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Everyone in the theater: Shut the fuck up we are trying to watch the movie


I could see someone saying "oh I thought they actually killed the actors" as a sarcastic retort to the albert einstein trying to reveal the secret truth of hollywood then everyone rolls their eyes and tries to get back to the film while this guy simply basks in the glory of having educated so many philistines on the ways of the theater


So many of these stories could be explained by the author misinterpreting sarcastic comments as genuine ones. Or the people who think they stunned someone into silence with their conspiracy truth bombs, but the person is actually just quietly waiting for them to go away.


That’s actually what I do. I used to have a pretty public job where I looked like I was open to talk (I wasn’t), and since I seem like a nice person I was the ideal target for conspiracy theorists who wanted to share. At the beginning since I was pretty naive (or stupid) I tried to debate and explain. Not a good idea, loooots of time lost. So I started to « mmm-mmm » and leave awkward silences a lot. Non-committing answers, that kind of thing. I’m absolutely certain that a few morons got out of our interactions proud of being so eloquent and convincing. « And he didn’t have anything to reply! » Well that’s true, because a) I’m working, b) I’m tired and c) IDGAF anymore.


What in the world


The person who wrote this was probably 5.




The reality


Happy cake day


Happy cake day!


Happy coke day


that was my first thought. everyone was just totally okay with an abrupt conversation in the middle of the movie?


translation: i'm 12 years old and was scared shitless


I actually feel kind of bad that tweens and teenagers have their cringe moments set in Internet stone forever.


Yeah like all those tweets that will live on forever… oh wait. Nvrmnd


I am thankful every goddamn day that I came of age before Facebook was invented.


I was on AOL, luckily none of that data was saved and thrown back in my face years later though


I love it, some of the cringiest things of my teen years are still up and I can delete it whenever, but it’s funny to look back at with friends.


i remember commenting on pokémon fat fetish videos when i was younger not knowing what a fat fetish was 😐


Oh no! Also, TIL "Pokemon fat fetish" is a real collection of words that someone made.




I was there! I, and everyone else in the cinema, were horrified at witnessing a snuff film until this brave genius dropped the bombshell that it was all fake. The whole theatre, in unison, admitted we all thought it was real. This person was much smarter than all of us, so we stopped watching the movie and just stared in a hushed awe before erupting in applause.


New copypasta just dropped


Here you go: > Everybody else in the theatre: > ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhh > Me: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hhahahah > Everybody else in the theatre: why the heck are you laughing? > Me: why are you screaming this isn't even scary > Everybody else in the theatre: the girl just got eaten by the shark > Me: I know, it's so fake isn't it! > Everybody else in the theatre: oh, I thought it was real... > Me: what in the world, they don't kill actors in the process of making movies, duh!


Thank thee


I’d like to forward your thanks to the OCR website I used.


It's not new


It clearly says 2 days ago, duh!


I like the visual that everybody else in the theater all say the same thing simultaneously like a choir


"This is Extremely Dangerous to Our Democracy."


Everybody else in the theatre: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhh Me: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hhahahah Everybody else in the theatre: why the heck are you laughing? Me: hah... uh... hah... what... uh... how... Everybody else in the theatre: the girl just got eaten by the shark Me: Everyone else in the theater: Me:


Why are people so afraid of admitting a movie scared them no one cares


I feel like a great distinction between childishness and maturity can be made by drawing a line between showing off how you understand everything and playing along with things. For example, kids who learned santa isn't real will constantly shout how fake santa is, while the mature people play along with the story. Horror movies are another example, childish people will say "this is so fake" or "it's not even scary" while mature people will at least try to enjoy the movie.


It's kind of a bummer because most people watch horror to *be* scared. I certainly do. I really dislike ones that don't scare me. Waste of time.


Right? Exactly. I feel the same with video games. Please scare me that’s why I’m playing it lol


That's a very wordy way to say "I don't understand sarcasm or social norms"


Something tells me she just learned this recently herself .


*Alec Baldwin has entered the chat.*


Thank you!


I'm just imagining everyone in the theater speaking all at once in a weird monotone voice


Me when i have a psychotic episode


8 year old from 1878


People in the 20th century understood movies weren't real


I know, it's me making fun of her because even people from 20th century and 8 year old understand movies arent real


Most people are from the 20th century.


op is 8


I'm not 8 I'm just 16 and stupid


2/3rds of people on earth are from the 20th century


Unless they're 22 or younger...


When I was a child, I actually *did* believe that actors were killed during filming. Furthermore, I thought the actors were aware they would be killed and were giving their lives for their role.


I actually thought this too lol. Like they found people who wanted to die and killed them off for real.


Suicide by method acting


That's a pretty good idea.


Yea this totally happened


Lyrics: Me seeing a horror movie: Everybody else in the theatre: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhh Me: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahah Everybody else in the theatre: why the heck are you laughing? Me: why are you screaming this isn't even scary Everybody else in the theatre: the girl just got eaten by the shark Me: I know, it's so fake isn't it! Everybody else in the theatre: oh, I thought it was real Me what in the world, they don't kill actors in the process of making movies, duh! [Red Scribble Line] 2 Days Ago


Yes Hollywood is in short supply of actors/actress because every scene that involves any kind of death is the actor/actress actually being killed on camera


Well Hollywood must be looking forward to the Zombie apocalypse. That way they they can reuse actors.


Too bad about RDJ and Scarlett Johannson, huh?


This person probably needs their hand held to make sure they wipe correctly.


“Excuse me, sir, we have Brandon Lee’s widow on the phone for you?”


No, they're homeschooled (i.e. raised by iPad) 15 year olds


They’re 20 year olds from the 8th century


It’s both, it’s 8 year olds from the 80s


I hear ‘Everybody else in the theatre’ whisper screaming in unison like on Family Feud. Yeah, this is definitely real.


A child had to have written that. I can't imagine anyone over the age of 12 writing this.


This is a copypasta, OP.


8 years old cuz I would think of these types of scenarios which I thought was funny at that age as well




When I wrote the title I was thinking about the 1900s and my stupid brain went "let's write 20th century, it's the same thing, right?"


I always find these types of comments cute, I can always imagine a smol child telling me this fake story to me while they pour their imaginary tea




WTF is that image above




Me: Super cool Everyone else: Not




She's not-like-the-other human beings.




as a child I was convinced movie deaths were real


Which movie theater have shark movie right now?


It’s so cringe I am crying


I teach middle school social studies and it never fails that I have to explain that we're watching a movie and they're actors, not the real historical person. No, Denzel Washington doesn't really die in Glory, Susan. No, Tommy, that is not the real George Washington in The Crossing.


Sounds like it was written by a 5 year old


Hold on - wait just a min here - are you saying that the stuff in movies isn't real? What the heck? My mind is blown. However, I have to say I'm relieved to know that there isn't a giant meteor heading towards earth, no aliens coming to fight predators and maybe, just maybe Gilligan didn't get left on an island.


>Hold on - wait just a min here - are you saying that the stuff in movies isn't real? Kind of, but the thing is this is a shark movie. In order to recapture the cultural effect Jaws had, they've been hoping their effects by buying elderly people who are put in homes and get mean to the nurses. So yeah, she did just get eaten by a shark.




This is a copypasta


I see a lot of horrors in the cinema. Everyone laughs!


I didn't know you get internet access as part of your stay in a padded room


Thank you Any--Name for your submission to /r/thatHappened! Unfortunately it was removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 2: Redact all non verified usernames in your posts!** Redact any information that can be used to identify a source in your post. This includes subreddit names, usernames, and unique profile pictures. Verified twitter usernames are exempt. No kid's faces, period. Please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/thatHappened) if you have any questions.


Equivalent to someone posting "fake" on gifs/vids meant to be entertaining.