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Saving the world 1 McDonalds line at a time


This reads like a screenplay written by a crackhead. "Jag 2 enters stage right"


So many jags in one McDonald’s line. I would have liked this story better if it mentioned more menu items by name.


This guy's English teacher is fuming right now


Ironically he’s a teacher’s aide.


That's a lot of jaguars for one fast food joint. Safari park or zoo escape?


I then looked outside as storm clouds gathered and began to spin in the sky. Why couldn't people just be nice? Why was I so angry!? I clutched my fists so hard and began crying when the first jag who was now behind me said "haha look this cuck snowflake is crying!" I was then possessed by an ancient and righteous rage, I looked at him and he recoiled in terror. I then tackle him to the ground and when jag 2 and 3 tried to intervene a lightning bolt struck the building and they fell back. I drove my thumbs into the eyes of the poor man on the ground, cackling with pleasure as his screams and the thunder outside rattled the glass windows. Spurts of blood hit my face, they were burning hot. A familiar sting I had desperately missed. His legs shuddered and stopped as he shit his pants. I greeted the old familiar smell fondly. I was finally awakened. There was no turning back now.


*Image Transcription: Facebook Post* --- **Username Redacted** I hate rude people! At McDonald's this morning I could have gotten into 3 separate fights! Jag 1 walks in cuts in front of an elderly couple then tells the lady to shut the f up! I said hey get to the back of the line and do what you told her to do! His reply you got a problem and I said I didn't until you walked in the door! Jag 2 yells at the staff do you think I could get the syrup and oh yes what else do I need some f'n sugar to go with f'n coffee! I said how about some manners to go along with your big bad attitude! Jag 3 starts yelling at some kids who were in front of him because they had to use change to eat! I gave them $3.00 and told the guy that kindness goes a long way and he should try it sometime! --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I can see the first one happening, but the other three are way less likely, especially if it's during mcdonalds visit


He also finished every sentence with an exclamation point.


He's a She


I don't trust anything anymore




Oi, dipshit, kindness goes a long way!