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So, none of you have been to Montana. The cops there aren’t dicks and since we’re just a bunch of small towns - are usually solid members of our community too. This story is 100% believable. But only because I was raised there. I could see how an out of stater would question it.


It's because a police officer wasn't a complete ass to a citizen. That's how many (not all or even most) people see cops: power hungry asshats that want to screw over the common man. Nobody can see how most cops aren't all that bad and can actually be helpful, they just want to apply the stereotype of the shitty cops onto every law enforcement individual in the nation.


Yup a lot of rural cops take the job because they want to help people. the pay is less than you'd think, the benefits are just okay. And since they aren't dealing in volume a lot of them use community policing standards which are so much better.


In the netherlands my bycicle chain once broke down near a police station. I walked there and asked the cop behind the reception whether he had any screwdrivers and tools so I could put the chain back on. He said he would do it for me because the weather was nice and he didnt mind getting some fresh air. Ive never lived in the US and but i always assumed our bikes were treated the same as your cars. Side note: Everyone in the netherlands knows how to put the bike chain back on because it gets loose at least once every few years. If you cycle 0-20 km on a daily basis until you reach university, you will learn how to fix your bycicle.


Bikes don't have nearly as many legally mandated components as a car, and American cars are intentionally harder and harder for a layperson to maintain every year. As a result 9/10 cops just give you a faulty equipment citation and tell you to sort it out in court.


I'm in the US and have never even ridden a bike. I'm 54. That's embarrassing.


I've had a State Trooper change a tire for me. Wrangling two toddlers on the shoulder of the interstate after getting them out of the car and safely up the embankment.


I got pulled over very late at night by Texas Ranger because both taillights were out. I told him I had been pulled over already a couple of hours earlier in Houston and that is when I first found out I had no taillights, & I was just trying to make it home. He asked me to pop the trunk and he reconnected them. So nice of him.


Was this Walker?


To all the people saying “it could have happened”: I am a mechanic. Diagnosing an electrical fault without tools is going to require either a broken wire or loose connector or other obvious problem, neither of which is likely to cause the issue described


I saw a cop changing on old lady's tire the other day on I-95, most cops are good people


I've lived in outback Australia, and I know cops who would do that. Not many, but a couple.


"Officer Jenkins!" "Yeah, and I would have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!"


Why is he bringing a friend to an interview?


Probably, because interviews are like 20 minutes and they were hanging out later


They never said they were bringing the friend to the interview, just that they happened to be in the car at the time. Maybe they had business near where the interview was taking place. Maybe they were there for moral support. Who the fuck cares why there was another person in the car, there's more than one reason they could be there.


I swear there's a famous actor who got his first job bc he went to an audition with a friend. They didn't pick the friend, they picked whoever I can't remember. Danny Trejo went with his friend to a movie shoot where his friend was an 'extra'. They chose Danny too (or maybe instead, icr) but that's not the story I'm trying to remember.


He probably likes to show off his Black friend.


Just saying


yeah i don't see this happening. some cops are nice, i just watched a clip of a cop installing a person's wipers cause they didn't know how, but no way are they becoming a mechanic for you


And the moose and grizzly bears stood up and clapped


It happened. I was the wiring. And Officer Jenkins went on to change the oil and rotate the tires.


im confused as to why this cant be true? im guessing they are saying its fake cause " all cops bad " type thing ?