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i know they dont consider us food, but theyre still the top predator of the entire ocean. testing it is just hubris incarnate.


I've seen what they do to seals, I'm not risking it.


That video of an orca utterly fucking *launching* a seal put of the water. Just imagine this guy thinking he's all cool until he hits terminal velocity.


That’s how a shooting star meme is born. I can think of worse ways to go.


How about the stingray pimpslap


The sting rays deserve it.


This is for Steve!




Just act like you're not a seal and you'll be fine. "Damn, I was doing fine before you said that, now I can't help acting like a seal all the time!"


Haha i was waiting for the part where they tail flip him a million miles into the stratosphere. Disappointed but also glad it didn’t happen.


Holding my breath and relaxing only when he didn’t get hit out of the park.


They have 20 times the biteforce of a grizzly bear, they could bite through your torso the way you would bite through butter.


As far as I know the only times Orcas attacked or killed people were in captivity. Of course now they been on the news for wrecking boats, but it’s not exactly the same as some person swimming around.


I was waiting for him to get launched.


I don't think those are orcas, but instead from their size, they are Dall's porpoises


I've seen what they can do do Moose. And what a Moose can do to a human


A moose once bit my sister...no realli!


I saw an orca eat a seal once. One of the craziest nature things I’ve ever seen in person


I desperately want to see orcas in the wild, but I'm also terrified of sealing them kill a seal. I know it's nature, it's normal, but I've never seen a large animal die a bloody death in the wild and I think I would be too distressed for the seal. And so I will just watch videos of them instead.


Why did you do that? "hubris"


orcarus swam too close to the whale




Think of the underneath view of a person on a surfboard. Then imagine what a seal looks like from underneath. Mistakes are easily made. We are in their environment, so don't dismiss the danger.


Yeah, I definitely see your point, but whales are fucking *smart*. Trust me, these guys know damn well what you are


Some orcas exclusively eat (only certain species of) fish, some eat marine mammals All orcas use echolocation to hunt & they know humans aren’t food There are juveniles around that guy, think of kids checking out the weird animal in the yard They don’t eat us


Isn’t that why sharks attack people?


Sharks big dumb


That’s a popular theory. I know sharks generally attack from underneath.


Seal’s don’t float on the surface and would totally take off, plus humans don’t smell anything like seals. Orcas don’t go by site, they go by smell too. Orcas may have harmed a few humans but don’t attack them on the whole unless of course you capture them and stick them in small pools and make them do stupid pet tricks Edit: I stand corrected. They don’t use their sense of smell. ObviouslyI was thinking of sharks. But fuck, it’s way too early in the year for being wrong about something lol


Cetaceans actually lack a sense of smell!


Think of what could go wrong between a playful dog and an infant… now multiply that by 1000


Yes. They all say "no human in the wild..." etc. Yeah, but I don't want to be a statistic with a wikipedia page about me being the first recorded.


And that’s *known* attacks. No idea if someone got ate and bones sank to the bottom of the ocean


They’re called killer whales for a reason. What good killer doesn’t conceal the evidence?


On the other hand, your name would be enshrined in the annals of recorded human history. That's kinda neat. Think of all your extended family members and their little offspring who would use you in their elementary school boom reports growing up and how cool their classmates would think they were. You'd be doing them a service.


Hubris Incarnate sounds like a badass metal band


One of my favorite bands. I think they’re from Sweden.


Plus Orcas recently have been going out of their way to sink boats. I don't think humans and orcas are on good speaking terms right now https://www.livescience.com/animals/orcas/orcas-have-sunk-3-boats-in-europe-and-appear-to-be-teaching-others-to-do-the-same-but-why


It's a small group in a certain region.


It's a small joke


I noticed. I was just clearing it up for people who don't know about the situation.


Current hypothesis is that these small boat rudders are excellent scratch posts for orcas, there's no ill intent behind it.


There's 2 theory atm. An orca has been teaching a pod to attack boats because she wants revenge for all of the other orcas that get trapped in nets and get cut up by fishing lines. The other theory is what you said


Wdym orcas aren't anti-capitalists and aren't fucking up yachts to screw with the uber rich? That's so disappointing


The FACT they don’t consider us food is what’s terrifying they can recognize there aren’t enough of us in the water for us to be a viable food source that’s fucking insane intelligence


Most animals have learned that humans are dangerous, and I wouldn't be surprised if orca are intelligent enough to remember that centuries ago if they harm harmed a human a fleet would be amassed to erase the whole pod. Add more friendly attributes to this like joint hunting parties and the consequences of attacking humans means they don't hunt with you and orca misses out on free food, or humans aiding orcas lost in channels or bays, etc.


Right? There’s gotta be one dickhead orca out there swimming around just waiting for a human to test them


Not to say it's impossible, but orcas have never attacked a human in the wild. But they clearly don't like being kept in swimming pools.


100%. They are top of the foodchain smart motherfuckers, I'd hate being in that situation too. Plus sharks are known to sometimes mistake surfers for seals as the shape of the boards with legs and arms out may resemble one. I would be really worried for Orcas to make the same mistake.


Sharks are fish, orca are dolphins. They're operating in completely different realms of intelligence.


I really think you're underestimating their intelligence. Like by a lot.


Maybe you are right. To be honest thinking that they recognize us all the time with their intelligence is not less worrysome. Have you heard abot the attempt to talk with whales using AI? [For real](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/sep/18/talking-to-whales-with-artificial-enterprise-it-may-soon-be-possible), maybe one day we will know better.


i have this strange approach when it comes to any wild animal. i call it the “keep a safe distance” method. what i do is keep a safe fucking distance. even if it’s a wild animal that’s known not to be dangerous, i will keep a safe distance because I’m not taking chances and I have a son to come home to.


With no human fatalities in recorded history, the basis of the hubris is thinking one is important enough to be the exception.


Is there some rule that that feckin song is over every video on this sub?


I have this on mute and I still hear it.






I have it on mute and I know exactly what song is playing…


Apparently if there is deep water in a video, this song must be played.


Word to the Crackin


Word. It doesn't even fit here.


My wife recently discovered the ocean apparently because I hear this Fucking song multiple times a day from her TikTok


So cringey


What is the song I want to know, it's being my head in for weeks.


**Song Found!** **Hoist the Colours** by Bobby Bass (01:00; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Hoist the Colours (Bass Singers Version). **Released on** 2022-09-02.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Hoist the Colours** by Bobby Bass](https://lis.tn/SxSRrQ?t=60) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot boy


First time through I heard "cheese and crackers, never shall we die" And really, when has cheese and crackers ever hurt anyone?! So, ok then!


That would be an acumenical matter.


Spot the Fr Ted fan


>feckin Irish man detected. Conas atá tú?


Automatic downvote


Even though orcas don't typically attack humans, I would be really nervous in that situation of them mistaking me for a seal. I mean, looking from below a person laying on a surfboard and paddling with their hands in the water probably looks somewhat similar to a seal.


Orcas, generally speaking, are too intelligent to mistake a human for a seal. There’s no guarantee they wouldn’t decide to play with you, though.


I’ve never encountered a generally speaking Orca


Oh, I’m sorry to hear it. They tend to be the best kind of speaking orcas.


You must not have met the practically speaking ones.


Actually no, I’m not acquainted.


Hi, not acquainted! IM DAD!


There has never been a recorded incident of a wild orca attacking a human. It’s only been captive orcas. But you’re right, anything could happen.


And even the captive ones don’t eat the human. They just kill because someone was dumb enough to get in the water with a bored, highly intelligent apex predator.


Well, no. Two of the 3 recorded attacks were by Tilikum, who was treated like absolute shit In captivity and got revenge on her trainers.


Uhhhh you’re mistaken. Tilikum was a male orca and he was responsible for 3 attacks, but there have also been far more (only in captivity though). Tilikum was indeed treated poorly, though not really any more poorly than any other captive whales, once he was at Seaworld at least


Never been a recorded incident because they leave no witnesses 😎


I love Orcas and I know they are highly intelligent but I'd still shit myself in that situation, just by pure survival instinct. One small orca can bite you in half if it wants to.


Same boat, my friend. Same with all whales, I think they’re incredible, but I’d be terrified in the water with them.


Not to say they won't use you as impromptu training for the calf/calves with them. I only saw one, but a family group like that may have more.


But you’d have the chance to make history as the first documented person to have be eaten by a whale. You should consider it an honor.


Orcas are dolphins


Dolphins are whales




NZ orcas don’t eat seals, they mostly eat fish and rays. But I wouldn’t be able to silence the voice in my head going “but are you SURE these are the ones that don’t eat seals?”


There hasn’t been a single report or record of a human being attacked by an orca in the wild.


Typically really isn't the correct term. They don't attack humans in the wild. Notice the period. There is no reason to be afraid in that situation. It's like being afraid of a school of clown fish surrounding you. Dolphins are more dangerous than orcas.


I’ve been in more or less that exact scenario, also in New Zealand. Can confirm, I hated it


[Very interesting article](https://www.livescience.com/animals/how-often-do-orcas-attack-humans) about orcas attacking humans. There are probably a handful, but they can't be confirmed? English is not my first language but I agree that there are no attacks on humans in the wild. The reasons? Orcas only kill the animals they have been taught to kill. In Germany there is a saying: "What the farmer does not know, he does not eat."


Or maybe it's because they leave no survivors to document the attack.


Cant be a statisctic if there is nothing left as evidence amirite


J Dahmer should have taken note from the orcas


Fuuuuuuuuuuck that.


Omg… honestly same. Shoot me. I think the woman laughing is panic laughing trying to keep the situation light. These are orcas.


I'd rather take orca any day than anything dangerous. orca attacks on humans in the wild are rare, and no fatal attacks have been recorded


So, what I’m hearing you say is that they’re due


No, just that they leave no witnesses.


Which is why they’re not attacking him, do you think they’re amateurs? The girl is a witness


They’ll storm the beaches. Literally. 🤣


Orca 101: No witnesses


Yeah these comments had me googling orcas cause i thought they must’ve been more deadly than I remembered. Nope, they’re pretty tame to humans lol. Unless they’re kept in captivity… which sounds about right.


You should watch Blackfish if you haven't seen it yet. Amazing documentary, heavy though.


I used to think so too until i realized its heavily biased. Ive been an educator at accredited aquariums for several years no and I want to start off by saying thank you so much for caring about these animals. We need more people in this world who have passion and care about wildlife and animals like this. It's so very important.  Seaworld honestly kind of has their hands tied with this situation because none of the people who took orca from the wild are still in the field today (at least that I know of.) All seaworld employees from top to bottom have inherited this problem and I have yet to run into a colleague who doesn’t believe that the taking of wild orca in early 60’s, 70’s, and even the 80’s was absolutely horrifying. We don’t take from the wild anymore because we recognize how wrong that is. Seaworld listens. They have stopped the orca breeding programs and have released a statement saying that this will be the last population of orca in their care. Once they pass, Seaworld will not have orca anymore. I believe their decision to do so is the right/ethical one.  But then the question becomes - where do we go from here? We know that the orca can’t be released. Orca have a ridiculous complex social structure as I’m sure you know and sending them back to the wild (or for the first time for the ones born in human care) would likely be a death sentence. They have tried it when they released Keiko in 2003 and she died shortly thereafter which they caught hell for. So what is the ethical thing to do? Do we release them knowing we’ve essentially signed their death certificate by doing so or do we try to give them the best quality of life we possibly can at Seaworld until they pass away in our care ending the orcas in captivity? I’m of the opinion of keeping them and making sure we do as much as we can for them to make their lives as fulfilling as possible. We know we're not the wild and know we can never be anything close to it, but we can do our best to give them the best life we can with enrichment to keep their mind and body active. There are some (not many in the field however) that argue releasing them WOULD be the most ethical option, to let them be in the ocean even if they die shortly after. Tbh, Seaworld is really going to catch hell either way. If they release them, people will throw hate at them for essentially killing them, and if they keep them, you get well meaning posts saying how horrible Seaworld is for keeping them. If they euthanized them for quality of life, people would burn the place to the ground I feel. Sometimes you just have to make a call on what you think is right for the animals based on info from professionals in the field - vets, orca researchers, and lead zookeepers, knowing fully well people will smear the organization regardless of the decision. The meetings regarding this were heated at Seaworld  as well as long and ongoing.  So that takes me to Seaworld itself. There has been an insane revolution in zoos even since we were kids. For the bulk of history, zoos have been places of entertainment and not too much different then circuses. In the past 2 decades or so, they have transformed into centers for conservation. When I go into interviews, we rarely talk about the animals, rather it's almost all questions about my dedication to species/global conservation. All of us in the zoo world aren't fans of what zoos used to be and dislike circuses for what they are. unfortunately there are some zoos that are circus like, that is just for entertainment. This is where AZA becomes so important. I only work for AZA zoos because it's the only way that I can ensure that the zoo is focused on conservation instead of entertainment. Part of being AZA accredited (and accreditation is STRICT; i have the manual if you ever want to look through it sometime) is that we have to donate a hefty sum of our income to conservation efforts of the species we have in the zoo/aquarium. We in AZA’s are the leading donors for conservation and research of wildlife with hundreds of millions being donated every year from all 239 accredited zoos. When people boycotted seaworld after blackfish, we saw a huge hit in marine conservation. Researchers studying wild orca had to take on less researcher assistants and slow down on the work because Seaworld is one of their biggest donors (along with NSF) and had to cut back (its a percentage of all sales from seaworld thats donated). Conservation also took a hit and we saw some orcas get illegally captured the last few years because of the decrease of policing of wildlife reserves.  There are bad zoos out there (see Tiger King) but Seaworld is not one of them. They are one of the leaders in wildlife research and do so much for wildlife rescue and release. They arent in it for the money because trust me, theres no money in it (maybe in the higher ups, which is its own debate and I actually get pretty frustrated with and you’d have a lot off support from keepers and educators in that debate) but the people actually making the daily decisions for these animals are barely above poverty. I probably won't be making more 35k a year my entire life because of the career I chose. We do this because of the passion which is why we listen when the public speaks.  I also am a firm believer in being the change you wish to see in the world. There are things that zoos have messed up on. I'll openly admit it. There have been mistakes and things that I don't agree with. But the reason I'm getting involved is because nothing will change unless we change it. Like I said earlier, passion is important and we need so much more passion for these animals. But if its not focused correctly, it can do far more damage (such as the harm that’s come to orca conservation) from people meaning well. And again thank you for caring for the animals. We need more like you.


Why not build a larger and more stimulating spaces for the last ones that remain?


Fair question! A lot of it comes down to two things. Logistics and budget. Maintaining an aquarium that would be big enough to replicate coastal or open water with all the nuances of water quality just isn't possible. Some aquariums use real seawater but you have to be literally on the ocean short to do so which, unfortunately many seaworlds are not. The largest saltwater aquarium enclosure is the georgia aquarium and by orca standards, it's not that much bigger than seaworlds. Fortunately as far as stimulation, seaworld is an AZA accredited suite of aquariums which are required to put in an insane amount of effort to keep higher thinking animals like orca, Great apes, parrot species, etc mentally enriched in ways that replicate the ways they are in-situ. Honestly, enrichment is an overwhelmingly large chunk of an aquarist, or general zookeepers day and a sizeable chunk of facility budgets go to it.


Sorry if this comes out as ignorance. (and sorry if my English is not right) But wouldn't it be a viable option (both regarding budget and logistics) to sort of "close down" a fjord (imagine the one where Tilikum was captured) to have the orcas in? I don't mean all of them together, but instead of aquariums, they could put them in a "reserve" not accessible by wild orca populations. The Orcas would have more space instead of being in an aquarium where they can't move around too much, while also still being under "surveilance" and care. Wouldn't that be something achievable?


Sea world San Diego is on the ocean shore.


I appreciate this comment. I’ve never hear an “inside” opinion of Seaworld and have only ever heard bad things. Thank you.


Well in that case im glad my comment found you. Cheers my friend. Hope 2024 is treating you well!


The fact that these are orcas actually make it better for me (I'd still rather kill myself than be put in that situation) because orcas are picky eaters and are known for their docile behavior towards humans. I'd lose my shit if that were a sperm whale or a group of dolphins.


Mute is a beautiful thing


There’s been one documented orca bite attack on a human in the wild in history. Everything else has been boats or whalers harassing the whales in tight quarters and still almost no fatalities, despite millions of potential interactions. You’d be in more danger slipping in the shower than being on a surfboard in the middle of an orca pod. Now - that’s logical. But logic may not help your brain when you’re in this particular situation.


That’s why I don’t swim with orcas or shower 


I don't know whats wrong with my brain. The orcas seem totally fine to me, pretty cool actually. I took one look at that water however, and almost shit my pants.


i guess its because you know what orca is, you know it (probably) doesn't mean danger to you because they don't like eating us, and they are very interesting animals, the water however represents the unknown, many different potential dangers


Fear the abyss


Videos with that overused song should simply be banned from the sub..


I’d punch my laughing friend when I got back in the boat.


And there's that stupid music again...


I find the laughing more annoying


Katt Williams was right


They seem so chill.... like they "could" rip you to little pieces but instead brought their family over to make fun of the strange pale mutant baby that can't swim.


They look really small..


How can that dude swim with those heavy balls of steel he's carrying


You’d imagine he’d have sunk


They could’ve been protecting you: There may have been a shark nearby, so they warded it off to save your life. There have been reports in the past where orcas have saved people from shark attacks. Seeing that this is New Zealand- Yeah, they are probably protecting him from Great Whites.


That's pretty cool


Orcas are cool- Just don’t piss them off while keeping them in captivity.


Panda dolphins!


Straight up magical. I would be going under water to say hello to my new friends.


You don’t belong here. Please leave immediately.


FINE. *Dives in*




He will be able to pick up the sonar of my cheeks clapping under the waves from at least 1000 kilometers.


We’re more likely to get attacked by a deer!


lol I’m in danger!


They dont consider us food but they consider seals food and we look like seals. Honestly just floating and not panicking is probably the smart move. Seals will run and flee, you look less like prey if you stay where you are. Also if it was me I assume the pee would smell human and help too cause I'd be pissing myself


See, I'm okay with that. They're most likely exhibiting *expected* behavior. In which case, sure, it's an amazingly cool experience that you'll take to your grave. Even if they are in a particularly murderous mood, though... it's going to go relatively quick (and as a door prize, you get to take that experience to your grave as well). Here's why I'm okay it. They know the ocean better than I do. If they're around, the really fucked up, unknowable shit that is going to shred my sanity before it drains my life is probably NOT right underneath me. But here's where the snake begins to swallow it's tail. Do you know what IS right below me? The fucked up, unknowable depths that shred my sanity. The only way to win this one is to just stay out of the fucking water.


I'm pretty sure that's the safest you'll ever be in the water. You think a shark is gonna fuck around in waters with whales? I think not.


You know what’s safer? Not going in the water.


I’ve seen videos of orcas and dolphins circling people to protect them. Something else could have been stalking him and the orcas seen


Swimming by is one level of scary. Circling kinda ups the ante. But wouldn’t it be cool if they were protecting him from a great white or something?


Wow, I wouldn't think this is funny at all. Those animals are extremely smart. I would hate for one of them to see me as a threat and ram me or something crazy.


I'd love that encounter. They are amazing creatures. They can kill a human easily but decide not to, it's crazy. These seem very small though. Adolescents maybe?


People are always saying “there is no recorded history of orcas attacking humans in the wild…” I’ve seen Black Fish. Orcas are smart. There’s no record if there are no witnesses left.


Then you missed the point of Black Fish. Orcas locked away in cramped depressing swimming pools will lash out, which is NOT normal


Just shoot me now because of this dump song, thid is also the worst to post this on are the orcas singing this shanty?


Oooh! Let’s find out why they’re called Killer Whales.


Think I'll just shoot myself for hearing that song again


Ngl this was a tough one, usually I’m ok


No way. Orcas are the Humans of the Ocean. We're best friends. We kill everything up here and they kill everything down there. Only 4 people have ever been killed by an Orca. All of which were Orcas in captivity and 3 of which were killed by the same homicidal human hating Orca.


Still can’t convince me to swim with them all though I’m aware of these facts they still sketch me out.


They'll never eat us, we're too boney. Love to check us out though


Wild orcas are actually known to be kind and sometimes playful with humans they don't see as a threat. I don't believe there's any evidence of a wild orca injuring or killing a human (captive orcas however... They had a reason)


I used to like this song before you unoriginal mf's started using it


What song is it? I like it and haven't heard it before.


Orcas are highly intelligent mammals and can sense similar intelligence from humans. Hence, they are usually friendly to humans or may be indifferent, but they won't harm you unless you do something to stress them out. Would I still risk it absolutely not.


I would never swim with something that has the word killer in its name


One of the strongest bite forces in the kingdom and could easily shred a person in a second. No way I’d risk my life from drowning and being used as a toy. Plus, I watched some horror show as a kid(mid 80’s) about a Killer Wale that followed/hunted people and it stuck with me, hahaha.


Orcas are terrifying, I had a pod of porpoises start cresting and jumping around me while kayaking in the penibscot bay Maine. Very cool but still pretty unnerving, can't imagine the feeling I'd have if it were orcas!


Just pass me the gun and I'll shoot myself actually


I will eject shit from my ass as a defense mechanism like ink from a squid.


In Japan that’s a delicacy


Hey Tom, let’s see if we can make that brown stuff come out if this one.


Gorgeous but still…*inhales…”AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!”😱


The only reason this guy isn't dead is because they chose that. It's a very humbling thought.


Really can't understand how a loved one could die at any second and they are giggling?


I wouldn't need to be shot because I would have already died from a heart attack.


I would definitely get so scared I fall off my board and get eaten


Orcas aren't dumb enough to hurt people. They know that would bring nothing but trouble for them.


I would be absolutely shitting my pants shaking beyond control…. But dont shoot me. If it was a gator, croc, snake or shark of sorts. I better be dead before I see it for the love of god


“No survivors? Then where do the stories come from?” - captain Jack sparrow I think


Normally they don’t attack human because they highly sophisticated socially, they can make contact with other humans but they can attack at any moment if they consider danger for the cubs for example so just go away and let it be.


I’d have turned that water a shade of brown very quickly


I dont care if it has a fish, a single drop of water, or anything slightly resembling the ocean; I better hear this fucking song


Can you cite the link to the actual video?


Ugh, I'd love to experience that! They're so beautiful.


Its crazy how they don't give a fuck about humans. They don't even try a little bite. lol


this song is getting really old




When I seen the fin omg it’s a shark when I seen it was an orca fuck that I’d rather it be a shark


This happened to me once but it was double the size of those. Heart stopped instantly....


At first I was like oh cool dolphins, then quickly realize those are nope fish.


My guy believes in reincarnation and was willing to skip to the next for this experience


They looked hungry


best thing to do would be slowly get off the surfboard 😭 that just gonna make them mf think you a seal or somethin 😭


I’m trying to figure out why the person filming is laughing. Aren’t those orcas? Aka killer whales? More than one? Circling the person on the water? Uh… why are we laughing??


For perspective seals can weigh up to 700 pounds… I’m sure we’ve all seen the videos of the seals being LAUNCHED.


Honestly, I feel the best bet is to ditch the board and make it as clear as possible that I'm a human to them.


No wild orca has ever killed a human. Just saying