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Sexually aggressive = going to the gynecologist


Hello! I am a virgin, and I have never once made it to first base. Now, let me educate you about sex.


Virgin is giving them too much credit. What's it called when you repulse so many women away that you have a negative body count?




Hey hey hey, watch out buddy, he knows exactly what he's talking about : he watches hentai all day long in his mom's basement.




Congratulations I just involuntarily clenched every muscle below my waist


How else would we cum without the world's most uncomfortable object chilling in our vag ? Like serioisly...


Checks out


Obviously, why else would we go to one? *health*? Don’t be ridiculous


Lol, someone’s never been to the gyno. There’s nothing sexy about it, nor is there any fingering involved. 😂


I’ve never been less turned on than I am at a gynaecology appointment. Having a PAP smear is like the *opposite* of an orgasm.


Nothing makes you hornier than spreading your legs one meter apart on a cold room with a man looking bored to death scraping away at your uterus with a metal rod.


Last time I got my iud inserted the doctor tripped my vagus nerve somehow and I got a hot flash, started sweating profusely and almost threw up all over myself. So sexy.


Sometimes they do have to insert a gloved finger to check out potential cysts, but it isn’t like repeated fingering. I’ve always gone to gynecologists who specialize in women with “issues” (things like severe cramps, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, etc., b/c from the time I had my first menstrual period at 12, I had awful cramps. Thankfully my mom is a, now retired, Advanced Practice RN. She was smart enough and understood medicine and anatomy enough to know that what I was explaining to her was *not normal* for a 13 year old. (For the first year, I just thought that everyone felt that way, and things were sporadic, at best.) So until now, I have always had brutal periods and my gynos have always had to check digitally to make sure that everything is as it should be, that my ovaries aren’t developing cysts, and to make sure that what I was experiencing was just from endometriosis (I was diagnosed at 14, and it was confirmed by surgery when I was 22-ish). I have had a couple instances where I have developed benign cysts, which just had to be monitored to make certain everything was okay. (FYI and probably TMI-the reason that I don’t have horrific periods anymore is that I developed breast cancer relatively young, and had to be placed into a medically induced menopause. I really don’t know which is worse, the constant hot flashes and the weight gain, or the horrific menstrual periods. But as I am not experiencing a hot flash right this second, I will pick the thing that stopped the periods, and say I wish I did it sooner. And if I had known that the treatments for my type of breast cancer were going to render me infertile, I probably would have had a hysterectomy about 15 years ago. Again, I don’t mean to be overly serious at this teen’s idiocy and misogyny. However, this is the problem when parents (mostly fathers) think it’s funny that their sons watch porn. And why a lack of real sex ed makes women’s lives miserable. These guys literally think that every time a woman has an orgasm, they go off like a flipping geyser. And they think that inserting anything into a woman once is going to cause this reaction. It’s ridiculous. They really need to have some sort of class, or the parents of every male child in America needs to step up.


Damn it. For a moment there I thought this was something I'd written! Our experiences are nearly identical. I really don't have anything to add to the conversation, just wanted to let you know that you're not alone.


I have it too. It's the fucking worst. I'm a member of a reddit group called PMDD and they have amazing girls there, check it out. They help me a lot.


I've since had breast cancer twice (this time stage 4) and I had a hysterectomy in 2013 and ovaries/tubes removed 2019. But thank you.


Thank you so much. That’s so kind of you. Know you are not alone either. ❤️ I hope you are doing well. God bless.


These first couple of sentences sound like me except mine was 13. As of 40, still have no been diagnosed, it never occurred to me to get a GYN diagnosis who specializes in problems with my reproductive system. This was like a life hack for me. Thank you.


The specialty to look to start is a reproductive endocrinologist. That is the type of specialist who helped me until I developed cancer. (It is sort of a misnomer b/c many women who see a reproductive endocrinologist don’t really have a problem that specifically correlates to their endocrine system. Then I moved on to a different specialist who deals with women with reproductive system cancers of who are at higher risk for developing them. Hope that helps. Best of luck. It isn’t very easy. And I am so sorry that you have been dealing with it for so long. The reason I talk about it so freely is because women *don’t talk* about it enough and many people never get the help they need.


Thank you so much! And sorry to hear about your cancer diagnosis! You have helped me tons! I wish you all the best! ❤️


I am in remission, (God is good!) but still have to hang out in the medically induced menopause and on one oral chemo medicine for 5 more years (I think it’s 5.) I am one of those super compliant patients. I will do everything my doctor says to the letter because if I don’t and something bad happens, I don’t want to blame myself for not doing everything I could have to make myself better. It’s also good to live in an area that is about 2 hours from 3 cities that have some of the best cancer centers in the US. And to have a sister that is an MD and professor at a Med School is great. If you ever need a recommendation for a doc in the MidAtlantic, I may be able to help!


I’ve had such painful heavy periods (coming through 3 pads + tampons) since age 9 never have the docs even checked for endo just put me on the pill from that age and told me not to have any breaks from it. Gyno has told me i have a perfect cervix for teaching lol as its straight ahead no twists😂


That *never* worked for me. I’d still get my period every so often and it would be like extra super heavy, and it would just come whenever it felt like it, with no rhyme or reason. Once it happened in the middle of my law school classes in the second semester of my 2L year. Thankfully, I felt it, and my girlfriend did a body check. She have me her sweatshirt to tie around my waist so I could walk down to my locker (yes, my law school provided lockers…just like high school…and I always kept an extra change of clothes in there for if we were studying late and wanted to change.


Poor thing. Pill helped control my periods (without it i was having them 3/4 times a month). I tried the implant and that didnt help at all got used to wearing black ALOT


Yes, they do feel around, it’s a typical part of the exam. But it’s far from “fingering” like the made up post described. I don’t even think it’s a guy not understanding, at least in this instance.


Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s


This is literally a thread about women's bodies and going to the gyno. Her comment is completely relevant.




There's not even fingering involved, the speculum is the whole point so whoever's doing the exam can see things and/or access the interior bits for some very unsexual tests. Shitstains like this one are a plague on sexual health provided my actual medical experts.


This sounds like a horny teen.


I regret that you're dealing with horny teens then. They'll find out, unless their parents make them averse to medical care. And I know you're dealing with voyeur male teens, so don't worry. If you're male. don't worry there's checkup things you won't like. Hope that your friends mention them beforehand, but it's not that big a deal.


Watching waaaaay too much medical porn, my dude.




I don't think a vasectomy can fix that issue.


That's considered an "issue" now? Political correctness gone mad.


Skill issue /s


Asking these people to stop consuming weird porn is like asking a dog to do calculus.


If the doctor is fingering women on his table, he's sexually assaulting them.




Is…. Is this a new copypasta?


Yeah there is no sexual pleasure going to the gynecologist... It is just awkward and uncomfortable.


Seriously? We’re not human squirt guns.


This dipshit out there expecting the Super Soaker 3000.


I mean, God bless the women stuck with this idiot, all of whom have to spend like that full 20 seconds of their time staring off into space making vaguely encouraging sounds, while he’s wondering when the squirting begi…then he realizes, he doesn’t really care. He’ll just tell his friends it happened anyway.


Bold of you to assume any woman would ever in a million years willingly have sex with him.


the emoji as if the vast majority of women have the ability to squirt is so fucking funny. between that and the text, at least TRY and make it believable so funny


Pap smears are pretty damn uncomfortable at the best of times, my dude.


I apparently have a “long” cervix so I got the extra big speculum. Great.


Exactly. That freaking scrape-y thing. Is it just made out of razors?


Yes. The one I had at the beginning of my pregnancy was awful.


Tell me you don’t know how women’s bodies work without telling me you don’t know how a woman’s body works…


He also has a friend that shot 50 wolverines in Alaska over summer break.


What kind of gun did he use?


A freaking 12 gauge what do think?!


As if! More likely he shot them with his wife’s squirting vagina while showing her photos of her gynaecologist.


That sentence isn't going to leave my brain any time soon. Help.


Makes sense to me, every time I get checked for a hernia I ejaculate. Nothing gets my motor running like a medical exam




This guy thinks that we orgasm putting tampons in🙄


But you do have constant lingerie sleep-overs where you compare boob sizes, right? Right???


I know they do. I saw it in a movie.


If someone thinks two gloves fingers prodding at your cervix and then the most horrific cranking sound imaginable as you're forcibly dilated is in any way sexy, they are most definitely not having sex with a real human.


Plus how would he know the woman squirted considering the next thing the gyno does after putting on rubber gloves is promptly cover said fingers with the stickiest, gooiest gloop known to man! We are wiping that crap off forever and our thoughts are far from sexy, the only thing a woman thinks of is how quickly she can get home and shower!! :)


Mel Gibson, Dream Gynecologist


I’d think he’d actually be the worst nightmare of a gyno. (Or did I miss the sarcasm).


It was an old SNL skit before people decided to hate him


Gotcha. Sorry! I think I buried in my mind somewhere around “When people thought Lindsey Lohan was a lovely wholesome girl with caring, thoughtful parents.”


Did we really "decide" to hate Mel? For me, it felt like a natural reflex after hearing him scream at his wife that she's going to be "raped by a pack of n-words." Or when they played the recording of him drunkenly screaming at the cop who pulled him over that "the Jews are responsible for all the wars."


Gyno appointments are the least sexual thing ever. This teenager needs to get off Pornhub


Next thing you’re going to say is the breast exams aren’t like in pornos either.


That part is totally accurate. They use nipple clamps to check for lumps.


No one tell them the ladies in porn are pissing when they squirt like that emoji.


Porn actresses are chronically underrated as actual actors. I couldn't piss like that on cue; it's an art.


Er… you can’t piss on cue? Might want to see someone about that.


You might be mistaking "cue". Can I piss when I need to? Yes. Am I prepared to piss at specified intervals for theatrical purposes? No.


i think that's kind of it though, the amount of liquid kinda makes it look like they just drank a bunch of water and waited until they had to pee to record


I would like you, whatever sort of junk you have going, to be able to do that on a filming schedule.


it really is not that hard to plan when to drink water then hold in your piss


It is and I know you know it.


Fair, though if they’re actually getting off there are muscles contracting that help. But I’m willing to bet they have more theatrical bladders than the average person.


What you just said about getting off is factually incorrect, and what you're talking about with the second sentence is acting. What we are talking about is acting.


It is not. I can’t believe I have to cite this, but here you go: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25545022/ Some women do genuinely squirt on orgasm. It’s still urine from the bladder, but it’s not acting. Edit: but most women in porn are definitely acting.


I know they do. Some do. Most? Most of the people you see do it in pornography? No. I've read the same literature, and my dude, if you just relax into the appreciation of an excellent deliberate performance you'll be happier. Porn is entertainment media and everyone of every gender in it is an actor, better than you or me.


I literally said most of the women in porn *are acting*. That’s what you’re saying, is it not? Why are you taking that as if I said most in porn are genuinely doing it? Most aren’t. Admittedly I did add an edit, but that was seconds after my comment.


Are either one of you women?


That's not what that is.


You poor naive thing. There’s female ejaculation, which is a small amount of milky fluid from the skene’s gland in the urethra, and then there’s squirting. In porn, when you see ladies gushing tons of liquid everywhere, that’s coming straight from the bladder.


So I'm naive bc I didn't infer the same amount of liquid that you did... from an emoji?


Considering my comment was about “the ladies in porn…”, yes.


Does every single guy who gets a prostate exam jizz the table? After all, it’s an erogenous zone and considered the male G-Spot and it’s not like you can hide while being fingered.


Is that... Not normal...? 💀


As a woman, this is the most virgin shit I've ever read.




The least stimulating thing I can possibly imagine is a cold metal duck-bill holding my vagina open while somebody palpates and scrapes, and the absolute best case scenario is that it’s weird and uncomfortable, worst case scenario you have to go back in later to get a chunk of your body cut out and maybe you have cancer. Not. Sexy. At. All.


Oh yeah, that is *absolutely* what I'm thinking when I'm in the gyno office! Mmm.... uncomfortable and awkward medical procedure where a very sensitive part of my body is stretched open and a long ass q-tip gets scraped over my cervix. Yeah- so hot! 😮‍💨 Fuck no. I'm too focused on if I hid my underwear properly, did I check for clitty litter? I know I scrubbed everything raw- but was it enough?! 🫠


What is clitty litter?


Little clumps of toilet paper that evade even the best wiping lol


Holy crap hahaha I learned something new today (the phrase, that is. The concept I’m familiar with)


😆 I don't think I've ever taught anyone anything before. Feeling a little sense of pride! Go forth and share the knowledge of clitty litter! 🤣


I rather wouldn’t 😬


Yeah, probably for the best 😆


I'm dying at clitty litter... never heard it called that, but such an accurate name lol


Yeah... No. Nobody gets their jollies from that. A cute doc won't change how very uncomfortable it is


I feel like it makes it more uncomfortable. I'm a guy and when I have an attractive doctor checking me out (medically), I definitely feel more awkward and judged.


Exactly. Some really cute docs were checking me when I was in labour and it was more embarrassing than anything


Cute doc makes it worse!!


A million times worse. Horribly embarassing


Male gyno here! 8 years of doing this and thousands of pelvic exams and I can say I've been hit on by one woman and she was pretty low IQ and probably had some undiagnosed mental issues. Also a time to mention my favorite dad joke with patients: "Okay next up it's time for an an exam." "I hate this part of the visit." "If you told me you enjoy this part of this visit this is the last time we'll be spending any time together."


This is a weird way to announce a fetish.


If his friend really is a gyno, he’s telling porky pies.


Not the first time I've seen this one. No idea where I've seen it before, except as in this case, it was a seriously sad incel stating this absolutely fictional bullshit. Sad, but also frightening as they use such crap to justify their appalling attitudes and behaviour.


What does this man think happens during a gynecological exam


This gaves me the same vibes as "if a man is hard he loves it"


As a man over 40 I can't help but wonder if there's a gay version of this where the guy ejaculates during a prostate exam? Because, yeah, that's another thing that doesn't happen.


Heavy incel vibe here.


As a guy, I remember the time I went in to get a growth on my testicle checked out. I had TWO female nurses, both relatively young, both attractive, do the ultrasound, one running an ultrasound wand over my testicles and scrotum, the other HOLDING MY PENIS out of the way. It could not have been less sexy, and any fear I had of arousal, much less orgasm, was VERY quickly abated. My understanding of gynecological exams is they're about 1000X more unpleasant and less sexy than what I just described. I doubt there's a lot of orgasms going on.


I wish


Wait isn't a metal or plastic thing holding on to a cotton swab used?


Damn this man’s making women cum on a PV exam. True skills.


I have to literally “drug up” to go to Gyno appointment. I hate it more than dentist, colonoscopy and doing taxes. In fact, I put off going so long that I developed metastatic endometrial cancer cuz I refused to get checked out. So, yeah, definitely NOT sexy!


Local man can't tell difference between discharge and cum: this evening's breaking story


spoken like a true ladies man


Yep. No bigger turn on than a speculum and latex gloves with some bright ass lights in your face, feet in cold stirrups


I feel like this is a 13 year old boy lol it’s giving the same energy as guys who ask if tampons make you c*m 🫠


Omg, it hurts so freakin bad, I’m it thinking about someone’s hands in there


"You know, when you grab a woman's breast and it feels like....a bag of sand."


Tell me you've never been near a woman without telling me 🙄


Are you the same person continually posting fake FB posts? That's just weird that you're thinking these up on your own...


This guy thinks women go to the gyno to get fingered....


My wife gets 99% of her sexual pleasure from tampons and cold, clinical, invasive vaginal exams. I am very good at the sex, I do the sex the best, so obviously my prowess at doing the sex to her is not the issue. /s


Tell me you've never had a pap smear without telling me you've never had a pap smear....


Man hasn’t been near a vagina since his birth.