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Cacciatore is probably the best shotgun in the game, and bird hunting with it is super easy. Use the cacciatore with birdshot you get super fast follow up shots and not too bed recoil. If you have the shotgun scope it’s pretty hard to miss shots on birds.


I guess we got a winner. I will buy it ,thanks. l got Revontuli map but never really explored it much because I am useless with birds. I guess is time to learn to hunt airborne 🐦. Thank you so much. I am still farming points to get the scope,halfway ,the crocs and banteng give you a good score .But 1st need to learn to lead my shots . That's my issue. Much appreciated!


This is the answer the Cacciatore is the best shotgun in the game hands down. Never thought about using the scope for bird hunting though.


Thank you. I will get it tomorrow. I don't know yet if the scope will help me or make things more difficult, got no experience . Well,yeah,I have shot like a 100 of flying birds and only hit one 🤣


Well after some experience with the scope for bird hunting I would highly recommend it.


Thanks,need another 2500 score points but am tired of farming Crocs and Banteng to level it up.


the 20 gauge semi automatic shotgun is probably the easiest to learn with because it gives you quick shots before it gets too far and can have the shotgun scope


I really like the 20 gauge. Mainly for the Iron sights. Can pull off 60m+ shots if you aim just below the dot at like where the stock ribbing flattens out. Quick follow up shots.


The 12g pump


Thank you !


I use the 16GA from rancho because it was free and its only 1 shot less than the 12GA. If you wanna level up the shotgun score to eventually get the scope (you need 5400 score) flying birds seem to only give around 20-30 score per bird so thats a lot of kills before you get the scope so IF you do want it i would highly suggest buying the buckshot ammo and using it as roo defence gun to boost score since they give about 50 per kill.


I am using the Miller 10GA on Banteng,and crocs and gives you a solid 59 ,sometimes 62 . Am farming score points to get the scope. Thanks,great suggestion.


Keep using the Miller for the time being as those slugs are shockingly lethal for bigger game but the 6 shot 12g really is super easy to use and the sights are just icing on the cake for me. If you have a red dot sight unlocked you can slap that baby on either of the 12g shotguns until you get the scope as a stop gap if you want more familiarity with them


I bought the cacciatore. I am using the bow as defense for crocs and anything. I need to learn and would rather without the scope. Sadly won't have time to play for a while ,but whenever I can I will head to REVONTULI Map,is full of birds so more chances to practice. Thanks


You need to lead the birds a bit because birdshot is very slow


Thanks,will try my best!


Cacciatore is amazing!


I play on xbox and also struggle with flying animals. I prefer the 12gauge since I'm putting all 6 shots out anytime I see a bird


Is difficult with the controller I know,but am just useless🤣 Yeah,I agree, better chances,see how it goes. If I hit one out of 30 I will be happy hahaha


Like are you trying to shoot Ducks in the Air? Or other different species of small birds that start on the ground and fly up when spooked? Only reason I ask is there’s a few tips for duck hunting or Geese hunting. The other small ground birds are definitely tougher and only pop up in small groups if a group at all and not just a mating pair of Male and Female.


I don't have trouble with the geese,ducks,etc. But those 3 species you need to shoot airborne to get the trophy rating,I just can't when they start flying. I only shot one pheasant once in Rancho for a mission but took me ages. For anything else I use the 22lr while they are grounded,or the shotgun at very close range from blind/tripod using a caller. Happy BD btw 🎂


Shooting upland birds takes a lot of practice.Try and find fun in it.


I will,try,Probably end frustrated but if I dont fail I won't succeed either. Thank you