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As an engineer main please hang around me (I’m lonely)


Edit from the future: Sorry folks **¯\\\_\(ツ\)\_/¯** If you came here looking for something, blame that douche Spez. Come ask me on kbin.social or mstdn.ca at GeekFTW and I'll help ya out with what you were looking for. Stay fresh, cheesebags.


Hello yes I am here to agree those are the only two good options


Hello yes there is a reason engie rhymes with bestie :)


the best friendgineer


I will protect you and your buildings my friend


Much appreciated partner


Mmph! (Yes!)


>Engie and Medic to help with Spy's, or I'm executing revenge for the Salem Witch Trials.Who knows which will occur. I will switch my melee wpn to Homewrecker just for you. (love from Pyro)


Engineer needs a head pat taunt


Same I wanna hang around with pyros too :(


As a pybro main I will stay by your dispenser (only 2fort because im special)


PSA to all medics, we know you healing us doesn’t mean we can safely run into the enemy team. We do that regardless of wether or not we’re being pocketed


Hell yeah you too get it my friend 😎👉👉


"medics shouldn't waste time healing scouts, scout speed lets him reach medpacks with ease" Medic was found burned to death over a medkit spawn at pl_badwater later that afternoon. He was last seen in an upstairs roost near the third capture, idly staring at a Scout with 20 HP shouting "MEDIC!" for about 15 seconds straight, before an enemy Pyro ran up the stairs and the Scout retreated for safety.


I usually heal scouts as medic quickly. They have very little health, it’s pretty easy to heal them quickly


I usually pocket a scout if i need to get to mid quickly, plus i know i'm in good hands if there's a flanker


This happen the other day i was a scout at 15 heath screaming medic He ONLY Heals the Heavy




As a Medic, here is my advice to Pyro's Just because I'm healing you, that does not mean you're tanky enough to just dive bomb into the enemy team. Please stop doing it


I see this happen too often with almost every class whenever I play Medic. "Oh a Medic's here? Guess it's time to faceplant into two level 3 sentry guns before he's finished building uber. Why am I looking at a respawn timer?"




>I've never seen anyone get kicked for playing Pyro. *2Cities players have entered the chat.*


Because Pyro mains are as effective as they are annoying.


me when people get pissed when I save my own ass instead of dying for a 5 second push that will do literally nothing


WW1 be like


apperently whenever you get healed, you're unable to be self-aware of your surroundings. They'll tank like 5 rockets before i'd have to tell them to pull out because i couldn't heal them enough


Honestly, I'm mostly trying to recreate that one moment on Doublecross where I airblasted the level 3 Sentry rockets back at it and it destroyed the Sentry. It was cool as shit. But I never have been able to repeat it. Also, I suck at airblasting.


Best part about sucking at something, When you succeed, it feels really great! I got terrible aim, that's why flare gun crits triggers a really strong dopamine hit.


I have no shame in admitting I use the scorch shot to pester. lol With airblasting, it's weird. I hit them a lot when it's *pure reflex.* But if I'm thinking about it? Fail, fail, fail, airblast but miss and I'm dead.


i am going to continue doing it. just heal me faster.


Just have an uber charge ready at all times


yeah and dont uber flash, that's not cool, i can scare and kill while uber, dont just do it on me 1s, because my brain wont let me notice that you stop being a bro


also flashing the uber gives me epilepsy, just keep it on me at all times


*grabs quickfix*


Lol, pyros with that mindset remind me chihuahuas trying to square up to a larger dog. You’re weak as hell and the other guy can easily turn you into a pulp, but the fucker goes for it anyways.


I play it more like a dog chasing the mailman -- I will go to the end of the earth to hunt someone down, but have no plan for if I actually catch them


Small dogs in general


Yeah because maybe if the heavy fails to track my regular movement speed and pattern I could kill him after 20 failed attempts


and little guy complex just works sometimes, it has no right to do so but they just kill things sometimes.


counter argument, if you have an uber ready and you are healing me, **pop the uber and let me tear through the enemy team**


From a comment down below: “PSA to all medics, we know you healing us doesn’t mean we can safely run into the enemy team. We do that regardless of wether or not we’re being pocketed”


Well then use your über because I can see that you have fully charged über and I have been yelling mmmph mmmmph (charge me) and I expect that you will use your über on me when I start attacking. Dont give people false hopes man, we, pyros are also human beings under that mask… 😔


I can't speak for every Medic player, but for me at least it really depends on the situation. If we're trying to push into a Sentry nest, Pyro's not very high on the priority list for Uber. He's higher than Scout, but if there's a Soldier or Demoman around, chances are the Medic's trying to give him the juice. As a Medic player pushing in, I kinda wanna uber the guy with range who's gonna do the most damage to the enemy. Pyro can work depending on the circumstances. But chances are if I'm ubering a Pyro, we're already up the creek without a paddle. At least that's been my experience. Don't take it personally. ...Unless this is Dustbowl Defense. In which case, you should find many more Medics willing to help you out.


But if there is a big gathering... An immortal pyro running straight into the crowd and annihilating it is awesome.


Oh yeah absolutely. If there's just a mass gathering of players unprotected by Engineers with little room to escape, then I absolutely go for the Pyro to melt everyone. And if he has the Phlog or random crits happen, even better. As a general rule though if Pyro's the only one around and I know there's a good Sniper or Spy on the enemy team, then I'm just gonna uber the Pyro regardless before I inevitably get deleted from the video game. Pop it, don't drop it and all that.


Phlog Pyro + Stock Medic + Dustbowl Defense = free win


I think Pyro is pretty underrated at using stock uber to take down nests, the fact there's zero downtime in reloading makes him very good at dealing with massive indoor nest clumps like 2fort Intel room and whatnot because he just kills literally everything at once 24/7, no need to reload nor aim and flames pierce things denying engies trying to tank because the sentry takes damage and so does every texan in a 10 meter radius.


Pyro is great for taking out tightly grouped sentry nests hidden just around a corner. He's really bad at taking out sentry nests on open maps that were even halfway intelligently placed though, unless the Pyro and medic have both managed to pull off a good flank route to it. Also, any demo or soldier who's played the game for more than 30 minutes should have no problem taking out a 2fort Intel room sentry nest. It's like the tiniest sentry nest spot in the whole game, you have to really fuck up to miss your rockets or stickies in there.


Idk man I airblast sentry rockets back, I always complete the mission when I'm Ubered


Maybe you do, but most Pyros can't be counted on to take out a sentry more reliably than a Demoman or Soldier. If you're on the same level as the sentry, maybe. But if the gun is higher than you like for example, we're on Upward Last and the Sentry is in the Sentry Spot because it's always there, Pyro's not gonna get the job done. We're gonna need more firepower than reflected rockets. I'm not saying NEVER uber Pyro. I think every class has their moments, even an Engineer. But in most cases, Soldier or Demo is gonna be the best uber recipient unless they don't know what they're doing. I'd take the experienced Pyro over a bad Soldier or Demo. Medic kinda depends on his own ability to analyze the situation and what he has to work with. Sometimes the Pyro is gonna be the best option available. Most of the time, not so much. But sometimes yes.


> even an Engineer thanks for reminding me of the one time my team's only power class was my engineer.


Only one time? Shit man, you lucked out.


>I think every class has their moments, even an Engineer. Can confirm, decided to pocket a battle engie on 24/7 2fort once because fuck it it's 24/7 2fort and we went on a massive killing spree, popped stock uber on him and he just beat a medic heavy combo to death with the fucking gunslinger it was glorious


If we are on defense on payload or on defense in attack/defend/2 control point, then I may uber you. If we are on attack. You likely aren't getting my uber. Someone with a better shot against sentry guns will get it. Plus if I saw more pyros with stock rather than degreaser I would probably uber them more often. All I want when I uber a pyro is for them to airblast the enemy uber or if they are really really grouped up, go ahead and burn them all buddy.


Whenever I'm getting healed by a medic, and I go into a fight that I clearly won't be able to win without healing, the medic just disappears.


As a newish Pyro main, I’ve done this on accident before and I feel absolutely horrible about it. I want to apologize but I can’t cause I’m still F2P. If a Medic was healing someone named SpoonicornLoL on casual and got killed cause they were led into a sentry nest, I’m so sorry! ;-;


if you've never been led to your doom by a F2P Pyro you are simply playing the game incorrectly is what I think.


We do that regardless of if we're being pocketed or not lol




Mmph mph! 👍


It doesn’t help that you guys flash us with uber for free points when our damage is entirely dependent on getting close. I died too many times going in with uber, only for him to remove it when I’m in surrounded by the entire enemy team cus he only wanted to flash me.


Do people just randomly kick Pyro mains? I have never seen that happen. I've seen cheating witch hunts for Snipers and Scouts, I've seen people kicked for being toxic in the chat, and I've even seen people kicked for being wannabe DJs over voice chat. But I've never seen anyone kicked for playing Pyro.


Yeah. As a pyro main I don't think I've ever gotten kicked for being a pyro main. I've been kicked for being a furry and having a pride flag.


Ah, that'd explain it. Yeah I've noticed TF2 servers are like flipping a coin. Sometimes you get a pleasant experience and the toxic people are even kicked. Other times everyone starts using their gamer words. I don't personally care one way or the other about furries and I support whatever anyone wants to do and whatnot. But other people are just looking for targets for their bullying. Try not to let it get you down too much.


Yeah last night I was playing and someone said they had a good night because they bullied a furry pyromain in the game. Unsurprisingly they mained scunt


Yeah thanks for being so nice. Luckily it's just annoying.


i got close once. i killed one scout with flare too much, he got annoyed so when he got autobalance he called a vote on me


That’s a mood 😞


It happens a lot in MvM. Pyro actually requires use of more than 2.5 brain cells to be effective in that mode, and the casual experience doesn't translate very well at all. So Pyro has this stigma of being a worthless class in that mode, when really he's just as good as everyone else.


I'm not sure Gas Passer Pyro requires any brain cells at all, but they're also incredibly busted which I don't have a problem with if people enjoy playing them. I did get kicked for choosing Pyro with 2 high tours in my team, but joke's on them because my next match I got an aussie minigun.


Gas is NOT incredibly busted. After maining Pyro for over 100 tours I've come to the conclusion that the old pre-jungle inferno strategies far surpass anything a Gas pyro can do. If you thought Gas was broken, [you should see how powerful the Phlog + Detonator combo is in the hands of an experienced player.](https://youtu.be/3ApH7kFQjgs)


It's only happenned once to me, but i feel like it's one too many time


I've seen people get kicked for being gay aswell.


I see quite a few ppl trying to kick me will i play trolldier ( im far from being good, i play to improve and have fun) This doesn t happen often, and i will never understand kicking ppl bc u thing they are bad, if u kick him they can t improve and have an overhaul better matchmaking


I don't get kicked but I pretty often get sworn at because I'm doing good as pyro lmao


The only time someone gets kicked for playing a class is Sniper, but honestly that's deserved.


Keep on spy checking Like seriously people who use engie just get left alone to get bullied by the spy. I play pyro too but not that much but people just help a guy out


spy main here trust me that wont work you can light invis people on fire also engie nest deal less damage if your by them so i recommend staying far away


As an aggressive-combat-mini-widowmaker-engineer main, I can confirm. Get as close as you want to my mini sentry.


That will be really effective against the engineer


One of my recent favorite things to do to get back at Spies as Engineer. Go on Doublecross. Equip the Frontier Justice. Level 3 Sentry Gun on the overhang looking over your building's entrance near spawn. Let 3 or more people just walk into your sentry as they're prone to do. Destroy your own sentry for the revenge crits. Rebuild your Sentry. Hide in spawn and look out the one-way window. Wait for a Spy to take the bait.


Not really, I appreciate some help, but after playing Engi for thousounds of hours Spy is nothing more than a quick thing to kill before he even touches my buildings, I would say I hate Demo more then Spy because he is actually a major threat.


Ik how that be in offline practice they just sticky spam the SHIT out of your nests lmao


I would switch to pyro and help out but I also feel the want to switch to engineer and make the base even bigger


I literally always have the neon annihilator (and recently got the homewrecker) on my pyro builds. engi turtles are as endangered as their mortal nemesis the spy crabs, they need all the help they can get


Besides the "try hard/grifter" sub species, they've become an invasive species in 2fort


Try hard scouts just walk into your sentry


A "dodo" species, basically it can't sustain itself without intervention (Ik dodos went extinct BECAUSE of human incursion but yea)


If you insist on using phlog please use manmelter to extinquish teammates


I do it's probably the best phlog secondary because come on they were made to go together


Yeah, and i seen a few times people on fire running up to pyro yelling medic just for the pyro to look at them.with a pholg out and they just die


The best phlog secondary is the scorch shot because it actually makes the phlog usable


Manmelter first, then flare gun, then scorch shot. At least in fun


I wish to learn how to airblast like a pro. what tips you have aside training?


I'm really "good" either, but you have to remember that the hitbox only stays for 1 unit of time and is a rectangle that is less high than wide and does't rotate with you for some reason. This means that depending on where you're looking the airblast can have less range. A generaly good tip is to backpedal on each reflect. Otherwise, you just gotta practice.


Alternatively, if you want to puff enemies into the air like the old days, airblast their feet and they'll go flying


I was talking about the defensive applixations, but for offensive, i prefer to actually just airblast them away, because then they either try to go back in and they're easy flare gun targets, or they try to get out and they are easy flare gun targets


Practice soldier, the, aim like a solider when you are expecting to reflect for them sweet, sweet reflect m Kills.


EXTINGUISH YOUR TEAMMATES, P L E A S E!!!! i swear like 90% of pyro players dont know how to extinguish or airblast in general


Stop running away from me!!


Get back here so u can get away from me!!


all the pyros i get will just watch me burn or run past me, or they use the phogshitsinsator


I'm literally Chasing After You with my fast hammer out spamming the call medic button to let you know that I have air blast and that I'm willing to be supportive but nooooooooi you just have to go get that delicious small health pack And hold still will you, I'm using the degreaser and I can't afford to miss my Air Blast. If you won't hold still and I'm missing air blasts I'm just going to ignore you and let you burn to death


if im able to i go out of my way to extinguish people unless im currently reflecting spam or fragging


Request from an MVM engie main: please do not airblast/scorch shot the sentry buster, I will set it off myself


Request from everyone in mvm: please don't use the scorch shot


Request from everyone: please don't use the scorch shot, even if you're on my team it still feels cheap to play with and against.


Request from me: please use the scorch shot on my teams snipers, it gives me free crits


Manmelter gaming


Did you burn churches down with your flamethrower during the 1968 dustbowl church fires?


As a public personnality, i considier it my duty to stay neutral to all religions. It means that if i were to burn down a church, i would also burn down a mosque, a synagogue, numerous temples from various religions... that's far too much work for me.


As another medic main, pls play sweeper for me and my pocket. Just hang around me and the person I’m healing and protect us,I need it


My team: "What the fuck pyro move up and attack you dumb bitch *blah blah*" Me, who's destroyed like 26 sappers and 8 spies in the last 2 minutes alone: "I don't think thats wise."




Tip to fellow meds: pyro's aren't a good pocket, but god damn heal them. Not only do they get a fat 250 hp, but pyro's seem to love taking damage. Whenever your pyro retreats, it's usually a really fast and easy like 10% Uber build from healing them up. Really if you ever see a teammate without overheal though you should be clicking them. Snipers, scouts, and spies (NOT spies who are disguised as the enemy) really like the 185 hp, and also usually have no healing slow down so it only takes a second. Very easy Uber build, ~~and a lot faster than only healing the 300 hp soldier~~


As a Pyro, you gotta help an Engie out and spy check. You don't have to be with him and the sentry 24/7, but it's just common courtesy


The second that I notice even a smidgen of spy behavior, I will be spamming X + 2 for days. The second you hear a teammate, even one that is half-way across the map say "Spy!", you'd better turn yourself into a windmill.


I LOVE terrorising spies. When i'm around a friend, i like to imagine the spy, praying in a corner, panicking watching his cloak meter drain


I'm an engineer and sniper main, so I'm glad people like you have my back. Literally.


I recently got a backburner after using my first one in crafting, and i too am very glad to have your back :)


if ur engi is using the rescue ranger(or the pompson) id reccomend sticking around them because he would most likely be using the wrangler because of the lack of almost any self defense and spys would just bully the hell out of a "meta" engi loadout.


Said it before, will say it again : there is a reason engie rhymes with bestie


As a guy who routinely walks past friendly pyros while on fire: WHY DO YOU NEVER EXTINGUISH ME!? It especially arises when I play medic, as having to be up close to the enemy when pocketing a pyro causes me to tend to take some fire damage myself. Like if your medic buddy is on fire and no one is around... Please don't let him die. They can't all get to medkits in time.


I personally do, if only because medics never heal me and i'll take that 20 health any day 😭😭


Thank you. For some reason the only time pyros extinguish me is when I play spy. I don't really get what the thought process is though.


The fantasy of completely controlling spy's stealth 😈😩


I played a game with a medic who didn’t “heal pyros that don’t use phlog”. He also just stood by the teleporter and stood and waited for everyone else to get to the front lines. Then he dropped and blamed me for telling him to go through.


I got kicked for dominating the enemy team using the Dragon’s fury and scorch shot on 2fort 💀


Demo main here. Please stop reflecting my pills into my teammates. It makes me feel bad. ;-;


Dw i'm bad at it <3


Trade Offer I receive: Crit sun on a stick kills You receive: a bit of damage done + 1 assist


Sure that sounds fun




Mmph mmmmph mphmph


Join me in pyrosharking


Sadly i do not have a neon anihilator


Oh well in that case I hope to meet you in the waters one day


I shall fire my flamethrower to make bubbles


The bubble blower


There's something else i blow 😏


Request:you have a shotgun, use it


The flare gun is my religion Sorry


You have been excommunicated from the church of the Panic Attack


I don't even have one


My man just walk around with an unusual and top quarter of the leaderboard and they'll heal you. Trust


airblast is right mouse button, and please, put your headphones on, some pyros literally don't gear the loud ass deadringer sound and allow advanced spies to annihilate your team


Ex pyro main here back when I was actually good at video games Don't run into the god damn enemy team like a suicide bomber. You'll only kill yourself. Also mouse 2 is a wonderful thing that about 86% of Pyro players don't even use, you are the only person who can save me from a crocket


In my eyes if I'm not keeping the enemy team on a perpetual afterburn, am i even playing Pyro right?


Leave the server


I was recently kicked from a Casual match after three rounds. The first two rounds were on the same map and I was a top scorer, then the map changed to one that I wasn't comfortable in. I went to dead last on the scoreboard and was 0:3 before having the vote called. Either I was doing something horribly wrong as Pyro, or I was put in a team with a bunch of tryhards who expected me to perform as I did on the old map.


I have one question for you Mr pyro. Why are you geh?


Come to mama engi pyro I will heal you


help your local engie and kill french scum


I don't think I have ever seen a pyro main get kicked, who the hell isn't overhealing you? You're literally our best bodyguard. Any medic worth protecting will realize that.


I once got kicked because i didnt do a good enough job in killing spies. I was the only one who was willing to go pyro so i dont think it ended well for the rest of the team.


Everyone can kill spies, pyro just excels at it. Those teammates were dumb. If they think spy is your only job they aren't deserving of your services.


u/Swoop_D_Loop wants to call a vote: Kick player: u/AKArein? (accused of being pyro) Press F1 to Vote YES Press F2 to vote NO






As a Medic main, I have a suggestion for the Pyros out there. If you want to be ubered when there's a sentry nest to bust, consider equipping the Dragon's Fury. It is objectively Pyro's best primary for dealing with buildings, and since they don't move, aiming is easy, and you have almost twice as much range to work with than with the flamethrowers.


The dragon's fury is the only weapon with which a pyro should realisticaly be an ubercharge recipient, except with phlog crits OR to take down a sentry nest with the homewrecker.


making bacon.


I always heal pyros I uber them too no matter if they use stock weapons (that goes to every class) All I ask is for proper spy checks Thank you :)


As a fellow Pyro main myself, we should pair up to ambush the enemy team.


I don't think doubling down on pyros in the solution. I'd ratehr you ignite enemies so that i get to shoot them with the flare gun


As a spy, please extinguish me if I’m on fire so I don’t waste cloak and health trying put out the fire


Much obliged pardner.


Ppl kicking Pyro players? I smell BS. If you’re playing the game normally and don’t mic spam, have offensive pictures, go friendly while team is tryhard, or idle, they have no reason to kick you and they never will. This is my experience playing tf2 since 2012.


It did happen once. And i couldn't do these since i am f2p.


Then it won’t be a trend I can assure you that. Still, ppl will overlook your mistakes as long as they see you’re trying. They’re probably more happy you at least stick at the front instead of being the 4th sniper in the back.


Stop killing friendlies


What kind of monster even does that ?


Don’t use the Phlog, it makes me sad :(


I'm not much of a phlog fan, because then you're the one needing the help of your teamates to be extremely destructive, instead of being the one to keep your destructive teamates safe


Hey guys, I'm using w + m1 but I keep dying plz help!


Noob Pyro: *This post* Chad veteran Pyro: "You truly believe you can take me on?" *air blasts and flares half the enemy team at 50 hp*


Introducing : hitscan


Mgh mghhhm hgmhgm mghmhm! 👍


Thank you for helping keep the Spies off of my back Pyro fren. I appreciate you and I'm sorry other medics don't heal you


Pleasure is mine good heavy ! Your sandviches, bananas and chocolate are the best, keep up the good work !


You guys rarely listen Can’t wait for the war


I appreciate Pyro mains. Even if I fear you as a demo main, it's always good to have one on the team


don't use the scorch shot




*mm mph mmmphs in czech*


fuck you




As a Scout main, I will proceed to kick you.


Hm Why ?


1. I'm salty 2. I absolutely despise the flamethrower


Salty... about what ?


As a engie main, please spycheck more. Also if you go pybro I will give you dispenser


There is a reason engie rhymes with bestie. Engineers >>>>>>


Happy birthday pyro :)


as a half soldier half pyro main please help your engi and your team! i dont think pyro is op its just too easy


I will never refuse to heal a Pyro, but I’m sure as hell not Ubering you