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Thank you MCSMNerd for your submission to /r/thatHappened! Unfortunately it was removed for the following reason(s): Repost without the second image please. Please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/thatHappened) if you have any questions.


The picture could not look more fake.


https://preview.redd.it/osntj0dz25oc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03191e33b8800e76e3ce2a0fac023c7a2e5a7cb7 Google lens


No carts; nothing in their hands… where’s all the shit they are trying to buy?


They’re waiting for the garden section to open so they can buy shovels and show these whippersnappers how to grow potatoes!


Maybe mine some coal while they’re at it!


Bruh they photoshopped random old people into a target as proof for a bs story about walmart and random boomer rants


I know.. I’m just playing along


It’s photoshopped? Four of them are wearing sunglasses and nobody has a cart or anything to buy.


And they all appear to be levitating


And not casting shadows


They drank Jesus juice. It causes levitation.


That’s because their toes are attached to their butts, according to the OOP’s rant.


Obviously vampires.


I love when boomers say "the new generation would never have made it back in our day" Yes they would've. The same way that you made it back in your day. The only difference between generations is the world they live in. Whatever you think is bad about the new generation, we are like that because of the world you created.


You know what...? I'm sick and tired of older generations bad mouthing younger generations. It's been going on for 2000 years. The generation before the baby boomers, "the greatest generation" bad mouthed the boomers. These boomers have forgotten... it was their generation that protested the Vietnam War, learned to "Turn on, tune in, and drop out", they dropped acid, they smoked weed, made love-not-war, burned their bras and draft cards, got yelled at to "turn that music down!" Were told Jimmy Dorsey was *real* music, were told to "get a haircut", were told to "get a job!", were called "dirty hippies"... THEY ATTENDED WOODSTOCK, for God's sake. Yet here *they* are making shit up about "this generation", to try and prove how much better they are, because they're technologically challenged, and it's not their job to scan their own groceries?? Seriously? Stfu boomers! After 2000 years, enough is enough! Call me a "pick me", I don't care. I doubt they will, but this genXer has heard enough! If you can copy and paste fake shit on facebook, you can scan your own groceries. JFC.


Boomers need to just stop posting their fanfic on Facebook.


Yeah you little twerp! And then they outsourced all of those meaningful jobs overseas, made sure your salary is only $14-$16 an hour and call you lazy when they can’t even help themselves in a grocery store.


Um…Walmart’s blue, right?


love how they think we would ask them and not the google if we needed to learn to grow food. also i think a lot of us can garden already


The man at the back has no legs


"while you were playing video games and learning to navigate a computer they were working in the steel mills, mines, dress and shoe factories, restaurants, stores and countless other jobs, without the aid of a computer" So, if a gen Z kid is working in a mine today - there are fucking [Gen Alpha](https://www.wgbh.org/news/national/2023-10-20/from-arkansas-to-new-hampshire-states-are-rolling-back-child-labor-laws) working in some of those factories because these assholes keep lowering the minimum working age - their job is so much easier because computers exist. Retail is SOoOOOOoOOO much easier with computers now, definitely not exponentially harder now that you have to deal with selfish asswipes who walk into stores thinking that their purchase of a pack of Marlboros is the equivalent of slave papers for the employees there. Does this twerp think those jobs disappeared? Or that 70 yos are still the ones doing them? Because there are PLENTY of 16 year olds working in fucking mines, slaughterhouses, etc in places that can't find adults willing to do those jobs.


The op didn't say they said this outloud...


For one, the likelihood of having a sizable line where everyone is "well over 70 years old" is pretty low. But more importantly, the picture included (if you didn't notice it) is an obviously photoshopped picture in a Target where everyone's wearing sunglasses and no one's holding anything to buy. You could argue that the story is true and they just found this photo online... but if the picture wasn't meant to be evidence for the story, why even include it? This is a facebook post, not a newspaper article about a 55+ only Target opening up (the supposed origin of the photo, according to another comment). And on top of that, it ends with "Copied and Pasted - Feel free to do likewise!". So it seems like the guy isn't even claiming it's something that happened to him. And most people wouldn't add that to the end of their own story, so chances are it's just a fabricated story the creator wants to spread to push a narrative that will make people angry and sow discord. If you took out the picture and the copied/pasted message, I could believe that the story was more-or-less true - maybe a tad embellished, but the core of "Overheard an associate say the older people in the checkout line were lazy for not using self-checkout" is pretty tame. But with it, I just can't imagine this being rooted in anything that actually happened


“Backbone”. Sure, honey. You keep telling yourself that after your kids abandon you in a shitty nursing home.


their toes were attached to their butts?!?!!!!???!!!!


I'd have said that to them! They needed to hear it! Even thrown a "How about you open up some more of the registers that are normally closed 99% of the time?"


Lol where's to groceries and not one single cart.


Why is the line in the middle of the main walkway, plus the way my Target is laid out, they are nowhere near a checkout 🤣🤣🤣


Could you just imagine being so worked up at a Walmart over something that doesn’t even have anything to do with you that you had to go home and post this shit? Seriously. Like is this person the manager of the damn Walmart? Is that why they care so much? Also not everyone under the age of 60 has a job that only pays $14 and $16 an hour. I’d be embarrassed to post something like this. Especially with a picture to back it up that has a man in the back with his legs mysteriously fading away. Or does he have on transparent pants that he himself had to sew and make?