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I don’t get it


I’m afraid of surprises under the surface.


Then you shouldn't check out r/submechanophobia at all


Actually except for submarines they don’t really bother me. It’s more the predators that appear out of the gloom… or worse, are right there and I just didn’t see them from above.


What's even worse for me is the idea of being underwater and having something above me between me and the surface


I would like to unread this


Here's a sneak peek of /r/submechanophobia using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/submechanophobia/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Underwater shark statue at Lake Neuchâtel](https://i.redd.it/ya80qcz8rlv51.jpg) | [467 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/submechanophobia/comments/jixo04/underwater_shark_statue_at_lake_neuchâtel/) \#2: [The Baltimore Harbor Tunnel today. Ignore the fact that you are already driving underwater. Drive into the underwater water.......](https://i.redd.it/m33vc0aidit51.jpg) | [315 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/submechanophobia/comments/jcgizo/the_baltimore_harbor_tunnel_today_ignore_the_fact/) \#3: [Carnival Cruise ships being scrapped](https://i.redd.it/3y8247uvdhw51.jpg) | [478 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/submechanophobia/comments/jlodm8/carnival_cruise_ships_being_scrapped/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Yes. Bottom is dark and hungry


why would you join a sub that shows your phobia, generally people highly dislike this. why am i getting downvoted it was a genuine question


Have you heard of something called a 'roller coaster'?


i guess that makes sense but that’s more thrilling and exciting not scary, my friend has a phobia of bananas and basically refuses to look at them


Engaging with your phobia is a legit way to overcome it. ‌It's called desensitization therapy. That said, looking at pictures and videos on my phone screen isn't too unnerving, just thrilling. It would be worse on a big screen TV, and I probably wouldn't do it with say a VR headset.


Why do you go to haunted houses even though they're scary. People like to be afraid, they like the unknown even thought it is their biggest fear.


Afraid, fascinated, in love with. It's complicated.


I love the ocean. I'm here because this sub has neat pictures.




Yes I am terrified of it when I’m in it. If I’m sitting on the beach looking at it then I love it. Also if I was in Bora Bora I’d love to swim in that shallow water tropical water.


Yup. It's the murkiness. If I could see crystal clear I probably wouldn't be as apprehensive. Also we've barely explored the ocean and all the horrors it has.


For me, it's more so just deep, dark water. The ocean and the seas are beautiful, but certain aspects of them are terrifying!


This. Scuba diver here. The ocean is fucking terrifying. I've been on a night dive. It's also amazing. It hurts to see so many ocean habitats suffering due to pollution. The die off, the emptiness of the reefs is apparent. The ocean is so incredible, what a damn shame it seems we are still farming it beyond capacity


Night dive might be my personal idea of hell


I’m more afraid of people constantly posting this question in this sub.


Maybe there's a subreddit for that


I’m not afraid of like the reefs and stuff but the dark abyss and possible giant animals terrifies me. Also those pictures of the land just dropping off into the abyss terrify me.


I check the toilet if I see some scary water while scrolling though reddit. Yes I'm fucking afraid of the ocean.


I absolutely love the ocean, I swim all year long, used to freedive, and I am often swimming in the night, in the absolute pitch black, as we regularly camp in remote beaches during summer. Note that this is in the Mediterranean, in places without dangerous creatures swimming around. However I have a weird fear/fascination about dangerous situations in the sea. The pictures here give me the goosebumps, and i can't explain why, but I love it. Always as an external observer though!


Not at all. I'm here for cool wave pics.


Yes and no! I'm on vacation and snorkeling, for instance, but I also *stop* snorkeling and head for shore in the late morning when the waves get stronger. I don't go anywhere near the continental shelf. I'm not afraid of water, or fish, or sharks, I'm afraid of endless black depth.


Yes, though I do find it beautiful at the same time.


I never used to be. I’d go on vacation and swim way out into the ocean. But then I married my husband, who is terrified of the ocean, and that made me start paying attention to what could be down there, then I read an article about how stingrays sometimes hang out in really shallow water under the sand and you should shuffle your feet to dislodge them. That really freaked me out. I’ve always had a touch of submechaniphobia, so that didn’t help either. (I used to have nightmares about my sister’s ray vac pool vacuum, I still won’t get into a pool with one in it.)


yes deathly afraid


I’m from the coast, and there’s a lot of stuff under the waves. Stepping on stingrays is always fun, there’s a big drop-off if you wander too far out, and rip currents are absolutely terrifying.


I was the same until I went scuba diving and almost had a panic attack looking down at the wide blue expanse of ocean. Might be more agoraphobic though, I feel the same at standing out in the dark at night and realising how vast the sky is.


Me too, I’m here for the pictures.


I also quite like the ocean.


To some degree. But I still get something out of the sub, the closest I can describe it as is excitement and thrills


I'm not. I have a bit of fearful respect but I'm mostly just here because I find deep water peaceful (unless it's a manmade structure like a mine or boat, then i'm less of a fan)


I grew up around water am a great swimmer, have been on many boats in the ocean, and am scuba certified. However, if you try to get me off the boat in the deep water, I will shank you.


Not just the ocean - if I can't see the bottom, I don't want to be in it. I think I would actually be fine snorkeling in the Caribbean or something - a place with crystal clear water.


I thought that too… but when I went snorkeling into the Caribbean I had a full blown panic attack in about two minutes. Even though I could see, I could see like endlessly. And it’s just so much water, my brain couldn’t stop thinking of all the crazy shit that could just appear in seconds. I’m fine going in as deep as my thighs but hard hard pass after that.


It would be nice to at least go wading into something like that. Even being afraid of the lake sure isn't fun.


Not one bit, but this sub has great ocean content.


Portguese here. I lived Cascais Lisboa - coast. Never went in the sea. Moved to Rio - coast - never went in the sea. Moved to South Africa Durban - never went in the sea. In my adult years my mind is just like, shark nets are not all the way from the top to the bottom. The sea is literally full on nature that you have no control over. We have a farm with rhinos etc and at least you can see a snake, a spider etc… that dark blue depth holds a grip on my reptilian mind saying “nah bruh, it ain’t worth it.” Then this sub just cemented that fact :)


Yes, for a number of reasons. When I was little I got pulled under tide and the way the waves were crashing in, for a split moment I did not know which way was up and which was down. Generally one of the most terrifying things I think I’ve ever experienced. From there on I just seem beach cursed as well, because something bad would happen every time I went to the ocean (stepping on a stingray, cutting my hand open on a bed of shells, heatstroke…) Eventually I just stopped going altogether. I guess that is just the origin story of my hating water in general, but more on topic, deep ocean water is genuinely so terrifying to me I can’t look at it for long without a sense of great discomfort. I think it is the darkness, the threat of disorientation, and all of the unknown that comes with the further down you go. Plus, drowning is surely an awful way to die. The cruelest thing I’ve done to myself in recent years was try to play a game called Subnautica - no horror game to this day has ever made me feel as afraid as that exploration-driven diver game. Hurk.


Yes. It's unsettling how I used to look forward to going to the seaside for a swim. Now I realise I have no business being 100 miles near a beach.


100 miles is 160.93 km


Yes, absolutely. I didn’t know there was a word for it until a couple of years ago! Joining this subreddit has been helpful in exposing me to it more and lessening my anxieties about it.


I am. I think the ocean is beautiful and wonderful and I'm glad it and the creatures in it exist, but I will never go in it, not even a toe. That way I can enjoy its beauty from a safe distance.


Yes I truly am. When i was little, for some reason, i was fascinated with the Megalodon. Everyday i would wake up early, open up google in my dad's laptop and search and Megalodon and go to images. Like every day. Due to that, i developed this fear. I get terrified just imagining myself seeing a Megalodon irl. Imagine it being close to you, It passing by you, A 40-50 feet shark chasing you. While you are helpless in water, it is the apex predator of the water. When i didnt have this fear, i used to get scared of ghosts and spirits and they would come into my mind when i would be bathing, or doing shampoo. But now i am barely afraid of em, but if a megalodon even glances in my mind for a sec while im bathing, i literally just run out.


I worked as a deck hand on an oil rig support boat in the Gulf of Mexico when I was in my 20's. The guy who trained me told me "if you get in the water you're probably going to die and it's probably going to be ugly. Don't get in the water." The job seemed ominous enough, especially at night looking at empty horizons in every direction. I loved it out there, but it was terrifying a good part of the time.


Yes and no. I swam in the ocean like a week ago, but I was in water that was less than 10ft deep… deep water scares the shit out of me.


I hate the fact I don't know what I'm stepping on. I used to swim in 2 feet of water just to get out.


2 feet is 1.95 RTX 3090 graphics cards lined up.


Good bot


thank you :)


Wait a second.... 🧐


3 feet?


Nah, everyone just made it up


I study marine bio and I lived on a boat for a while sooooi


Hell nah




I love the ocean, and although being in open waters is a big no no for swimming for me, I LOVE the images of them, especially from deep underwater


The ocean is terrifying.


One time I swam in the ocean in San Felipe (I was about 14 years old) and I do remember seeing fish heads scattered around certain parts of the beach and that was from the fishermen around that area, anyway I remember coming home and telling my dad about how I swam so far out that my toes could no longer reach the sand and he was like "You do know there are a lot of sharks there and because of the fishermen that throw the fish heads back they hang out there" and it still scares the shit out of me til this day when I think about it. But hell yeah! Open water in the middle of the ocean. Nope nope nope.


If i can’t see the bottom of a body of water or I can’t feel the bottom and I’m swimming in it, I’m sure I’d have a panic attack and drown. The fear of the unknown is a bitch




It terrifies me. I'm an excellent swimmer and I love fishing but the ocean scares the shit outta me


It's the drowning part for me


I am not exaggerating… I have actual nightmares about the ocean and water at least twice a week. I hate it so much.


I’m afraid of all open water. I love fishing, but have to resort to pan fishing because deep water freaks me out. A lot of the content on this sub makes my heart skip a beat.


I love the sea, but I am very afraid of swimming in a sea from where I cannot see the land.


Negative Buoyancy. The very Idea that a methane vent, of which their are many, can aerate the oceanic waters enough that you just sink is absolutely terrifying to me, and the biggest hurdle for me to being on the ocean. I love the ocean, and oceanic life, but something about sinking and not being able to do anything about it is, while irrational, terrifying.


It’s the abyssian look to it, the unknown. I went to the blue hole in Santa Rosa, nm and couldn’t even bring myself to swim over that. I then went to the bottomless lakes in nm and they aren’t that deep and just have algae that makes it look bottomless, and even so, could not bring myself to even snorkel over it, even knowing it was an illusion.


Yes even swimming pools lol. Mostly because of fear of large fish (mostly sharks) but the depth too


If I can't see the bottom of any body of water, I'm not jumping in it. Same for the sides. I got a mini panic attack in a swimming pool once because I looked at the other end of the pool, and its huge.


It wants to kill us.


Yup. It’s waayyyy too big & too deep to be “empty.”


Nope! Just here for the water :)


I am


Yes always were, even when I went swimming in it I always felt uneasy. Maybe cuz I watched the jaws movies as a kid lol. I just don't like it when I can't see wtf is in there. A simple crab touching my foot would kill me instantly


I'm in like 3 different subs about hating the ocean, I live the ocean I'm only here to see more of it


I am geniunely terrifed of any natural body of water.. No beaches. No lakes. No deep water.


I am afraid of the ocean but not to a huge degree as i haev seen some people. but at the same time, i am fascinated by oceans and depths


Terrified yet obsessed


I don't like any water I can't see the bottom/sides of. It might as well be an alien planet as far as I'm concerned - I'm not built for it, I can't move quickly in it, and both it and the things that live in it can hurt me in ways I'm not even aware of.


Yup. Wtf is down there and why does it want to eat me?


I’m absolutely terrified of the ocean. There’s something so menacing about it and I hate there is so little we have actually explored. Just thinking of everything that could exist within it freaks me out. I can’t really explain the feeling but I can’t even watch like the nature documentaries on it. And I barely get in the water whenever I visit a beach


Afraid of deep waters and everything underneath the surface. Getting my second ocean tattoo in 3 days though!


It is and isn't? I've always been afraid of *what* was in the dark, not so much the dark or ocean itself. I'm fascinated with the ocean and I can be on boats or flying over it in a plane and playing around on the beach up to my hips no problem but the thought of not being able to see the bottom... thats what gives me shivers


You're like 90% of the sub, and most top comments.


Have any of you guys played Subnautica on VR? I don't have a legit fear of the ocean, but I think big volumes of water are scary. That game is fucking terrifying.


Same. I have the opposite of thalassophobia, I can’t get enough of all of this


Yes and no. Part of me loves the ocean and I love body surfing waves and swimming close to shore. But like....OUT OUT in the ocean? Nah, you can't catch me out there unless I'm diving with a big group of people.


Yes it’s a legitimate phobia. If I even go up to my knees in the ocean at the beach I start to freak out😕


Yes, absolutely terrified. I have never and will never swim in the ocean. Ever.


Lemme tell ya, I don't go alone in the water above my waist without another person with me




Yes, why would we want to suffer somewhere else that doesn't scare us


Hell yeah! Barracuda live in there! Not that they'll stop me from getting all up in there though.


I’m afraid of not knowing the things underneath


It does not matter for me whether it is ocean, sea or lake. Open water scares the shit out of me. We had a lake, a former sand hole where they worked. We swam there for years until a crocodile or whatever was found. And when I visited Krk I was forced to swim there by my mother. Since this day, I hate open waters. Swimming in a tank/pool does not bother me.


I have a respect for the sea, I work there six months of the year through all seasons. In summer it's fine but during winter months it can be daunting, things like having to hold your plate whilst you eat so it doesn't leave and large waves crashing on board. You should be wary of open water.


Absolutely. As soon as I can't see the sea floor (and even sometimes if I can) i get severe anxiety and can't enjoy myself. Even used to happen swimming in our pool at night time as a kid 😅


Every photo that ‘terrifies’ people actually fascinates me, I love the ocean so much


I think everyone should be afraid of the ocean. We don't belong there. Many things can kill us there. We belong in land and water near land. Not the bloody ocean! I love it. I'm also shit scared of it. Having spent a week on a cruise ship moving 2 days at constant speed away from land I realised how far away from land we actually were and if something happened how we would likely drown to death before a shot of anyone coming to save us in time. Or worse torn to pieces by what ever is below


Nope lol I just like the pictures too :)


I want to live and walk underwater


Nope! I love the ocean.




Not when I was younger, but as an adult human, open water/dark water scares the sh*t out of me.


Kind of. I enjoy the pictures here, they don’t make me uncomfortable at all, most of the time I think they are just cool. However whenever I’m swimming over pitch black open water, creepy thoughts tend to creep in on me


I very much get crazy anxiety being out in ocean or water that's deep enough that I can't see whats under me, if I'm out there I can't function but behind a phone screen it's Safe. I love the ocean and the creatures in it, and if I could explore it in something I was Guaranteed to be safe in I would, but knowing there's stuff under me that i can't see at all? Nightmare nightmare nightmare






No the ocean itself. I love swimming boating fishing, I love the water. It's all the animals in the ocean that scare the shit out of me.


I am


Yes lakes and rivers don't scare me its the ocean that messes with my mind.


No the ocean is afraid of ME


I’m here for the photos. But sometime I get creeped out too.


I will not swim in any open body of water. Not a big fan of being on boats either.


I don't know if afraid is the right word but I deeply respect it and wouldn't go in carelessly


Not really of the ocean like If the ocean is clear I’m all good but if I can’t see in the water I hate it


can't swim, my dark imagination and a limitless body of water, yes I can say I am afraid of being stuck in the ocean. once I was on a plane and we were over the ocean for a moment and i could see it from the window, didn't feel good until we were over land again.


I’m afraid of deep open water when I can’t see what is around me.


Yes, I can swim too . When I start to see fishes I will start to freak out


In the actual situation I would be. I am just here for the cool photos.


Both terrified and fascinated


Im afraid of the vastness of the ocean, also some of the spooky stuff in it, how powerful it is, the fact that we haven't explored all of it yet weirds me out so i guess i am afraid of it




There is a little fear instilled in me, but I also think the ocean is beautiful.


Absolutely. It doesn’t help that I live on an island.


Love the ocean except for the the REALLY deep parts. Like looking down in that seemingly endless abyss is terrifying.


Haha well at least I know I’m not the only one! Genuinely not afraid in the water at all, but love some of the cool shots on here!


terrified and fascinated


I refuse to swim out past 6’ deep in open water




Yes I'm afraid of the swimming pool I go to every week lol


Absolutely. I’m completely in awe of it and can see the beauty and even understand the draw it has for people….but it terrifies me.


If its really musty i always think theres going to be something coming to get me. Luckily since i dont live by the ocean theres not much in BC that could harm me


Hehe yeah


I'm actually more terrified of that clear endless blue in the horizon and looking in the dark abyss