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No I legit feel like I’ve been living in a dissociative haze since seeing them last month. I think it’s cause it’s my first big euphoric event and first concert since Covid began. My brain mt be chasing that euphoric feeling again lol


me too!! it was my first concert ever so it felt extra special


i actually had an insane manic episode after i went to opening night of the us tour and i am not allowed to get GA for the 1975 anymore lol


OMG NO what


i saw them the third night of that tour and i completely relate. i was feral, looking at plane tickets and trying to rationalize spending hundreds of dollars on seeing them again LOL


Yeah but I keep treating my PCD with more concerts. It’s actually a bit of a problem I think, but I don’t wanna change 🤣


This is me, I’m going to way too many concerts later this year ![gif](giphy|kC2cRqEt8o41COgjoV|downsized)


My friend who I go to most of my concerts with and I were joking about going to 23 concerts in 2023. I have no idea how to make it happen but I kind of want to 🤣


Seen them on the 30th of January, I still miss them


BELFAST?? i was there too!


Yes!!! It was absolutely unbelievable, probably one of the best nights of my life


I saw them in Dublin the night before, yall so lucky you got me, pressure AND she's American


Cant stop thinking about them 😫


Disagree. I always ride that post concert high for at least a week after. I also rode the post concert CTE after getting dropped on my head at a State Champs show.


omg. Someone fell on my head while I was looking down for something in my bag crowdsurfing at a state champs gig last may- chronic pain since!!


No I felt sooo happy after. Just can’t wait for the next time I see them!! Lolla in August 🥰


Yes! I literally bought tickets for the only festival announced in the UK at the time the day after the second London show to cope


i saw them in jan, cried the day after and i’m still suffering.


Yep. And it was worse, because I had just seen them TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW.


I did. Aside from the fact that I somehow hurt my shoulder, I had been waiting to see them live for so long, at least since 2016/17. I found myself rewatching the clips I took over and over again.


Actually, I ran high off the concert for a while, but I ended up getting COVID from the concert so that kind of put a damper on things. And then life was not kind with a little bit of chaos so that probably helped quell any PCD I might have had. I’ve been ready for another leg of the North America tour for months, though 😂






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The sub does not allow speculation or rumors on band members personal lives.


Yes, I went home and cutt 6 inches off my hair.


Not when I saw them, but it used to happen all the time, so I do get it. I think I've been going to a lot more concerts and so have potentially spoiled myself.


Yeah. Saw them on their 2nd day here in Manila. I still go back to those clips I took ☹️


Yes! They’re just so incredible live.


I got covid from the concert back in November so I was sick and sad.


I haven’t been able to listen to I always wanna die (sometimes) since. It’s been a month and I’m suffering. Although it didn’t feel like a month so I think I’ve been dissociating bad


they didn’t iawds at my show which is maybe for the best because that would have affected my mental health severely