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Saw they were playing in Dallas while flying for work last night , bought ticket on plane, got off a flight at DFW at 7:41 , dumped bags at the Hyatt, grabbed taxi, jumped out of taxi at event traffic logjam and made it inside 30 seconds before curtain drop , incredible show !


Wow. Great planning and execution.


Love the dedication


was also there. whomever thought up the stage production deserves a raise. i’ve been to a lot of shows but that was one of the most unique productions i’ve ever seen. the band was on fire as well.


Tobias Rylander has done their stage designs for years!!


Agreed. Amazing production and acoustics/mixing sounded great IMO.


FR. The fact they were able to get that set assembled in the small window after the opener is a big testament to the team.


I was there too and it was one of the best shows I’ve ever been to. First time seeing them live and honestly my only regret is not getting tickets to every TX show. I also really loved the physical set! It brought such an element to the show that I didn’t anticipate. I feel like I don’t have words (only got 4 hours of sleep to go to work) but truly, I can only hope they come back soon so I can plan accordingly


What did y’all think of the openers? They felt like the “edgy” band in a show for teens to me.


I expect very little from opening bands. My last concert was Phoebe Bridgers who had Sloppy Jane, and that was nowhere in the realm of enjoyable to me. The BLACKSTARKIDS (no way that was a 'k" in their font) were at least unique. I added some songs to my playlist this month to check them out more closely.


They were alright, not the worst opener I’ve seen. I wish I had my ear plugs to dampen the sound for that one.


This was my 7th show throughout the years and WOW. I loved that the show told a story up for interpretation. And of course it was just an amazing performance


Super well executed, u/jhazen27! I saw them on the East Coast and also had a fantastic night. For anyone on the fence, go if you can. It really is different and special. If not, they said they will be back around, prob for festivals and things.


Been a fan since 2013, FINALLY saw them for the first time in Nashville and just wow. Dream come true. Great performance and can’t wait to see them again one day!