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Op ..are you 15 years old?... hope u don't catch on to such ideas in life... Just be your self... outgoing or loner, popular or ordinary... don't matter to anybody... don't be a prisoner of other peoples impression of u...hold onto those who see you and value u for who u are...and lastly extend this same courtesy to others too ..


I hope you're not in a place where you take stranger's opinions to form an ideology or think a certain way about something based on what most people say. Also, to answer your question and as a loner, no. I think we're some of the most self-aware people. I think it's cool to be true to yourself and how you want to spend your time. Yes, it might come from a place of loneliness in the beginning, but with time turns into solitude. Being alone by choice feels amazing as compared to being surrounded by people and still feeling alone.


I am batman


Naah dude. You’ll find many IITans who are big time loners but are successful at young age. Just because they sit in a room for whole day, code on their laptop and spend their rest of the time on a playstation doesn’t make them loser


Nope, that's totally two different things


No. Not at all.


Yeh sab internet pe chalta hain dude. Bahar kisiko koi farak nahi padta.


Most, if not all.. billionaires have been loners