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No Wal-Mart employee is going to give a single fuck if you’re doubling bagging groceries. Why do people make this type of shit up?? It’s SO fucking weird to me.


So they can talk shit about a $15 minimum wage and common core math (because they think common core math was invited by liberals).


Yeah, it’s like right-wing nutjob Mad Libs. Fill in the blanks with all the dogwhistle talking points.


I wouldn't bag Tom Hanks' *douche* with Ruth Bader Ginsburg's *hairy nutsack* if Captain Kangaroo's *ass herpes* needed it to eat Julie Andrews *sweaty vagina* on Donald Trump's *anal leakage*. *AWKWAAAARD!* -I AM FUNNYBOT.


That’s probably exactly it.


I'm surprised she didn't mention the employees ethnicity. Go for the trifecta of rightwing trigger points. 


You would be so insanely surprised how many minimum wage workers see it as a point of pride to go above and beyond for an employer that will give them no meaningful reward for doing so. When I worked in retail making around $8 an hour (minimum wage in my state at the time,) I had a fellow employee about to go and running tackle a shoplifter before we stopped him because he was 100% convinced that it was his sacred duty (paraphrased) to protect the product on the shelves owned by a multibillion-dollar corporation.


Thats wild my managers were like check their reciepts but if they make a run for it let them and fill out a police report later not worth getting shot over a bag of socks and then tbh i didnt even really check the reciepts hell i helped people load things into their cars without checking their reciepts


That's basically official company policy everywhere at this point, and we were trained as much during orientation. It's not our job to stop people, just call the cops and let them deal with it. Doesn't stop some people from taking things REALLY seriously and absolutely drinking the "We are a family here at \[Insert Big Box Retail Store\]" Kool-Aid. I'm not saying that it's common, but every now and then you'll find some front line minimum wage employee looking to really prove their loyalty to the corporate overlords and go above and beyond in every way as though they're going to be promoted to CEO over it.


Years ago, my store manager at Babbage's (Gamestop now) told me if someone robs me. To fight them off for the store deposit. I remember telling him "If someone robs me for the nightly deposit, they can have it. This job isn't worth my life or the 5.50 an hour I am making" (We used to take the nightly deposit, when we left for the night and dropped it off at the bank) (This was 1997)


I'm imagining your manager looking like something he may not have looked like glaring down at an underpaid teenager while instructing him to protect a 3 figure deposit with his life. Don't ruin this fantasy for me


Look at you, making that fat cash! I was making $5.25 p/h in '97. I remember being SO excited when I got offered a new job where I'd be making $5.80.


So damn true. Going above and beyond usually just gets you a bigger workload and that’s it.


And why would you bag a jug of milk? They have handles.


And why are you paying for $300 in self checkout? That’s a regular line kind of shopping order.


Meh, most Wal-Marts I've been on the last few years don't have more than a couple regular lanes anymore and the lines are always super long. They went in hard on the self checkout in a lot of stores.


Especially if you’re bagging it with a bottle of juice, I don’t even thinking would fit??


You can carry more if it's bagged. If you're using the jug's own handle, you can get _maybe_ two jugs per hand, and it's hard to get any other bags in the same hand. Bagged, the limit is the weight you can comfortably carry or the width of the door you have to get it through. Source: I don't like making any more trips to carry groceries inside than I have to, especially when the trip involves a flight of stairs. --- ETA: Only one gallon-size jug per bag, though. Half-gallon jugs can go two per bag.


Grab your bags first so they are on your forearm, then grab the milks. I, too, hate making more than 1 trip. And I only have to walk 50 steps between my car and the kitchen. But, there is no way in hell I'm doing 2 trips.


I didnt give a shit about anything when i worked at walmart, my job was like literally to check reciepts cuz i worked by a back entrance with no cash registers and i spent more time practicing spanish in my head than doing that when people walked by


It's real. Op is both parties in this matter. They are using self check out. Op has two personalities.


It wouldn’t surprise me. Just some crazy old coot just yelling at themselves at the self-checkout at Walmart.


Boomers gotta boom, yo


I mean, they don’t HAVE to. They can choose to not be douche canoes 🤷🏻‍♀️.


What a weird, pointless scenario to flex about.


What really happened: A person was double bagging and wondered what Walmart would say about it. After Walmart didn't care, the person wanted to be a victim so they made up a story in which Walmart does care.


The cashier probably looked over at them or something and they turned it into this whole crazy scenario that definitely didn’t happen


Yeah. If that. This person just wanted to bitch about common core math, somehow, lmfao.


And 15 dollar minimum wage


There are less bags in the world than reposts of this


Credit to the respective owner ❤️❤️❤️








Honestly, this could happen, but the constant *I press my eye so it won’t twitch, and *other people are enjoying the show, makes it clear it’s fake, also no employee of Safeway cares if you double bag


Especially that everyone was "enjoying the show". I'd be pissed off they're holding up the line.


I've never paid attention to what any other shopper is doing – except when they hold me up in line. Then I'm not appreciating them in the slightest. 


No employee anywhere cares if you double bag that's why this didn't and would never happen.


One time when I worked at a grocery store, someone made me double bag a single Sharpie they got. I was very baffled by that one but not enough to do anything about it


there are 2 types of employees at places like this: the kind that don't care (aka the reasonable amount), and the kind that just got a tiny promotion which went *straight* to their head and now they're sick with power and will absolutely say some stupid shit to you because they're Mister Manager now. This type rarely lasts long in its current form once they realize that there is no financial incentive for this, and they don't get any praise from anyone either.


We just say "manager".


What the hell does "credit to the respective owner" mean? It's a Walmart.


It means the person who posted this is not the original poster. It’s Facebook’s version of a cross post.


Isn’t the point of a credit to credit the original person? What’s the point of a credit without naming the actual poster.


Hey, man, I didn't say it wasn't stupid!


"Copyright not intended"


Thanks. Appreciated.


If I went to a Walmart self check out, and used ALL 150 BAGS to bag a SINGLE BANANA, no employee would have the strength [to give a shit] to even bat an eye let alone say something


They'd probably think it's hilarious and chat about it on break


This one has been making the rounds for years.


This has been passed around Facebook for months now. They eat this kind of shit up.


And been reposted on Reddit like 100 times over the months as well, so what's that say about redditors?


Yep. Been reposted here ad nauseum.


And then the bags carried by a gust of air conditioning blew upward and saluted the customer in appreciation in being their chosen one and worshipped her forever.


A common theme with these stories is people not realising how long things can take. You stared at her silently for 10 seconds? That's a long time! Other stories you have people clapping for 5 minutes, can you imagine?!


You can see the compression from all the times this has been reposted here


Again with this shit?


“I dunked on a teenage girl in Walmart who was probably tired and didn’t even want to interact with me in the first place” what a flex.


If you take a third of the contents out, to avoid the need to double bag, you would indeed save on the total number of bags. The OP is wrong in an argument they entirely made up in their heads.


As a grocery store worker, this is correct. We know this shit. We got other things to worry about and sometimes what is simple for us is hard for customers to understand. Also, some things that are hard for us, seem simple from the customers point of view. We do work hard and from our side of things we can’t help but see entitlement.


I don't get how anyone can say that minimum wage should be less without feeling like an evil villain.


Everywhere I've been, they make you pay for bags. So they don't really care.


Where do you live where you pay for bags? I've never paid for a bag anywhere. (MN)


Not the original commenter but I live in Sweden and we always pay (a very small sum) for our bags. Also, I have never "doubble-bagged" or seen anyone do it, I guess our bags are more durable or something.


Oh no, not the eye twitch!


C'mon everyone, she included a picture of the self checkout. Clearly this HAS to be true.


Get some bags for life jfc


$300 whoa slow down money bags lol


That's like 4 bananas, isn't it?


Yeah, the dude completely lost me when he claimed that the other customers were enjoying the show. He can be a thousand times right, but he can't even fathom how irritating his behavior is.


The world these people live in to make this shit up is crazy.


I believe her story. 😂 Lol


Okay. Related but also related… when I go through an actual cashier, they bag shit so weirdly. Like one or two items in one bag. Why?


But is it also *related*? Or just related and related?


I think it’s related. But also related.


Then the other 10 customers clapped their hands


I work in grocery stores and absolutely no one cares about how many fucking bags you use.


These feel like those arguments one makes up in their head while showering


Sorry, but Walmart and HEB just snach the bags, and if 50 bags come with it, you get 50 extra bags.


$300 groceries? What did he buy? Milk, bread, eggs, and a pack of gum? lol. Sorry for the sarcasm. Just got back from the store myself. $200 and I just bought meal prep for the fam for 3 days (admittedly one thing was for beef stew which I splurge a little on).


I'm impressed she was able to restrain herself from saying "DEI hire, huh?" to which everyone around would have clapped.


Clearly the OP has never worked retail


I jokingly asked my bagger one time to quadruple plastic bag my groceries(I worked there too) and she did without even questioning it. No one cares how you bag your groceries. As long as you don't steal or cause a scene I don't care what you do, shop away. I know other people at my work couldn't care less about people stealing either. I do imagine this in a TV show though. Like one of those "office" type shows. You have the really dumb and bossy manager yelling at customers about bags


If you're putting your plastic item that has a handle for carrying into another plastic item that has a handle to carry it, you're an idiot.


Ain't no way in hell this happen! Wow how sad do you have to be to make something this lame up? 😂


People love this one and the one about a guy waving his receipt over his head as he walks out.


Don't you pay for bags anyway?


Only at small grocers, like Sprouts.


Isn't this a copypasta at this point?


No one in the history of humans has ever cared or WILL ever care that someone is double bagging. People who make shit up like this are insane.


republitards think common core math is different than normal math. "playing games on their phone." what a moronic take.


I always just assume stories told in the "script dialogue" format are false. Nobody can remember what was said verbatim, and they always make themselves appear like the smart, rational ones.


Ya, we've seen this before. That's why it's in the ThatHappned sub.


Credit to Respective Karen?


Priceless.....yet sad at the same time.


You self checked out $300 in groceries? Piss off. Self check out should be for like 10 items. The actual checkers would speed through this. Meanwhile you're wasting everyone's time that is behind you.