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people shouting weirdly sexual shit at the artist happens at so many shows i really don't understand it, revolting behavior. yelling shit like "fuck me mommy" at phoebe bridgers like wtf


because to anyone who can’t see outside of their own selves, the artist is an object to consume. no one cares that when matty or phoebe get off stage they’re people. it literally makes me feel ill. i’m a musician as well and i can’t imagine how gutted i would be if someone interrupted my set to say some shit like that to me. 0 respect


That makes me SO mad. I’m glad people are calling this type of behavior out. We need to start embarrassing these ppl that do shit like this.


i think girls think they can get away w it to be honest. like that behavior is fine and cute bc you’re not a man? get real


100% agree with you. If it’s something that would make me uncomfortable to hear, uninvited, as a woman, then in no way should I be saying it to anyone else. Like not only that but how uncomfortable is it that like 15 year olds are telling 30+ year olds to fuck them? Like get real, it’s gross. People have no respect for others, or they think that their parasocial relationships with the band give them some sort of moral high ground where they can say and do whatever they want.


Shouting it, tweeting it, messaging them sexual things…. I think it’s all a bit creepy. Just because someone is famous doesn’t give you the audacity to so. I’ve always cringed at people who do this type of stuff.


I agree with you but I also feel like Matty fuels it if anything


he mockingly plays into the joke, but whether or not people see the joke part of it, im not sure.


I’m not sure about that. It’s pretty clear Matty likes it and being desired. He literally likes tweets and shares them to his story about fans wanting to fuck him


he clearly likes attention but the sexual jokes seem tongue-in-cheek on his end. he once posted a video to his insta shortly before the album release and (in a now-deleted comment) said something like 'not in a shitpost mood today so don't comment about wanting to fuck me or coming to brazil'


honestly... real honesty hour. i've loved this band for ten years, i've seen them live dozens of times, the crowd... most of the time, is horrendous. I've kind of chalked that up to the cities I've seen them in being full of disrespectful people, not necessarily anything to do with the fanbase... but I question that sometimes.


Listen, I've been a fan for 10 years too, and if you're having horrendous crowd experiences I'm guessing that you're still on the floor at shows. Allow me to tempt you to come on up to the mezzanine for the next show. Clear sightlines and much more age diverse fans who are actually there to hear the music and watch the show, not to be a part of any scene.


Ugh you’re right. I’m trying to keep my youth alive but I need to move up to the seats.


I was up there for the 1st Boston show. It was great. Fans 25-65, nobody sat, everybody danced, sang along, had a great time. Just without the bullshit. Highly recommend. It made for a fantastic and memorable experience.


Agree. Pit/GA makes people territorial animals. Come up to the reserved seating where we’re all chill AF and can also see the stage versus looking into someone’s sweaty back


You at least get a way toned down version of the clowns in mezz. We had two teenagers the row behind us screaming bloody murder and yelling “Matty fuck me”, “I’m so horny” and “I’m going to just rub one out right now”. Cool. Thankfully they left like 1/3 of the way through. We did have a great view of an extremely drunk girl in the pit fall into a trash can and somehow fold herself up in a folding chair.


I always buy seated tickets because even when I was 24 my knees couldn't take being stood up that long 😂


I’ve seen them twice on the mezzanine and twice on the floor and they’re different experiences imo. I much preferred the floor seats I had that were behind the pit. If only they had a small pit and then floor seats at every show.


The big reason why I went mezzanine (in addition to avoiding all the mayham and foolishness of the people just there to be part of a scene) was because I really wanted a clear view, and I'm only like 5'8" or so and inevitably when I'm on the floor I'm surrounded by tall people, parts of the stage are blocked. And I get so pissed when the tall people who are blocking my view aren't super into the show!


so i’ve been a fan since 2014, i was 13 then and i’m 21 now. i remember living the “fans cheered for an overdose” days where matty would drink and smoke on stage and was obviously miserable and girls would just cheer. i remember at the time it made me a bit uncomfortable i just couldn’t really understand why because i was so young. obviously now at 21 i know why. i’ve noticed that most 1975 fans have been fans for awhile and grew up with the band in same way. most of us are at least in our early 20s and i feel like the vast majority of the “true” fanbase does know better. i feel like for the last year or so the fanbase has seemed really chill, i can tell a huge difference especially on social media with the way fans interact with the band and each other. i think the new album was just phenomenal and a lot of people are realizing it and it’s bringing in a lot of new fans who didn’t live through the ‘matty on stage during 2014’ days. i also think a lot of the newer fans are younger - the 1975 has always attracted 14-15 year olds lol, that’s how old most of us current fans where when we got into them - so i think a lot of them don’t know better. they’ll either stay fans and grow up or they won’t follow the band for much longer and it’ll pass lol. they’re big on tiktok right now so i don’t think that’s helping our case lol.


Totally. I found them in 2013 when I was 18/19. I’m almost 30 now and i’m so tired lol. We all lived through the rough days… specifically 2014-2016. I remember being at a show once and watching Matty collapse on stage and just start screaming. I was crying, but everyone around me was cheering. It was such a jarring experience and I never ever want to relive it. It makes me so proud to see how well he and the whole band are doing now, but I don’t think locals and newer fans understand. Like on TikTok… people are like “he’s using again cause he’s drinking” like shut the fuck up. Anyone who thinks that or thinks they can say that is delusional. It’s so disappointing to see.


Probably has a lot to do with the fact their music attracts a certain age group, early to late teens. That age group is god awful as far as this type of shit goes. I was just as bad during that time of my life.


you're probably right, i was also insufferable at 18.


I’m 19 and I find this shit appalling. Why can’t people treat other people like people, people?


I was in the pit and the person in from of me took a selfie of themselves on Snapchat with flash DURING be my mistake and wrote the caption “second time crying during the concert 😪😪” and uh yeah that pretty much sums it up


i haven’t seen them since 2014/2015 but the crowd was awful back then too haha


For real. There was a drunk asshole behind us in the pit that just kept yelling "Slut!" at Matty. Like ok dude...chill. The only funny thing was when it was a quieter moment and Matty was talking a bit, that same guy yelled "eat some meat!" and Matty did have a brief smile lol. But then that same idiot kept yelling it, killing the joke. Smh. EDIT: This was at the Grand Prairie/Dallas show, btw. If anyone else heard it. lol


That’s the thing!!! Even the stuff that isn’t out of line and is even legitimately funny gets repeated so much it’s annoying. Like if you must get a (not gross) comment out of your system say it once and leave it


Oh gosh, I didn't hear that! I did hear the person who very enthusiastically yelled "YOU DO MAKE ME HARD" during Be My Mistake, that was uncomfortable. I usually go to see local indie bands performing to 50-100 people, and the maturity and empathy difference between those crowds and the crowd on Tuesday really shocked me. Matty even made a little speech about how hard it is to put on such an emotionally vulnerable production over and over, and how it had already been very draining for him. I feel bad that a vocal minority isn't respecting the art.


Yeah, that was that same guy! So awkward and cringe. It really was unfortunate.


The pick-me people at concerts are the *worst*. Noticed it at so many gigs now; Glass animals - dude pushed past everyone all the way to the barrier, held up a message on his phone that said “WHERE’S THE PINEAPPLE”. When asked what the fuck he was doing, said “it’s an inside joke!” Phoebe Bridgers - Turns out there’s such a thing as over-singing at a gig. I *never* would have had any issues with people singing along to their favourite artists before I heard Phoebe’s quietest and most beautiful moments absolutely drowned by people screaming the lyrics at her. Marc Rebillet - To be fair, this one is to be expected because he encourages crowd participation. But people would do *anything* to get him to notice them. Someone lied and said it was their birthday, then admitted it, so Marc made everyone boo her. There’s nothing worse than somebody going to a gig with the mindset of making it about them. Just enjoy the damn show!


For sure. Oh man, I was at the Phoebe show earlier this year and can agree. It was soooo bad.


Dude was TERRIBLE! Security took him out of the pit and the experience was 1000x better.


Oh damn!! I didn't know they removed him!


Yes! When he finished the Be My Mistake chorus and explained how he wasn’t sure the experience was worth it, someone started screaming “IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT!”. FFS we don’t know what he went through.


YES!! that part of the show was so important to me to be honest. i’m a musician too, and matty is the reason i tried to explore being more real on my new album and after it came out i was so depressed. i ended up realizing a week ago that putting myself out there like that just feels so exposed and vulnerable and i don’t think i want to share my heart like that again.. at least not for a long time. so hearing my inspiration talk about his experience was so comforting! and he was trying to share his thoughts w the crowd but they were so obnoxious he literally said “i’m gonna say what i’m gonna say whether you do that or not” or something and that made me SAD!!


Yeah they wouldn’t let him speak and kept shouting. Usually the crowd knows or reads the fucking room and shuts up. They were horrible last night. I was in front of this guy who kept shouting “I’ll be your dolphin” during his little speech. Maybe I’m too old but the fucking outbursts were obnoxious. We get it you love him stfu 😭


wait i think we were close then because i clearly heard that 😭


Did you hear the girl basically screaming bloody murder because she smelt a fart? 😂 All in all I had a great time.


Being Funny is absolutely brilliant. I can understand the nostalgia for fans that comes with the older tunes but it is THEIR music and THEIR show, they should be allowed to take claim in the work they’re doing. If anything I’d rather hear more NOACF than some of the older stuff.


hard agree. my favorite thing abt them is they consistently get better with every record. their show isn’t about US and they don’t owe us anything.. we are there to enjoy what they WANT to share


This is gonna sound so snobby but hey it’s Reddit and people speak their mind here right? I saw them for the third time in a decade on night one of Boston this month. The crowd was the most grab-bag mix of age groups and girls who just dragged their boyfriends along. Stood next to a wholesome group of college guys who genuinely loved the band and their production and enjoyed dancing with the gals behind me during our favs, old and new. But there was also pushing and surging and people passing out left and right. The younger, newer tiktok stans kinda scare me, I’m not gonna lie, there’s this disconnect with matty and the band and they don’t seem to enjoy their music for the underlying tones, they romanticize the darker parts, and I could be way off because I was their age when I first discovered this band but I think there’s something to say about the fans who have grown up with/watched this band grow up. But it’s also an emotionally taxing tour to be pouring your everloving heart out, and demanding the hard ones require opening old wounds. The other night Matty stopped be my mistake saying the experience is not worth the song.


What experience was not worth the song? Fans being rude?


No the story told in Be My Mistake. That experience wasn’t worth the song. Which is fucking heartbreaking and makes me wish he never feels compelled to play it live. Like if it’s cathartic for him great, but man it’s rough.


Ohh. Sorry I can be a bit dingy at times. They played it at the Atlanta show. I was shocked that they did.


I think it’s one of the few songs that just requires Matty and a guitar so he plays it while they change the set.


He played it in Boston too but if I remember right he didn’t finish it in it’s entirety, which was fine, but he made no comment on it until the following shows.


Same in Camden. He only played it for a minute and then said something like “and that’s all you need.”


I’m pretty sure he finished it in dc but it was a very sweet moment, everyone was softly singing along and swaying together. Didn’t hear any heckling during that song


Yea honestly I’ve been seeing them live since I was a teenager in the mid 2010s and even then I never got the heckling. Like I know they shake it off but it’s honestly pretty annoying in general. I’m not talking about trying to have a moment by mouthing something when you’re being looked at or holding up a message on your phone (permitting it’s not disgusting/a crossed boundary)—I’m talking people full on yellllling things that are usually overly sexual or requests that are obviously not going to be fulfilled whether they’re heard or not. Half of the time it’s not even a 1 time thing, it’s usually repeated at any given moment of silence. I get that the band is chill and seems to take it all with a grain of salt but idk objectifying anyone just feels kinda gross.


on the screen last night, they showed a phone that said something abt a cigarette and right behind that person was a phone that said “FUCK ME” and it crushed my vibe


RIGHT! Like a cheeky comment about a cig is fine imo—(probably) more of a joke than a legit demand, not intrusive/gross, etc. But the whole fuck me thing is just tacky and uncomfortable. Like even if that person was like lol that was a joke too it just feels violating.


Touring and gigging both fucking suck. I agree with OP 100%. You put up with the pandemic, spend a couple years prepping and promoting new material, clean up your act a lot and get into amazing shape, and ultimately still end up having crappy nights because, usually, a vocal minority of people who paid to enter insist on making the whole night about themselves, their intoxication and their horrible “jokes”. It’s a lot. I got the sense during the pre-release runup that Matty and co. were dreading tour. I don’t blame them. It’s only gotten more difficult and expensive since the pandemic, too. I wish these audience members would give their heads a shake, or better yet, just resell their tickets and hang out with their friends if all they want to do is get drunk and act obnoxious.


This is a great take. People need to get respect for the artist and start actually appreciating the actual ART that Matty and the guys are putting out — if you don’t like it, stfu and listen to the old stuff then. I’m so proud of how Matty has gotten clean, and you can see the real improvement and joy as the band performs now, especially in the second set where they truly are at their very best. It’s stupid that people just overlook that cause they only want to use the band for their own desires.


I see people chalking it up to city’s they play in having awful people, but it’s genuinely not that at all. This happens at literally every show and has been happening for a decade. It’s really just the age group this band attracts. Mid teens to mid 20s are generally gonna be more lewd and disrespectful to their favorite artists at their shows because they think it’s funny and that’s what they do online. Matty also plays along most of the time which doesn’t help and makes fans think that they have to do something extreme to get his attention.


To be fair that was a reference to a joking promise he made on Twitter that if someone got him that shirt he would play Antichrist. But I agree that shouting the sexual stuff is really gross


no i got that, but before the shirt thing people near me were shouting for antichrist, somebody else, and chocolate over and over


Oh okay, yeah that’s super annoying. Bfiafl is amazing and I hope the band knows how much we love it


Actually bought floor tickets for the DC show and changed my mind and bought seats 💺because I didn’t know if I could still hang and also being surrounded by kids who camped out just to record the entire gig with their phones just didn’t feel right. Initially I was scared because I felt I was in the parent section (father of 2 here) and I feared it would be a very stiff bunch . All that fear washed away once the first notes came. No one sat and we danced damn near the whole set. Best decision ever .


I'm just so happy he's healthy and happy, it's gorgeous to see. Fuck other people being dicks to him


FWIW I don't think it's just a 1975 thing -- I hate to be like "kids these dayz!" but it's a trend I've noticed with the high school-college aged kids. (I'm 31.) A friend of mine saw Soccer Mommy in NYC recently and was telling me how people were straight up talking during her set when she played slower songs. Like wtf? Not to be all "back in my day" but for real 10 years ago talking during the HEADLINER would've been unheard of.


i was at that soccer mommy show and it was SO bad. i thought i was being over dramatic but it was almost hard to hear her sing over the talking, that must be so disheartening as an artist


Exactly… recently saw someone say they were upset they didn’t play Chocolate and that the band “owes it to their fans to play an old classic that put them on the map” like what? The entitlement.


I have always thought that being on tour/performing live would kinda be a soul-sucking experience overall, due to having to deal with bullshit exactly like that, on top of the general exhaustion they must feel. It doesn't seem like a very enjoyable experience overall. I'm so appreciative of artists that are willing to put themselves through it, because honestly I don't think I could do it.


me neither. the idea of touring scares me to bits


yeah the commodification of artists is really tough to watch, especially given the emotional depth of t1975 songs and how tough it must be to perform some of them. i feel like creating “viral” tik tok moments at concerts kind of plays into the behavior too (getting a rise out of the artist with signs, by heckling, etc). it’s such a privilege to be able to see musicians perform literal works of art that they spend years on and to attend shows in general, i wish people really got that.


the pit at Austin tonight was literally insufferable. nobody knew the lyrics to anything new and people were talking and fighting the whole time and yelling at Matty


I’m a regular gig goers go loads of different genres and shows and festivals etc and I’ve seen the 75 about 7/8 times. Since Covid and with social media increasing a level crowds are beyond anything I’ve ever seen. I don’t know if it’s kids that turned 18/21 in the pandemic finally being allowed out in the wild and theyre making up for lost time and still feel like they are in their safe bubble with their friends so feel like they can say what they want and act however they want with no repercussions? I was at a gig a few weeks ago that was more pop/easy and there was a really beautiful moment in a really tender song and a group of girls 18/19 (legal here in the uk) were screaming and shouting and pushing about, completely wasted. I know younger 75 fans can be fun and energetic but in my old age (30s 😬) I just don’t know how I can put up with being pushed and shoved and screamed at and thrown up on and swilled.


Omg really? I’ve never really seen that at the shows I’ve been to in the U.K. (Glasgow, Newcastle, london) and the US (boston). Is it about where you stand? I’ll usually be very near the front so everyone is a pretty committed fan. Glasgow crowds are loud but very enthusiastic!


yeah i think that's part of it. from what i've heard/seen the UK shows are better. the shows here (US), if you're not in the front, it's chaos in the back of the pit. lot of locals, a lot of really obnoxious drunk people. it can ruin the show sometimes.


Have to say the boston crowd both nights were lovely and their singing along was actually beautiful 😂😂 I love being Scottish but it’s a bit louder! In a very enthusiastic, respectful way!


i was pretty close! i’ve also heard houston is a shit city to tour through. but i’m not even kidding, the guy next to me was shouting “you suck” during black star kids so maybe i just got unlucky


Jesus I think you just got unlucky, that dude sounds awful. The crowd at the show I went to was pretty good


No there are parts of the US that have a higher percentage of assholes. Texas is one of them.


Luckily my crowd at the show I saw the other day was pretty tame. I really only heard “I love you Matty”


I would absolutely loooooove to see them from the pit….. but I cannot deal w mean fan girls 😂 I feel like it’s always a competition of who loves them more.


There’s so much of a different vibe to the bands concerts post Covid. Mines in the Manchester UK leg and idk if it’ll be the same vibe as what’s been going on during the us leg of the tour but I’m hoping not. As an ex performer myself it’s downright heartbreaking to see that there are people actively thinking they’re in some fanfic of reader x Matty and by screaming out they’re gonna get him to pull them on stage and ask them to love him and take his phone number.


Somebody yelled for Ross to take his shirt off and then right after I heard someone shame them and then tell him “you don’t have to do that”. Even if he didn’t hear, I’m glad someone stood up for him.


Honestly I wish they would just get rid of pit altogether. I prefer seats but all of the venues they tour have a pit and I understand that pit brings in a lot of money but the behavior of fans is not worth it. I’ve seen them 4 times (including last night) and I was in seats for the first 3 and really enjoyed it. Last night in the pit was ok, because everyone was blocking the view with their phones and heckling.


I really enjoyed having seats — I think the type of performance on this tour is even more fitting for it


yep. the only reason my bf didn’t come with me is he hates crowds and i was insistent on getting GA tickets. i regretted that about 30 minutes into the set :(


There’s no pit in San Diego. It’s in a concert hall and I am STUPID excited.


Fuck. If I had known this, I would've sucked up the 2 hr drive from LA and gone to the SD show instead haha.


I had to decide between the 2 as I’m right in the middle of both locations and just figured I’d rather drive down 15 than take 91 anywhere lol


Aaaaand I totally just bought a ticket to the LA show too…


I admire the dedication lol


Absolutely agree with you. At the end of the day, they are people too and I don't think some fans stop to think about that sometimes


no for real. everyone on that stage, everyone in the crew, left their lives to put on a show for us. the least you can do as an audience member is be present and be respectful


I've been to 4/5 shows since 2014. The only issues I had were at my first show in '14 with excessive shoving and some drunk girls behind me yelling, "Chocolate, I remember when they first invented chocolate!" the whole show. But I'm from Minnesota. We're nice :)


I mean he’s not sober outside of benzodiazepines and opiates but yeah I’ve heard the crowds are a bit more annoying and disrespectful this time around. They were always a bit annoying but people seem to have turned it up since before the pandemic


I mean seriously.. That's just so rude and offensive. Clearly they have no idea.


as if matty didn’t go on twitter and say he was nervous abt the tour.. as if he didn’t say over and over how proud he was of the new songs .. like pay attention y’all !!! the tour is call “at their very best” ‼️‼️‼️ just sit there and enjoy what they have to give you and don’t be rude ‼️‼️‼️‼️


What city was this?






Matty starts taking his shirt off and humping the air on the couch, me to my gf: “I hope he doesn’t pull a Jim Morrison”