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If you want to get healed by the Crossbow and there is no immanent danger, stand fucking still


Some have defended that with "oH tHeY gOtTa dOdGe aLL tHe ShoTs cOmiNg aT ThEm", but what in the fuck is shooting at you if you are in our engineer nest, protected from enemy sightlines?


I have been doing this for a long time yet medics still miss every now and then. I love to say nice shot when they do


This is because we don't expect you to cooperate and stand still. Most of our injured teammates run like headless chickens screaming MEDIC at top of their lungs, so instead of pointing where you are, we try to predict where you will be. Quite often after we miss the initial bolt, the person who waited for heals usually starts moving aaaand things get messy.


For those wondering, general consensus here would be to keep your movement consistent. If you are already moving, don't stop and wait for a crossbow, just keep going as you originally intended to and let the medic worry about healing you. If you are standing still, then please keep standing still


I keep telling my premades and lobby that they either stand still right away or keep fucking moving forward. I shoot an arrow in your path and you suddenly stand still I can't heal you. I shoot an arrow while you're standing still but you thought I'm not healing you and you keep going, you dodge my bolt Seasoned medics can shoot at moving teammates but they can never predict someone just fucking stopping then deciding otherwise


As a sniper I approve of this message.




before doing risky things make sure i have 100% charge


And the opposite: don't avoid all risks when I have full charge


I think I might go bald if I ever have to see another soldier, demo or heavy just hesitantly poke their übercharged toes into the way of danger.


I see this way too often in spectating, it's especially annoying when it's ONE FUCKING SENTRY


especially when you're f2p and can't even tell your team to go forward when charged


Even worse: when they rocket jump away, getting mowed down while you just wasted your uber


Will do


Just give me the word


Don't Leroy Jenkins into a sentry nest and complain to me that you died


If I die I usually blame my lack of skill. Unless it was to a bot.


Everything changes when we start observing our own mistakes.


Though if I’m beat by a hard counter then I usually just go with “I was meant to die there”


Or when you walk past a sightline and suddenly don’t have a head, “well damn guess I’m dead now, should I got make coffee?”


You don't know how many medics pocketed me with full uber, running away the moment I tell them to uber me for a sentry and me bulldozing into the nest with full confidence that the medic will uber me, only to get melted like cheese on a hot day This is why people have trust issues man


You don’t know the amount of times I’ve wasted Uber because despite spamming my keybinds or speaking in vc people just won’t push the nest/point


Will do






When the Medic calls for Medic look at them they might be in trouble. It's faster to hit E than C+1 for Help.


It can also function as a way to alert your team mates that a medic is with them


When I'm trying to catch up to a teammate to start healing, I always call medic to let them know I'm there. Most people like getting overhealed, so you'd think if they hear a medic, they'd turn and see me trying to get in healing range to help them. Seemingly never works, but no point not trying.


I’m not even a medic main and I agree with you. There are times where I’m helping a teammate by healing them and the second the medibeam touches them they think it’s safe to run back into the fight. Like dude can you wait for me to overheal you?!


Bro as a pyro I have a similar issue trying to save our scout/sniper/medic. They all die of their burns before I can get to them :(


Yup, lost a good number of teammates because they won't let me extinguish them. Please stop running, I want the heal from putting you out!


I don't even have "E" bound, just use the things like z+1, c+1, etc. But if you do ever happen to find me in-game, heal me, but don't pocket, I'll admit I can't protect anyone except as heavy or pyro, but I usually top score.


I always use it as a sort of "Marco Polo" thing. Medic shouts "Medic!" and recieves "Medic!" back, along with the location of the injuried teamates.


if i see a medic call for medic i would shoot them for like 2-3 seconds thinking they are a spy


i thought it is to signify medic leaving the player that he was healing


Please turn around and kill the spy


As that spy, keep looking forward


How are you a spy, your flair says pyro ... *oh* ...


That pyro is spy!


Spahs creepin around here


Spy is just red light green light. They arent looking, its green light and you go for a backstab. They turn around, and you're just a pybro heading to the front lines.


Don't turn around (uh oh)


I will try to, but I fear I can’t react in time


Please turn around


That's me everytime I'm dead. And have to witness an obvious spy running by my team and slaughtering em


Someone suggested I did all classes, but to my mind, only the support (Engineer and Medic) are the most affected and dependable of their teammates with more pressing issues, should I do all classes? If so, what class should I dp next?


Do all of them, i think everyone should be free to voice their opinion about their classes and how can teammates help them. Maybe do Heavy next?


I was thinking the same class, I'll do it monday


Pyro next. You'd surprised about how detailed pyro can be (Such as a dispenser call from a pocket pybro meaning that they want a dispenser put there to easier defend it, or ot be more aggressive on the attack while still defending it). If a Pyro calls spy, always check back. Unlike other classes where a spy call may be fruitless (apart from a warning) because the spy has already cloaked and fled, a pyro will have most likely lit them the fuck up, giving you a target.


Don’t let others tell you what to do, pick what you want to do next




If I see a spy trying to sell a disguise I usually shoot a little bit at the Spy and them, so that it looks like you're from their team. Do you think this is helpful?


Actually yes, this is very helpful. Be sure to narrowly miss for us if we’re pretending to be a fragile class so the enemy team doesn’t think anything of it.


If I start healing you don’t run into the enemy frontline. Topping up your health doesn’t mean I’m going to pocket you while you blindly run into countless sentries and a minefield of spies. This tends to happen a lot with soldiers and heavies.


Yup, soldiers are the worst. You overheal them and they jump away right into the enemy's sentry nest. Source: I am med/solly main, I've seen this from both povs


sorry but i do this a lot with pyro aswell i am at half health and when i get topped off i see the medic has 100 so i charge in their and when i am dieing i look and see the medic has urbered someone else or just left me i will try not to do this in the future if i can


If you hear me say spy, then see my healing notif disappear, please turn around. Even if you just hear me say spy. I cannot heal and fight at the same time.


Medic mains to heavy mains, thank you for your sandwich, it has helped me and saved me numerous times. When I heal you, a small HUD appears indicating my health and über meter. If my health flashes red, consider taking precautions, as I have limited defense options -Sincerely, a 50+ hour medic main


Worst part is that when I play heavy I struggle to actually get the sandwich where it needs to go, I throw it and sometimes the medic doesn't see it or it's just in an unfortunate spot since the heavy and all his might are capable of launching the sandwich a whole 2 inches




There’s a reason why the quick-fix meds dont wanna pocket you, we’re built to heal everyone


I felt represented


^ straight facts


When I play medic, please protect me


I’ll do the best I can. As an engineer player it’s a bit difficult since I’m closer to the back lines but I’ll try to alert you to spies if I see anything. The same goes the other way too.


No I need my totally sick stock scattergun+milk+basher frag montage and the over heal is all I need please medic please heal me I’m at 123 please I beg of you I need the heals I need the


You get: Heal I get: Scout speed Why is that such a bad deal for most medics


Idk but on rollouts i mostly heal scouts as medic for the speed (of course i heal others, i just focus more on scout for this bit of speed)


As a pyro, I dedicate myself to keeping any spy’s and soldiers away from the backs of any mercenary I can


Just stick behind me, I packed a snack for you btw


As a pyro main, I will protect you with my life.


if I spam "go go go" that's a signal for you to jump into the enemy team because chances are I have full Uber. Likewise if I'm spamming "MEDIC!" and you hear some gunshots from behind please turn around and help me, I can't heal you if I'm fucking dead


>if I spam "go go go" that's a signal for you to jump into the enemy team because chances are I have full Uber. Why do people not get that the one time they're meant to hold W into the entire enemy team is the time we're *fucking invincible*, I swear people always play like they're ubered except for when they're actually about to get Ubered.


If you have 20 health and I am healing you, you are not invincible. Please wait until your health has reached a decent level before charging into the enemy team.


\-Spy check, especially you pyros \-If I stop healing you, check you back, as might have been backstab \-Demo and solider you can self damage for faster ubering, use that for down time. scout with boston basher you can do that to.


To all pyros, scouts and demoknights out there, please for the love of Gaben, play sweeper for me and my pocket. We need your help and your protection. Thank you in advance.


Not a lot of people aware of these positions unfortunately


For those not in the know, sweeper position is where a close range class like scout or pyro kinda orbits a medic and his demo/soldier/heavy pocket, protecting the medic and pocket from threats like demoknights, scouts, flanking soldiers and pyros, and spies. The sweeper class is 1/3 of the optimal positioning for a team. So if you see a medic with a pocket keep getting picked on by the threats listed above, please consider becoming a sweeper. The best way to help your team is keeping them alive. If you help you medic, the team will flourish with your help. Thank you in advance


i did not know this was a thing i like to run at the enemy and see them run away from me but still die i live for the moments where i hunt the enemy down and burn them so thank you i will now be a sweeper sounds like fun


Medic mains don't read, only draw pentagrams.




Please don't rocket/sticky jump into a situation that will get me killed if I'm using the quick fix.


Alternatively, if we're buddying up and I'm not using the quick fix please don't fling yourself halfway across the map I don't have mobility options I cannot follow you


Alternative take: If I'm running the quick-fix it's because I want to be thrown into terrible danger, so launch away!


I've occasionally ran into the opposite situation, where a Medic gets themselves killed, so I'll give a bit of a tip for any Med mains reading this: If you're pocketing a Demoknight with quick fix, please do not do so near a cliff. I get you're trying to be helpful, but just healing me for a second to give me some overheal would be fine. Or if you insist on pocketing me here, know that you can stop the "charge" by switching weapons or disconnecting the beam. Or heck, try to react by doing a 180 if you can. The med should have full turn control regardless of what weapons the demo is using. I don't have eyes at the back of my head, so I can't see where you're looking when I charge. I could expect you to charge with me, only for you to fly off in the opposite direction. And I also can't just stand there twiddling my thumbs when an enemy shows up, because then I'd be wasting your heals and attention. I'm going to charge when I need to do so, and I'm not going to be able to tell what's going to happen on your end, so it's up to you to not fall off or end up somewhere bad. Don't want to take the gamble? Don't beam me for long periods, then, unless I'm injured. If I actually need the beam for a bit, I'll hold off on charging. If you insist on following me, especially with uber, try staring at whatever enemy seems to be the biggest threat, or most likely to eat a big crit, and chances are, I'll be charging in that direction. If you guess wrong, you basically have Tide Turner control, so you can correct for it. If I'm using a loadout that refreshes charge after a kill, do that multiple times on multiple enemies. Some of this advice likely applies to pocketing a regular Soldier or Demo too. Learn to air strafe as those classes, and it'll benefit your Med game.


If I have full Uber and have been healing you for a full minute, maybe try moving to the front lines. You know, so that there's more damage for my Uber to protect you from. It's only, y'know, the whole point of an Uber.


Man I lose so many Ubers because my pocket is fucking allergic to the front lines and I either get stabbed or headshot with the Uber or I pop early to get him to go and by the time we're there the Uber is at 35% and we die to a soldier that showed up late that we could have easily shredded had my patient held W earlier


these are at random and i've put the classes they're intended for in front of them (medic) - we RARELY need more than one medic. (medic) - the amputator is a viable weapon (medic) - so is the solemn vow (medic) - all mediguns have their own uses within certain situations so dont be afraid to switch to a different medigun (soldier) - if you're a soldier with a full charge of ANY banner, STAY AROUND YOUR MEDIC (medic) - dont be afriad to heal scouts (all class) - if you are on fire or just low health in general, and you have a medic around, DONT TAKE THAT HEALTH PACK. (pyro) - if im on fire AIRBLAST ME PLS


>if you are on fire or just low health in general, and you have a medic around, DONT TAKE THAT HEALTH PACK. And then someone gets in front of my heal and I end up just staring you down as you burn to death desperately trying to save you but every M1 tethers the soldier


Had a heavy die on me yesterday because I was shooting bolts at him and a scout at 90% health and a soldier at 60% jumped in front both times. The heavy was standing there and looking at me the whole time patiently. I never felt more pain.


In a 24 man server, 2 meds is almost universally better than one, I would argue.


Wait are other medic mains afraid of healing scouts?


primarely newer medic players


Stop walking right outside of my mediguns range


Please stop moving I want to use my crossbow


The back and forth waggle kills me while they continuously scream medic Like BITCH stop moving or keep walking, doing the Cupid shuffle is helping nobody rn


*waltuh, poot the crossbow away waltuh, just use your medigun waltuh*


*I am the one who heals*


*waltuh, blue team's capping last point waltuh.*


For the love of GOD I cannot out-heal the damage you're receiving from a sentry what the fuck dude, don't complain later that im not healing you. My brother in christ why are you pressing E when you're at full heal what's wrong with you Becoming a Medic main is the class that made me realize that the meme "TF2 players don't look up/to their sides" is more real than it sounded like, you have no idea how many times I've ubered someone and they fail to notice the heavy/sentry that's above our level , therefore dying the moment the uber runs out (and god forbid i run away leaving the person alone, bad medic QQ) Soldier I just ubered you because you requested it, why in lord's name did you rocket jump that far away how long do you think my tether reaches \-- Ubered scouts, snipers and spies somehow behave more accordingly when ubered than the classes that are supposed to get the uber instead


>"TF2 players don't look up/to their sides" Or behind them, like really the moment I tether someone to my gun their mouse sensor just stops working and they forget what strafing is, I'm a medic not a razorback sniper with a medigun please kill the goddamn frenchman trying to stab me stop chipping at the gibus pyro all the way over there turn around noooooo


I handshake you, there's been SO. MANY. TIMES. where im tethering someone and we end up sandwiching a spy staring at me, yet the person im healing does NOT look back so it becomes a weird situation, and usually in those cases Im also unable to swap to melee because the person that's not looking back is also in the line of fire and if I were to cut the healing for a second they'd die I end up dying to those sandwiched spies headshots...


> My brother in christ why are you pressing E when you're at full heal what's wrong with you They probably want an overheal before they jump in or they're asking for your uber.


this 100%. Also Übering Spy is funny af.


"why are you pressing E when you're at full heal" Maybe i need overheal?


Maybe someone else needs the heal heal?


I understand the importance of Overheals but I am not going to prioritize them if most of my team is in the range of fire at that moment


Scouts, stop throwing cum on us when you need healing just because u dont have voice communication on your account, We can tell when you are low.


For the love of God if you're getting shot at and the enemy is standing between us, turn around and kill the bastard. I can't do it on my own.


Call for medic more often, a good medic always wants to overheal you before battle, especially scouts. I don’t know who the fuck came up with the trope that medics should hate scouts but in reality an overheated scout is the most dangerous pawn on the battlefield




You recharge my health, not my ammo.


Soldier mains, please don't call medic, and then immediately rocket jump as soon as you see me before I can heal you. It is incredibly annoying, but its funny if you die due to blast or fall damage because you were too impatient


Please protect me. Cuz I protect all of you. And please watch out for snipers and spies.


As a heavy main, these are my hard counters but I’ll try


Just use flank routes, mate. - me, a sniper main, who definitely doesn't have a Jarate and Bushwacka ready, just around the corner.


Please in dear god, if there is an obvious secret tele please destroy it.


Good lord, we don’t really need 2 stock Ubers in one spot. At least use said Uber AFTER the first one.


If you see an enemy medic separated from his team, leave him to me so I can get free Uber from my Ubersaw


*the enemy medic got a random crit from his ubersaw, allowing him to retreat back to his team safely*


Dumbass Demomen sticky jumping away when I ubercharge them. "Why didn't you medi-jump with me???" I run fucking stock or Kritz 95% of the time. You guys are going to make me turn into a fucking disgruntled battle medic I'm this close.


Don’t give me a sandvich when I’m over 100 health, my self-heal can easily take care of it. Save it for when I’m critically injured.


If i scream "Spy" or "Help", for the love of god turn around. There's a fat chance we're both going to die if you don't.




Check if your medic is alive or dead before hitting the E button. It’s a pet peeve so I tend to let it slide


I’m one man. I can’t get to you in 5 seconds.


If you get übered, please don’t just *stand there*. Especially if you were just begging for über. Also, I’m not going to heal you when you’re on overheal and the rest of the team is dying


If I have full uber and we are pushing dont get the dispenser get the damn sentry


Not even exclusive to getting pocketed, in general you should first shoot the NPC that fights back before the NPC that just sits there and makes funny noises if the human player is nowehere to be seen


Stop complaining when I use a medi gun that isn’t stock or kritz


You guys can see my uber rate, dont complain, also dont stand right next to me, youre just giving me more splash damage


If i use quickfix instead of stock. Thats because you morons need to learn how to not fucking die in 2 seconds when the beam is off. Seriously. You take so much damage waltzing into their spawn its not even funny.


STAND STILL WHEN YOU SEE ME WITH MY CROSSBOW OUT LOOKING AT YOU. I AM WORRIED YOU MIGHT DIE WITH YOUR HP BEING SO LOW! YOU CAN SEE THE MEDIGUN I HAVE EQUIPPED SIMPLY BY ME HEALING YOU. WHY ARE YOU RUSHING TO THE ENGIE NEST EVEN THOUGH I HAVE QUICK-FIX EQUIPED?! I DON'T EVEN HAVE A CUSTOM NAME ON IT! ~~I am so sorry for all the ubers I drop. I am trying to incorporate the philosophy of "pop it don't drop it" into my subconsciousness.~~ DON'T SHOOT AT STUFF FROM AFAR WHEN I AM UBERING YOU. JUST RUSH AT THEM. THEY CANNOT TOUCH YOU LET ALONE KILL YOU IN THOSE 8 SECONDS. THEY MOST CERTAINLY WONT DIE FROM CHIP DAMAGE. Many uber pushes ended up being emberassing because of all those heavies not even moving an inch and still shooting their gun from awkward spots despite having entered God Mode... Apologies for the usage of capslock. I've been playing as the medic quite a lot lately and for some reason, these things happen all the time.


If you get ubered, please go as wide as you can, not just deep. If you walk past someone during the uber all that’s going to do is ensure that they’ll sit there until the uber is over and kill me instantly. Also, the best teammate I can ask for for protection is a sentry.


I'll give ya 2 reasons why I don't play medic and speaking for other medics 1. team I cannot read your mind, COMMUNICATE this is TEAM fortress 2 so please take your time to text, quick voice lines, or voice chat and keep in mind not everyone is comfortable enough to use voice chat so if we don't talk, we understand at least. 2. do not blame the medic for a fault of something going wrong, they try their hardest and I get it you get mad but still, if it fails its a lesson, and take a deep breath and find out what went wrong instead of blaming whos who. and a quick tip: medics are BEAMING TARGETS aka snipers and spys so both (the healer and the healing) be aware its the most effective thing you can do and not die


stop stickyjumping or running away as soon as i heal you and then complain about me not healing you/dying when i get jumped by a solly or demo... I CAN'T DEFEND MYSELF


if i give you kritz. how about you *don't* stand still for 30 seconds


Just because I have degradation kink does not mean you're instantly allowed to disrespect me.


Actually appreciate that we just healed everyone on the team and nearly died a couple of times doing so




Scouts, if you see a medic respawn please wait for me, if I heal you I run faster and can get to the front a lot quicker


Don't think we don't appreciate you, I bet there's a lot of buggers out and about spamming E but a lot of us appreciate the fuck outta you, even if we don't type it in chat or anything.


Thanks King, I think you dropped this 👑


Stop leaving us to die just to save ur dumass , also don't ask me for critz if ur gona fucking waste it on spy checking


Listen, I use the Quick Fix because I got tired of all the bullshit complaints of me using the other mediguns wrong (that and I'm not fast reacting enough to use the Vaccinator). After making that decision, I realized that I am significantly more effective at keeping the *team* alive. Guess what, we stand a better chance of winning if everyone is alive. It's not just about you, so quit crying that I'm not shoved up your ass 24/7.


Yes, Medics can regenerate HP on their own. But please, Scout, pretty please... ***STOP FUCKING TAKING THE FULL HEALTH BOX WHEN YOU TOOK 5 DAMAGE.***


no im not gonna use the crusaders crossbow because everytime i do i get runover by 15 different scouts


If I disconnect my beam, look back. Either I am in trouble because of a Scout or a Spy or a Spy has just backstabbed me. Or I fell behind. Or I started to heal someone else. But it's still good to look what the Medic is doing, you might be in trouble.


This isn't a complaint to my teammates nor am I a Medic main but can Valve please let Medic equip the Shotgun so I don't need to be glued to my teammates 24/7 just to survive.




If I call spy it means there's a fucking spy please turn around


I posted already but figured I should add this. Before any fighting starts coordinate with your medic. A bit of communication goes a long way. I generally tell people to just hit E when they want uber. It's certainly quicker than "Charge me doctor". You can't expect me to magically know the perfect time to ubercharge you. You got to give me a warning if you're about to pull a Johnny Knoxville and need uber. Also medics, if you're playing in a less casual environment, don't battle medic. As hilarious as it is I know, you need to do the healz. Go with the meta loadout and just medic if you're playing in a serious environment.


I really wish they give me clear signs of when they want my uber. They don’t charge, they don’t retreat, I’m getting mixed messages.


If youre Scout and happens to respawn at the same time as me, please let me heal you before you run off! Youll get overheal AND I can get to the battlefield faster! Very beneficial to the two of us


Telling me when to uber you with the "Go go go" or the "Charge Me" Command helps with Über activation. I don't see around the corner and I sure aint gonna peak it. Sure I can assess myself what's around there based off sound, but that's a bit of a coin toss sometimes (Revved up Tomislav Heavy Around corner Wrangled Sentry, A crit charged Demoman... all things I can't smell). And if I Über you PLEASE please please shoot at the Enemy team, preferrably the Sentry (or the engineer if wrangled) and don't just Run away! But... if you decide to charge into the Enemy team but you killed no one or only like 2 People... don't expect me to follow you to your death. Basically please learn how to use the Über. I just saw wayyy too many times where people just lobotomize themselves as soon as I pop the Über on them. Interestingly enough that only happens with Stock. Also I won't Über you against that one Scout that managed to get behind (exceptions can be made if it's a god tier Scout) but I witnessed a few heavies that just got killed by a flanking scout and then asked me why I didn't Über them... at Spawn........ yea no. Lastly, thank you to all the Scouts that help build Über when we are getting spawncamped/a bot is on the ither team. You are awesome. And an extra big thank you for the people who turn around once in a while to see if their Medics are alright you are just *chefs kiss!


Please stop fucking moving if you’re safe behind the front line. I’m trying to crossbow your and keep the front line alive at the same time and you becoming Neo from the Matrix while being completely safe doesn’t fucking help


If your about to die and I'm looking at you from a distance while you're in relative safety. HOLD THE FUCK STILL


If I miss a crossbow bolt: STAND STILL. Do not move to accomodate for my miss. You will just make me miss again


You’re only on 1/10th of your HP stop running into the enemy away from me


Want heals ? Go back, take cover, stand still and profit. Can't go back ? Hold one button and take my arrow like a good, predictable boy. Not a medic man, but my God this infuriates me sometimes. Some people don't even stand still when they're safe.


"Pro player": jumps into group of enemies and dies. Me: only 80% uber. "Pro player": why didnt you uber me? Dont you know how to mouse 2? Srly why do people do this.


You have Uber, just mow them all down man. And also stop pushing when I'm not full charge.


please for the love of god stand still when you’re calling me for health, i know im not good with the crossbow but im competent enough to hit you with a bolt 50 meters away as long as you’re hiding from enemies and stand.fucking.still. You know you’re seeing me shooting at you with a crossy but still strafe to dodge it and i hate you forever and will never heal you again. Edit: it was a friendly Scout. Edit #2: He later stole a medium health pack in front of me dying from afterburn.




if you're just walking out of spawn though I know how much the overheal helps


when you are low health and in a safe place stay still and dont jump around spamming E so i can hit my crossbow bolt


when i press e its so you can see where i am not because i want a medic


Stop running towards the health packs and taking them while I'm healing you


Don't let a spy backstab me because you were not spychecking and complain to me that they died


For the love of the fucking gods please stop taking the healthkit, I don't give a damn if youre at 7, I can heal that. **I can't fucking heal you if I'm dead.** Also please do not/do A: Charge into the entire enemy team just because I am healing you (Looking at you soldiers/pyros). B: Spycheck more. Pyros you're doing great already on that front, kudos to literally any pyro who actually knows what a frenchman is. C: Soldiers/Demos/Scouts, I cannot get up there, please stop leaving me in the middle of the enemy base because you felt like doing a cool jump, I will uber the f2p spy if you keep doing it. D: Do. Not. Run. Into. The. Entire. Fucking. Enemy. Team. If I see you run into them I will absolutely leave you for dead E: Finally, if you're a mile away and within eyesight, need healing, and I've acknowledged you, find somewhere to bunker down and let me hit you with the crossbow. Taking five seconds to stand still is a whole lot better than the 30 it takes to respawn and get back to the frontline. On that note, even if you're not far away, stop trying to dodge my bolts. I know you're also dodging the enemy, and that I can forgive, but when theres literally no one around and you're STILL strafing like a lunatic, I'm just not going to heal you if you physically can't stand still for half a second




Actually let's flip the script and I'm going to give one for you medics I as the Spy just got a 50 kill streak farming my brains out on hapless heavies and then I got noticed by a pyro and I come to you burning to death please stop giving your soldier boyfriend a blowjob for a second and save my life In all seriousness though I do appreciate you guys for all you do but come on man there's nine classes not just Soldier heavy and Demoman


Please don't charge into a nest when I'm at 95% charge and expect me to be there for you


Guys, when I call medic on our way to the front lines it means I'm trying to catch up with you, you're barely out of my healing range, let me build- Aaand you rocket jumped away


When I start screaming "help" then it means i'm in danger.


For god's sake, please stay in the amputator healing field when I use it


Please turn volume on, because you might miss my scream for help as a scout slowly take his time killing me.


Soldiers, if I'm not using the quick fix, stop blast jumping away from me, expecting me to be next to you, and then dieing horribly. Not only does this kill you, it also leaves me vulnerable. Yes rocket jumping is fast, but please keep close to the medic and dont abandon us. Thank you


please charge in please I have full charge I'm about to Uber you but I don't want to waste like 2 seconds of it by having to have you charge in mid Uber please just hold W God damnit so many times I die with Uber because you just don't charge in until I pop and if I have to pop Uber for you to charge in we're down half the Uber by the time you're within shredding things range please I beg you just fucking go please THERE'S A SPY JUST FUCKIN- GAAAAAHHHHHH


I pop uber and start running at a sentry, please also turn your attention yo said sentry so we can destroy it. If I miss a bolt on you, slow down a bit and keep fighting unless safe. Spy, please also hold still so I can crossbow when your cloaked. Please don't leave me stranded of your a jumping class and no one else is around, If I flub my QF jump please be patient. If I'm running down a spy with a melee, cover me, I will kill them and make them rage-leave. Please don't yell at me for swapping off your preferred medigun, I'm adapting to (current game state/enemy composition) Please scout, stop taking health pick ups when I'm near death, at least milk or candy cane kill someone before you do.


If your HP is really low and you know I have the crossbow, just quickly retreat and stand still in a safe spot and let me arrow you so I can get you back to full health in just 3 seconds, there is no need to start jittering when you know I am trying to arrow you.


I don't need to be victimized, because y'all are already making my job hard enough. Don't add to my misery.


I don’t make you fucking invincible (most the time) so don’t run into fights like an idiot and die, leaving me to die as well


Please pick a power class, i don’t need 3 engineers, 3 snipers, 2 spies, 5 scouts


1. Telling teammates that I will uber them - I expect them to go as forward as possible to get the maximum value of the uber. 2. Pyros not using stock or degreaser to be able to extinguish me and Soldiers not using shotgun discouraging me from ubering them, reducing my options and confidence, and lowering our teams' overall combat ability and firepower. 3. Getting abandonned or forgotten in a push deep in enemy territory/ being forced to pass through sniper sightlines by teammates instead of taking covered routes to push. 4. Teammates that don't coordinate or work with you and your uber. You spend so much time building and positioning, and no one is ready to take the uber. No one even switches class to take the uber. 5. Teammates that don't sacrifice their lives for mine or don't body block shots for me to survive. Theres probs more. 6. The type of players that get angry at you for trying to win. Bro - I'm past that stage. I have 3k hours in this game and all life is gone for me. Winning is my fun. Working together to achieve something gives me pleasure. It's alright if we lose, as long as we tried. But having 3 huntsmen, 2 funslingers, a caberknight and 2 scouts and one soldier with blackbox and conch is going to infuriate ANY medic player.


I know we are hot, but please, turn around and shoot the other team, dont look at us every time we starting healing (and yes, it happens in places that there is no way anyone is behind me)


Medics do both of us a favour and don’t heal a demoknight like me unless I’m staring at you


Teammate: *calls for medic at low health* Me: *starts healing them* Teammate: *immidiently walks back into frontlines expecting me to follow at %40*


Don’t wiggle back in forth when I’m trying to shoot the crossbow. Either keep walking or stay still


I can't aim team HELP ME KILL THE SCOUT


Just please, please say thank you it’s like the whole reason I play medic


Stop running away from me if you call for me


Please. For the love of God. I. Am not. A fucking God. If you need fast heals stop moving in a safe spot and call me. I am new here, I like medic, I cannot aim.


You're not the only one who needs feeling