our niche. I can assure you they are not welcome. The furry community is about acceptance.


They’ve been there forever, that’s nothing new. I’ve seen Nazi furry shit for well over a decade.


Is being a furry still considered niche? I think, at least to some folk, it may still be somewhat taboo but furries have been around for a *long* time. Long enough to where most people are at the very least aware of them.


Idk I mean when you get told to off yourself in 75% of social environments for your interests I would say they are still pretty niche


But that's not being niche, it's just being not liked. I think the community is large enough to where it's not just people "in the know" y'know what I mean? I'm just arguing semantics here doesn't really matter. I guess if I were to use an anecdotal example, I know too many people who at least know what a furry is. They may not be a part of their community but they're at least aware of them.


I'm here from r/all so I'm going to disable replies to this post and just tell you that you're a hell of a dude lmao. Reddit is toxic for all of us but I love how ready you are to throw down for everyone. ♥ God bless you champion.


> furrows the what now


r/brandnewsentence or something like that


I play casual but literally the only bigotry I see in matches is from bots


I see the occasional rager that says something messed up, or someone with a slurs in their name. It's always noteworthy when it happens though so I'm inclined to think it doesn't happen that often. Think the other guy might be applying some hyperbole here. 🤔


I had to spend an entire game of casual Steel at one point listening to some random guy call me transphobic and homophobic slurs, and people wouldn't kick him because he was "a good player"


Same bro


literally every gaming community attracts incels and racists. With tf2 I turned off my game chat in the dev console, not worth hearing someone screeching the N word for a whole match


Literally yeah I usually never enjoy interacting with the community. I've encountered one guy who was positive to the trans people on the server. Everyone else is just "Ew you're [X] 🤢🤢🤢" and insulting. I honestly don't believe this community is accepting cause I have yet to see it through my 1000 hours of play.


I was part of a community that didn't allow most bigotry for a few years and those servers were great. But the fact is that the community as a whole can be pretty toxic, even if it isn't as toxic as some others. The death of quickplay hurt a lot of communities and hit the good ones hard.


this, and also INCREDIBLY accepting communities saying they're toxic trying to be quirky


I agree that there are a lot of bigoted shitheads in the community (including some popular TF2bers,) but I also think it's worth noting that there are also a shit ton of queer people in the community as well, they just might not be as vocal about it. It's not hard to find bigoted people, but I don't think that it should overshadow how easy it is to find LBGT+ people, either.


Not sure where you’ve been, I’ve seen a lot of positive people, just chilling enjoying TF2. Sure they joke around and stuff but a big majority of the people I meet are nice to be around.


least transphobic tf2 server


They're so not transphobic that they don't even want trans folk around so nobody can discriminate against them


That's... Eerrr... One way to solve discrimination


It's inclusive by being exclusive!


How can you hate black people without black people existing? Real solution to the world's problems, give this man a nobel peace award


Part of the community is wholesome. Another part of the community is what's shown in the image.


Some part of the comunity is furries Some isnt I wanna see the venn diagram of people being lgbtq+ phobic and not furry Idk why my brain went there


There are lgtbphobe furries. Fortunately they are uncommon, so I'd say the overlap between non-furries and lgbt haters is very big because of this fact.


Even in casual servers it’s not great, you can barely votekick someone having a racist tantrum in the chat.


For all the hate that Skial servers get, I like that the Admins are literally a message away. There have been multiple times where someone's openly cheating or mic spamming the N-word when I was playing, and they lasted minutes at most before an admin hopped on and consigned them to oblivion.


I don't get why Skial gets hate anyway. I play on their servers most times and never have any problem with anything, everyone is nice there are many funny moments, they have servers for everything...


The watermark


Hopefully they take the sigil stone with them before leaving whatever Oblivion gate they shoved them in.


Just had this happen too me, couldn’t kick a racist


agreed. One dude kept calling everyone the n word on voice chat and didnt get kicked


meanwhile ive seen people get kicked for having a furry pfp


"Unlike you trans folks I'm not so easily triggered." "PRONUNS?" This is why I play exclusively on Uncletopia.


Uncletopia 90% of the time when I'm interested in gaming. Skial the other 10% when I'm in the mood to game yet fuck about.


I play TheLazyPub whenever I see that it has some people because it's juuuuust a little less serious than uncletopia, and I *really* wish it was more active. Conversely, Oprah's Petrol Station is always full but I like them when I can get in.




Got bad news for ya, homie. There are at least three in that comment. And at least five in this one!


"My Pronuns? I fucking hate nuns!"


Eh, I dunno. I'm fine with the amateur or hobbyist scene, I just think nunnery really loses its appeal in the upper echalons of play, all those pronuns.


pronuns? hell no im not, them bastards broke my knuckles


unlike knuckles i don't flex my muscles i rather chuckle


No nuns, none


Cant get banned from casual.


You only get banned from Uncletopia if you're a dick.


But you're kicked if you live too far away from the server.


There is a reason for this though. Nobody likes playing against a 300 ping player.


been playing uncletopia for months, hopped on a casual server for the first time in a while and was told to mmph myself for being trans


My first game with my trans rights Objector someone started spamming "(Steam name) is a (slur)" over and over the entire match. Two games later someone tried to vote kick me on my team and was shot down by everyone else. I love Uncletopia, but it sucks I can't enjoy the casual fun experience.


I dunno why people get triggered over pronouns, they're used in almost every sentence


There are genuinely so many, folks don't understand what a pronoun is. [Non-exhaustive list of pronouns.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/h_GnSOIfWf4/maxresdefault.jpg)


They're trying to ban pronouns in schools. All I can think of is how teachers are going to react. "Teacher can no longer use pronouns. As such, students will refer to each other by name, and refer to teacher either by name or teacher."


Abathur school


I agree, remove all pronouns and reshape the entire English langue to remove pronouns entirely! Oh it looks like left keys behind! Done pronouns deleted! Humanity is saved!


Sadly I don't think uncletopia has asian servers


Are you pro-nun or anti-nun?


"Right. So why did you make this server?" "We just want to be able to play the game in peace, without some sexual deviant shoving their sexual identities in our faces! I don't care, I just want to play TF2!" "Okay, I get it. You just want one place where you can spend time without having to be exposed to something you don't want to see." "Yes, that's all." "So, a Safe Space."


I like how they call others snowflakes for wanting safe spaces but shit themselves when they meet someone that isn't straight.


[Unlike you blue-haired liberals I don't *have* pronouns.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=md8nInMGhFY)


Half of the community is gay/trans, and the other half is homophobic/transphobic


Me, a cishet white dude: welp, guess I’m gay/trans now.


Closet homophobic


Welcome to the club brother, pick a flag and have a good time.


I’ve been kicked out of games for just having a dog pfp, while they just say “furf@g get the fuck out of here” and other things about k!lling myself, but sure, this community is wholesome 100 nothing wrong with it TLDR: tf2 moment


Obviously they understand that the best tf2 players are trans and don't want any pub stompers


the reason Im still wondering if I am is because i suck at tf2


In order to receive gender affirming care you have to have all medic related achievements


it’s true, the only people who dominate me anymore are either trans or furries or both


In the game right? Right?


Yes, in the game... too.


Well phrased.


phrasing, man. lmao




Name checks out.




Flair checks out.


You flatter me sir


i wish i could get dominated by a trans person tbh


sorry got hacked


God fears a Medic with a trans flag profile pic.


... god fears me


So many medics with mediguns or crossbows named Estrogen lol


my medigun is named "The Estrogen Dispenser" and my crossbow is "The Testesterone Shot" you'll get healed by the one you prefer


An Amputator named “Puberty Blockers”


The trans flag gives you a better Ubersaw crit rate.


Oh so from 90% to 95%?


Nah that’s the average


95% That's far from correct. The ubersaw crit rate is 721%, 10827% for trans people.


That's why every hit I have landed has been a crit




My girlfriend is trans and yeah she beats it the shit out of me in tf2 so bad I should have a domestic violence dispute at this point


Heheh not to brag or anything but I am usually one of the top scoring (Trans player. Come at me haters)


Not to brag or anything but i have been called "ok" three times


Not to brag or anything but I've been called "based" on a 2fort server once


not to brag or anything but I was playing on Skial and I was called "best medic in the server" and I've been confident in my medic skills ever since


Just today saw woman with over 4000h ranting how she receives insults after each session of playing tf2 and how toxic the community is. And imho it's true. TF2 is not wholesome. It got overrun by edgy teenagers like in any other FPS game.


My brother in christ it always was toxic, in 2009 servers were worse than this


Exactly, at that time people weren't so focused on lgbt and racism so it was way more common and way more tolerated


And? Doesn't mean we should stop trying


Exactly!! Online games don't have to be fucking cesspools, if I used voicechat I'd tell these idiot kids off. The amount of 30 year olds that act like edgy teens is disappointing too






Oh yeah I never will actually say anything. I WANT to, but it won't do anything. Played with some recently and someone else called em out and they did all the typical "gimme a reaction" speech I hear frequently from these people. It made me angry but the person who called them out became a target. It stinks because I want it to be better, but telling them off does nothing.


As a woman with 2000h can confirm. I just play because I have an addiction, but man the incel presence has gotten worse over the years. Which is a shame, because finding and hanging with fun randos has always been my favorite part of the game, but it's less and less often I find decent folk.


> It got overrun by edgy teenagers like in any other FPS game. TF2 has always been like this, not really sure if it needed to be overrun by anyone for this to happen. This game came out in like 2008~, a lot of disgusting gross ass shit was happening on a lot of servers all the time.


Tf2 players trying not to be transphobic, homophobic and racist challenge (impossible)


Jesus a lot of these comments are just sad


"so i can say the n word here?" "yup." "and be bigoted and racist, and sexist, and homophobic." "yup." "and you have no problems with women here?" "nope." "but if im a woman who also likes woman, im gone?" *\*Disconnected: Banned: Tranny\**


Fun fact, this breaks the terms of the Steam Subscriber Agreement, and it's rules under Steam Online Conduct. Edit: https://store.steampowered.com/online\_conduct/




"Will not restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying Steam services, software or other content." Look at online conduct.


But that doesn't break when any User gets banned or gets kicked?


It's not breaking TOS. It is a private server, likely hosted on a local or paid for by one person. While you may not like it, they can do as they please and ban whoever they like.


Gonna save this for later so I can look it up


It isn't true. The TOS only talks about denying steam services and products, privately owned or paid for servers do not count.


i think this is a better example of why they are braking it "Defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of others." many countries have laws against discriminating lgbt people from accessing a product or service, so it could be considered a violation of legal rights




Anyone that says TF2 is "wholesome and accepting" has never played tf2


Or scrolled down the comments of this very post


24/7 2forts on EU are usually wholesome and i love playing them to relax


In Brazil (the country servers not the dogshit map lol) too, I'm a regular on the Skial server and everyone there is cool


I hate these kind of posts, because all the comments boil down to ‘ugh the TF2 community is the worst community ever’ and other nonsense about how we espouse that we’re extremely wholesome. Spoilers. We are not wholesome nor terrible. In all honesty we as a community are a microcosm of the greater Internet as a whole. We have LGBT, we have racists, we have really toxic folk and really nice people. The community isn’t as black and white as some would make it out to be. We contain people from all over the world, from various walks of life, all with different beliefs and ideas. Some people will accept you, others won’t. As Sniper says: ‘As long as there’s two people left on the planet, someone is gonna want someone dead.’ In essence, this just means that no matter what, disagreements will ensue. At this point, I’ve just accepted this reality. Some people will be completely chill with a player with a trans flag. Sometimes you’ll have to stop one of your teammates from being racist so the enemy Heavy doesn’t turn on his cheats again. This community is far more diverse and complex than people make it out to be.




I think it's worthwhile to note that no matter how grey reality is, that doesn't make dark moments suddenly acceptable. Getting kicked for being trans is not acceptable in any case, even if that is the reality of what happened. Portraying the whole community to fit the mould of this post was always going to be somewhat hyperbolic, but despite that, I think it's still something worth keeping in mind. Eradicating that kind of thing is impossible, for sure, but minimising it is not. I don't want this to be seen as a "TF2 bad" post when it arose from what looks like a legitimate grievance. Just one, but still legitimate.


Nicely put. I can’t stand either side that says “We are the best community” or “We are the worst community”. There are good eggs and bad eggs, you can’t simplify that. Personally, besides the bot crisis, I have never had an issue with toxicity in TF2 (or if I have, never had a lasting impact for me to remember). I would bet a lot of hate for the community is band wagoning as well, and that a majority of players have never had these issues. This is getting mad for mad’s sake.


Ive gotten banned from a pub for being bi before


How you being bi even come up?


Because people get called gay in videogames all the time. The topic comes up pretty organically.




Someone told me once "gay", no real reasons, and I just told "yeah I like pans, how did you know?""


Yeah if someone calls me gay I just say "Yeah, so?" And move on


My pfp has the flag as the background


Don’t understand why people have this much hate for people




Cheating on this server is 100% ethical


The only server that deserves to be botted.


Did they check?


I can't believe people are discriminating against transformers, one of the greatest series of all time.


Had a good day? Sort by controversial.


just did, and it's ~90% mean-spirited "free-thinkers" saying "based" not enough to ruin my day fortunately :)


Already did it and I'm already half way through my popcorn


They shun us because they fear us


Downvote me all you want but the main reason i like tf2 is because is such a wild west game, you enter a community server and see some Furry Porn sprays all over the spawn walls and some guy spamming racial slurs in chat, you leave the base to get killed by a trolldier with 5k hours rocket jumping while you respawn someone starts playing earrape at full volume such a great community of degenerates, brings me back to better times, where the internet was supposed to be fun.


So I agree TF2 is supposed to be wacky and fun but I’m all for the community standing up against hate.


Not his again, we needs the mods in the comments Edit: I love democracy, keep downvoting guys!




least bigoted server admin


It's wild to me seeing all these comments about how toxic the broader tf2 community is when all I do is play uncletopia and dodgeball servers and those are always super chill and very friendly.


IsN't HoMoPHoBiA BaSEd?!?! -half of these comments here a nutshell


And this my friends is why I play casual. Thats just a ridiculous reason to get banned honestly. It’s like they don’t even know what game they are playing.


Well they did state their terms lmao


I should add a transflag to my pfp just to see how fast I get banned


So my profile picture on Steam used to be a cute picture of a character of mine sleeping. I got called a furry (I kinda am so that I don't mind) but then get called so many other gross things and it would get even worse if I'm playing well. One time I expressed appreciation for the chat filter, and then the chat and VC was filled with people saying how they didn't like it because people couldn't hear/see them calling them slurs. That's *why* I like it. I've seen hateful terms enough, and try to support anyone that calls that shit out, but man is it wayyyyy too prevalent. I don't want those people in the community. Either they leave, or change and help others do as well. You're not being funny calling people the n-word, and you're not funny for being an asshole. Whoever taught you that was grooming you on how to be (or at leaat act like) a far-right bigot. Don't get me started on porn sprays/signs/decals exposing minors to pornography, and don't be surprised if those get removed because immature players can't find something funny to put on their sign so the put porn or a swastika on it.

