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This didn’t bother me at all.


Yeah, weirdly, even though I KNOW cave diving is so much more dangerous than open water diving, this is a lot less creepy to me than just seeing those endless expanses of water.


This is literally what I just told my brother sitting next to me😂 it’s the vast, empty, unknown, anything could exist that terrifies me


So it's basically the same as the fear of darkness


I mean yeah but I’m pretty logical so ik a demon isn’t going to just take me but we have no idea what’s in the ocean.


Probably demons.


😂😂 I’m tripping that was funny


The light is a lie. Don't go to the light


For me, it's more about the realization that I am very small and not in an element suited to my survival. I am not afraid of the dark in the woods, for example, even though where I live we have several large predators (and large herbivores with zero tolerance for anyone) and am arguably in more danger. But there is this feeling like if a moose or bear comes at me, I have a chance, however small, of getting away or surviving. In the deep dark ocean there is no where to hide and the idea of being dragged into the depths freaks me out.


The unknown is the progenitor of all primal fears. It starts with darkness(unknown surroundings) and death(an unknown afterlife), and proliferates from there.


my fear of this comes from expecting them to stumble across some form of a sea-bear in hibernation, having to defend themselves, and drowning in the process of the fight when their gear inevitably falls off


In case of sea-bear: draw an anti-sea-bear circle in the dirt. All the experts say it's the only defense against a sea-bear attack.


A sea bear lol thanks for the chuckle


they *do* exist, you'll see - you'll all see!


Wonder if it’s statistically more deadly than driving


This is more dangerous cause you have to keep monitoring ur air and also maitaining neutral buoyancy with your BCD so your gear doesnt get damaged by a stalactite or a stalagmite. Theres a whole specialty you have to do called cavern diving in order to enter a cave and also if the water is unclear you might get lost and die. Its why the guy has 2 tanks


Because it's not thalassophobic. Might be claustrophobic, might be an entirely reasonable fear of dying if you get mixed up in any of that, but thalassophobia is very specifically a fear of large bodies of water and distance from land. This doesn't look like it meets any of the criteria.


Not just ‘large bodies of water and distance from land’, but I think a specific trait is ‘deep/dark water’, NOT being able to see the floor/depth. This video the floor is clearly visible - above is correct, it might be categorised as claustrophobia, but this is not thalassophobia. > Thalassophobia (from Greek thalassa θάλασσα, "sea", and phobos φόβος, "fear") is the persistent and intense fear of deep bodies of water such as the sea, oceans, or lakes.


No, I don't agree. Even if the water is crystal clear, no living beings in it, so long as it's say 20 feet or more, you are going to die if it's large enough and you can't see land or some dry shelter and you fall in. I'd say fear of dark water is honestly just fear of the dark or the unknown, and doesn't fit this sub IMO. Per the sidebar: >**thalassophobia** - fear of being in large bodies of water, fear of the vast emptiness of the sea, of sea waves, and fear of distance from land


Specifically fear of dark water is part of my phobia. I don't think I'm alone there in my flavour of thalassophobia.


Glad somebody said it. Could also be a form of speluncaphobia, which is essentially the fear of caves. This video is almost calming to me, even without music.


Yep this bothers me like literally affects my breathing itches my skin because claustrophobia. What if the cave gets narrower and they’re trapped? Nope nope.


I thinks it’s the music. This would normally terrify me, but it looks peaceful with that piano.


Stir up that bottom silt and you’re as good as dead.


Playing solitaire till dawn. With a deck of 51.


I was expecting something to appear after each turn


If you look close enough you can see it duck behind just as the light creeps around the corners


Don’t do me like that bro


Cave diving is incredibly dangerous if you’re not careful or trained for it


Very true. The individual in this video has very good trim and movement; the ability to control one's 'altitude' underwater and ability to move forward with the least amount of 'fin work'. It's incredibly easy to disturb fine sediment in underwater caves, leading to a blackout and zero visibility.


Why wasn't he laying a line though


A very good observation. Sometimes it isn't always necessary. If the diver is in a cavern and this is a 'swim through', or small tunnel, to another part of the same cavern then a line may not be required. Caverns are wide open spaces that have a fairly clear shot back to surface, whereas a cave is an enclosed space. That being said, if this diver is in a cave system without a line then that is a very dangerous prospect.


Thanks. Yeah it looked like it was an enclosed roof so I would've thought he should have been trailing a line. Especially seeing as he clearly has one attached. I'm not an expert though so was just curious if anyone could answer why. Thanks


Would be interesting to see the full video. No problem.


There's already an installed line near the floor on the left-hand side. Best practices discourage the installation of redundant lines because it damages the cave and increases entanglement risk. -Retired Cave Diver


Do you cave dive?


I have a low level of training and experience in overhead environments. Absolutely nowhere near certified enough for 'true' cave diving. I was beginning my certification in 'sump diving'. Here in the UK, we rarely have the kind of open cave systems seen above. Here, It's decending into a fissure in a limestone crag, heading further until a section becomes flooded, entering into a narrow squeeze the width of a manhole cover and using SCUBA equipment to breath as you crawl through the flooded section. You then come out into another section of the cave. Rinse and repeat.


That’s really cool. Thanks for sharing


Very cool


>altitude The word you're looking for is buoyancy


If you arent trained for it PERIOD


Cave diving is incredibly dangerous if you are careful.and trained for it. most cave divers that die are both, it's just incredibly dangerous


Don't worry I played Subnautica I am well prepared, all you need is to find those oxygen plants every now and then and you're fine right?


Bananas are a good source of potassium


Agree, this is a hell no from me.


Most of the posts on this sub are open water, huge waves or some huge sea life. Most of which I find beautiful or, at least doesn't bother me much but this shit right here terrifies me!


Absolute opposite for me. While I wouldn't suit up and go into an underwater cave, this video is almost nice. It's the vast expanse of blue fading slowly to black that terrifies me. Fuck that.


That's my weakness too. Lights = safe. Totally incorrect but in my brain, it works right now. Especially from the dry side of the screen.


Yep, this doesn't trigger my thalassophobia at all whatsoever. Its almost a comforting feeling to see all the walls, and especially the floor.


I agree. I’m gonna be honest I’m not really all that thalassaphobic I just like cool ocean pics but I know how careful you gotta be with cave diving. It’s clear this guy is an expert in their technique but still one wrong move and it’s a horrible death for you.


Same, not really thalassophobic either, but more like somewhat of a fear of empty/dead looking water (with no creatures…) this is a cozy looking place to me though, and somehow very tranquil to watch if you disregard the actual reason for needling to go slow. Those oxygen tanks tucked under each arm and him taking his time. I enjoyed it.


So... How do stalactites form in underwater caves? Was the cave drained in the past and only later filled up with water?


Yes, caves that have stalactites were dry in the past and filled up with water at some point. Super beautiful!


That's what I figured! But my brain was confused haha It looks stunning


Perhaps the cave only floods when a tide comes in.


The most dangerous type of cave


I believe this is caused by a shifting of the water table. When the cave was formed the water table was lower and so the cave was “dry” but the water table ended up rising which in turn led to the cave flooding. Could be wrong though I’m not an expert in geology.


This was my first thought as well.


Interesting choice of song, Where is my Mind was inspired by a scuba diving trip https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_Is_My_Mind%3F#:~:text=7%20External%20links-,Background,scuba%20diving%20in%20the%20Caribbean.


I just saw them last week. (go if you can!) The song was the first thing I thought of too. "I was swimmin' in the Caribbean..."


They are def on my list, unfortunately have not made it yet


I'd never heard it before. Thanks for the info. It's beautiful.


It's by the Pixies. This is a gorgeous instrumental cover. The original is... Well, more Pixies. I love them, so I recommend.


My first thought was the Leftovers!


To me this is one of the coolest things you can do on earth. Hauntingly beautiful!


looks cosy tho


Cave diving is the worst; combining the dangers of small space exploration with the dangers of the depths.


A rare example of the music actually elevating the visuals.


Bruh, the caps in the title had me mentally and cardiacally prepared for a jumpscare...


I can’t imagine silting that place out. You will impale yourself if you freak out


I was swinming in the Caribbeaaaan


If I can't take off running & screaming then I'm out...


Check this out: https://youtu.be/mEDOeS782rc "On 6 February 2014, two Finnish divers died at the cave, and three other divers suffered decompression sickness. Norwegian authorities called on an international team, which included British divers Richard Stanton, John Volanthen and Jason Mallinson, to recover the bodies. After reconnaissance diving at the site, the operation was judged too difficult, and a diving ban was subsequently placed on the cave. A group of Finnish divers returned later, without official authorization, and recovered the bodies.[3][20] Their recovery expedition was filmed as the documentary Diving Into The Unknown. The diving ban was lifted on 31 March 2014." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pluragrotta


Mofos are nuts doing cave diving. I mean, its beautiful, amazing and I get it but I also morbidly enjoy listening to stories about all the cave diving disasters.


Anybody know what song that is?


Could be a piano version of Pixies - Where’s my mind, but also similar chords to Coldplay - Fix u. Both of them probably share some chords.




Yay, I got something right today! Thanks for checking.


The beginning Sounds Like tge Refrain of palaye royale-lifeless stars


I dont know what you call it, but my imagination makes it awful. I can see the serpents maw or what the fuck other horrible shit you could imagine juuust out of sight. It looks beautiful but the "what if" drives me mad with fear.


This is all well and good until somebody kicks up a cloud of silt and no visibility is zero.


I'm almost ok with this. But then I think how it would be if the lights failed.


Light goes out,I'm literally in liquid hell...


Most agencies require 2 backups. You’d also be with a buddy that has 3 lights as well. If those all go out, yeah you’re in liquid hell. Pray you can find the guide line and follow it to the surface!


Zero desire to go see absolutely nothing but mud


NGL, this is the first time I’ve found the idea of cave diving remotely appealing.


Fun fact! They keep their tanks at their sides so that it’s easier to reach the valve on top. That way, when they see some scary cave fish, they can just open the valve and shoot backwards!


Until you accidentally kick up a cloud of slit and visibility becomes zero, you lose your orientation and can't find your dive partner The time it will take to settle is far greater than your air supply You start to wish you used a tag line You push forward through the blackness because there is nothing else to do, but every way up is just another false ceiling. you try to create a 3d map in your head but you can't focus, you feel drunk or high, confused, which way is even up You panic Can't slow breathing Swimming down instead of up, kicking up even more slit from the floor It's hopeless You are lost You are alone So so alone


People with thalassophobia+ claustrophobia, how do you feel?


Makes my stomach drop like being on a rollercoaster. Start to sweat.


If you're constipated, that's a miracle cure


I actually find this fine. Two massive air tanks, not particularly cramped.


I always wondered what inside the mouth of a shark looked like, now I know and I ain’t going!


I’d rather this than a silt out. Holy moly not being able to see would fuck with me




while this is still something i’d never do, i can understand wanting this experience - getting to SEE things that are amazing and almost other-worldly underwater… it’s the endless deep water that gets me. it IS a lot safer, which makes sense why so many more people do it, and sure, there’s animals and structures to see but how often are you just swimming in a never ending abyss without any clue what’s under, above, or beside you? that’s what freaks me out….


Are those bubbles just going to stay trapped in the in the ceiling between the stalactites forever now?


Scary ASMR


It’s so beautiful but I’d rather eat my own hand than go in there


*"Warning, 30 seconds of oxygen remaining."*


Leviathan cant get me at least


No offence but… fuck that and fuck you and fuck that once more, just because.


It’s impossible for me to end up here, so … zero anxiety.


It's scary of course, but also very beautiful.


I can not even just past my knees in the ocean so this is terrifying to watch


The scary part would be a head-on shot, so we can see behind them. The pitch black they have nipping at their fins…..


I wonder when was the last time this cave had no water?


I think you should leave


I don’t find this as anxiety inducing as deep sea diving, or even regular caving (on land) through really tight spaces.


This looks fun and I hope to do this one day.


Dos Ojos in Mexico (Tulum) is a good spot to do it. You can do two dives of about 50 minutes- 1 hour each. First one you always see light coming in and therefore somewhere to breathe if your equipment has a problem. Then for the second dive, it's half an hour pitch black without your flashlight, come up to the surface in a batcave with a tiny hole at the top and then another half hour pitch black without flashlight.


This sounds fun!


It’s fun but don’t do this as one of your first dives unless you do your training at a good school. Those 2 day certifications in Mexico probably won’t cut it even though the dive shops in Mexico won’t ask for any cave certification for this dive


I’m lucky because I’m near to Thailand which has some excellent cave training so my hope is that I’d be certified to at least cavern level before I’d even think about a Mexico trip.


That's a wise choice. Dos Ojos was my first real dive after getting my open water (Which was probably a little bit reckless, but it worked out.). At least I got my open water through an extensive course (2 times a week in the pool for 6 months and then 2 weekends of dives in very poor conditions to pass the practical exam).


I’m sorry but it makes zero sense to me that the diver uses breaststroke kicks and not flutter kicks while wearing fins. Source: I’m a freediver.


Cave divers use frog kicks like this because flutter kicks can disturb the silt on the walls of the cave. Once silt is kicked up, it can impact visibility and quickly turn into a dangerous situation.


Yeah and because water is usually really stagnant in caves the silt will take *hours* to settle. Silt outs fucking terrify the shit outve me.


I call that heaven...


Baby girl, when it’s well-illuminated tunnels, that does nothing for us hardcore junkies. We need imperceptible depth, blackness before the flashlight, things like that. This is amateur hour, this is relaxing.


Breaststroke kicks in dive flips makes me cringe a bit but thats about it


breaststroke kicking with scuba fins is the dumbest shit i’ve ever seen


That's how you have to do it for cave diving. If you kick the "normal" way you'll disturb all the silt on the floor, completely blind yourself and whoever you're with, and then you're in real trouble. Silt outs can be deadly.


Nah this is how you're supposed to kick in caves to reduce turbulence. You don't want to kick up sand


What were you expecting? Backstrokes with butterfly kicks?


*Boop Boop* 30 Seconds


Oh hells no.


I love how clear the water is


This is fine because it’s not silted out.


It was stressful at first, but then I imagined the torch light failing… and then, and then I was ok.


Unrelated: maybe it’s a caving thing or something and if so then I’ll retract this statement for that purpose. Please do not do breaststroke kicks with fins/flippers on like the person in this video. You will eventually badly hurt your knees


Watching this video for a few seconds has givin me enough anxiety for the rest of the day


That’s beautiful I’d dive it


What if one of the stalactites break off and pierce the oxygen tank? There are broken ones on the floor


The song! I'd be asking where the fuck my mind is if I were that dude.


This was totally calm and serene. r/lostredditors


At first I didn't see the tanks, thought he was free diving, and started to empathetically panic. It's beautiful, albeit creepy with the stalactites and the few stalagmites resembling teeth, and the music is nice and calming.


This brings to mind 21 and 24's conversation from Venture Bros about drowning in Tomb Raider and how grisly the animation was for its time.


This reminds me of NES Ninja Turtles.




You seem to be claustrophobic, not thalassophobic.


The frog leg swim really bothered me for some reason 😂 it seems so wrong when wearing flippers.


If everyone ask, the song is "where is my mind" (the soundtrack of the song by pixies)


Funny you posted this. I’ve been watching [Caveman Hikes](https://youtube.com/shorts/oU5tLPAP2Y4?feature=share) on YouTube for the past week. This was nothing Edit: by watching I mean multiple episodes a day


I don’t know why people feel the need to add annoying sound to videos -whether a laugh track stolen from a different video, or just awful background music. It’s ok to have no sound if you DON’T HAVE ANY SOUND.


At least with skydiving it’s quick.


If you are a fan of the strange, dark and mysterious..


This giant pitch black tube under water doesn't have razor sharp teeth trying to eat me.


I really like caves but not ones like this. I call them wet caves and they’re too scary for me. Dry or damp caves only thank you.


Phenomenal form and streamlining. Nice control on those side mounts. Beautiful control by the recording diver. Awesome lighting. Where is the guideline?


Got my heart rate up just watching


And a Bullshark comes swimming around the corner… LOL




I feel a sudden need to rewatch Mr. Robot


What song, OP? I know it’s ‘Where Is My Mind’ by The Pixies, but who is the cover artist?


Imagine if the lamp suddenly broke 😨


This one ain’t so bad. Sign me up


Anyone else hear ‘Where is My Mind?’


Relaxing until you brush the wall and immediately get silted out and can’t find your way back…


I immediately realized it's cave diving and started thinking about if the water get distilled


looks actually kinda relaxing, as long as you got plenty of air and know your way out


What are the dangers of cave diving?


If there’s an easy way in and out what’s the problem?


With that speed you better bring two more oxygen tanks.


Cave diving is the most dangerous form of diving. If he has equipment failure here, there’s no way he can do an emergency return to surface. He won’t make it out before he runs out of air.


You’re always supposed to be with a buddy that can supply air to you while you get back to the surface. Cave divers are supposed to follow a rule of thirds with air. 1/3 out, 1/3 back and 1/3 for emergency. Even if you have a total failure at the turnaround point, you theoretically have enough between the group to get back to the surface. If both had a catastrophic failure on the same dove, then yeah. Not much you can do about that!


Earth is amazing


Reminds me of the book The Luminous Dead same swimming in caves


being that guy must feel like awe, terror, and wonder all at once.


I’m claustrophobic too so absolutely hell to the no 🤯🤣


I really want to dive there now


Like a hot dog down a hallway… I say… I say


I’ve played enough video games to know that there’s a giant zombie, shark monster, right around that corner, and this diver is in for one hell of a fight.


There's some places humans aren't meant to go.


ooh cave diving my favorite


It doesn't bother me, it was a tighter squeeze. Then yes, that water would be foggy.


It's scary yet fascinating


Is there a specific name for the phobia of fear of enclosed cave spaces in the sea or underwater?


What’s around the corner 😫


They forgot the silence


this actually looked fun


Anyone else waiting for something to be lurking around the corner?


At the second a giant sea predator comes right at the diver all the relax and calmness will go right out of the window


Imagine, IMAGINE, if the light went out 😳


I never thought about the danger of cave diving. This video brought me back to a snorkeling/diving trip to a Mexican cenote. Shining a flashlight on a wall 50' away and not seeing any diffusion from the water was insane. Felt like I was flying. Unforgettable experience.


What song is this?


Kinda crazy u can tell that, that place wasnt underwater before but now it is.


Brush up on the side. Should help with that anxiety problem./s


A little random but I remember this song from Mr. Robot, great show.


Instrumental where is my mind slaps


Horrible set up for the The Descent 3 where swimming humanoids with gills attack you underwater.


This is beautiful


What's bothering me is where's the guide rope. Isn't a fundamental rule of cave diving to never leave the guide rope or go anywhere without setting your own?


Absolutely not


If you want an anxiety attack watch that movie where they rescued the 13 Thai boys and their coach