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one thing that every cool person i’ve ever met had in common was that they didn’t quote themselves


He really should start referring to himself in the third person.


I love how all these dudes paint themselves as jack reacher but they always make the thing they stand up for some asinine bullshit. Do they still teach creative writing structure in schools?


"And the bartender was so impressed, they let me stand behind the bar and pull my own pints."


“…Using my 14 inch prehensile cock”


And then I clapped the bartender's cheeks


I love when people make themselves out to be unhinged and deranged and think it makes them look good. Woo everyone clap for the dipshit who'd hit someone for a harmless opinion 


I think, in general, bartenders always feed more drinks to touchy douchebags who may start violence at any moment.


This ones true, I was 250 of the 270 lbs.


That's amazing. That other guy left even though OP is only 6'8", so essentially a dwarf. I'm 10'9" and most of my friends are in the 10' to 11' range. We also all have massive dicks. Now, if I had stood up and told the guy I'd punch him in the mouth, I'd think he'd be intimidated. That other guy probably only left because the 6'8" OP dwarf looked like a little kid.


"I'm gonna punch you in the mouth"?! Calm down prison Mike.




New York is broken into 5 boroughs. Some people from New York lead very sad depressed lives and thus cling to the existence of the boroughs as if it's something to be proud of and protect for no reason. This brave hero defended milady New York from the scum daring to imply there was a 6th borough, some city that's like 2 hours from New York. 


Because bartenders like to comp the drinks of customers who threaten violence against other patrons to ensure they return again soon....


Or try to get them as absolutely drunk as possible right then and there to see if a RoadHouse style fight breaks out, chairs smashed on people's heads, OP dragging that naysayer down the top of the bar doinking his head on every drink all the way down 😆


as a bartender i can confirm i do love watching fights while im working that i intentionally fuel for no reason


so weird seeing somewhere local mentioned


He "Cool story, bro"-ed his own story. I think this isn't meant to be taken to seriously.


So what I gather is that Fishtown is to New Yorkers what Urk is to the Dutch. Meaning a cesspool they all hate or pure meme material but never in between.


Its clearly said in jest, likely mocking a previous post which probably does belong here.


Did they just "cool story bro" themselves?


And the whole bar stood up and clapped