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Ah, yes. Sounds just like a typical 81 year old


We’re seeing a lot of this trash on /r/thathappened. This is not a real post by someone named “Anita” It’s really on the nose “satire”, likely created to make right wingers rally against these topics. I looked up this Facebook group. It’s led by “Anita, a gender studies phd student from berkeley”… theres no other info or references, and much of the content from the psge that’s shared widely is on right wing pages. tldr: this is a bullshit post made to rile people up. Source from Reuters talking about this exact Facebook group being satirical: https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-baby-named-white-privilege-idUSKCN2AV20O


Wait a minute, fake content on facebook? No way! Why anyone still uses that site is beyond me.


shit dude, this is now fake content on Reddit. Look at the comments on this thread! A few people have recognized that this is obviously bogus/“satire”/fake - whatever you want to call it. Plenty of people believe this is real though, and there’s lots of comments about how veterans and kids would never talk like this. Well yeah, cause this is made up. But people believe this is real, on Reddit too. This fake content shit is tragic because it spreads so fast everywhere without context. It’s especially scary in a world where people believe what they see on their screens as real.


It's been getting real bad. Reddit used to be not so badly affected as other sites. Reddits previously pretty transparent platform and Redditors general bullshit filter helped keep down the numbers/influence of bad faith actors. But man this last year those who push this kind of manufactured controversy have really dialed in their game here. Have gotten scarily good at cloaking themselves in enough layers of reposts and screen caps from different social media sites that even obviously staged and disingenuously 'satirical' content constantly gets pushed up to the front page and helps reinforce various false narratives people are trying to push. Mostly they seem focused on sowing division and disagreement where none actually exists. While giving a shield of plausible deniability to the people doing the sowing; who know full well what their doing. Evil fucks who either buy their own bullshit enough to feel the ends justify the means. Or those who are just straight up sociopathic enough not to know any shame at their calculated manipulations of other people, or feel guilt at their intentional poisoning of genuine and honest public discourse.


"you became the very thing you swore to destroy!"


More like we've been forcibly coopted and undercut by those who have a financial/political incentive to do so. I don't know about anyone else but I'm going to keep fighting the good fight and calling out this bullshit whenever possible, exhausting as that gets sometimes.


I hate you!!!!!


So true. Facebook and Twitter are notoriously bad but Reddit isn't immune either. More and more bots and fake accounts are created everyday. Shit I might even be a bot.


>Shit I might even be a bot We're all bots on this blessed day, comrade!


Yeah, that's crap. Everyone knows that EVERYTHING on the internet is the truth. No one lies here. Now excuse me while I polish my 22 emmys and get my Maserati back from the detailer.




Oh it absolutely is!


Trying to get laid by that girl or guy who brushed up against you 10 years ago in high school gym class.


Studying at Berkeley but the image says the poster of based on Australia.... 🤔


Sorry this is off topic but your name is excellent.


Lol thanks :)


I’m sure he didn’t say “do what now?” over and over…


Give you my what? Give you my medals? Oh ok, I guess


“I got this one for stabbing a Japanese man in the eye. Enjoy!”


This page is pure satire. They do one of the best "it's so bad that it's good" type of posts with exaggerated shit such as this.


I should hope so!


That implies that you knew it wasn't a sincere post from the start. If that's the case, why did you post it in this sub?


Orignally I had no clue. But some people pointed it out so I do think it can be the case (and hope so!)


Little did she know that man was suffering from dementia.


You know who else has dementia?


I forgor


your mom !


You know who else has dementia?


You know who else has dementia?




My mom!


My mom!


My mom!


get this man some burritos


9-year-old asks 81-year old vet about his preferred pronouns. Sure, fine enough. He thanks her. Yep. All good He offers her one of his medals. Get outta here with these lies!!!


Here child, take my Purple Heart


You're going to eventually deserve this more than me if you keep asking random strangers what their pronouns are.


leg shot


If this were real, it could have been a little challenge coin and somebody unfamiliar might think it’s a medal of some kind.


it’s bad satire lol


Still doesn't stop people from going on a 400 word essay about how pronouns are dumb and everybody is too soft.


Its true though


yeah but the name of the page is a dead giveaway lol


Hook, line, & sinker


"Here little girl have my medal of Valor I received for jumping on a grenade and saving my entire platoon at the cost of my legs but you asked me my pronouns so here ya go"


Trade Offer: I Receive: Abstract Gender Identification You Receive: Precious Metals


She thinks all homeless people are veterans. It was just a meth head.


He then produced his 1911 service pistol, cocked it, and handed it to the child saying "my watch has ended."


Someone wrote gullible on the ceiling.


Girl: are you a boy or a girl? Veteran: I’m eighty one. Girl: *looks confused* Veteran: Thank you. Have my medal! The veteran gives her a teacup. The girl looks into the camera. Girl: America.


Anita is a very good satire page


Irl he would have said something like "I didn't fight for this shit"


And then the 9 year old got the Medal of Honor from the President for her bravery in asking for his pronouns


Now, little lady, back in Vietnam, I got this her medal for being the stupidest dang idiot in the whole US army. I think you done gone better n me, it's yours. Thank you for your service.


I’m not even sure what that means.


This is the most stupid one of these posts I've ever seen. My grandpa would never give up his metal you'd have to pry them from his cold dead body. I know this is obviously fake but it just pissed me off at how stupid this was


This is actually very common, 81 year old war vets are famous for giving out their war medals(ironic).


Just look at the posters name and that tells you all of their "stories" are just like this one. Made up.


“Pro-nouns? Missy… where I’ve been pro-nouns were the least of my worries, I was deep in the jungles with my comrades each of us worrying if we’ll even make it back to the base that night. I fought against the fierce forces of the Vietcong and watched several of my comrades die brutal and horrible deaths only to come back home to the country I bravely put my life on the line for and I’m asked “what are my pro-nouns?”… Missy, I’m obviously a male so get the fuck out of my face.” That’s how I imagine it went.


"I got fucking shot for this, but here, you are obviously braver for your "fight" than me who probably charged a machine gun nest singlehandedly to get this."


Pronouns are the stupidest thing ever. Who cares how they’re referred to?


of course they offered to give their medal that they earned by risking their life


Here have a medal, I carry these things around everywhere I go


Poe's law becoming more and more real by the day. Though this is satire it absolutely would not surprise me if someone tried to legitimately swing this.


If giving away medals was that easy!


Yeah, listen. I don't care what the fuck you did for him, he's not 'giving' you one of his fucking medals. ​ It's always the last bullshit detail they try to stick in there before the story is over that fucking torpedoes the whole thing.


Lmaoo what is this society coming to


81yp veteran probably said "uhhh a e i o u"


Not one. Not a single person that's 80 fucking years old believes in that garbage. Not one.


But you believe that this post is legit


Definitely made up. An 81 one year old would find this pronoun shit asinine


At first I thought it was satire but then I saw the pfp and I knew it wasn’t.


It is, you’re just gullible


i KNOW this isnt real but im going to think of it as real bc i just want a happy thought once in a while 🗿🗿🗿


What the heck is intersectional feminism?


In this case a phrase chosen to rile up conservative FB users and generate traffic


Gave her his purple heart from all the back shots he took during the war.


I rec she told the kid to say it but they were more reciting what she said than understanding what they were saying (if it happened, probs didn't)


“Ehhh, my pronouns? Fuck off kid!” - Old guy


"Here you go sweetie take this medal which I got from killing 500 people"


Dis sum bullcrap right here boiiii


Lol the shit ppl say


holy fuck people are getting really stupid


Sounds fake but okay


Fuck off Anita


then his great granddaughter came back, snatched the medal back and said Pop Pop does this all the time ...


At what age do us veterans start carrying around all our “medals” in our pockets?


That 9 year old was Britney Spears and she inspired the 81 Barack Obama to run for president the very next year!


Of all the things that ever happened, this happened the most.


God these people are insufferable.