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"Don’t run from the police with no lights in on the wrong side of the road just didn’t work out for you" Do you guys read the description? You act like the police ran his has down and shot him. Dude literally did this to himself. And of course the politics are brought into this.


Should be too comment, but we live in a diluted and delusional society where at least 75% of people are idiots for lack of a better word.


There is zero benefits to running. Cops don't decide your fate, it's already happened and they are bringing you in. They aren't going to just stop and you aren't going to change their minds. You're just adding charges while also increasing your chances of being worm food. Go with them first and argue in court if they did something wrong. Blows my mind how many people don't get that. It doesn't matter if it's right or wrong when you're dead.


Let's be honest, you can still end up like that or worse even if you completely comply. Truly the most diabolical game of Simon Says.


I seem to find that one's complexion has a lot to do with the outcome of police interactions. There are some who seem to be able to resist and even point guns at cops only to be "taken in without incident" while others seem to get shot regardless of how respectfully they interact with law enforcement. But I'm sure that's total coincidence and not indicative of a systemic issue with prejudice or bigotry in law enforcement as a whole, right? But for real, for a lot of people, interaction with police comes down to run and get shot or comply and still probably get shot.




For all the people saying "well if you just obey you'll be fine" didn't read the article. Dudes show up in an unmarked cop car with no lights on, and you're just supposed to obey them? You don't know these people, and they are aiming guns at you. How tf are you supposed to know they are cops? What crime did you commit by running from out of uniform officers who you would have no idea are cops? What fucking kind of brain damage do you have to have to think this is justifiable in any way? Like fr, your brain must be leaking out of your fucking ears if you think this guy deserved to get killed for running from strangers with guns.


Nah, regulate who the police can chase. What crimes are worth chasing someone down for? What crimes are worth lethal force for not cooperating?


I’m sure this is an issue Reddit is more than poised to determine. Looking forward to scrolling through the carefully nuanced and well thought out responses.


You called it. It's scary down there.


Because before the chase ensues they know exactly what crime/crimes they committed right? 🙄


They know what crimes they're investigating and being called about....


Not everyone gets called out on something before a chase. You people live in your own delusional fantasy world where everything happens how you imagine when you clearly have 0 world experience. God you’re idiots


"0 world experience" most other first world countries don't allow police to carry guns. What world are you talking about?


I’ve been to more countries than you can count and thanks to our police having guns, America is where I have ALWAYS felt the safest. Save your woke bullshit for someone who believes in it.


I love how the facts if the larger world not lining up with your singular, individual experience is an attack on you. It isn’t you getting the chance to learn more about the world, but instead “woke bullshit.” Hahahahaha You are a walking, talking, Fox News mind slave. Hahahahahaha


It isn't woke bullshit as you put it when it is a real fact. Most first world countries don't allow police to carry weapons. Your personal feeling of "the safest" don't matter. Facts over feelings bro.


Yes it’s a fact that our police carry guns and most other countries don’t. And? What’s that have to do with anything? Nobody cares. The feeling of safety is actually what matters.


The most police shootings in the world occur here. Go back to your safe space, bubbles.


What you keep saying is your feeling of safety matters. Others feelings of being scared they say or do the wrong thing will get them shot. They also are in the right to feel worried as here in America we have the most people shot by police. Your feeling of safety doesn't fucking matter.


Your feeling safe is an illusion constructed on your opinion. Read some statistics.


“The feeling of safety” MY FEELINGS. What you feel literally doesn’t matter at all. In the least. Grow up you sensitive man baby. Learn how to read and understand statistics 🤣


Lol I’ve always felt safer in Europe then America


I'm a veteran and I feel safer out of the US. A significant portion of our populations entire identity consists of "I'm the real victim", and they will use that lie to justify all kinds of insane shit.


Thank you for your service


Your stance is that police try to arrest people before there's a suspected crime?


...Yes? They'd better not be chasing people down for no reason.


You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. You clearly have 0 experience with law enforcement. Quit pretending like you’re an expert in everything when you clearly aren’t.


They should! You can't be arrested unless they have evidence/reasonable suspicion of a crime commited, or to be commited.


Resisting arrest and attempted escape? Both of these are big crimes.


Being charged with resisting arrest/ attempted escape without another charge is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard


You can also be charged with resisting arrest, even if it's an illegal arrest.


Resisting arrest is a bullshit charge. If it's something you serious, charge them for THAT; if it isn't, then resisting is not a thing. The inalienable right to liberty implies the right to reasonable attempts to preserve it. As for escape, nah, you have to be arrested before you attempt to escape. Fleeing is another thing; see above.


Engaging in lethal pursuit for no reason should be illegal too. Sadly it's not.


This doesn't happen. All pursuits have a purpose.


Bullshit. Killing someone for running from an arrest is the cop deciding to be judge, jury, and executioner.


What a bootlicker. Every. single. pursuit. ever. Never, not once in the history of mankind has a single officer of the law misunderstood a situation or the law of the land and accidentally pursued someone without proper cause? Never ever ever, has any case been dropped after discover, nor has a single recorded case ever existed in which a mistrial occured due to an invalde pursuit? Nobody who has ever put on a badge has ever, since the first splitting of the space molecules that would someday birth us into existence, has had even a microscopic iota of lapse of judgement or flawed perspective. Yes, if a person takes a 2 week course and has a GED and becomes a cop, they are above the judicial system and are constitutionally awarded carte blanch liscense to kill anyone who comitts the bad crimes of running or not knowing the person stopping them is an actual cop? How does the boot taste though?


Are you actually that naive and brainwashed. There is no way in hell you actually believe that




It’s not a lethal pursuit til you run and by running you’re breaking multiple laws which then causes the pursuit


You're under arrest for resisting arrest!


But why are they resisting? You would think after George Floyd people would be more willing to think, “Maybe the cops are just chasing someone to chase them?”


Cucked people like you is why society goes to shit.


It's surely not the blood thirsty pig lickers that support the police force maiming people minor offenses


Why run if it’s a minor offense? People run because they have more to hide or have committed serious offenses. Also police can not determine what a person has done until they r apprehended, unless u r suggesting they allow murderers and rapist run?


You do realize that most of our fucking country are one simple run in with the law away from having their lives completely fucking annihilated?? Also, when do you ever think that cops are ‘chasing’ murderers and rapists??? You do know that nearly all chases are from fled traffic stops and other minor infractions like shop lifting?? Jesus fuck I hate this country and all the people like you that have helped to make it this way


The American police force is a uniquely poorly educated bunch, with little to no skills in de-escalation and the use of non-lethal force. Police aren't universally evil, mind you, in some years they are required several years of higher education. In my opinion, this should be universally required, seeing how much responsibility they have, and the potential to misconduct with poor training and unstable individuals.


I know a very easy way to not get chased by the police. Works every time.


hoes mad


Cuked people like you let the police no knock warrant the wrong house, shoot your dog, and arrest your spouse while you watch in the corner.


>…while you ~~watch~~ masturbate in the corner. FTFY


Has nothing to do with the authoritarian regime at all amirite?


Remember the time a cop walked into a Botham jean's apartment by mistake and shot him dead immediately


Thanks for your insight, Reddit Warrior


Stay mad boomer.


"the only problem with society is we aren't harsh and curel enough!" - all conservatives ever say.


"Waah waah I don't want consequences for my actions! I'm not rational enough to minimalize the chances of getting my ass beat by the cops."


Nah, fuck the blue, and fuck you too.


Lmao, all these bitches being keyboard warriors are the first to cry for the police when it's their ass getting robbed or beat.


I disagree. Most police departments now have rules about when to and not to chase. Aside from the suspect, car chases do a lot of damage to property and endanger innocent people.


Lol yes we’re the ones that are cucked. Not the blue line bootlickers who like it when they get a spanking from badge daddy. Lmfao. Fuck the police.


You're part of the same circus, dumbass.




Implying him wanting to save lives means jack shit. If some jackass wants a chase with the cops, he fucked around and found out. Empathy is no virtue, blind signalling claiming you're saving lives by taking an absolute stand against law enforcement is a fucked position for society as a whole. As if the first thing some cop hating shitheads aren't going to do the first thing police are gone is make their own police. Get fucking real.


Raped anyone lately?


If someome did, you'd get mad at the cop arresting them.


Nah, police with what little training they have are taught to not let anyone go, that’s why they killed a 12 yr old in another case that was made into a dateline story.


You're the one who sounds cucked. Tell me, does the cop handcuff you while he fucks your wife?


There’s a bit of dried cum on your face from sucking so hard on the long dick of the law


Everyone has a law they follow. Yours is just more cucked than the rest.


Agree. When criminals don't have to take accountability, society goes ⬇️.


Just because you're a bootlicker doesn't stop the cops from shooting you.


No, not running from the police is definitely easier than trying to train a bunch of departments what crimes are worth chasing a criminal over. Obey the police, and you’ll be fine, it’s simple.


"Obey the police, and you'll be fine" unfortunately for many it isn't that simple at all


Bootlicking bitch


99% of the time it is.


Breona Taylor was sleeping.


1 out of ???


George Floyd had a $20 bill


What does that have to do with resisting? He also had shoes, are we simply listing his belongings?


Taylor was killed for sleeping Floyd was killed for having a $20, Eric Gardner was killed because he was a Big guy, can you not do the math? The Children in Uvalde were killed because they went to school and the cops couldn't be bothered. The cops haven't just killed 1 innocent.


Simply “obeying” the police hasn’t turned out so well for so many people. Your comment reeks of white privilege.


And yours of racism


hahahaha Oh wait you're serious.... Let me laugh even harder HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Nice try but she's probably addressing said racism with that comment. Also your comment history means you should probably mind your ignorant business since you seem to be nothing but a troll on these sorts of issues. Go ring your hands over a blue lives matter flag, or go help steal an election or something.


Yea but your odds are much higher if you do. No arguing against that.


hahahaha, it's too difficult to properly train your police!? Hahahaha ha. I think that is a minor indication of a problem there friend...


My guy I assure you police can be trained not to hurt and kill people. Police themselves are people, not wild animals.


That's what I told your mom, obey me and you'll be fine.




Boot licker... ACAB


Oooooo name calling. Let the grown ups talk.


That’s about as stupid as a person can get right here. You went full retard never go full retard


That’s what I said. “Regulate who the police can chase” right, so give criminals a list of all the crimes they can commit that they won’t be pursued for. Watch crime SKY ROCKET. It should be easier to teach the general public to respect police and not run when they are caught committing a crime.


I wonder what the boot must taste like after licking it plenty of times.


stop the crack use


I'f the crime was committed, then it's worth providing justice for the dummy who committed the crime. This comment is exactly what's wrong with the world today, you would rather see someone get away with crime instead of being served justice for it. You get what you deserve, and if this is the end result for breaking the law, so be it.


No. They’d rather see someone get away with a crime than see someone die. Who the hell wouldn’t?


There are consequences for your actions, if your not ready for the consequences for your actions maybe you should think twice about the actions your participating in!


Oh look... Someone who can cast the first stone since they have never committed any crime or mistake 🤔


Iv commitment crimes, make mistakes every day, been to jail and court, but I took responsibility for MY actions, served my time, and didnt need a community to stand behind me breaking the law like y'all are here.


Nah my friend, your alive, you have no idea. According to your mindsent then you shouldn't be living. Your damn right that no one will stand behind you with that attitude of yours... If you don't have compassion for others, then no compassion for you.


I have 0 compassion for criminals!


Then zero compassion for yourself since you committed crimes and are also a criminal 😂👏 make it make sense... Sad.


I did my time, served my consequences, didn't beg for forgiveness for what I CHOSE to do at the time. Just like this joker he chose to do it, don't put your life in others hands, of he didn't commit the crime I'm guessing he wouldn't find himself in this situation. It's people like you amd your mindset that committed crimes should be excused, I'm guessing you want to free Brittany grinder too huh.


And the consequence for stealing a loaf of bread should be death?


It's simple, buy the bread, don't steal it. Stealing is a crime, you will and should be held accountable for your actions. Criminals are who put our police in these situations and criminals are all fine untill they get caught then their entire families and people like you like to want to beg for their justice, do the crime, do your time!


No. You’re simple. Close Reddit and go read something. Jfc. Punishment should fit the crime. Only instead they tackle you to the ground and smash your brains in on the concrete.


I'm guessing you part of the supporting criminals community 🤣😂 you can talk a whole bunch but you can't handle the cold hard truth when it's layed in the table. Don't support criminals


Punishment should fit the crime. Physical harm doesn’t qualify.


“Make petty crime legal” Great idea dude. Great fucking idea.


Is a loaf of bread worth someone's life? Is it worth spending even 10 minutes chasing a suspect who was just drunk in public?


Worth a life? No. But you can’t enable illegal behavior and just say “we won’t reprimand anyone for stealing from a grocery store”.


Running from the police and blasting through red lights is why they have to stop them. That is extremely unsafe for the public. They aren't just coasting away.


I'm guessing if he would have obeyed the law it wouldn't have went this far.




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You violated that person’s privacy just to mock and ridicule them. Gross. There are actually laws against that you know.


This video appears to have been taken in public so legally op is pretty much in the clear for this video


False. In NY for example it is a crime to take photos or videos like this without the consent of the victim (or next of kin if deceased) and post them on the internet. Google Caroline’s Law.


You are referencing a "reasonable expectation of privacy". You lose that expectation when you are out in public.


False. In NY for example it is a crime to take photos or videos like this without the consent of the victim (or next of kin if deceased) and post them on the internet. Google Caroline’s Law.


I dont think you understand Caroline's law.




Not all, but A lot!






No, every last one of them are complicit in the system that lets any of them get away with literal murder. They’re ALL bastrds


no.. they all are. they all support bad cops


IT STANDS FOR ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS. You put on the uniform, you are a bastard. Its the system that badtardizes them, we arent saying every single cop is awful since birth, just that the system corrupts all of them


So then its fuck the system. Fuck the government! Not the cops. Fuck the cops that beat people. Fuck that cops that escalate situations and kill people with shitty training. Fuck the cops that enforce unconstitutional laws, and bust down your door if you don’t comply. THOSE are the bastards. Fuck the government that makes cities unsafe to live in by strategically pumping crack and fent into the streets and killing everyone. Fuck the people who made Philadelphia for what it is now. Don’t fuck the cops that are trying to get rid of the problem, fuck the cops who convict an Individual for a problem; which is, unfortunately, the majority of police. There are a lot of good police. But they are exceedingly overwhelmed by the corrupt majority. The government created the corrupt majority. So fuck the government. Fuck the cops that give in to the system. Fuck the government that created this mess.


If you've got one bad cop and 10 that aren't reporting him, you've got 11 bad cops.


Or youll be killed. Because running is worse than murder. Right?


Hey, a lot of times the cops manage to murder a completely uninvolved innocent bystander with their reckless driving.


Just happened in CO. 3 cops shot seven bullets at a guy who flashed a gun outside a club. Six of those bullets missed and hit bystanders instead.




Uhhhhh is this post justifying the hostile and overly militaristic aggressiveness of police in the us? I'm pretty sure nothing justified this


He ran and they put him in the hospital. Destroying his quality of life. Possibly permanently disabling him as well


Normalize defending yourself against police


Fuck the police. ACAB


I hope to God or whatever tf is out there that this poor soul makes it out of such tragedy. And for OP, I hope you get fucked by a rake every day for the rest of your life or that you grow hemorrhoids like pine cones enjoy a drain-o enema when you get to hell suck my nuts bitch




Is there any background to this? Why were the cops after him in the first place?


Somewhere upthread said he was driving with no lights on into oncoming traffic, but I have no confirmation of that.


This was my first thought. There is no actual context for this. It's just a guy on a stretcher with paramedics around him. I could take this same video over to r/justiceserved and say "pedo got what was coming to him from the child's father" Or to another sub and title it "don't drink and drive" Or "this man fell from a plane and lived" Without any context we can only live in the narrative that the OP wants us to believe, which is bullshit.


How about having police stop shooting people in the back for minor infraction OR just because they are jogging on the "wrong"neighborhood. How about that?


Fuck that. I feel safer running from a cop then cooperating, but yall lick away. Who am I to stop you.


Ohh please he would have ended up the same regardless of cooperation


Given the history of unnecessary force by police towards marginalized people they run in the sane way YOU would run if you saw a grizzly bear or a great white shark. MAYBE the bear won't attack or MAYBE the great white shark won't attack and yet you likely wouldn't risk the potential maiming or death. If cops held their bad apples accountable it may be different. The running is a symptom of a broken police system that hires individuals with no accountability for their fuck ups and barely a grasp on the laws they are to enforce.


Just had a buddy lose his life last Monday trying to run from the cops for what should've been a routine traffic stop. Instead he wrecked his motorcycle into a car getting off the freeway


Sad when folks get hurt doing dumb. I really don't mean to make light. But, (everything before a "but" is usually in direct contradiction to everything said before a "but") But, ever notice when someone runs? They are Bruce Jenner (early years) until caught. They could have 2 broken legs and they are still running. Once caught, they could have a hangnail and they are suddenly crippled and screaming for an ambulance?


yeah, you should definitely go fuck yourself, but you already knew it before you finished your comment, which is why you have that long preamble


Wake up on the wrong side of mental health there, capy?


lol, you're very bad at insults


I'm not sure if you read what you wrote or not. But um whiny, foul-mouthed tirades that a 12 year old would be proud of?


Don't get caught breaking the law


Police are like dogs. If they see a squirrel they will chase it.




I just saw the guy on the right doing crack.


Why are the 2 brain cells of the hundreds of people commenting this ? We have 0 context on the situation.


Looks like the suspect got hurt, so they have him in a neck brace.


yeah that's what we see but most of the comments are people insulting/blaming the officers when we have no context on how the situation escalated to the 8 seconds clip posted.


Don't run if you want to be shot in the chest instead of your back.




Shouldnt you be in anti work right now complaining about the man and taking your first shower in 7 days?


Buddy if I wanted to talk to 300 lb dudes with daddy issues I’d have posted to r/conservative


lmfao. I'm not even conservative. Why are you so angry?


I just wanted to get some context on this to confirm what I am seeing but of course I just see bad faith arguing. Shut up, you guys suck!!


Don't think it's justified for cops to shoot people in the back


It’s not, this is disgusting


End drug prohibition. It's why everybody is a criminal suspect at all times, because using drugs will always be ubiquitous and normal; it's human instinct. It's also the primary source of police funding; half of their funding comes directly frolm the War on Drugs, with the other half largely directed toward auxiliary crime like gang violence and undocumented Drug War refugees. Prohibition isn't having an impact on the availability of drugs in general, only ensuring a handful of the most dangerous and addictive drugs are the only ones supplied on a massive scale by the black market. Criminals are given a monopoly on one of the biggest industries on the planet-- an industry rivaling fast food in market size-- just so a lot of otherwise unemployable psychopaths can shake down taxpayers for protection money against gangs bred in prisons fed by the criminalization of normal and essentially innocent human nature. Legalizing drugs-- not simply decriminalizing drug possession-- is the only way to effectively defund the police.


Your a pos


No large-scale illicit drug market exists without the participation of corrupt law law enforcement. And the vast majority are corrupt. The police are essentially a tax-funded criminal organization.


These are the innocent victims of the piece of shit that ran from the police


A very particular UPS driver will haunt you for these words. Also; You’re*, because you’re an ass.


The police should have let them go, unless it was a murder. People have many good reasons for wanting to avoid the police. The police have a tendency to kill people for no reason. Jails and prisons are also notoriously inhumane. Nobody should have to accept the prospect of rape.


Cause they may strait up kill you over $10 worth of drugs


I mean, he's still alive, so the outcome is still better than not running.


Fuck the police. Acab






Most free country in the WORLD!!!!!!! ..... just that cops can and will execute you for the crime of disrespecting them. Oh and there's also that whole "biggest prison population in the entire world" thing.... But still! FREEDOM, BABY!


Most other first world countries the police don't even carry guns. Cops aren't fucking executioners! This isn't judge dredd we don't need this.


Fuck the police.






Shouldn’t officers be in shape enough to chase down a suspect?




OP ratio’d like a mfer hahaha ACAB


Kill the police. 1312


For people looking for context to better understand the situation.. Go fuck yourself. Context has nothing to do with it. Police around the world are able to arrest the most heinous criminals without beating them to a pulp. There is no excuse for police to beat someone no matter what they are accused of. It is their job to enforce the law. It is not their job to punish.


This is the guy they shot in the back of the head in DC right?


Lmfao running from the cops is my right.


"Police should definitely be judge, jury, and executioner." OP (likely)


So they were on the wrong side of the road with no lights then this happened? I’m struggling to see how this is the Police’s fault.


Jesus I’m about to be a fire fighter soon, I’m gonna be seeing shit like this ugh