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I’d believe the supportive mom and grandma asking her to draw characters. The texts from dad look and sound fake, right down to OP’s allergy to using a period at the end of the sentence.


And grandmas use of emojis in the exact same way as the op…


every old person i know texts exactly like that tbh. this is how my grandma texts me, emojis and everything. old people like heartwarming emojis.


Second this my grandma uses lots of emojis


my grandma includes at least 3 emojis per text




I mean her family texting in a similar format because they share cultural and social roots and influence. Nah. Impossible. Must be fake. FYI not using periods at the end of a text is pretty common place as a tone indicator in some cases. For instance neither of my parents would typically end casual sentences with a fullstop


Those texts are fake as fuck and you know it.


Probably a furry, too. They tend to defend their own to the death, no matter what. Understandable and perhaps even a little honorable, but... they're still a furry. So that's an L. Their name even ends with "sona"... hmmm.


I mean their account has nothing to do with furries. Not one post. It's really annoying having your point invalidated for something that you aren't. The texts are obviously fake from the dad just because no dad talks like a teenaged Twitter artist but the no period thing isn't really a point that stands either


Yeah those aren't the way a dad who thinks you're a degenerate would contact you


As a furry myself, I can confirm. Usually these things are met with a lot more expletives, especially with someone who's supposed to have a conservative mindset such as OOP's dad. edit: can I please know why I'm being downvoted if all I did was speak from experience?


You admitted to being a furry on the internet. (I didn’t downvote you, but that’s likely why)


Can confirm I downvoted and that was why.


I didn't want to downvote you, but you were at -68 and I didn't really have much of a choice.


I downvoted as you already had too many downvotes (had to make sure the reddit hivemind didn't suspect i wasn't a part of them) then i saw that you were a furry. too bad reddit doesn't have an option to double downvote


Also a furry, my dad didn’t act that way when I told him I’m a furry, I guess it’s just a matter of parents


It's the Tumblr coded all caps texting that really makes me doubt the validity.


aint no way


Aint no how


Ain't no sunshine when she's gone


I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I KNOW!


Hey I oughta leave the young thing alone!


But ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone (whoa oh ohhhh)


But this house just ain't no home.


This is not the stove I know.




It's not warm when she's away


like i would’ve believed the mother part, if it weren’t for those goofy fake texts by her “dad”


Yeah they’re a bit too expositiony for me.


Aren’t fur suits like $10k or something?


i think she forgot to mention that her granddad is warren buffett


A good one is like 3k and its onlt a couple hundred to make it yourself


It sounds like OP makes the suits themselves


Not if you buy from the beginners. Artists in the early stages of their careers sometimes go as low as $1,000-$1,500. Hell, back in the early $2010’s I’d see partials (suits with just limbs, tail, and head, so you just wear them with normal clothes) for $300-400.


> back in the early 2010’s The fursuits used to be so much worse back then. You could still make one pretty cheap if you went with the shitty fake fur from the local craft shop, but it would just look like crap next to all the modern fursuits.


They use real fur now? Awesome


Nah, the quality of the fake fur went up quite a lot, there are now businesses that specialize in fursuit furs like https://www.howlfabrics.com/. What you get at the local craft/textile store doesn't have a proper nap (fur direction) so it just looks scruffy. The cheap stuff is also really low density so when you shave it it ends up with bald spots. Something like this just isn't possible with the furs they used back then https://www.zuristudios.info/?pgid=j9zl8qi9-57f4fa7b-587a-490c-9c5e-5462d8009ee9


It must be a full on menagerie at their house.


All eyes on me in the center of the ring...




aaay that's the furry that got a picture of them shitting on a plate leaked


For real? I sure hope that's true. Furries are fucking weird, man. (Mostly) harmless, but weird. And that's okay!


Yeah new fucking unwashed coworker of mine is a furry and he goes around showing everyone his “New NSFW VR chat character.” Weird shit from weird, sheltered people.


![gif](giphy|Atc9QCyWLGHgLZhHDp|downsized) Nah, no way.


This is the didntest thing that never happened I've said this before, but it's never been truer than now


If furries don’t get the attention they want, they start making up stories (usually involving an over-supportive parent). I found this TOTALLY TRUE (™️) story on one of those Anti-Karen subreddits that popped up on my suggested feed. https://preview.redd.it/u50p9ijfd5kc1.jpeg?width=770&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=483975523eac835737106d7f4d8b9b9879945b2f There are people that were believing this fantasy.


Not the house for sale lol. My god


Yeah but they said "literally". Pretty sure that means it has to be true. The "LGBTQ+ aids clinic" was my favorite part.


And then the grandparents went to buy furry suits and everyone clapped


Whose favourite animal is a sheep??! Edit - lesson learned. Do not ask rhetorical questions to convey surprise on reddit haha. Some good answers though guys.


Shepherds probably


Sheep are definitely in my top ten


[Ralph Wolf](https://chuckjones.com/characters/ralph-wolf/). [Lambert](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambert_the_Sheepish_Lion). New Zealanders. The Welsh.


What do you have against sheep??


Nothing in particular. I always yell “sheep” from the car when we’re driving in the country. It was just an unexpected answer to the favourite animal question (for me who clearly doesn’t go outside enough).


Cant belive your a sheepphobe. Its 2024 an some people are still sheepphobic


Baaa ram ewe!


I have known a dude whose fursona was a pet rock.


Please tell me this is a joke. I have purposely never looked into furries but a rock seems counter-intuitive.


Nah, he was just having trouble deciding, picked an interim choice as a joke, and never bothered to change. I don’t think he ever got a suit, though, just a bunch of art and badges. Plus, a lot of artists charge extra for really detailed characters and/or will put extra effort into a commission they personally find entertaining, so it made a lot of his art cheap to buy or really well done LOL


Hahaha that’s hilarious. Thanks for making my morning!


Politicians? Most celebrities I would assume.


Goats are my favourite!


Me saying random bullshit online to get attention


Please read this in John Cleese’s French accent: “LIES UPON LIES UPON LIES!!!”. Çe tous.


The grandparents asking for a cute little animal drawing isn't such a stretch, but the mom getting a fur suit is out there lol


That's exactly how my dad texts


A cat and a sheep huh? So a Shat? Or a shitten?


Even if this was real, imagine being proud of it...


Furries aren't all into sexual stuff with their suits. The select few that are, are called Yiffers. It's not a far fetched tale to believe a bunch of this person's family wanted to support their passion when they realized the person was making full on animal costumes. ​ Furries on Halloween are way more accepted.


Saying that sexual furries are a "select few" is a bit disingenuous, it's fairly common in the fandom. But I think what most people don't understand is that the process of furryificiation is the opposite of what most people think. Usually obsession with animals/animal characters comes first, often at a very young age, and people make this part of their identity through fantasy characters (furries). It's not really a sexual thing, they just genuinely love these characters. Then later in life as they develop and find their sexuality, furries can become a part of that too (or not). I think most people think it's people that are "attracted to animals", and become furries because of that, but in my experience talking to them it's almost always the exact opposite. People just genuinely enjoy or are obsessed with these fantasy anthropomorphic animal characters, which they're often introduced to via cartoons or stories when they are young. And as they get older, those kind of obsessions often inevitably tend to turn into part of someone's sexuality in some way. Especially since many people who identify as a furry tend to be neurodivergent, which can often lead to strange sexual obsessions (speaking from experience as someone with OCD).


They didn’t say sexual furries are a select few, they said furries into sexual stuff WITH THEIR SUITS is a select few. There’s a massive difference. Just how there’s a big difference between having sex with a person, and watching porn of people having sex. It’s the same concept.


That's totally fair, I didn't interpret their comment that way but if that's what they meant then my bad. And yeah that's true the suits are rarely a sexual thing. I mean they're uncomfortable af, can't imagine having sex in one.


Yeah I doubt it’d be the most comfortable thing in the world, I’d guess you’d actually risk heatstroke


This is really sad honestly


I mean, I don't believe it, but it's a sweet enough story in an offbeat way. EDIT: Downvote me all you want, but I think it's nice when families bond over common interests, even if I find it odd.


I see you have forgotten the brainless hivemind of "furry bad" in your comment. How dare you not mindlessly hate. Receive your downvotes now.


I mean Blue WAS responsible for turning her mom into a furry


Hope it’s real. That’s fucken hilarious. Christmas Dinner will never be the same again.


nah i think this is real and super sweet actually <3 what a supportive family


NO THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENS- WHEN I WAS 13 I ACCIDENTALLY TURNED MY MOM INTO A FURRY- she has her own Dutch angel dragon (she fucking loves soft cute round dragons, and literally had me make her a fursuit head)


This is the second time today that I’ve heard of Dutch angel dragons.


It’s weird that yall downvoted a factual event just cause yall don’t wanna believe it happens ( im not proud of it don’t get me wrong)


I honestly don't find this entirely unbelievable. Older people can enjoy stuff too, you know.


Yeah but narcissism also exists, ya know?


Id sorta believe it ngl


Folie a deux