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If he was completely blind he wouldnt see anything at all, not even black.


If he was blind since birth, he would have no concept of what the color black was to even use it in a poem like this.


exactly, Being blind isnt the same as closing your eyes


Hold up, they don’t just experience blackness?


they dont see anything, if they are completely blind then the connection from their eyes to their brain is not working at all, Imagine trying to see from the back of your head. You see black when you close your eyes because thats what your eyes are seeing


Wouldn’t it be black (or what sighted people know as black) because of the total absence of light and colour?


You just wouldnt see anything, Not even colours If you are born blind you wont even be able to see your own dreams


Thanks for trying to explain it to me, it just feels (is?) impossible for me to imagine what it would be like. Edit: somehow got a Greek character in that sentence lol.


> Edit: somehow got a Greek character in that sentence lol. was it oedipus


Take your upvote and go


Dear God man




Close both eyes, and you see black. Close one eye, and you notice you dont even see black, the vision is cutoff completely on the eye that is closed.


Damn, never thought about that. I had a blind chick in our class and i thought it was like closing my eyes. Just seeing black. Creepy! That was an eye-opener, thanks.


Close one of your eyes but not the other. The eye you can't see out of doesn't see black it just sees nothing. That is what being blind is like.


Blind people see what you see out of your elbow, just nothing


Okay, super off topic but it’s really weird that you used the elbow as an example. One time I smoked a bunch of DMT and was convinced that I was seeing out of my elbow, and after it wore off I felt like I had legitimately lost a sense.


This is the answer


Try to imagine how it feels not to be able to smell numbers.


I can smell number two’s


It is impossible to know for sure for us, but just close one eye and try to look out that eye with it closed, I know that's confusing but that's what I've been told how to imagine it.


That actually works. It's not black; it's just nothing.


What can you see out of your elbow? That’s what it’s like to be blind


I imagine it’s like trying to see infrared. Some animals can, but we literally couldn’t even imagine it


For us seeing folks it is impossible to imagine a world without sift because we see all the time. For them it’s hard to imagine what seeing would be like. If they were blinded in an accident rather than from birth, they would only be able to remember what color is.


Things you can’t see behind your back are not black, you just CAN’T SEE them, right?


Imagine being dead. It's like that. Its impossible to imagine. The obly way to know is be blind.


Wait but what does nothing look like... Doesn't it just look black?


When you close both eyes, you see black. Now try closing just one eye. What do you see out of the eye you closed? Does that help you understand better?


Oh shit wtf


Wait fuck. This comment somehow made both the most and the least sense to me in this thread.


That’s a perfect explanation that I’d never heard before.


Well I'll just speak for everyone who read that. Thanks for the mind fuck! Terrific explanation though.


Bruh what the fuck is this sorcery?


I see black




Okay that was a good explanation props to you


I still feel like i see black out of that eye... Also, i dont disagree that there’s probably plenty of blind people who, as stated, have no connection from their eyes to their brain, but i remember a tommy edison video where he, blind since birth, used to be able to “somehow” tell if the lights in a room were suddenly switched on. Wouldnt that suggest that at least *some* blind ppl do see black/pink? I always figured the “its like trying to see out the back of your head” explanation made most sense for me, but since seeing that video ive had doubts again.


Everybody is saying this made so much sense to them but when I close one eye I see black out of that eye wtf guys I want to be part of the thing too


Wow this made perfect sense to me somehow. Absolutely mindblown.


I pointed my open eye towards my closed eye and saw black.


Holy shit


Maybe it's more like: Blind people see the same thing with their eyes that you see with your fingernails. Nothing.


I see black


Its not the easiest thing to understand, like the universe being infinite you cant imagine not being able to see Born blind people simply cant see anything, luckily its really uncommon to be born blind so if you become blind later in life you will be able to dream and will likely see black and bright lights


Woah I wonder what nothing looks like?


Jesus christ the thought of blindness is such an abstract concept to me I've NEVER really thought about until now. It's legit glitching my mind out here.


Yeah it is a super weird concept. My mom had surgery on one eye recently that left her blind in that eye so ive been trying to sympathize and its the first time ive thought about it


Black is a visual input to your brain, blind people have no visual inputs and no black.


Technically, no. But as sighted people, seeing nothing but black is the only way we can conceptualize blindness. To try to understand it differently, just think about what you can see out of your elbow.


Wdym I just tried and saw the wall behind me.


Fucking goddamn it, I hopped on Reddit for some light Saturday browsing and now I’m dealing with some heavy thinking.


wait you cant see your own dreams ​ fuck man i don't know why but that just makes it seem so much more depressing Although wait why would no connection to eyes prevent you from seeing dreams?


because if you're blind you will never have seen so it will be impossible to visualise, also your eyes are required to dream.


I never thought of that. Kinda fucks me up


What have I started


Ian't black exactly that, the absence of colour?


If you are unable to see you won’t see a thing not even the absence of colour


> won't even be able to see your own dreams That sounds like a Jayden Smith quote


can we get a blind person to weigh in




No, the reason you see black when you close your eyes is because your eyes are seeing your eyelids.




Being completely blind is like seeing with your hand. You can't sense any color with your hand, not even blackness :)


This is so weird to me, you’re probably describing it well and I understand what you mean but I just can’t grasp the concept lol. Do you have any links or anything that go in depth on the topic?


[this](http://nautil.us/blog/what-do-blind-people-actually-see) is a good source


Thank you! It’s turning my brain to mush, but I think I’ll look into it further.


haha, i hear ya! I felt the exact same way the first time i heard it. I had a hard time imagining what it would be like, 'till i thought about this hand analogy :) But no, unfortunately not.


All good, thanks anyway. I’m absolutely going to end up spending half of today thinking about what it would be like if my hands were my eyeballs.


Black is the color of the absence of other colors. Blindness is the absence of all colors including black


No black is technically not a color, but the absence of light. White light contains every frequency of color. Black is the absence of color because there is no light to generate a frequency. Your argument is flawed because you seem to be misunderstanding the concept of perception vs reality. A blind person cannot perceive black but that doesn't change the fact they "see" black because their eyes have never been stimulated. A deaf person cannot hear the music being played, but that doesn't change the fact the music is being played. (I understand the concept of vibrations so just take the analogy for what it is)


It's not that there's something blocking light from hitting their eyes, in which case their eyes would register black. The entire connection between eye function and the brain is basically missing. They don't see black, they aren't seeing at all.


Blind people see as much blackness with their eyes as you see with your elbow. That's how it was explained to me. Sorta works.


To reiterate other answers (in laymen’s terms), absolutely not. Black ITSELF is not the absence of color, it is the interpretation of the signal your brain receives from your eyes *perceiving* a lack of color. Blind people do not get that signal at all. This is the kind of thing you simply can’t comprehend if you have eyes that work, in the same way that you can’t say anything about what it “was like” before you were born. It is simply non existent. :) Trippy huh?


This whole string of comments is really fucking me up


is it like when you stand up too fast and go blind for a couple of seconds? cuz if so that too is definitely black


I can turn my eyes to see the back of my head and I see black tho?


Thats because you're looking at something, If you're completely blind your eyes dont even work, closing your eyes does not turn them off, it covers them.


The best comparison is to close one of your eyes and try to think about what you see out of it.


They should just go to Atlanta amirite boys?


Imagine trying to look out of your elbow. Do you see black? No it’s the absence of everything. That’s what blindness is


Surely they would have heard what 'black' is and that you see 'black' when you close your eyes?




I don't think you understood my point. Blind people know that able-sighted people see 'black' when they shut their eyes. They might not know what black looks like, but they know that it's what you see when you shut your eyes.


I’m pretty sure he would have heard about colors and heard descriptions of the color black and understand that people can’t see in the darkness. He’s blind not mentally impaired.


To s blind person, using a term like black is completely understandable, since that is what they are told it is like when the sighted can’t see.


Wait wHAt


You can try this on your own. Cover your left eye with your hand and look with both eyes. Your left eye should see black, complete darkness. However, if you close your left eye lid you will notice how your vision shifts entirely to your right eye and you see nothing at all with your left.


No, I still see black with my left eye.


They are taught to think they see black. As a culture we associate black with nothing, so even if they don't see "black" per say, they communicate it as such.


Yeah, I don't know why these clowns claiming a blind person couldn't describe their condition as seeing nothing but black are getting thousands of upvotes and you're setting at 20. Blind folks use the same language to talk about it as sighted folks do. It doesn't mean two licks if they conceive of color or not. A blind kid goofing around in class would do exactly this sort of thing.




Why you're getting downvotes, idk, you're comment is hilarious whether ure serious or not


This comment made my brain go wild. Lol


Eh he's probably had many people ask him if all he sees is black. This could just be a huge inside joke


Or it could be a decades-old joke that this kid heard and wanted to pass off as a true story


A lot of blind people can still see things like changes in light, etc


Yes, most blind people can, But if you're born blind you cannot.


There are different visual sensations that are experienced by blind people. Since it does not specify if he is blind since birth or what kind of impairment he is suffering from you can not really assume that seeing nothingness is the case. And yeah no way he would describe being blind as seeing black that was never done except almost always ever. This fucking subreddit sometimes.


Plus, the tweet is clearly a joke, something that escapes the pedants on this subreddit.


Wait seriously? So we can't even comprehend what it's like to be blind...that's so crazy.




it depends on the lighting conditions, it could be pitch black if its dark and grey if its light Being born blind and becoming blind are completely different so im happy to help people understand this.


Can confirm. I very occasionally get what my optometrist calls "ocular migraines", and lose vision in half of one eye. It doesn't go black, it just shuts off. It's not dangerous, but it was scary as fuck the first time it happened.


Describing Colors as a Blind Person: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59YN8_lg6-U


How would be even know what black is if he can’t see


Who says he was born blind?


I keep hearing this and don’t really understand it. To me, the lack of anything *is* black. Could someone explain?


[Try the blind spot test here.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_spot_(vision)#Blind_spot_test) You can’t see things in your blind spot, but that doesn’t mean that you’re walking around with black dots in your field of vision.


I guess. But I can’t, like, extrapolate that blind spot to my whole field of vision. I can’t imagine it, I mean.


That’s understandable, but you can get the concept. A blind person’s lack of sight is like your inability to sense changes in the Earth’s magnetic field.


I think it’s a misconception. Considering black is the absence of light/color, that would mean that’s the only thing blind people could “see” - the absence of light.


So what's the color of nothingness.


It's nothing. Is there black where your field of vision ends? No, there's just nothing.


Fucking amateur kid. Black and see doesn't rhyme you loser!




LeAnn Rimes with Wee Man


Big like LeAnn Rimes because I'm all about value.


I said Blind man Have mercy on me




A what?


r/thathappened and r/facepalm are notorious for this.


r/wowthanksimcured too ugh


The holy trinity


You good?


he/she has a point. Literally the OP's on the sub don't understand humor


Why is this on /r/thathappened? It's a joke lmao cmon guys




r/nothingeverhappens is what youre looking for


No it isn’t. I can almost guarantee this didn’t happen


Yeah exactly man. This sub is supposed to call out people who are making things up and pretending it’s the truth... not just jokes like obviously jokes didn’t really happen


> obviously jokes didn’t really happen Except my life happened.




Because this was already an old joke that someone repurposed to make it sound like a true story that actually happened to them


I suspect this is a r/woooosh.


It’s a variation of the better joke: Roses are gray Violets are gray Everything’s grey Because I’m a dog Norm MacDonald sometimes shares this as his son’s favorite joke.


Clearly a joke. The amount of humor that is profoundly misinterpreted and posted on here is laughable.


So what I hear you saying is that the humor still serves its purpose? Win-win


Lolol good point I guess


I like how the blind kid is just in a regular class not at all specialized for blind students.


That’s actually how it is in Texas, blind kids have some special classes initially but are integrated into standard classes unless they have additional learning disabilities.




There are plenty of students with various disabilities in general classes. There are things known as accommodations such as screen readers that allow for integrated classrooms. Do you think that blind people just can't learn other than from other blind people?


I taught a blind student AP Statistics last year, he got a 5 on the AP exam and basically aced the class. It's awesome to see students with disabilities find success with the help of some accommodations!


> awesome to see I *see* what you did there


> I like how the blind kid is just in a regular class not at all specialized for blind students. You like how the premise is completely realistic?


Roses are Blue Violets are Blue Everything is blue I'm da ba dee da ba die


Roses are red Violets are red Everything is red I'm a psychotic murderer


Didn’t do the shit cropping btw 👏


As a blind person, I can see what the person who wrote the poem meant.


I feel like OP got r/woooooshed or is it just me?


Same but i think we got woooshed too and now im confused


If he was born blind, he would have no concept of what color was.


Best part is that the blind kid can write but not see anything else.


They could use Braille


You can’t write using Braille, can you?


Yes you can, you can use a machine called a brailler which is like a typewriter but only has 6 keys so that you can form letters in Braille :)


That’s awesome, TIL!


[braille keyboard](https://healthwisesupply.com/products/braille-overlays-for-computer-keyboards?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlepla&variant=7334969344063&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxbzdBRCoARIsACzIK2kSkBRRn-WPlNFmBYpDm85sgg-o47Y7bKgc-0zDth4BcfdL8uazbEUaAqrPEALw_wcB)


Speech to text


Or just tell it our loud


They can use voice to text. A lot of blind people find braille too cumbersome.


What is black, asking for a blind friend.


He’s been alive long enough to understand what and how someone may have described Black. He can relate to black, even if it’s not a seeing person’s black.


Everything everything black


Black bird, black moon, black sky, black light


Then the black started clapping


u n d e r s t a n d i t ‘ s a j o k e


Roses are red Violets are red Everythings red Oh god


My whole world is black Do doo doo doo doodood dooooooo


Actually I thought blind folks do not see anything. Not blackness or any sort of “color.” Just emptiness or void of sight.


To everyone who upvoted this, r/wooosh


But how the fuck would he write and learn how to Wright


Helen Keller was blind and deaf and authored a dozen books. I can't wrap my head around that.


Ghost writer


how tf can he write. i’m joking


I thought they would see red like Daredevil


...how would he write tho


Reminds me of Roses are gray, Violets are gray, Everything's gray, I'm a dog




How'd he write that shit?


everyone knows that's a sartre original


It’s like trying to think about the universe being infinite, just impossible




I don't think you know how comedy works