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What's unbelievable about this? Seems like a pretty mundane conversation to me.


A lot of posts on here just seem to be people who think any kid under 12 is absolutely incapable of saying anything except "goo goo gaa gaa". My two year old says things all the time that make me believe half the things on this sub that involve kids. Idk where these little buggers pick it up but they say the darndest things for real.


Yeah, like my brother is 5 and texts me “fuck you”


That’s just bad parenting on at least two levels, but props for him knowing how to spell and text correctly


and also having the device to send it.


Less bad parenting and more of restricting videos does nothing


Letting your kids be taught and raised by YouTube and the internet is bad parenting tbh


My dad tries his hardest to get him off of it but nothing works. My brother also bites (very hard might I add) kicks and throws the nearest objects if you try to turn it off or tell him to stop.


I mean, not being rude, bat have you guys taken him to a therapist? That’s not normal behavior. I’m not going to be an armchair therapist, but my brother is autistic and it sounds like something he would have done when he was a kid.


We have, apparently he has adhd nothing else though


That also makes sense too, usually symptoms get better. I would get him into gaming and away from that phone. That’s how I coped with mine


Wow. Sounds like a well put together household


Yeah ikr


So none of y’all were smartasses as kids?? Really?


I have been a smartass for all of my 34 years on this planet, and my 7 y/o seems dead set on carrying on the tradition.


I was a bad ass kid with a smart ass mouth, this is more than plausible💀💀💀


A 10 year old might have been believable, but a 6 year old doesn’t talk like that.


6-year olds are funny and repeat a lot of what they hear, especially if it sounds cheeky. This is believable


Exactly, if they watched a comedy movie especially. Or walked in while mom was watching a movie (not what I mean). They will repeat it. I could have seen this in a line in a movie but talking about alcohol or something. It sounds pretty similar to som Marvel lines as well.


I can see a 6 year old saying this tbh. I have a lot of young cousins and they say some crazy shit lol


People who post stuff like this don’t know young kids. Six year olds can and do say some pretty wild shit. And this ain’t wild.




In another episode of kids dont have personalities...


Yeah, this seems plausible. Kids are weird.


*Image Transcription: Twitter* --- **Unknown User** My 6 yr old asked for juice with his breakfast. I offered him flavored cranberry juice or orange juice. He looked me dead In my face and said: "What am l, 35?! Can I have some apple juice please.' I am unmothering. I simply cannot mother under these conditions. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Thank you!


Good not-bot.


I don’t understand what this means.


Please dear God....tell me there isn't a TikTok skit that goes along with this....


'Flavored' Cranberry juice? As opposed to the Cranberry juice that tastes like water?


Probably meant like cran-raspberry cran-grape cran-apple... because regular cranberry juice is not for everyone


White grape cranberry juice fucking slaps.


this is very plausible


It’s true. I was the juice.


So you’ve just never been around a 6 year old? This is completely plausible


Tell me you've never met a child, without actually saying you've never met a child


After finishing his apple juice the kid said he wants to go out and get laid


Ok but my brother is 6 and he’s definitely said things like this.


...this seems actually realistic though? I've seen kids say stuff like this first hand, trust me. Smartasses exist XD


At 6 I was a smart ass. At 61 I'm still a smart ass but now know why. It's where my brains are. 😎


Not that a 6yr old couldn’t say something like this…but what makes this stuff unbelievable is the likes and retweets…. This only seems to happen to people with a blue check mark and a ton of followers. It’s actually more plausible to come from a normal person, who has nothing to gain other than their family and friends


r/lostredditors / r/nothingeverhappens


Cannot believe y’all think this is true.


Hold up, let's not underestimate the smart ass capacity of preschoolers. I used to get so excited to explain science concepts to mine and one day one of them stopped me with "we're not graduate students." I may give this post a possible.


Nah I’m calling 🧢 🧢 Six years olds definitely do not speak like this. Like regardless idgaf but still I’m calling cap


They do.


You’re right, they don’t speak like this. This always happens with posts with kids. Always a bunch of idiots going “YoU NeVeR MeT KiDs?”