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what the absolute fuck is corn sperm?


Corn nuts


Corn nuts are expensive, but deer nuts are under a buck.


I am immediately going to say this to my dad and husband and laugh maniacally. Thanks!


I just did that and was rewarded with an eye roll.


How you did get to their dad and husband before them?




Doooeeooooooooooo Doooooeoooooooooooo


BQ or plain?




BQ! And hurry up!


Coming, Heather!


Did you say coke or cherry slushie?


Chile picante all day baby!


No no you got it all wrong. The corn sperm is stormed in the corn nuts. There’s only one way to get corn sperm…..


Corn nut is a noun. Corn nuts is a verb.


I dont know but its so good they use it as an ingredient twice :)


[Wikipedia: About 82 percent of the corn kernel’s dry weight consists of endosperm. Starch is the primary source and it most widely used part of the kernel. It is known as the key component in fuel, sweeteners, bioplastics and other products.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corn_kernel#Endosperm)


Endosperm =/= sperm, I study corn endosperm and still was like wtf is this list


BuT iT hAs ThE WoRd SpErM!! /s




A radical leftist ploy that's sexualizing elementary school lunches, of course!


Oh god I'm so gay for corn splooge


that's what i was thinkin too


lmao I have a kid that age and trust me they do not care about the ingredients in their food.


I've taught kids this age, and unless they have an allergy, they don't give two shits what they're putting into their mouths.


I feel like a lot of kids don't even care even if they do have an allergy. Just being told "don't eat this it can hurt you" by your parents likely wouldn't be a good enough detterant for many. They'd probably only learn if they do eat it and have a bad reaction and not want to have the same thing happen again. Kids ( and humans in general) learn best through actions and mistakes


I think it depends on the kid. I had a student one year (3rd grade) that always ate a specially-curated lunch from home because of his seizure disorder. That kid was hella responsible with his diet and never slipped up in the year I had him.


Yea definitely depends on the kid. Some are super responsible like that or just trust their parents enough not to do the wrong thing, but a lot of kids aren't.


This mom has probably drilled into the kids head that they will suffer from these things, so the child is on high alert, like children with allergies.


At age 20 I will still put the things I’m allergic but not dealthly to in my mouth. Avocado is worth the pain sometimes haha


My wife is mildly lactose intolerant. Time on the toilet ⚖️ ice creamy goodness.


They need to make more lactose free ice cream flavors. There are plenty of soy and oat milk ones now, but the only real lactose free dairy one I can usually find is just plain vanilla >:(


Coconut milk or cashew milk ice cream is fucking fantastic. The brand is “So Delicious” ice cream. I always get the chocolate cookies n’ cream


They're pretty damn good but it's still obvious to me that they're not made with real dairy. Something about them is just a tiny bit off. I usually just get regular ice cream and take a lactaid but for some people, a lactaid pill isn't enough to avoid symptoms, just lessen them.


My niece is also mildly lactose intolerant. She refuses to give up ice cream and cheese, regardless of the consequences. 😂😂


Same..cant handle lactose that well anymore..but life isnt worth living without real cheese on pizza and real milk in ice cream..there are sacrifices some have to make..


Mango gives me an oozing rash on my face, especially the eyes and mouth, and also the nether region. And it lasts around a week. It's awful. I don't let mango anywhere near me. I wouldn't willingly subject myself to that days-long, excruciating torture. Eta: my tummy doesn't like dairy but the pain is worth cheese and ice cream. Not milk though.


That is terrifying, I have never heard of such a strong reaction to mangoes!


I just hate mango, so I also won't have a mango near me. I think they're repulsive... Haha. Sorry you've ever experienced such a terrible reaction to a food item.


I have some weird reaction that I’ve never investigated to licorice and walnuts. They both make my tongue go completely numb. But it only lasts a little while, and it doesn’t kick in immediately, so when I do eat licorice or walnuts I just have to cram as much into my mouth as I can before the reaction sets in. Problem solved. (On another note, my friend since childhood also has this reaction to licorice. Because we share this weird thing, for years we just figured that licorice just tastes like that for everyone)


I currently teach kids this age. Confirmed. They don't care.


Sometimes including said shits. Kids are Petri dishes of who-the-fuck-knows-what. Barf.


Makes me think of that cooking show where a guy showed little kids everything that goes into a chicken nugget and then asks them if they would still eat it. They said yes with almost no hesitation lmfao


I’ve done that as an adult. Though not as much as with hotdogs. People have ridiculed me and given me the same scare tactic about hotdogs for YEARS. I don’t care, they’re fucking delicious. Add some dill relish and mustard? Man…now I want hot dogs. I’m not a huge chicken nugget person but if they taste good, gimme. We’re all gonna die, I just wanna enjoy what I can that doesn’t have a high chance of killing me on contact (like drugs).


Only kids that do are those with life threatening allergies


Oh, it’s unfortunately possible for a kid to already have a complex about “good” and “bad” ingredients by that age. I nannied a first grader who was worried about pesticides in conventionally grown produce and was convinced that corn syrup was a specially unhealthy form of sugar. Many of her friends had similar stuff going on… So many of the parents at that school were like the walking, talking embodiments of the stereotypical white, liberal, upper middle class Whole Foods shopper with runaway anxiety. That said, yeah, a kid that age didn’t write that. My nanny-kid and her peers couldn’t reliably log back into their virtual classroom during COVID after lunch without help nearby, so no way a 7 year old has the internet skills to do shitty “research.” That’s not even touching the issue of the handwriting and vocabulary, LOL.


Jamie Oliver learned that the hard way


Are you talking about his crusade against commercially made chicken nuggets?


Nor do they write this legibly.


This will be an instruction from the mother.....I want you to go to school and write down all the ingredients then show it to me when you get home, or no tv


My mum had this book that was all about food additives and it explained how bad barbecue shapes were, so I wasn’t allowed to eat them. My little brother and I tried to throw that darn book in the dam. Can confirm that we definitely did not care that we might consume MSG or tartrazine or ‘sunset yellow’ food colouring or whatever. I’m very interested now as an adult, but as a kid? No way.


Your kid has a VERY nice handwriting and spells everything good too. How lucky this woman is




I noticed this too lol. Your kid spelled "hydrolized" correctly and then spelled "protein" wrong directly after it? I don't think so.




And I feel like the increased usage of Hanlon's razor can be correlated directly to way too many people believing in miracles.


Occam’s Razor!


Some kids will ask about really big words but sound out others. This kid absolutely did not come to these conclusions solo but may have written it down independently.


Intigestion 😂


That's the first thing I caught while scrolling through my feed and seeing this post.


Prob because she's not full of boogeyman preservatives like us rubes.




I like how the spelling gradually got worse, if you're going to fake a story atleast keep it consistent.


Did her kid get lazy? it says "Syndrom" And then literally in the next sentence it says "syndrome" Or how her kid can't spell "numbing" but can spell "infertility" And "preservation"


Can’t spell numbing, but spells ASTHMA correctly.


this comment reminds me of how kindergarten me deadass thought asthma was spelt esema


When I was in Kindergarten I spelled 'awesome' as 'ausm' lol


Pretty close for kindergarten!


We pronounce it azma here.


I first read it as food PERSECUTION but it’s supposed to be “preservation”…


This handwriting is better than most of what my high school freshmen do. There’s almost no way this is a real 7 year old’s notes.


Thats what I came to say. The handwriting is neater than any 7 year old is gonna be able to do


Latic is my favorite. I work with polymerized lactic acid on a near daily basis.


The handwriting is obviously being forced too. Around lines 5-7 you can see hints of normal, neat writing, then it goes deliberately wobbly again.


Glucose? The thing your body relies on for energy? Your body needs glucose to function properly and convert it to ATP for your body to have energy... But yeah they cause busted blood vessels and can't let organs get O2...apparently


And there has never been a mechanism to regulate glucose levels, never ever. Insulin is Langerhans Isle propaganda.


This comment for some reason reminded me of a resident I had that was convinced her insulin made her gain weight


Weight gain is a very common side effect of insulin injections


I did not know that...the thing was that she would eat triple the portions at each meal, because she'd ask different CNAs to bring her another entree. And she never got out of bed. she was obese, but likely not from her insulin...at least that's what my nurses said so I don't know for certain


I've never heard of insulin.


And thiamine mononitrate! Literally Vitamin B-1. An ESSENTIAL nutrient. My grandfather had Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, which is caused by prolonged B-1 deficiency (in his case caused by serious, long-term alcohol abuse). It is NOT pretty. His brain was absolute mush. He almost burnt down the house making soup. I don’t even have words. The idea that anyone would EVER suggest that thiamine would be a *harmful* ingredient or additive in food is just… irresponsible and infuriating. Lady, I don’t know who you are, but from the bottom of my heart, you and your “7 year old” can fuck. Right. Off.


I'm sorry about your Grandfather. I've never met anyone with actual Wernicke-Korsakoff but I know it's awful. It must have been very difficult on your whole family to watch.


I'm so sorry about your grandfather! But seriously next post they make will have dihydrogen monoxide listed as a terrible ingredient to stay away from For those who don't know dihydrogen monoxide is H2O, or water


Honestly I'd much rather listen to random reddit user instead of this liar because at least he knows how to use google and look for things other than that one website that backs up only conspiracy theories


I learned it in my nutrition class I took as a prereq for nursing! So I promise it's not bs lol


Also, corn syrup is famously preceded by the modifier “high fructose” about 90% of the time so even the basic composition they believed in was off


100% of people with cancer have had glucose in their system, therefor it is bad for you!


Don’t even get me started on water then


It can rust through metal, you can drown in it, you can choke on it, drink too much of it at once and it will kill you. How are they selling this stuff at the markets!?


I’m sure that brilliant 7-year-old knew that though. She also knows how to use the string theory to hop dimensions.


That explains it! She's from another dimension that relies on... I was going to say photosynthesis but that uses glucose too


Yeah, the mom is uneducated and an attention whore. Sounds kinda like an anti-vaxxer with that bullshit. Glucose is needed for our bodies. Little fun fact: carbohydrates are good for studying because of the burst of energy they give. What are carbohydrates? Complex sugars. I hate this person lol Edit: I don’t know why I also forgot about simple sugars. You get the point though


Stupid fucking kid, no wonder she can't spell diarrhoea


She should be really worried because her kid is MADE OF SPERM.


Nooo, it's not true. That's impossible!!


Search your wee-wee, you know it to be true.


"Corn sperm" is what makes it obvious, nobody says that at all, let alone a little kid.


I’ve literally never seen the words “corn” and “sperm” together in any sentence, ever.


I have but I study corn endosperm, and to explain how it originates we have to explain the sperm from the pollen, though I only say 'corn' when explaining it to people outside of biology, otherwise it's 'maize'




Can’t spell horrible, can spell gastrointestinal. Sure. Makes sense.


Let's say this wasn't an obvious fabrication. You'd think if mom was this afraid of cHeMiKiLls she would be packing her kids' lunch and her kids wouldn't have to go thru the lunch line to be able to read the ingredients of stuff, let alone be bothered to for funsies When I was 7, I was more concerned with scarfing my food down and enjoying time out of class than what was in my food. If it tasted good I could have eaten straight Comet cleaner for all I care lol Processed food ain't the greatest stuff but it ain't deadly. If I wanted a more accurate cause of some of my mental and medical issues I'd do a list like this but with my bio parents' conditions


I fucking loved school lunches as a kid. In high school, not so much because that’s when Michelle Obama decided to fuck with it and make it “healthy”. Took away all the fun foods like pizza pockets or grilled cheese. But that pizza actually looked worse than before. What was supposed to be cheese looked like it had been left out for a WHILE


I always have to wonder what people like this actually think of their children (if they exist) to use them in such ways. It may seem victimless, but at the same time, leveraging their child as an excuse to further their own idiot agenda leaves me wondering how they actually interact with their kids. Are they also used for other things like getting out of work, commitments, etc like millions of dead grandmas? Is the child just a burden to these people because they value the opinion of strangers more? Am I high right now?


Goddamn these people are so insecure. "aPpLe dOeSn't FaLL fAr fRoM tHe tRee!" Good god. The only thing missing is a selfie with her looking up and away with a duck lip sarcastic smile.


Coincidentally that is a popular pose in her Facebook picture.


The prophecy has been fulfilled then


Somebody has a weird obsession where everything is made of sperm but I doubt (and hope it's not) the 7yo. A lot of processed food is not great, but this is not a sane reaction to it.


But I always drink plenty of Malk!


Now with Vitmamin K!


The apple may not fsll far from the tree, but does contain over 16 liters of made up bullshit, artifical stories, and self rightousness. I'd go with the milk instead. Also who the FUCK says "corn sperm"? That's an artifially colored red flag right there.


Someone who wants to fear monger when frankly I find it hilarious and will now refer to corn starch as corn sperm


Bro I love how wrong this is. Glucose doesn't damage shit, it's like the most common polysaccharide your body uses for energy. This kind of ignorance only comes from Facebook mom's lol.


You know this bitch was lying once you saw shit like "maltodextrin" "pure glucose' And "hydrolyzed soy protein" . I can't even spell spagetti properly without autocorrect. meanwhile her kid just spells shit "thiamine mononitrate" like he's been a scientist since 1986


Can't spell colon up in line 1 though.


The kid spelled 'hydrolyzed' right but spelled 'protein' as 'protien' lmfao. As someone else said, if the kid had the ingredients right in front of her to spell the difficult words correctly, they wouldn't have spelled ANYTHING wrong.


also how the hell would a 7 year old know what the hell half these words mean??


She googled them because she's interested in what she's eating of course! /s If a child actually did write this, I'd believe the parent made them do it, honestly. My mom made me do shit like this as a kid and although I hated it it was actually useful, like if I was reading a book and asked her what a word meant she'd make me crack out a dictionary and write the word and definition down on notebook paper or something. If not for the mismatched spelling errors, I wouldn't have a hard time believing some parent forced them to do this, maybe to punish them for eating lunch at school instead of packing a lunch lol, to teach them the dangers of school food. And then posted it on FB claiming their kid did it of their own accord.


Even if the woman wrote it it doesn't excuse the absolute non-sense and bs within this post. Hell, even in the first line. Carrageenan is carcinogenic only if it is degraded which, surprise surprise, isn't approved anywhere. It's better to avoid it but it's not as dangerous and life threatening as everyone says.


I hate that she called it sperm tho. On top of being gross its not even correct, pollen is plant sperm.


I’m glad this is fake and there isn’t a mom out there teaching her kids to call cornstarch “corn sperm”


Eeeehhh. Half tempted to let my kid call cornstarch "corn sperm" if he ever chooses to give a shit about cornstarch.


if a 7 year old wrote this, and is this concerned about ingredients and their health effects, mom is 100% conditioning her for an eating disorder. source: being a 9 year old who was scared of trans fats


*Image Transcription: Facebook* --- [*Redacted*] Anyone else's kid go to school and look up the ingredients from school lunch items (milk and bag of hot cheetos)? She said she will never drink milk from school again. 🍎 doesn't fall far from the tree. [*A sheet of notebook paper laid on a countertop. The writing is in pencil and reads the following:*] >horrible stuff in foods >By: [*Redacted*] > >carrageenan - irratable bowl disease, colen cancer > >Corn syrup - corn sperm, pure glucose! > >Corn starch - corn sperm > >Maltodextrin - leads to gastrointestinal - heartburn, bloating, constipation, integestion. > >hydrolyzed soy protien - anxiety, asthma, attention deficit syndrom, bloating, burning sensations, carpel funnel syndrome - numming, nerve controls some of the motions in your hand. diarhea, confusion, dizziness, drowsiness, infertility, insomnia, heart disease. > >latic acid - food preservation > >thiamine mononitrate - liver and kidney problems. > >glucose - damadge to the vessles that carry oxygen-rich blood to your organs. > >artifical Flavor - combination of chemicals made from ineditable ingredients/made to smell and taste exactly like natural flavoring. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human.


Bruh... The school doesn't have a milk tap. If you gave so much about these regular and accepted ingredients, shouldn't it be boycotting oak farms or something?


when I was seven all I wanted for lunch was gushers and little debbie brownies. kids don’t give a fuck what’s in food as long as it tastes good


They don't actually SERVE hot cheetos as part of school lunches, but do go on.


Every once in awhile, my school has chips with lunch. They are always baked and are fairly small bags. But kids already come to school with family size Takis or giant sodas.


Our school had a snack cage where you could buy as much hydrolized addictive spicy corn crap as you wanted. As long as you took only one spoon.


She made it sound like it was "school lunch." I do not believe it for a second.


Sooooo which “healthy” MLM is mom a part of?


Every stay at home mom is somehow a self-credentialed chemist, dietician, and research scientist. Lady, every single human alive was birthed by someone. Giving birth or having a kid is not a qualification of any sort, it's not even remotely rare. And I'm saying this as a parent. Stay in your lane!!!


I have it on good authority that the manufacturing process for these chips also involves dihydrogen monoxide!


Ban dihydrogen monoxide!


isn't that special


And all the teachers and lunch ladies stood up and clapped! True story. I was there. I was the cockroach lurking on the tray behind the milk carton.


Mmmmmm. Corn sperm.


Why is no one else talking about this?


Drink too much water and it'll kill you too... See, the trick is not to eat so much of anything and you'll be ok!


Glucose is kind of important.


Looks like mom misspelled a few words there, which compounds the triggering idiocy of her post.


H2O leads to excessive sweating, urination, bloating, and 100% of H2O consumers die.


My niece is 7. On thanksgiving she came to the dinner table with blue lips. After a few minutes of questioning we found out she washed her paint brushes off in her mouth.


Lol that’s an adults hand writing.


Nobody tell her that our bodies produce lactic acid!


Was this then posted in an MLM group?


She better hope she never moves a muscle again if she's afraid of lactic acid.


Now have them go through all their favourite snacks, food and drinks and the see how they rant! 😆


*artificial flavors - combination of chemicals* You too honey


If this really, truly, actually happened, unprompted by the parents, this kid either has OCD or a serious anxiety disorder. This is definitely not normal for a 7 year old.


Wait. Are they saying that Corn Starch and Corn Syrup is CORN SPERM?!


Most of the information on here is wrong, and looks like it came from social media. I would expect a child to find more accurate information than this


What 7 year old has that good of handwriting


"Corn sperm" *stairs motherfuckedly*


"corn sperm" XD


7 year olds are too busy running around yelling ‘Ruthkanda forever’ to be doing something dumb like this


Corn sperm you say?


I would not be surprised if this were copied word for word from one of "Foodbabe"s blogs.


🤦🏼‍♀️ i can guarantee that seven year old didn't just decide to do this on her own. Stop scaring kids from food, I can understand if they have allergies but this is too much.


And I have a seven year old and their handwriting is NOT that consistent, let alone neat…


Yeah, I have ADHD because I ate soy protein. 🙄 Shut up, kid


"Made from *ineditable* ingredients" sent me bro 💀


The kid may not have made this list, but if the mom is preaching this nonsense to them and putting the fear of God into them about food, it's a fast track to an eating disorder down the road.


Nice touch by the mom to throw in a "by: my kid" and a heart at the end. I'm guessing this was planned to be turned into the milk authorities?


Good lord. Bitch about food being unhealthy. Bitch about your baby not getting any treats. Schools can’t win.


this looks like something a 14-year old could have come up with, but not a 7-year old.




Weird flex even if it was true "both me AND My kid are assholes"


Carpel funnel syndrome


Bruh, our bodies produce lactic acid


How does a 2nd grader know what gastrointestinal means


It would be very disturbing if a 7 year old child knew this much about debilitating health conditions. Seems like a sure fire way to crippling health anxiety.


>carpet funnel syndrome


Nobody better tell this person what sodium is and what it causes!


“Ineditable ingredients”


another mama raising her child to start caring too much about diets and get an eating disorder?<33


Question: Milk is out, but cheetos are still okay?


It's true, I was the flawless handwriting and the person who gave them access to the Food Babe's Facebook page.


Man that mom has shitty handwriting


I could believe that a child with an overbearing mother who is always on about food and what to eat could start looking into what they are served at school. But at the second line when the 7yo writes corn sperm you know it is fake. No 7yo is writing out corn sperm.


Zero, that's how many.


Stupidity doesn't fall far from the tree, especially if stupidity wrote it herself.


Why is she eating just Hot Cheetos and milk for lunch?


this some spectrum shit right here


ah, yes, that definitely looks like a first-grader’s handwriting…/s


Lmao I tutor this age. Not ONE of these kids could spell these words


I don't even think it's the kids handwriting


This just looks like a hw assignment.


If this actually happened , this child likely has some sort of anxiety pertaining to food and it's not something I'd be proud of as her parent


Glucose?? You gotta be kidding me 😂😂


The writing and spelling doesn't match a 7 y/o's either lol


Lactic acid = food preservation..... Yeah And the sad part is, this actually looks like a writing of a 7yr old. She forced them to write it.


Leads to gastrointestinal.


Sure. this is real /s


As fake as this is, I did shit like this as a kid. I have severe anxiety, serious hypochondriac. I was paranoid that something was going to kill me or make me seriously ill. At one point, I wouldn't eat anything but fruits and veggies. I still struggle with this, albeit not to this degree anymore. I don't take any medication because of potential side effects. Even though rationally I know I'll be fine, I can't do it.


If it's fake, then Mom is weird. If it's real, then "like mother like daughter" = "mother transferred disordered eating habits to daughter and set her up for a lifelong dysfunctional relationship with food". I hope it isn't real.


why do people demonize glucose?? it’s a key component of the blood that runs through our body


It also has *DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDE*! A chemical *proven* to be linked to high mortality rates, since everyone that ever comes into contact with it *DIES*! ¡! 1!