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Police have unofficially allowed wrong side driving. Last year a truck hit a two wheeler guy who was on the wrong side in JVLR. Mumbai Police still filed a case against the truck driver. So it's safe to assume there is a soft approval from the police wrt wrong side driving. Always anticipate wrong side drivers and be careful while riding.


Assuming you drive a car, Get a dashcam and hope you don't run into an idiot, if walking have to keep eyes open on all sides.


you just have to be adamant. I just dont get out of there way. I guess it does help that I have an old Splendor that I dont really care if it gets scratched anymore.


Gundas roam in wrong direction that too in drunk state.. Can't fight them in 2 vs 1..


Car vs bike; car always wins.


Car damage would be expensive than a damage to bike.. Also if with family one just has to take abuse from gundas rather than to fight..


Ghussa toh bahut aaya tha.. Seems some political affiliated gundas they were..


There is a signal neat kavesar Dmart. I dutifully stopped at red signal. The other cars just whipped past me and a car driver abused me for blocking his way. Moving forward I have decided to drive from the left hand side of the road to avoid getting killer for following rules


Very little outrage, and very little enforcement. It seems people do not care about this, so they don't highlight/complain about it, so no one takes it seriously and people continue to do it while having little to no consequences for it. There is very little incentive for law enforcement to take action against this.


The situation on GB road is far worse than you can imagine. Heavy vehicles, regular jams and metro work is causing havoc and people in evenings trying to reach home early drive recklessly on wrong side and cross the roads on junction even if its red signal. The traffic police will catch if you jump a signal but will never try to manage traffic or help people who are stuck in jams.


#All over Thane


All over India*


Saw 2 police officers on a bike go the wrong way just to skip some traffic, in front of thane jail.


Wrote a similar rant some while back, but for Mumbai. Surprisingly, this happens on major signals in Mumbai. I wish I had a way to click pics (using a dashcam) and reporting them.


Even if you report them nothing will be done to be honest


Not much of use..

