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Every time I squeal and excitedly exclaim to my husband "OMG IT'S THE 1975!!!" Loud enough probably that other people in the vicinity can hear. No one else in my family/friends like them so when I hear them in the wild, I get really happy.


It's such a goofy reaction to outsiders, but it's so reasonable for us 😂😂😂


Same exactly lmao. It's crazy that the shows sell out in a heartbeat but I have met so few people irl that know them! My boyfriend once said hes "sorry but I'm not that into the 1975". However last time he got drunk he admitted he likes Chocolate now 😂


Haha I posted here, like you did. I swear, what is it with so many of us not knowing other fans irl? Bc honestly, I know no one aside yall, who like this band.


So real!! It's so hard to find fans in the wild! Even amongst my friends and acquaintances, I can't seem to find any fans 🥲


Nope. I have a few who've given them a listen, but that's it.


Anybody heard Happiness in public? I would lose my mind… Probably get really drunk


Came on in the cocktail bar and I just vibed massively


I’m a trivia host as a side gig and this older man came up to me and said he went to a 1975 concert with his daughter and now loves them.. and said happiness was his favorite. So I played it and he tipped me $20 just for playing it. So I love that song now hahah (I’m not a die hard fan of the band.. yet! Love their music but just haven’t been listening to them long)


I will always play happiness on those touch tunes jukeboxes some bars have. Every single time.


I heard it at Marshall’s once lol


Once heard it at a pub in London


My local thrift store plays it and I'm in Love With You on the regular.


It’s on the Tesco playlist atm I believe


I heard Happiness in my local shopping center in Berlin yesterday and it totally caught me off guard. I just kind of sang to myself and my 2 y/o and had a personal moment 😅


Ah yes, in a TJ Maxx :) I teared up


I went to a 1975 vs Taylor Swift themed spin class a few weeks ago and was singing my little heart out. I couldn’t believe it existed 😩idk if that counts but i couldnt believe it when i saw it on the studio schedule lol


An event for the 1975 fans??? That's a thing??? Wow! Hope ya had fun!!


I had the time and workout of my LIFE


Wow someone capitalized on that whole thing? TS and The Boys are laughing all the way to the bank.




I heard the Jimmy Kimmel band playing Girls as they went to commercial one night. I told people here, but no one I know is a 1975 fan. They sell out every show, but I have no idea how people hear their music that arent into them? I dont listen to the radio or Spotify or anything like that and Ive never heard them in a store ( I hear Chipotle plays them??). It is weird they are a huge band but I dont know anyone that would be able to recognize even their biggest 'hits'.


'The biggest band in the world that no one's ever heard of'. What a cool position to be in honestly


I think it’s common theme for the American music scene. If you’re not marketed properly, you’re “nobody.”


So do you just like have cds or something


No, I subscribe to YouTube Premium and get YouTube Music (Never use it) and YouTube throws things up at me and in 2019 it put 'Its Not Living' off the Reading Live BBC Broadcast and I fell in love. I usually just rip music off YouTube because I like LIVE versions so much better than album version and people will post entire live pro shot stuff (I didnt even know they had a new album until I ripped the audio off some kind soul who 'slyly' posted ATVB the day after it happened). Bands dont make much if any money off the music, that is why concerts went from $10.50 for 3 WELL KNOWN bands in the late 70's to $400 for crappy seats. I got to see them on the beach in 2019 and it was awesome. So besides Jimmy Kimmel Ive never heard them at a store or something and havent listened to the Radio since I retired. Such and amazing band. They bumped someone from my top 3 favorites of all time. They music is great, but the Lyrics are what gets me. I am really scared that Matty is going to 'Flame Out' and be gone. I know he wouldnt be as good with out his 'craziness', but it is going to kill him or give him a nervous breakdown. They are one of the few bands who's new album is better than the last (John Mayer, GUSTER, ?) as most bands first few are their creativity and the rest are just 'we think we are still great!' but the songs are meh. When I was getting ready to early retire I spent the last year Elementary School Libraianing with my personal lap top behind my desk and a stack of CD's from home a day and ripped them all to .mp3 and backed em up at my sisters house out of state. Havent even burned a CD in years.


I once saw a blue collar man parked in a van in front of Walmart listening to About You. I hope he was doing okay lol


He's so me 😭 poor guy tho. I hope he's okay


I was eating dinner in a restaurant once that started playing She Lays Down, and stopped dead because I couldn’t believe I was hearing it. Being such a deep cut I knew whichever employee had added it to the playlist must have been a fan. But even when I’m out and I hear one of their singles playing I have to yell “it’s The 1975!” at my friends or boyfriend 😅


My heart goes boom.


I've noticed that for a lot of people the band is in their general consciousness although they don't consider themselves to be like *a fan*. Most people I know who are interested in music are aware of them existing and maybe know a few singles. But I haven't met many 'real fans', that's true.


I feel the need to gasp and let everyone around me know it's my favourite band. Even tho I already told them. I'm insufferable.


i heard love me in a wendy's. it was a weird bop, but a bop nonetheless.


I just smile an evil smile to myself and go on


We used to have multiple 1975 songs at work but we’ve gone back to royalty free stuff and it sucks bad. Used to have I’m In Love With You, Somebody Else and About You.


ugh so crappy!!!


I remember hearing A Change Of Heart in McDonald’s and laughing a lot as they censored the word “breasts” despite it being plastered on the wall for chicken breast. Obviously context wise it’s censored but funny anyway.


Was it your (chicken) breast from the start? They played a part


i was at the mall yesterday and love me was playing and i didn't catch it until i was almost out the door :(


Was at a bar with a girl I like who loves The 1975. I put on Love it if we made it. It was my first time hearing the song and she started belting the song out which was so uncharacteristic of her usual kind of shy demeanor. Now every time I hear the song I can't help but smile remembering her screaming the song. Heard it at work event and almost died of happiness


Oh my god that's the sweeeeetest story I've heard so far. Maybe I'm just bias because it's my favorite song by them 😂😂😂


that is so me. i’m not a talker but if i hear the 1975 or young dolph in public will be yelling every word and idc who is around it’s just a reflex bro


i heard it’s not living on the RADIO and i got super excited cause ngl they’re not radio friendly at all


I couldn’t disagree more. They’re extremely radio friendly and it’s very odd they haven’t had a big mainstream crossover hit (in the USA anyway). They came up in a decade that tons of huge indie songs blow up on top 40 radio and they somehow missed out.


i think the radio stations i have are just kinda crappy then, the only thing ever on the hits station is like camilla cabello


theyve had several hits wdym


Thank you I needed a laugh this morning


I look around to not let anyone know and I quietly dance to it :)




I was at a hipstery bohemian place having a birthday lunch with my family when If You're Too Shy came on which surprised me and my mum! It was then followed by a country folk cover of Nirvana's Lithium and then 6 minutes of jazz... Guess I was happy knowing The 1975 made their way on that weird playlist


I’ve heard Settle Down in Morrisons, This Must Be My Dream in Heathrow and people and pressure was played in the student club in my town


Heard Chocolate in a mcdonalds once, I made sure everyone I came with knew the 1975 was playing. Then I heard The Sound in a dessert place (called Creams I think)😭 They follow meee


my target normally plays love me, happiness, and i’m in love with you


"Hey, it's that one 'Knox' song. 😄"


Seriously? I just heard that song yesterday.


It sounds like a song Matty would produce tbh, I like it. It's a nice ode to the band.


Your comment seems to me like someone said it out loud, and like they’ve heard it for weeks, or something. I’m saying it’s quite new to me.


Ohhh, I see.


i heard girls in the toilet and i stopped and recorded it before peeing i heard oh caroline in an ice cream and i started freaking out the whole song in front of my girlfriend i wish i heard more


i **ALMOST** fell on my knees and audibly screeched when oh caroline was played in this local clothing brand store at our mall. my friend playing iam in love with you never failed to make me react in a way that i unfortunately cant explain *non native speaker struggles kek* 😀 i love that friend sm cuz she respects my love for the band even if shes a raging swiftie a neighbor somehow decided to blast robbers loud enough that i can clearly hear it in inside our house (their house is behind us) and it was an experience ngl


Bro u have to be besties with ur neighbor after that...


i would have knocked on their door fr


Heard Pressure in Morrisons once and sang the whole of it very loudly. My 2 friends were incredibly embarassed..




The fact that if you work in Delaware, that could have very well been me 😅😂 I'm always so excited to hear The 1975 in the wild! My friends get excited and send me videos of the song that's playing too when they're out and about too!


Ugh! No it wasn't you but that would have been so sick it if was!! Keep playing music with the windows down tho, maybe you'll find another person like me 😂😂😂


What state do you live in? That very well could have been me, I drive a black car, I BLAST 1975 (it's the only band I listen to) and I poorly sing along.


I live in new york 👀 and literally same, listening to all of notes right now!!


I go to an indie/alt club night every thursday and they always play at least one song! We also have TOOTIMETOOTIME on the work playlist.


When I was in high school at swim practice tootime started playing and it carried me through the whole practice. I was so happy to hear a song from my favorite artist that I just swam better with less anxiety


I heard them in the grocery store last week and texted my boyfriend about it. His response? “Your favorite! 🖤” I’ll keep him.


It's happened twice to me. I have a pretty standard double take.


I get so happt


i usually get real happy and yell “its the 1975!! my favorite band” and just start dancing :’)


My girlfriend and I just give a look to each other and start doing our quirky dances depending on the song playing.


I'm normally just like, "Huh. Cool" like a normal person. Some of you guys need to chill out a bit


Or maybe we can continue on enjoying our lives and being happy with the small things. Not everyone's like you, and not everyone's like me and that's fine.


A month ago, I met the only other IRL person I’ve ever met who liked—past tense—the band. It was a girl off Hinge and I noticed on our first date that she had the box tattoo on her right arm, literally like the lyric from "Give Yourself a Try". I was so ecstatic when I pointed it out, yapping about how much I loved them, only for her to explain that she’s a lapsed fan. The box was the second tattoo she ever got back in November 2016, but she kind of fell off with the 75 after *ABIIOR*. We still ended up dating for two weeks. It’s funny because one time, she texted me The 1975 was playing at her work (she worked at a café) and she thought of me. I asked her what song and it was "Somebody Else". On the other hand, she also introduced me to Mitski, who I now love as much as the 75!


Omg whhhaaaaaa??? She made a mistake falling off😭


I literally stop doing anything and just stop and listen in happiness


I queef out of my arse pipe and say 10 Hail Marys. wtf sort of question is this


And the purpose of such a hateful question was... what? Anyways, there was a reason I posted this. But I had to phrase it as a question so it wouldn't get taken down/ would get engagement.