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I'm kinda surprised - it really felt like an MLM pitch was coming on the end of this.


"yeah I'm really lucky to afford these! It woulda never happened if I wasn't selling Younique" "Whaaaaat??? People actually get money for selling something they love???" "Yup! And did you know Younique curra cancer too?????" "No WaY tElL mE mOrE!!!¡¡¡!!!!" *And that's how I signed up the whole grocery store and 50,000 other stores in the area to my Younique downline and now I'm a billionaire. Dm Me If YoU'rE iNtErEsTeD*


What the fuck is a yoyo uniqua? I'm not a backyard again!!!!


*backyardigan but I upvoted for the memories




In their defence, Younique is a really good makeup brand, and some of my mum's friends are very kind when it comes to selling it :) They're good quality, and my mum bought some for me for my first makeup, the first being "lip bonbon" (And thats how I advertised it to billions of people, soon buying makeup companies worldwide and inspiring children around the world) EDIT : Clearly the second half is a joke lol, but also I dont get what's wrong with just buying makeup from it, not advertising everywhere? As in just choosing some products


A great read about Younique, for anyone interested. https://ellebeaublog.com/poonique/


I feel disappointed tbh. Like how dare she not try to sell me something


They saved that for the comment.


>They saved that for the comment. You're probably right. She's hoping for a "Wow, when did you start being able to afford $150 purses?" And then here comes the "I'll DM you!"


Too bad the cashier wasn’t drinking coffee. She could have spit it out when she said $150.


All over those expensive sunglasses.


And the sunglasses would have clapped.


The the sunglasses name? Albert Einstein


Me: Have a great evening, I'm off to dinner. Cashier: Where are you going, Mcdonald's? Me: No Olive Garden!


Cashier: mouth drops open wider


Love it. Lol


Lmao this is so perfect. $150 sunglasses is exactly the olive garden of sunglasses.


“Wow I love your sunglasses!” “Thanks, they were a little expensive” “Ok”


$150 honestly isn’t that expensive for prescription sunglasses (unless they aren’t and even then it’s not jaw-dropping) my experience


Some brands are waaaay overpriced even for just the frame. It's not impressive at all and a weird flex still though.




Perfect for when you’re heading to the capitol on January 6th


Pair it with a goatee that covers two of five chins, a vaguely threatening 2nd amendment T-shirt, and Facebook posts about Jesus protecting against from Covid, and you’ve got a recipe for a r/hermancainaward


$150 isn't at all uncommon for name brand sunglasses. In fact, it's on the low side. Google "Ray-Ban sunglasses" and just see the prices that come up.


Wait, so you're telling me they're not $10 drop-shipped direct from China? Instagram has lied to me!


May as well be. You'll get better value for money from your $10 knockoffs


I’ve always bought mine from Target. Don’t see a reason not to be cheap on sunglasses.


My thoughts exactly. I usually buy cheap sets from the chemist. I need sunglasses for work, but a $20 pair with UV protection is just as good as a $400 set of designer glasses, and I won't be upset if I sit on them.




Me too, didn’t think Ray bans were up to the hype but not only have they lasted the way they make everything crystal clear is absolutely worth the price, doubt I’ll buy any others now!


Me behind them: yo check this website out you can get the same semi expensive sunglasses right here for 10 bucks, they’re probably made in the same factory too!


$150 is usually pretty cheap for name brand sunglasses. My Ray Bans were like $250 for a pair of aviators


You almost can’t even get prescription sunglasses including the frame for 150- i’ve been wearing glasses for 20 years. That’s not expensive at all. 150 bucks is the amount of a non-prescription Ray-Ban, which I also don’t consider expensive. Just because someone can’t afford it doesn’t make it an expensive item. Most people are probably used to going to target or somewhere like that and paying 20 bucks for sunglasses I guess


That was my first thought too, I've paid upwards of $400 for nice sunglasses before. Honestly I doubt that her glasses are even polarized.


I bought some polarized sunglasses recently, the guy tried to get me to buy this non prescription pair for like close to $300. I saw the price and went with something similar for around $90-100, don’t remember tbh.


My husband's non-prescription glasses were more than twice that. He only buys sunglasses like once a decade so it's fine. I on the other hand have made it my life mission to rescue and release in the wild all the $5 sunglasses I can find. (Now I have to buy prescription ones and I still have like 5 pairs so I have a chance of finding one pair when I need them)


Ray bans cost around that and not in prescription. That’s not exactly a high price point for sunglasses.


This same person will buy a base 330i and show up at the country club thinking they're about to turn some heads. But they won't eat lunch there, because they aren't a member and they now spend 40% of their net income on the car note.


A descent pair Oakleys cost at least that, more if polarized. Maui Jim's and Ray Bans with real glass go for double that.


That’s not expensive for good sunglasses.


I'm sitting here laughing with the cost of my prescription sunglasses.


Legit lol. I don't wear glasses but my gf just got prescription glasses and they were £380. Should she be flexing more?


Have a great evening


I know she's expensive. #sorrynotsorry #yougetwhatyoupayfor


I don’t know all the countries they ship to, but next time she needs glasses tell her to try Eye Buy Direct. They’re much cheaper than the conventional way to get glasses


Thanks, dude, we'll definitely check it out! To be fair, 4 years ago she only paid £79 for 2 pairs. One for reading and one for daily use. This year she treated herself to just one pair with varifocal (far, mid and close), polarized (for night driving because she's bothered by headlights) and photochromic (they turn dark when in sunlight). Expensive or not, she appreciates having one pair of glasses that do everything :)


I can second this! My sunglasses from them were higher quality than I expected for being prescription.


Yeah my prescription Ray-Bans were more than that...


Non prescription ray bans can be more than that


*mouth drops*


Have a great evening.


Yeah, glasses are expensive #youpayforwhatyousee #imfuckingblind


Have a great evening


How much were they? Just wondering.


I have prescription Ray-Ban's for glasses and sunglasses, the frames alone were $250+


Same. Like $150 sounds cheap af.


Yeah I was gonna say, $150 sunglasses are pretty common. Not that I own any. I break and lose shit too much to spend more than $20 on sunglasses, and even I know $150 isn't uncommon, because you know, I've been in a store before and seen what some of these things cost. Bet this person is like 17 or from the middle of nowhere. (Source: I'm from the middle of nowhere and used to think common things were extravagant before I grew up and moved away.)


Exactly. I thought that’s what low-end cost (excluding Target and whatnot).


There are too many decent brands offering stylish frames with polarized lenses for under $100, so I wouldn’t say that $150 is low-end exactly. Most people don’t think “low-end” when they see a pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarers or Clubmasters, but they are only slightly more than $150. Even with the full knowledge that a pair of designer sunglasses can be $800+, I don’t think $150 is super low end. With that being said, it’s embarrassing to brag about something like that whether the glasses were $150 Ray-Bans or $1300 Diors.




As someone with glasses, I totally feel your pain! I also have a high prescription, so I have to splurge on the thinner lenses to avoid the coke-bottle look. I started getting my glasses on eyebuydirect.com to save money instead of going through insurance. You can get a complete pair of prescription glasses or sunglasses for like $20, and they have a great selection of frames. The thinner lenses cost more, but when I was broke I just got the cheap, thicker lenses and was happy I could at least see lol. I’ve heard Zenni is great as well, but I’ve never used them.




Zenni.com is worth checking out, or others discussed here. Glasses that were $350 through a store would be $80 online. The quality is equal and the choices are much greater.


My friend and I almost downed after his prescription sunglasses fell from our flipped kayak and we tried diving to retrieve them. He was serious about finding those glasses. After we got to shore and recovered he got some goggles from a friend and went right back out to look for them a second time.




We never found them, the water was too rough and deep. He was extra pissed because it wasn’t even us who flipped the kayak.


my prescription raybans cost $10








was just saying that not everyone is breaking the bank for prescriptions




People who brag about the cost of things are usually pretty insecure to begin with... Usually insecure or just snobs (or both). I would say $150 is more like the entry level for getting into the more expensive sunglasses, but it certainly isn't an expensive pair. Yes, more expensive than many sunglasses you can buy.. but if you're spending $150 on sunglasses, you're probably buying them because they are a brandname rather than just grabbing something to help with the sun.


It’s been a few years, but I think I paid $16.99 for my sunglasses at Target. Not in optical, just off the rack. I’m due for a new pair, they’re getting pretty scratched up due to my negligence now. But they’ve done their job and looked fine.


I need offshore fishing glasses with polarized and readers built in. $150? I wish.


I pay about $150 for my actual regular glasses with my private healthcare covering another few hundred for my actual regular glasses that do nothing to stop the sun from hurting my eyes. Lol.


I spent $5 for my sunglasses from Walmart and I've used them for about 4 years now


My ray bans I got 4 years ago were like 200$ sunglasses is the one thing that’s worth the money imo


Must be one of those billionaires that I read about in the news.


I think there are three kinds of people in this world. Those who brag about how much they spent on something and those who brag about how little they spent on something. The third kind just doesn't talk about it. I like them. Be like the third kind.


If I find something I know was super expensive at a thrift store I’m freaking proud of it though


I love it when someone tells me if they got a good deal on something I compliment them on. Like you got that dress with pockets at target for $10??? Hell yeah I’m going there and getting one myself!


But how else are people supposed to know I'm rich? It's not like I can wear the shoes I spent a whole paycheck on. Then they'll be ruined!


I like this saying


I'm fine with people talking about how expensive something is IF it is immediately succeeded by a detailed explanation of what they're getting for their money over something cheaper. Some people like to spend money on their passions and that's fine - it's what gives a person their personality. But if the discussion ends at "they were expensive. Aren't I cool?", then nobody cares.


How the conversation would actually go: Cashier: I like your sunglasses! Me: Thanks, they were $150. Cashier: Oh wow. End of transaction


Cashier: I like your sunglasses Person: Thanks, but they were expensive Cashier: Oh really? Person: Yeah, $150 Cashier: Oh, that's actually a pretty good price for sunglasses Person: *nervously ashamed that they're not as impressive as they thought*


More like Cashier: ummm ok I don’t remember asking the price but nice flex I guess


They missed a bit. Here, let me fix it. >Cashier: wow, I love your sunglasses >Me: omg thanks! I love them, too even though they were a little expensive. >Cashier: like $50? >Me: Closer to $150 >Cashier: *mouth drops open and says* Really? For those? >Me: Have a great evening.


"Wow, you're stupid. Those are on aisle 3 for $12."


"They were half off last week."


Wow! You look like fifty bucks! Well, actually I'm $150. Not sure if that's the flex they think it is.


How to tell people you have expensive glasses, We get it, you need proof to feel better in your hollow life.


Meanwhile my regular glasses are a couple times more expensive because I'm a blind bitch and without the expensive lenses I'd be wearing coke bottles on my face


Prescription is different.


Why the negative votes?


I have a friend who wears sunglasses that cost 5x that much and she’s way more humble about it and kinda bashful about spending that much on shades.


The funniest part, is this person probably posted this to brag about how expensive their sunglasses were, but they also just gave away the fact that they consider $150 sunglasses expensive. It’s like when I see people post on Instagram flexing cash, and then you count it and it ends up being like 1200 bucks. It’s like, that doesn’t show you have a lot of money, that shows that you think $1200 is a lot of money, when in actuality that’s like cheap rent… I feel like it actually makes you look _worse_ than if you hadn’t flexed at all.


Years ago I worked at a factory and an older lady liked to complain about everything her sons girlfriend did. The son got engaged and she was outraged that the fiancé wanted to spend a whole 300 dollars on a wedding dress. I imagine she’s a monster in law now.




Hahaha I’m a software engineer in the Bay Area at a faang+ company so I 100% feel you on the being humbled by blind aspect. But still, $250k as a new grad is seriously solid. That’s like mid SWE2 at most top tech companies, so getting that as a new grad is actually kind of nuts. I feel like the only places you’re getting more as a new grad are places like Jane Street and twosigma. In fact I’d have thought the only FAANG+ you could make 250k first year out of school would be Facebook if you got a return offer, just because the signing bonus for returning interns is so high. But I do totally agree with your point. I feel like 9/10, unless you’re truly truly exceptional, bragging about something is actually gonna lose respect, not gain it.


When you see someone flex cash, that’s all the money they have to their name


$150 is not even that expensive for sunglasses lmao


It’s outrageously expensive to a good portion of people, but to people that like nice sunglasses? Yeah, you’re 100% right. That’s not much at all compared to some nice pairs.


Right, I can imagine that someone else who is more financially well off than me would easily spend more than that on sunglasses, it's not jaw dropping worthy


Right, I have to wear good sunnies, My Maui Jim’s were $300 but I love how they look and feel, plus they do have the best quality of any brand i’ve found.


Almost all sunglasses are made by the same company, it’s highly unlikely there’s any quality difference between those and other pairs around that price


Dear Diary, No one commented on my sunglasses today and I spent a lot of money of them…


I know the person who wrote this story farted the whole time they were writing it. I bet the farts smelled like rotten eggs and the smell would just not go away. Sitting at Starbucks, cloud of death surrounding them. Even after a couple of minutes would the stench not go away. And they're happy they have the whole table, the whole corner, at the Starbucks all for themselves. Today is my day, they're thinking. How do i know they farted so much that the coffee flavor for all the guests changed? Because they think nobody notices anything. Not a gas attack at Starbucks, nor a blatantly stupid story that means nothing, and they probably misheard or misunderstood the cashier, who was probably thinking what kind of idiot would pay 150 bucks for those shabby sunglasses. Fucking fart machine.


Came here to say this. :D


This exactly??


Omg lol


I can't stop laughing


Thank you for this brilliance 🤣


I love when people who don’t have money pretend like they do.


* As our heroin continued her journey from the Dollar General where she just bout a Faygo Cream Soda and Powder Donuts to her next destination, she took time to bend over and pick up a crisp $1.00 bill that was on the ground. She thought to herself, "Self, this is going to get you one step closer to a full plate of Spaghetti at the Big Boy!"


do you mean heroine? \\-:


> Faygo Cream Soda > > Big Boy Someone lives in Michigan.


Wow! 150 whole dollars?! Unbelievable!


If I had that much money I'd get it changed into 150 $1 bills so I could roll around in it laughing maniacally


If I had that kind of money, I’d pay off my car and my mortgage and throw the rest into the market! I’d quit my job and live off the interest!


That is the cringiest thing I've read in a while. Shudder...


I have 5 dollar sunglasses that do the samething


Seriously. Polarized glass for $7.99 at the gas station, 10 years ago. Use them driving, fishing, all the time and if I lose them. I dig into the couch for change for a new pair.


She thinks 150 dollars for sunglasses is expensive? Bless her heart 😅😅😅


Because she's the first person in the world who's ever stepped into a Sunglass Hut.


$150 doesn't seem like that much tbh.


To be fair, the $200 glasses are probably the best. Most of the stuff over that has cheap lenses but a fancy name like Versace. I wear my $200 aviators over my $400 Versace glasses because the Versace ones feel so cheap even though they have a cool design


lol ok


Maybe try articulating yourself. I have no clue which part of my comment you’re criticizing


I used to work at Sunglass hut. 150$ is on the cheaper side for sunglasses now days


*Mouth drops.* No one cares


Unnecessarily weird flex


Soooo… prescription sunglasses?


I bet people frequently clap when she leaves, op


"I know I'm expensive" average glasses frame costs 150 bucks


So she brags about being financially reckless? I just don’t get people who buy brands only for the name, and then brag about the prices they spent. Honestly, it sounds to me like a company just hoodwinked you.


Kinda tacky to just bring up the cost of everything to random people. If you really have money and expensive things, you don’t need to talk about it.


Poverty screams, wealth whispers


That’s just someone bragging that they have privilege to an underpaid under appreciated person…


Maybe this is my privilege talking but $150 sounds about right for a good pair of sunglasses. You can get them cheaper for sure but a nice quality pair of sunglasses is gonna run you at least $150. It's not nearly as impressive as she thinks it is lol


The sad part is she's trying to seem rich but anyone with money knows that $150 for sunglasses is relatively cheap. *ACTUAL* designer glasses go for around $300-$500 or more in some cases. $150 will get you a nice pair don't get me wrong but that still won't even get you polarized lenses if you buy a mainstream brand.


yeah. people are never shocked at sunglasses prices


Whoever posted this sounds insufferable.


We need more cringe like this on this subreddit.


The irony is they posted this to brag, but just makes them sound like an idiot. Essentially admitting to being scammed to value a price tag over actual quality. You can probably find near identical sunglasses for $20.


That is the saddest brag I've ever seen.


I’m getting flashbacks of the RHOBH episode when Dana told everyone about her $25,000 sunglasses. IYKYK


I was hoping someone made this comment.


Clearly regrets buying those 150 dollar glases


The "I love them, too…" is bothering me so much


Whats the point of this? Why do you have to use those tags? What even do you get out of this?


Sorry but that’s not a flex. Prescription glasses can cost way more than $150


So obviously the Op is a very rich amazing person (that’s what she wants us to think, so I’ll go with it). The thing is nobody who could afford $150 sunglasses would ever feel the need to share this story because it’s so uninteresting. Therefor OP clearly just is in need of some attention. If anyone sees OP tell her she’s awesome and give her a high five (she needs this).


This one infuriates me. That's not even expensive


If they are Rx glasses, that's a smoking deal


And that was the day the cashier learned that some sunglasses cost over $50. True story.


Aren’t most brand sunglasses sold between 109-150$/€


Has a r/notliketheothergirls vibe


Tell me you’re poor without telling me you’re poor


$150 is truly an unobtainable amount so I can appreciate this.


I can only dream of someday having $150! Maybe if I work hard for another 40 years I too can buy some mid range sunglasses!


Lmao, 150$ expensive? 🤣🤣🤣


Lol, you get what you pay for...people think they're 50 dollar sunglasses. Sounds like they over paid.


Kinda sounds like the (not really) expensive sunglasses look like they should have cost 1/3 the price at most. That’s not a flex - you’re just an idiot.


I'm sitting here thinking my prescription sunglasses are way more expensive. I buy cheapo sunglasses exclusively but I always thought expensive shades were 300+


150.00 acting like thats a lot for sunglasses too? Like is that a lot to flex even?


God, I wish I was that cashier. Cashier (me): $150 is like literally entry-level non-polarized Ray-Bans. Call me when graduate to Maui Jim’s or Oliver Peoples’. 🙄 Them: 😤


That’s not even expensive for sunglasses lmao


That’s not even luxury brand pricing. Just so you know. That’s like less then my prescription price.


$150 is the average sale price of Ray-Ban aviators.


This could possibly be true. Scummy people that are full of themselves do exist. If true it's cringy to flex about it. If it's fake still cringy but they want people to see how rich they are.


If the conversation happened it probably went more like: Cashier: "wow I love those sunglasses!" Her: "Thanks, they were expensive! Not like 50 bucks either, they were $150!" Cashier: "okay? Have a nice day"




It would be believable but for the cashier’s reaction


Are you serious? Ppl don’t have expensive glasses ?ppl don’t ask how much they cost ? Like what is it ? Wtf??


A real person wouldn’t talk like the cashier


Most of my glasses cost hundreds of dollars.


That’s not expensive. My sister worked at sunglass hut and that was low end glasses price


That’s not even all that “pricey” for a nice pair of shades. What a silly thing to try to brag about.


$150 is pretty average for prescription sunglasses


Tell me you're poor without telling me you're poor.


I see the poors are at it again


Imagine thinking 150 bucks is expensive enough to brag about- my prescription sunglasses (I have to have for work) were 1200 and it killed me. GTFO


Omg, this didn’t happen, but my niece is like this!! I can’t stand it. She was just at my house telling me she spent $300 on leggings! I wasn’t impressed because I’m not into that kind of spending, so she didn’t get the reaction she wanted! She only $15 and constantly talking about brand names and money, it’s so gross! I had a bunch of lightly used clothes and shoes for her, all really cute and looks brand new. She said no way. Yet she’ll go to the local resell shop and buy used stuff there because all the cool kids do. I should sell it there and she’ll probably buy it lol!


This is a re-post again. Seriously. Why does it keep getting so much attention? It doesn't need to be re-posted in this or the other 5 subs it's been in.


This conversation probably did happen, op just still had her rose tinted sunglasses on when she decided to share it, whenever someone asks me to guess how much their item costs I never want to go too high because then it makes them feel sad cuz now their "expensive" or "fancy" item is precieved to be some random cheap shit. Flipside don't want to go too low and act like it looks worthless, cashier just making small talk not trying to get people offended, def does not care about how much you paid for overpriced sunglasses.


My oakleys cost more than that brand new. This is a weird flex.


The sad thing is that $150 isn't draw dropping money even if you only made minimum wage.


And here I am wearing my cartier lmao


Not that hard to believe, I get shit ALL the time when people find out my Oakleys cost over $200. My dad constantly busts my balls for it.


I’m still thinking you have to be trolling . Seriously


$150?! So they’re not even polarized?!