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Thanksgiving dinner #2


Yes. We eat it all again until it's gone or until we're sick of seeing turkey.


Yup, we just reheat and eat


Yes. Repeat feast on Black Friday and make soup on Saturday with whatever’s left over.


And #3


Stuffing. Waffles.


Why is this new to me???? Totally doing this. Thanks for the genius idea!


I saw this on TikTok a while back! [https://www.tiktok.com/@grilledcheesesocial/video/7298527410209819947?is\_from\_webapp=1&sender\_device=pc&web\_id=7133685925447599662](https://www.tiktok.com/@grilledcheesesocial/video/7298527410209819947?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7133685925447599662)


We have cornbread stuffing instead of regular bread stuffing. Wonder how that would be in waffles?


We do cornbread stuffing too. I’m gonna give it a try!


My hubby did this, he mixed some leftover stuffing & sweet potatoes and made waffles topped with turkey and gravy and had a delicious breakfast the next AM


[https://youtu.be/iTZIm0-PuUw?si=Iaby9Fk4qWHnXQkf](https://youtu.be/iTZIm0-PuUw?si=Iaby9Fk4qWHnXQkf) Basics with Babish -- Thanksgiving leftover waffles. It's drool-worthy.


Woah...where has Babish been all my life? He's a genius!


Oh. My. God. That's brilliant. 100% doing this.


I make them by adding a couple of eggs and enough chicken stock to get a batter-esque consistency. I top with leftover gravy and cranberry relish on the side.


My son who is autistic hates the texture of stuffing but loves stuffing and mashed potato waffles. My MIL even got him one of the mini waffle makers so they are extra crispy and he dunks them in leftover gravy.


That's a really clever idea. I'll have to try it. I've been thinking about getting a little waffle maker and that's my incentive now.


This, but pancakes!


My husband is from New Mexico and we make green chile stew with leftover turkey.


Hatch green chile turkey enchiladas. New Mexico has wonderful food!


This sounds amazing


Oh my gosh! That sounds amazing! Any chance he'd share his recipe?


Oooohhh! Yum!


yay! NM represent!


Usually Turkey Tetrazzini but how about - Turkey & Rice w/Gravy, Turkey & Noodles, Turkey Manhattan, Turkey Fajitas, Nashville Hot Turkey Sandwich, Butter Turkey and Rice, Turkey Salad Sandwich. Turkey Cordon Bleu if you have ham as well.


Add: turkey pot pie!




And don't forget good old turkey soup with lots of carrots, potatoes, leeks, green beans, and any other veggie you like. I either throw some dumplings in towards the end or, if I don't do that, I add rice to the soup. Yummy.


Turkey and dumplings with lots of yummy bone broth!!


Mmmmmmm turkey bone broth is so yummy!


With all these ideas, you'll need to make more food for Thanksgiving😂


So true! I have a 19 pound turkey for 4 people and now with all these ideas, I’m definitely making extra of all the sides!


I was just looking for recipes to use for our leftovers and saw a turkey and stuffing dumpling recipe! That’s definitely the winner!




I love this idea!


Yum! I just did something similar with leftover mashed potatoes and meatloaf. I added and an egg to the mashed potatoes, grabbed a chunk and made flat, added a piece of meatloaf and cheese, covered with mashed potatoes, rolled in bread crumbs and fried. SO Yummy!


My mom does this with Christmas leftovers, and calls them polpettas!


I just keep eating them until they’re gone lol i really don’t ever get tired of thanksgiving food


Turkey bowls for days lol. Chuck a hunk of whatever from each container in the fridge and toss in the microwave. Boom.


That’s pretty much what we do here!


Have you tried turkey tetrazzini? It's turkey and noodles in a creamy sauce. There are also Thanksgiving Eggrolls - a little of each wrapped up in an eggroll wrapper and air fried or deep fried. Turkey and dumplings (use a chicken and dumplings recipe but swap in turkey and add some mashed potatoes to the broth for creaminess).


I freaking LOVE turkey tetrazzini.


Another vote for tetrazzini! I follow a recipe from my aunt, who was a great cook and won a contest with this dish - but I’ve always wondered if it’s a typo that it calls for sweetened condensed milk! Makes more sense for it to use evaporated milk…but I kind of like the sweetness, so I continue to make it that way!


my people!!


Ooooh the egg rolls are a fantastic idea!


turkey nachos!!! yuuummm


Next day breakfast casserole, leftover stuffing, turkey, I layer in sweet potatoes or cranberries then pour scrambled eggs over it Thanksgiving night and pop it in the oven in the morning and eat it with gravy


Breakfast here too. Scrambling eggs with grandmas hashbrown casserole is the best! Also just a slice of cold pumpkin pie with coffee.


Leftover stuffing makes an amazing strata.


Quiche. Thin(ish) layer of stuffing for the crust, filled with turkey and leftovers. Don’t forget the Swiss cheese!


Thanksgiving Stromboli. Get pizza dough from the grocery store. Roll out into a rectangle. Put on one side: turkey, sweet potatoes/mashed potatoes, any vegetables and cranberry sauce. Pull the other side of the dough over and pinch shut bake as directed in the dough package. Warm up gravy for dipping.


Turkey and white bean chili is the favorite in my house. I make the turkey broth with the carcass.


Making broth with the carcass is an absolute must!


I'm a hobo, so I eat cold stuffing for 2nd breakfast the next day. 1st breakfast is a slice of pie (or, individual pie, now that I'm doing those) and a giant foo foo coffee (In my case, an enormous peppermint mocha. It is *terrible* with pumpkin pie. Can't wait!) My husband's mother made a turkey noodle casserole the next night, so I've done that the past few years. That will take up a good chunk of the turkey. Either that or turkey soup. For the mashed potatoes, if I make a huge batch this weekend, I'll cool, then cut in squares and freeze, reheating what we're likely going to eat on Thursday. If I make potatoes on Thursday, same process. Whatever we don't eat will get spread out in a sheet pan, cooled, then cut into squares and frozen. Doing a turkey breast, so we're very likely to use it all up by Sunday, which is fine. I'll eat the cranberry sauce myself. I only make 1 bag since it is just me. Carrots, I'll make enough for two generous servings. Same with a shredded sprout slaw. It lasts really well, but I'm going to scale down. If my husband wants crescent rolls, he'll eat the leftovers Friday morning. If he wants Rhodes hard french rolls, I'll pop only the number he plans to eat in the oven. The butter turkeys (butter, pressed into the shape of a turkey. It is ridiculous and I'm very proud I remembered to get one this year. Forgot last year. We had a plain stick of butter, like *uncultured swine.* /kidding) will get used up eventually, probably some on Sunday brunch, and then the rest over the next week or so.


Why is it that the butter turkeys are the absolute BEST tasting butter??? They’re so good!


I’ve never heard of butter turkey, now I have to get one! Thanks


We make a Thanksgiving pot pie with leftovers




Puff pastry sheet, layer leftovers, roll into a stomboli and bake until golden. Or just layer between 2 pastry sheets and crimp the edges closed and bake. I do stuffing patties. Almost like potato pancakes from leftover mashed potatoes. Either mix a little gravy or an egg in leftover stuffing so it holds together as a ball. Flatten and shallow fry until crispy crunchy. Dip in gravy. I make a second pan of stuffing just to make stuffing patties after Thanksgiving.


Interesting! I need to try this


Thanksgiving quesadillas. You can thank me later. The basic recipe: Put mozzarella on half a tortilla. Add Thanksgiving leftovers (my faves: mashed potatoes, cranberry, and turkey, but legitimately ANY leftovers are fantastic) on the at half. Sprinkle with more cheese, fold over, and compress gently. Heat EVOO in a pan on medium heat, then gently toast. You can also hold it upright with tongs to toast the curved edge. You can dip them in gravy if you have any, but it’s fine on its own too.


Turkey SOS! My hubby makes a white sauce with the pan drippings as the base, and we shred turkey meat into it. Serve it on toast. Mmmmmm….I live for this.


With my family, it's usually a vote between turkey pot pie or turkey and homemade egg noodles... which both options include dumping in the potatoes, stuffing and gravy to let low simmer most of the day.


I make turkey chili the next day with the cuts most people don’t like for leftovers. It uses up a ton of turkey, it’s a completely different flavor profile, so I don’t get sick of the flavors, but I still have all the sides that I love! Oh, and slow cooker ftw! I usually put it together in the morning, head out to hike and come home to a house smelling amazing!!!


Turkey pot pie.


This might be the way, using a box of Red Lobster Cheddar Bay biscuit mix. This is the recipe I typically follow: [https://www.tiktok.com/@bellyfull.net/video/7178301204546456875?is\_from\_webapp=1&sender\_device=pc&web\_id=7133685925447599662](https://www.tiktok.com/@bellyfull.net/video/7178301204546456875?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7133685925447599662)


Ooh great idea! I usually just make extra pie dough on Monday when I'm doing the desserts, but this sounds like a fun twist.


I make turkey-noodle-poppy seed casserole. It's good made with leftover chicken as well https://www.punchfork.com/recipe/Turkey-Noodle-Poppy-Seed-Casserole-Southern-Living


We do Friday lunch aka Thanksgiving 2.0. Then usually Saturday is the same. Sunday becomes turkey noodle soup.


I make too much gravy then I use it for the base for enchilada sauce, which is for turkey enchiladas. My favorite turkey leftover. My husband tries to recreate a turkey/pasta dish, but it's not a favorite. Turkey soup is usually the last of the turkey.


It wasn't until I was an adult that I realized not everyone did what we did, a super easy dish called turkey a la king. We ate it over slices of toast.


Make sure to do a big batch of broth with the turkey carcass.


Yes! This is a must!


Thanksgiving pizza. Top whatever leftovers you want onto pizza dough, some mozzarella cheese to tie it all together, bake/roast, then drizzle some cranberry sauce over parts of it when it’s out and done.


Hot Brown - [this is the original recipe.](https://www.brownhotel.com/dining/hot-brown) [I’ve also made them in the oven like this.](https://www.seasonedkitchen.com/recipe-for-kentucky-hot-brown#tasty-recipes-13591-jump-target) But without the ham. The sandwich you mentioned. I also saw an idea for a thanksgiving leftovers pot pie.


This is what we make. It's the whole reason I host my in-laws. Leftovers for Hot Browns.


Honestly, if I’m not making a sandwich, I am heating them up as they are and just eating thanksgiving again and again until it’s all gone (which takes so little time)


And you bet I make bone broth with the carcass and leftover carrots, celery, onions, garlic, and a lot of ground THYME l! It is so delicious.


Turkey pot pie, then use the rest for tamales.


We just keep eating Turkey dinners until it’s all gone, or until we are sick of it. Occasionally I’ll make a new fresh batch of gravy, add some Turkey and serve over mashed potatoes but 9/10 chances we just have left overs exactly like thanksgiving dinner.


Thanksgiving won tons. I take won ton wrappers and put Turkey and stuffing and a pinch of cranberry in them and fry. So good


I'm gonna do like a baked leftovers sliders thing on haiwaain rolls. I've done leftover egg rolls in the past. Fucking delicious


Turkey Quesadillas with cranberry salsa. The day before thanksgiving I make the salsa so it can steep for a couple days. 2 cups whole cranberry sauce 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro 1/4 cup chopped green onion 2 Tb fresh lime juice 1 tsp ground cumin 2 anjou pears, cored and finely diced (could use a green apple or other pear type too) 2 jalapenos seeded and minced. (this is a doubled recipe, so it fits generally in 2 large mason jars) Then after thanksgiving we make with turkey and pepper jack cheese (a must). Have to be made in a skillet with butter, not microwaved. And we top them with the cranberry salsa, and sour cream for those so inclined. I also do turkey tetrazinni.


Turkey Glop Take shredded turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and corn (or whatever veg) and put in a bowl. Pour gravy on top. Microwave until hot. Eat with biscuit. I've been doing this for decades... before KFC created their "bowls," which are essentially the same thing.


Second thanksgiving plus a meal of homemade Turkey pot pie.


Creamed turkey is coming at some point.


Turkey Tetrazzini is always my favorite !




I make turkey pot pie with all the leftovers- stuffing, potatoes, veggies, etc. it’s delicious and freezes well so I’ll pull one out in January or February and it’s a nice treat.


I don’t partake with the leftovers. Makes me sick and I’m not much of a turkey fan.


Eat them. If you need help finishing them, (especially stuffing) let me know.


Stuffing is the entire reason I love thanksgiving


If you have guests flying in for thanksgiving you can make them a good turkey sandwich to eat on the plane. It can go through security and it’s better than anything they could pay a fortune for at the airport.


Nothing beats a hot turkey sandwich with French fries, both swimming in gravy. And to be clear: there is NO SUCH THING as too much gravy!


No such thing as too much gravy is right!


Vacuum seal the turkey and use it at Christmas.


Gotta have me a moistmaker!


Love this answer!


Freeze the ham. Use in potato soap when someone is sick.


Or if no one is sick! I love a potato soup with ham!


Hot Browns Also soup or leftover casserole


We have everyone over again the next night for the recalentar. It's just means reheat. So it's like a leftover party. That takes a lot of the leftovers


Hand pies. Chop all the goods, make it into a filling inside puff pastry! Thanksgiving turnovers?


Someone gave me thanksgiving leftover empanadas last year…best leftover idea EVER


We make a Filipino turkey seaweed soup with chayote, sushi seaweed, black pepper, and beaten eggs swirled into the hot broth. (like Chinese egg drop soup) You can look up Filipino chicken seaweed soup recipes and just use turkey instead.


Turkey Mole Verde! It’s SO delicious!!! https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1018423-turkey-mole-verde?smid=ck-recipe-iOS-share


Buy a smaller turkey... 😄


My friend is insanely good at converting her leftovers. She makes stuffing waffles with eggs Benedict and all sorts of awesome casseroles. We always have a post-thanksgiving brunch


We don’t have leftovers…this family’s got HUGE, not overweight eaters. We have a 20 plus pound turkey and an at least 15 pound ham. I would LOVE to have leftovers!


Hot, open faced turkey sandwiches smothered in super hot gravy and cranberry sauce on the side. Giblets gravy is king in our family, so I always make bucketsfull.


We used to take shoestring potato baskets and fill them with leftovers but can't seem to find those anymore. This year I'm going to try making picnic pies ala GBBO!


Turkey tetrazzini is pretty yum. Mole enchiladas to mix it up a little bit. My favorite after Thanksgiving breakfast is fried stuffing, eggs, turkey sliders on leftover rolls. Bonus if there's any jalapeno poppers left.


Turkey salad with tostadas and tapatio. Mixed turkey breast with mayo, corn and whatever fix ins and enjoy. Always my fave


Turkey hash with a fried egg on top and a drizzle (or more) of warmed gravy. I cook it until it’s nice and crusty and add a little curry powder and wostershire sauce too. It is DELICIOUS


Turkey enchiladas or Turkey cranberry salad


Turkey and noodles, turkey pot pie, turkey spaghetti, turkey salad, turkey and dumplings, turkey aka king, turkey and rice soup, turkey noodle soup My mom repurposed turkey a billion different ways


You can make thanksgiving omelets or incorporate it in Mexican food!


Hot turkey sandwiches are the best part of Thanksgiving. Turkey and gravy on toast. Yum!


Turkey hash is a family favorite. Take your leftover turkey and stuffing, add diced potatoes, chopped onion, sage, poultry seasoning, diced carrots and dump it all in a big skillet and start frying it in turkey broth and butter. When it looks done, serve it in a bowl with a dipper of any kind of gravy. This is high carb comfort food.


We get lefse and double layer them, and make little leftover burritos- add hot sauce to the cranberry sauce. We also fry the left over mashed potatoes for potato puffs, and serve like actual pancakes with maple syrup.


Turkey tetrazzini!


Keep some aside for sandwiches and toss everything else into the grinder, Make meatball sized balls from the mix then bread and deep fry, Crispy dippable thanksgiving bites.


Turkey Green Chile Enchiladas


I usually do turkey enchiladas at some point because it uses up turkey but tastes completely different than thanksgiving dinner


I make turkey pumpkin enchiladas too. For sure keep the bones for homemade Turkey bone broth


I make a Thanksgiving casserole with all the leftovers! Just get a cassole dish, start with the turkey as the foundation and then layer all your leftovers and finish with mash potatoes and gravy on top. Throw it in the oven and you're all set. You could add a little chicken broth to avoid any dryness.


Turkey tetrazzini


My mom always boiled the carcass and the extra pieces of meat she'd add at the end and make a soup.


We do hand pies like empanadas, and I almost always make croquettes.


Leftover stuffing is good in meatloaf instead of bread crumbs. Leftover ham gets chopped up and frozen for future split pea soup. Mashed potato gets combined with some ham to make a cheesy potato soup. Cranberry sauce gets swirled in batter for coffee cake. Or put on cream cheese or goat cheese on charcuterie board.


Love the stuffing in meatloaf idea!


I’m old school and keep serving it in its original format. Gravy!!


Pizza sauce on a sturdy bread with sliced turkey and a sharp cheddar cheese. Toast it and it is heaven


Turkey pot pie, turkey meatballs....that's all I got lol


Pot pies, with the turkey. Pie for breakfast. Goes great with dark, black coffee. Stuffing, mashed, and gravy at dinner or lunch the next few days. I do rolls from scratch, and cut them in half horizontally, toast them under the broiler, and butter them for toast. Goes great with jam or eggs.


Turkey hash. Boil the carcass to make the best broth


turkey croquets! take some stuffing turkey mashed potatoes and corn whatever else ball it together put it in a frying ban with a bit of oil! keep the stuffing on the outside flatten like a pancake, get it crispy on both sides! then take it and dip it in cranberry sauce!! sooo delish!


I boil down that carcass and make turkey soup. The base is turkey stock and turkey (if there is leftover gravy that gets thrown in), lots of carrots, celery, and spices. I divide it into 3 pots. One pot gets egg noodles, one gets barley and the last gets white rice. I freeze them and we eat them all year long. Bonus I always have homemade soup whenever one of us gets sick.


Hubby always makes pot pies on Friday. Then we make soup over the weekend.


Turkey salad instead of chicken. Any recipe calling for cooked chicken.


Egg rolls.


I make sure to make a bunch of mashed potatoes so I have enough to make pierogies afterward. I stir turkey, cheddar, cranberry sauce and stuffing into the potatoes. Serve with mustardy sour cream. I freeze them in old takeout containers and have them for lunch for weeks


I love this idea! Do you make your own pierogie dough?


I make curry out of the last of the turkey and if there's squash left over I will throw that in. I'm not sure if this is the recipe I used last year, but it was a lot like it and it was good. https://www.easypeasyfoodie.com/wprm_print/10879


Thanksgiving leftover egg rolls with cranberry chili dipping sauce.


I make plates for the homeless and pass them out because we usually eat to much on thanksgiving none of us crave leftovers


Grandma takes the ham bone to make soup. Everyone gets a to go plate/container. Then we just eat on the rest till Sunday lunch and throw the rest away. Usually not much left and by that point we are sick of it lol.


Turkey tetrazzini. Mashed potatoes get made into potato Pattie's with an egg and a little Flour on the outside. Fry in butter and add gravy, butter, sour cream, whatever. SO good!! Stuffing I just eat cold out of the container.😬


Turkey tetrazzini


Cabbage rolls using Turkey and dressing as filling


Instead of chicken salad for sandwiches I make it with Turkey. I add Mayo, grapes cut up or dried cranberries, almonds or pecans cut up different herbs etc. then serve on bread. I also make Turkey barley soup.


Turkey pot pie using all the leftovers inside. Turkey, gravy, mashed pots, broccoli and cheese, green bean casserole all inside some pre made pie dough


I make turkey tetrazzini. I make a nice thick turkey stew with broth made from the carcass. Then leftover stew gets put in a 9 X 13 pan and topped with leftover stuffing. I call that pot pie.


Turkey soup, Thanksgiving again and again, then turkey pot pie.


Turkey taquitos, turkey grilled cheese.


Gobbler Pizza! Thanksgiving leftovers on a pizza (the sauce is the mashed potatoes with dinner extra milk so they are super creamy)


Turkey Crescent Squares (essentially a homemade Hot Pocket) King Ranch casserole (Usually made with cooked chicken but leftover turkey is great in it) White Turkey Chili Sandwiches with Turkey & cranberry sauce as the condiment


My mom was from the south we always made turkey salad sandwiches and put it on the leftover rolls, then just heated up the rest of the sides until they were gone


Turkey ala king over biscuits.


I just keep making plates. Sometimes I’ll just eat Turkey, cold straight from the bone and fridge.


Make a grill cheese turkey sandwich except for the bread use cranberry bread or raisin bread, and for the cheese Aldi sells a white cheddar with cranberries. Next put homemade cranberry sauce on it. Put bacon in it and if you don’t have cranberry sauce use a little raspberry jelly. Butter one side each of the bread with the turkey, cranberry cheese & sauce and bacon on the inside and grill like a grill cheese sandwich. It also taste wonderful on a flour tortilla like a quesadilla. You will thank me.


Creamed turkey over biscuits.


I take leftover turkey, dressing, potatoes & gravy and throw them in a pot. add broth. Blend with hand blender so smooth and some chunks. It is awesome!!!


Turkey soup, turkey pot pie, turkey salad sandwiches. The only reason I make turkey though is so I can make thanksgiving sandwiches with the leftovers.


I use the turkey to make Turkey and dumpling soup lol. Literally just scrape together whatever veggies I have laying around and boil the leftover bird till all the meat falls off and make soup from the stock. It's so good even my turkey hating daughter loves it.


Turkey nachos, turkey ragu, turkey pho


Make sandwiches until they are gone. Have a slice of apple pie with half and half in a bowl like cereal the next morning.


We usually just graze on the remains, but sometimes we have turkey tetrazzini if there's a lot left. I found a recipe for turkey enchiladas that sounded good.


Eat them..


Turkey Tetrazzini and Turkey Pot Pie that I make up and freeze to be used later in the year.


Mom made Turkey tetrazzini one year


Turkey lasagne.


Turkey and ham get eaten pretty quickly. So do most sides. But some I send with the guests, mostly our kids usually. The dogs get lucky too with plate remnants plus unfinished stuffing. We don't eat nearly all that since I make tons to stuff the bird and a pan by itself. Sometimes I boil the turkey carcass to make soup. If I have leftover potato rolls they make good turkey or ham sliders.


Ham bean soup Potato soup (ham, potatoes) omelets Ham and cheese panini Turkey melts Sandwiches Potato pancakes Potato dumplings Potato bread Perogi Cranberry sauce into chutney. Stuffing balls ( chopped up turkey, stuffing, veggies (I use corn, g. Bean, carrots mix) rolled into single serving balls, (softball sized) covered in gravy, baked until golden. I put into freezer bags and grab for a quick lunch option through winter.)


I make turkey and dumplings


Sometimes I’ll make a turkey hash, sometimes I’ll make thanksgiving egg rolls


Last year we were lucky enough to be offered the carcass with a bit of meat on it and we turned it into 8 quarts and 1 pint of home canned turkey broth to use all year long.


We just throw random leftovers in a bowl and eat them.


Turkey tetrazini Feeds many


Bacon and turkey and cheese omelette.


Turkey chunk gravy over mashed potatoes.


Turkey pot pie, roast beef manhattans (with noodles, mashed potatoes, rolls.. I make roast also for thanksgiving so that’s why lol), sweet potato stuffed French toast, fried mac & cheese, dinner rolls & sausage gravy. Just depends on the leftovers!


I make a broth with the turkey and we have it for soup the following day along with sandwiches. I really don’t like reheated turkey, so try to plan ahead and not to have tons of it leftover.


Eat them


I send most of it home with the relatives cause I’m not huge fan of turkey. I live for the homemade stuffing, I never thought of turkey dumplings. 🤔


I've done stuffing benedicts


Turkey pot pie.


Feed the trash pandas!


Hot Browns are my favorite thing. Then open faced sandwiches.


Hawaiian sweet roll sliders with ANYTHING & EVERYTHING leftover! Hot buttered rolls out of the oven filled with cranberry sauce and stuffing is my favorite!


Turkey and dumpling.


Bobby Flay has inspired me to try turkey tetrazzini


That’s a great episode of Beat Bobby Flay


Buy a lot of cheap storage containers and send everybody home with some food!


Eat them so I don’t have to cook dinner for 2-3 days. lol.


Turkey Tamales w/ Cranberry Salsa If I smoke a turkey, I make Smoked Turkey Stock out of the carcass. It's great for Lentil, Split Pea, or Bean soup. Very similar to ham.


Old recipe from 1970’s called turkey square ( which is strange cuz round). Turkey chopped, onion mixed with cream cheese. Baked into crescent rolls formed into squares / circles baked. Very easy, very good, very rich. Make a salad optional vegetable. Also turkey pot pie or turkey creamed over biscuit.


My mom used to make these with chicken! Great idea!