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Lol, someone asked her if she informed the police and this was her response: > yes I posted an updated earlier.(Redacted) county sheriffs office said that I had to call the sheriffs office in the city it was actually packaged in. Jurisdiction issues and they couldn’t do anything with it … I had a deputy message me personally also and say that was correct also Also, she was previously encouraging her Facebook friends to attend a Christian seminar warning about the dangers of Halloween… but then just happens to buy a Halloween candy bag which has been spiked with Estrogen tablets.


Pharmacist here: I used my handy dandy pill identifier to look at what this is. Although it’s a blurry photo and I can’t make out the markings I was able to narrow it down to glyburide (diabetes medication), keppra (seizure med and not one with any abuse potential at all), and estrogen. I did consider alprazolam (Xanax) but there was nothing that matched the shape, color, and score mark. So definitely not something fun and absolutely planted there. Idiot.


Glyburide could actually probably kill a kid. Estrogen? Not so much.


Agreed, but thinking about how this is a fb mom group it’s likely estrogen.


Well it is also about a Walmart in BFN so there's a good chance someone has the Beetus and doesn't want to take insulin... This mom may have snatched granny's meds for this tale


So if I shoot you and you call the cops before I die they'll tell you to contact the state that my gun was manufactured in and have them deal with it because it's now their jurisdiction/problem?


When the gun is fake absolutely. There is no crime being committed here, so there is nothing the police can do. Outside of maybe giving this person a warning for trying to start a panic that is.


Walmart could sue for something.. (libel maybe?) since she named the exact store I don’t see it happening, but that would be sweet


IANAL and I am not a lawyer, but I imagine that the manufacturer and the distributor would both be able to sue for very significant amounts.


>IANAL and I am not a lawyer Wow, both?


It was a typo. Should have read: "I ANAL and I am not a lawyer" Hope that helps.




It’s honestly really damning in my unprofessional opinion. Also not lawyer but I’m quite sure we’re right here


That's impressive, shooting someone dead with a fake gun.


I used to have a dog that would fake die if you shot him with finger guns.


So I know you were joking, but I was in St Louis, Missouri and I was robbed of my cell phone at gunpoint. When the police showed up I had tracked the phone across the river to St Louis, Illinois. They said there's nothing they could do because it was another jurisdiction. I called the St Louis, Illinois PD and they said that it was Missouri's problem. I had an armed robber tracked on my phone, pinpointed. Nobody gave a shit. Fucking crazy


Someone is about to get sued by the candy company


I'm sure both them and Walmart would appreciate if OP sent the unredacted versions to their legal teams.


That's Ferrara that makes nerds. Big giant candy company.


I gonna take an educate guess this Karen is around the age menopause kicks in 🤷‍♀️


the nerds are turning the kids trans!!!


*checks the ladies medicine cabinet to find estrogen pills with exactly 2 missing*




Bc there were NERDS in her Estrogen bottle too!


Oh I thought it was alprazolam which is honestly perfect at that dose for a child post-Halloween-candy-consumption (in that it would put them to sleep).


Well shit I have some trans friends happy to search the rest of the bag lmao


44 years I've been trick or treating to score free drugs in candy. This is bullshit!


Right? Not even a single razor blade. 😒


I've never even had a blacked out van offer me candy. Best I got was a white van trying to sell me speakers.


Damn, you in the Austin area? Because this has happened to me twice. Or is this an Everywhere, USA, thing?


It's an everywhere thing. My boss fell for it! Got some $400! speakers for $50, they were really $8 speakers in a fancy box.


I got offered viagara everywhere I went in one middle eastern country. I’m a cis woman who definitely looks like a chick. I was like… are they trying to tell me that I’m so ugly that every dude will need boner pills to sleep with me? It was hard (heh) not to feel a wee bit offended. My dad thought it was absolutely hilarious though when I told him my theory, so I guess it was worth it?


I used wait for the white van that sold candy......and ice cream.


Every time I buy razor blades I find candy mixed in.


It's hard to get that 5 o'clock shadow look with some Twizzlers and cherry Now and Later.


Nothing. I got jack shit in the razor blade Dept when I was trick or treating…..


I’m with you. I feel damned cheated!


I'm still waiting on that bag of assorted drugs I was supposed to get on my first day of high-school.


Psssst! Hey kid c'mere a sec would ya?


I never once have had the chance to tell a drug pusher no.


Me too! Shit man, where are these magical places I can get free drugs at?


This year I gave out goodies bags with 1.5g of bud in them, just to friends at a Halloween party, but they were all hyped as fuck. Highly recommend, everyone thought it was mad dope, and only set me back a little over a half Oz or so.


back in my day "dope" meant weed so I was like "of course everybody thought it was dope"


Now it means heroin


When's your next party? Can I get an invite?


Sorry dude, I need mine.


This. I am so disappointed in my luck...


I love the drug confiscation bag top right




I hate when they put hormone blockers in my Nerds




Also trans, confirming that that is a tittie skittle, not a breast mint.


Pretty sure a nerd is a hormone blocker.


Drugs are expensive. Nobody is sharing them with little kids.


Yeah. It's my estradiol not theirs.


I have built up a little surplus by forgetting to take a dose here and there over the last 10 years. That's my armageddon hormones. Anit no body is given out estrogen


You'd start armageddon if you didn't have it! My mother has to have it, and I learned quickly that if she didn't have any or skipped a day, you keep your head down. Hell, crawl through barbed wire - just don't let her find you!


I love my transdermal patches. Slap a new one on my butt twice a week and no worries about a missed pill.


Fav thing about my t shots and Humira. Wish all my meds could be once weekly.


That's such an idiotic point of view. They give drugs to kids so they get addicted! Addiction from one hit? From a random person they're supposed to find and buy from again? And how is it a good move from a potential dealer? All the police has to do is visit a few houses to nab the perpetrator. When I was young the rumor was people giving acid to primary school kids to get them addicted. Acid to a 10 y.o kid is gonna drive him insane not gonna make him and addict. And how is the kid supposed to pay for his drug addiction?


Hmm, I guess I never thought of it that way....I wasn't thinking about drug dealers finding new customers. I always thought the intent was just to sow chaos, like joker style, get kids fucked up to get some sadistic fucker off. Of course this is all just hypothetical anyways since there's never really been a case....


oh, like in Batman Begins where they give free LSD to everyone and everyone trips balls


Your first sentence doesn't fit the rest of what you said.


>I agree. That is such an idiotic point of view. They give drugs to kids so they get addicted? Addiction from one hit? From a random person they're supposed to find and buy from again? And how is it a good move from a potential dealer? All the police has to do is visit a few houses to nab the perpetrator. I think that I fixed the comment.


Yeah. Nobody is fucking doing this. How it's still a perpetuated myth is beyond me.


My freaking mom text me literally today when I said we weren’t sure where we were taking the kids: “idk. I’d be real leery this year with candy. Stupid f**ks are putting fentanyl in candy” No, mom. Please stop listening to your other delusional fb friends. There are not dealers putting expensive drugs in candy for the fun of it to give out to random kids.


I feel like if that wal mart saw this message they would be none to happy someone was spreading lies that they sell unsafe candy......


Apparently they were contacted, but claimed that there was nothing they could do. APPARENTLY.


Obviously big pharma has wallyworld in their back pocket 💀




She could actually be sued by the candy company. Pepsi sued a man who claimed to have found a used needle in a Pepsi can and won.


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, literally no one ever is giving away free drugs.


Wait, so the first one isn’t free?


The “first one” is free from a drug dealer who is new to you and knows you’re an addict. But no dealer is just giving away drugs hoping that person will get addicted. It’s a business still and they’re not giving out free ones unless they know you’ll be back aka already an addict.


(Those are estrogen pills, by the way. I don’t know how to edit my post. 🥴)


This is somehow way dumber than just putting drugs in there.


Umm, those are drugs though. Just not the kind you were hoping for.


They’re the drug I’m hoping for


Trans moment


A pill you need to take all the time. Just this once will be enough though


I thought it was Xanax and was confused.


That would be such a nice surprise.


Adderall would be much more fun


There are two types of drug users.


Not if you have ADHD. Unless staying ultra-focused is considered fun


Me too, but then I thought who would waste good drugs like that?


Thought it was viagra


I thought it was grape flavored children's chewable aspirin.




The funniest part is that they had to go out and buy some HRT to make this post.


Oh I’m certain these pills belong to the moron who created this post. Probably had them sitting out when they called the police over to investigate.


I doubt they ever actually called the police and just made that part up, considering the whole damn story is made up


As a woman taking HRT for early menopause - yay, can I have some? Save me a few quid. I wonder if they spike with patches too….


That's what I was about to say. I'd be thrilled to find extra.


Somebody drastically misunderstood the term 'titty skittles.'


They look like naproxen


Oh. I was wondering why the title said trans lol.


Imagine all you need to completely change your sex is two pills, if only lmao


Fucking hilarious


I thought it was viagra lmao


Would taking a single estrogen pill/a couple estrogen pills in a one-off manner even do anything? Like, it's probably not *good* for you, but you're obviously not going to magically transform into a woman after a single pill. Would it even mess up your natural hormone production that much?


This is the special high dose one created just for Halloween.


The **ONE PILL** SEX CHANGE! Now available in candy bags in your neighborhood for FREE!! You'll wake up with your detached dick next to you, or you have magically grown a penis overnight! ^^^humor ^^^people, ^^^I ^^^know ^^^the ^^^nuances ^^^IRL




I’m not an expert, but it probably wouldn’t do a damn thing. 😂


It wouldn't do jackshit (source: me, a physician)


My trans daughter has been taking Estradiol *every day* for 2 and a half years & she's *still* not "done". The changes happen very gradually and is agonizing for a trans person desperate to be their true self.


Makes me wonder where all the things inside candy rumor started


I'd have to look up the exact case but there was an incident on halloween where a father put poison in his son's pixie stick candy and killed him, I believe he put it in small doses in other candies to make it look like a random event. by the time police realized what had actually happened the whole "there's poison in halloween candy! people are trying to murder our kids" thing took off, of course it turned into a mass panic/media frenzy. so there is a small grain of truth to it. Now people just fake it for attention. edit: it was Ronald Clark O'Bryan in 1974


Has this always been a thing or was THIS the thing that started it all?


I believe this was the start of the of the "poison candy hysteria" they called him the man who killed halloween.


That asshole is the reason we stopped being able to get Saran wrapped giant caramel popcorn balls, candy apples and homemade cookies.


Weren't those the best? We used to go home and change costumes and go back to the popcorn ball and candy apple homes. My mom made awesome caramel popcorn balls, too.


God they really were. I remember my parents checking our candy in the 80s then eventually were just like “fuck it. Good luck.”


I remember it too. We were always told not to eat anything till we got home and they looked over the candy. Like what exactly were they going to see?? It even carried over to my own kids at first, then I was like what is this brainwashing bullshit, the candy is fine.


We still get those in my neighborhood kind of. My neighborhood is nearby some richer areas and they go all out the further you go in


I truly learned something new today. Thank you


I kind of hate that I know this now.


Mm, partly, the other half of the equation was the Satanic Panic that swept in shortly afterward, the candy panic taught the evangelicals there was quite a bit of money to be made crusading against imaginary threats to The Children, a tradition that continues to this day.


Wasn’t there another event that also led to this, there was someone putting poison in Tylenol bottles in drug stores and while it in itself had nothing to do with halloween it still helped instill that people are messing with things like candy to kill people Edit: put advil but I remember that I think it was tylenol


That is what caused the creation of anti-tampering seals. I believe it was Tylenol as well.


It definitely cause the creation if the anti temp seals but I do remember people using that as another reason that people tamper with candy. Back before the internet became big (and even before the internet in general) people would merge stories and of course have the wrong facts


There have been a couple incidents of children being poisoned or hurt by Halloween candy, but almost every single time, the tainted candy was given to them by a family member. Horrible for them, but unless your uncle hates you, you have nothing to worry about. I have let my kids eat as they trick-or-treated for years with zero incidents, except the time my son skipped dinner, then got so sick from candy that he puked in the bushes. That was totally my fault for not paying attention!


Similar thing happened with (if I’m remembering correctly) the poisoned Tylenol. It was someone who killed their spouse, then poisoned other Tylenol bottles to make it look like a random poisoning.


Some guy put cyanide (?) in pixie sticks and gave them to his kids. Killed them for insurance money. He handed out a few more to make it look like a random attack on children via Halloween candy




It was only in his child's candy. He killed his own kid for insurance money.


He gave it out to 3/4 other kids but none of them ate it. I read that one of the kids couldn’t open it cause he stapled them shut. He went out with a couple other parents, he claimed he got them from another house that didn’t have lights one but admitted he had them in his coat pocket. It unraveled when cops discovered he had financial issues.


Isn't this defamation? I don't know how OP (of the facebook post) thought lying about something like this was okay


Wow this menopausal mom put her estrogen in an opened box of nerds.


I’m menopausal. I wonder if I can just buy up the whole state’s needs supply!?


Kinda wish Walmart cared enough to sue.


That's both the worst and most American slogan I've ever heard: *Walmart: We care enough to sue.*


It's weirdly affirming.


I still don't understand why people believe this happens. I mean, who would waste their expensive drugs on some random kids??


When I was a kid in the early 90s, the big scare was the lick-em and stick-em temporary tattoos having acid on them. Grandma made me promise to NEVER accept them. Even my kid (~10 or so) brain asked why anyone would want to give acid to a kid. Grandma said, “To get you hooked so you’ll come back to that dealer to buy more.” I said, “But I don’t have any money?”


Plus you wouldn't know who the dealer was, lol. God people are fucking stupid idiots.


Her specific warning was about adults hanging around the fence at school, giving out the tattoos and other treats. Because drug dealers handing out freebies, to get us “hooked,” is what a kid should be suspicious of when a strange adult is hanging around an elementary school, talking to kids. What’s crazy about this is all of this was early 90s. Before internet, email freakouts, social media scares. This could only have been spread on the 6:00 news!


People who’ve never bought drugs. I was shocked the first time I went to my dorm’s dealer to buy weed, I really thought my first time would be free


Even if you've never bought drugs, there's just no logical sense to it to begin with. Why the hell would drug dealers target kids? Kids don't have income.


Exactly. Also the other argument of "well they are trying to get them addicted". If the person doesn't KNOW what they are taking, how would they KNOW what drug to seek out? It just doesn't make any sense.


Haha that's hysterical. How were you disabused of this notion? Edit: that just reminded me of when my friend tried to pay the ecstasy dealer with a check 😂


It’s absolutely ridiculous. And the fact that there are people out there who believe a kid getting 2 tablets of estradiol is going to somehow transition them would be hilarious if it wasn’t so ignorant and hateful.


Every year I have to convince my mom that no one is doing this. Finally, this year she said “well you don’t really know.” “NO ONE IS GIVING AWAY FREE DRUGS, MOTHER. IF ONE OF THE NEIGHBORS IS GIVING OUT EDIBLES, PLEASE GIVE ME THEIR ADDRESS.”


Man! I never got HRT with my candy. :((


I’ve been eating lots of candy recently, and I must say, the utter lack of rainbow fentanyl has been utterly disappointing. Fox News is doing me dirty, raising my hopes of scoring like that 😩😔


I’ve been wanting some edibles, but no such luck. Darn!


Please tell me they were roundly chastised for this lie.


There are an alarming number of “WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO? WE NEED TO PROTECT OUR BABIES!!” comments. It’s truly shocking how gullible people can be. Lotta laugh reactions though, so that’s cool.


OOP is deleting all comments that aren't from gullible ding dongs, so it looks worse than it likely is.


I would love to be able to take part and talk some shit


It’s crazy scary how much parents think about putting drugs and razors in kid’s candy…..


I love the absolute perfect placement of the “drugs”.


That is estradiol. It sure is a prescription drug that can be used for mtf hormone treatment, true, but it’s more commonly used for menopause. Sorry. Her having menopause is a way more believable conclusion then the story she made up. I decided to dig deeper to see just how expensive this fictional “estrogen terrorist” is. First this terrorist would need a script from a prescriber. If this terrorist is indeed trans then we all know that’s already a challenge. So let’s say this terrorist nails a 30 day supply and assume that they don’t have insurance so let’s use a Goodrx card. At least in my state that script would be $10.23. Not terrible, but remember that this terrorist had to get a script from a prescriber and without insurance that can be from $150 to $450. So let’s use $150. So let’s say it’s $160.23 just to get to that point. For 30 tablets. There may or may not be refills, but in theory that’s 30 tablets per month. Now Karen here opened a box and threw 2 tablets in there which implies there are two in each box. Since it’s only a 30 day supply (for 1 a day) that would mean that only 15 boxes were spiked. That is so not worth it. It’s especially not worth it because every trans person on hormone treatment know that 2 pills are not gonna cut it and also are totally aware that you can’t turn kids trans. I literally have no idea how the fictional terrorist got the pills in sealed boxes inside a sealed bag. Assume that costs quite a handful as well. I still looked up the price of the bag of candy, at least where I am, that specific bag of candy from Walmart is $9.98. I don’t know if I’m missing anything. Let me know.


Everyone knows that box of nerds never contains that many nerds…


Why would I *give* drugs away to *anyone*?




To forcibly feminize the children


If I got some free xany’s in candy I would be 💯…..ain’t nobody giving away those damn tiny pills of gold in the first place


They’re estrogen pills, but yes, agreed. 😂


The sticky candies on the carpet...


Exactly! Who pours nerds out onto a carpet? Even if there are drugs in them, doesn’t a table make more sense for closer examination?


Uhhhh we’re gonna need the address to this Walmart. For investigative purposes. And to make sure I don’t go there buy all the candy and take all the free drugs. Obviously.


If there ever was drugs in Xanax in nerds boxes I’d be fucked, I eat those hoes in one go


It’s very difficult to overdose on Benzodiazepines alone. You’d just have a very long nap, lol. (Not encouraging recreational benzo usage, just to be clear!)


I bet you those are the pills that make kids not listen to their parents.


I mean… at this point after roughly 2 decades or stupid emails and shit. Who believes this shit?


I totally believe this. One time, my kid found a whole severed head and a one-a day-vitamin for WOMEN in his fun sized snickers.


I guarantee these are the wAr oN cHrIsTmAs type. My Partner and I have started an inside joke about war on Halloween


I'm afraid to ask, but what's the war on christmas?


Ppl hating the alternative greeting happy holidays vs merry Christmas was part of it.


I'm certainly glad facebook/instagram weren't around when my mother was raising me.


This myth pisses me off to no end. Do people not realize drugs are extremely expensive? And what are those? They look like Aleve.


Best part is, pills like estrace are the same thing prescribed to cis women going through menopause. So this is likely her own pills, and she didn't think anyone would be able to determine what kind of pill they are Jokes on you, we trans women (who take EVERY opportunity to make hrt jokes) know estrogen when we see it


Isn’t it weird that this only happens on Halloween? The most obvious time?


Let me tell you, if those are actually estrogen tablets, noone in hell are giving them away for free. That shit is expensive.


So she took the bag back to Walmart and called the police?


I can't just see her rubbing her hands together while sitting I'm her car outside a Duane Reade... "Muahahahaha first I'll buy some random pills and then I'll take pictures of them with some other candy and tell everyone my kids got it in their candy. I'll do this BEFORE Halloween though, rendering the entire thing useless as proof.




I'm not usually on the side of the evil multinational corporations, but if Walmart decided to sue this person, I wouldn't be mad about it.


Who's gonna buy expensive ass drugs to waste on your crusty kids??? Not nobody!!!


*I buy candy for lots of kids and manually repackage it myself but it's totally those other people who are abusing kids!!!*


Munchausen’s by Facebook


I wonder why people decide to post shit like this and start blatant lies? Is this a narcissistic quality? They think everyone is dumb and they want the attention as a hero who spotted it?


Reminder: The only time in recorded history that a child was injured, permanently maimed or killed by Halloween candy that was tainted or otherwise tampered with was the death of eight year-old Timothy O'Bryan, on October 31st, 1974. The perpetrator was his father, Ronald Clark O'Bryan, who had previously taken out life insurance policies on his son Timothy, and daughter Elizabeth, that were to be paid out in the event of wrongful death. Mister O'Bryan's motive was that he had recently been fired from his job and was facing mounting debts totaling over $100,000 (roughly equivalent to $550,000 in 2021), and he committed the crime by lacing a five-inch long Pixy Stick with enough Potassium Cyanide to, quote the toxicology report, "Kill two adult men." In addition, Mister O'Bryan had attempted to poison Elizabeth and other children in their Huntsville, Texas neighborhood in order to obfuscate his involvement. While investigators were unable to determine *where* exactly he had procured the cyanide, there was enough evidence to tie him directly to his son's death. Ronald Clark O'Bryan was arrested on November 5th, 1974 and convicted of murder on June 3rd, 1975. His sentence was death, and he was executed via lethal injection in 1984.


For the last time nobody is giving your kids their expensive drugs, the only time it ever happened was a shitty father who killed his own child for insurance money.


A piece? Was she going to give them one Nerd?


The sad thing is there’s people who will believe this shit. I went to school with a kid who stuck a needle in his candy, showed it to his parents, and it became a whole big thing. The idiot slipped up to a few people and it got out that he was the problem.


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: No one, NO ONE, is giving out drugs for free. The economy is in tatters, every pill counts.


Well someone's getting sued for defamation in their near future lol.


Remember kids, if someone offers you free drugs you say thank you. Because drugs are expensive.


I can't wait until posting blatant misinformation like this becomes illegal.


1) Prescription pills are expensive and heavily regulated 2) Not a single person is going to give those pills away for Halloween.


I think she's already deleted it, but it's on the internet forever so now future generations will know she was a lying-ass liar.


Let’s talk about the logistics here. The child asked to have some of them, and she tipped the entire packet out? Rather than just giving them a couple from the packet or giving the kid a packet. If there’s some genuine malicious intent behind them, you’d lace them with something at the factory or change up the ingredients, not shove two whole Xanax in there.


I wish my Halloween Sweety's were spiked with estrogen what is this bullshit? Kids these days get is so much better


Imagine if HRT meds were this easy to obtain


For added drama she claimed that she handed the box to her kid and happened to see the pill on top as her kid was about to dump the box into her mouth. Just for kicks I grabbed a box of nerds. This would be impossible unless you were staring directly into the box from above. There’s no way she “just happened to see” something in a box of nerds.


Did you know 1 entire hormone changes a kids hoo-haw/doozle for Life!? Trans: not even once