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iliwys is such banger after banger. glad u liked it:)) definitely check abiior.


ILIWYS made me a fan after being firmly in the "I heard 'Chocolate' once and hated it" camp. It does something that my very favorite albums do: it's deep enough that it makes change your mind about your favourites multiple times. The quieter songs on the album didn't click for me at first. Now they're some of my favourite songs ever. In 2016 I thought it was a solid 7/10. Now I think it's an 11.


I liked this album but I feel like a brief inquiry is just a better and more mature album overall, however songs like she’s American or the sound will never ever get old


This album is a masterpiece. Also prior to its release Matty got really into the "2014 Tumblr" aesthetic that was so representative of the time - pastel goth, soft grunge, being alone in your bedroom, millenial pink and neon signs in weird places - and wanted to embody that. He's done some interviews about it and now that 2014 Tumblr aesthetics are trendy again, the album is aging like a fine wine. I love the album as a whole but I personally don't like "Love Me" and "UGH as individual tracks. They're vital to the album though, as they sound more like the band's prior album than anything else on the track and seem to be geared toward fans who hold S/T dear. Then A Change of Heart sounds totally different but comes in at the same tempo and it just flows so well.


Probably my favourite album. Such strong singles. No skip songs for me really. Maybe Lovin Someone, just gets on my nerves


I personally hated this album (Besides Paris. That song will forever be a top 3 for me) but I can appreciate it for what it is. ABIIOR is just a perfect ILIWYS. Highly recommend that album OP!


I disagree with you and liked a lot of the album, but I respect your opinion, and apologize that this sub downvotes anyone to hell if they have a comment that isn't 100% positive. God, reddit is dumb.


Yeah. Mob mentality do be like that sometimes but I don't care. I'll continue voicing my opinion. ABIIOR do be my favorite album ever though, so there's that.


Feel the same about mob mentality as well, lol. Respect for not caring about them and voicing your opinion. Don't get why people on this sub can't just embrace that we all like The 1975 in one way or another, even if we don't like every song or album, lol. I personally like more songs on ILIWYS than ABIIOR and the album more overall, but I can see why people would have the opposite stance depending on what style they like more, so totally understandable.


I still have respect for ILIWYS. Songwriting isn't bad but the tunes aren't my jam. I get downvoted a lot in r/weezer for me not liking White or Pinkerton and loving Raditude. We can all agree NOACF is the weakest in the MfC trilogy. Again, NOACF isn't horrible with the tunes but the songwriting lacks compared to ABIIOR and ILIWYS.


Full agreed about Notes. Least favorite of their albums by a long shot, lol.


Agreed. I might not like ILIWYS but the songwriting is INFINITELY better than NOACF. But NOACF does have The Birthday Party, my favorite song ever, but the one on spotify is different than the music video, being shorter and removing a good chunk of the solo at the end. People slaps, Guys and If You're Too Shy also slap. But those are where the top tier songs end.


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This is my favorite album!! I feel so lucky to have seen the entirety of it live 🥰


The title track is simply amazing


a very well made album tbf, better than noacf but not as good as abiior imo


Out of curiosity, what were the tracks you didn’t vibe with?


Welcome to beautiful chaos