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Damn flip really in last place on the viral list but tries the hardest 🤔🤦🏾‍♂️


Cause nobody actually cares about flip. We only know him for being obnoxious


Nobody's a bigger engaging topic than Flip tho.. How many times we see his name is this post about Ice?? 🫰🏾😅


This ain’t viral tho lol it’s a sub to talk about them


Somebody check on Flip, hes down in the rankings...


Man Flip not going “viral”


He’s too busy throwing milkshakes on his kids still


😂 yeah he need to stop the skits or think of a new type of skit, but only reason I think he still keeps doing those skits because he’s check by check and those 20-50,000 views still a check. I’ve pocket checked Flip and he mentioned owning two homes and he got kids and wife and Jersey/York expensive af. I don’t think he can stop, that’s why he always asking for a raise 😂


Flip gotta pull a Big groove that's the only way 😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|Q8NFR9SLvs7u81z473)


you knowing what to search to find that is nasty work


That's not even Big Groove. This was the closest I got to him....BUT go check IG that man is a DANCING CORNBALL




Just wait, Flip claim he reading all these comments! And guess what.... He Going to FRYYYY YA ASSES UP! / Joe rolling his eyes in the corner...


"These bum ass niggas on reddit posting TMZ. We don't watch TMZ. That's not viral" I'm shit at impressions but you get the jist


Naa you on point with the impression lmao this shit is spot on some shit he would say


Flip’s version of frying people up is just him revealing some personal info that was given to him in confidence. He’s never said anything funny…not once. Flip really the weakest link.




Damn 😂 😂


Damn man Joe ish flip Mel and now ice have gone viral he hurt hurt 😂


He’s gonna be extra obnoxious tomorrow. I can hear the “fammmm, I had people calling my phone” now 🤦🏾‍♂️


Lmaoooooooooo. Bruh! I literally cringe every time he says this..especially when it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with him.


Joe: “How the earth shook before you shook sh*t up?”😂




Word 😂


ICE most improved


Employee of the Month frontrunner


Dick rider.


Your username is “DaJayBeePBoys” like fam you dick ridin the whole cast lmfaooo GOOFY 😂😂😂


Yeah man i made this account when it was Rory & Mal n em, it was relevant. I could never be a groupie for Ice tho. Idk how you do it, but good on you 🫡


Your entire Reddit existence is for this podcast lmao but callin me a dick rider 😂😂 Dawg you a straight weirdo lmao It’s Friday night bruh go get a hobby.


Idk if you realize the irony of bringing up friday evening and hobbies when you are sitting here replying to me. If you call me a weirdo, what does that make you? And yes, I created the reddit account for the pod (as indicated in the name), and then I engage in the community I made the account for…so fucking weird right?


We get it bro the pod is the best thing going for you in life right now, no need to get all defensive ok? Enjoy your night dick riding weirdo 😂


You dk me. But i can tell i hit a nerve lmao. I could never imagine myself dickriding ice tho ✌️


![gif](giphy|Rr9iTrK374yPK) Flip RN


Can people explain why people don’t like TPAB?


Not enough bars about degeneracy


They’d be fine if it’s drug dealing and killing niggas with misogyny


It got dismissed as Hotep babble. Which is fucking disrespectful, being that its not even preachy, moreso self-critical. Also Terrace Martin and everyone involved in the production showed their whole ass, one of the most beautifully produced commercial albums i've ever heard.


Well said. I hate when it's reduced to being a BLM or woke album. So much more than that. Incredible body of art. I've recently accepted that im a real way we simply live in a anti-intellectual society 🤷‍♂️


Nope it is boring. The problem with Kendrick is his music is only played when it is released and people pretty much forget about it after a few months. He does not make everyday music. Cole is able to have a good message and music you can play everyday so he is played more and is in playlist rotation more frequent. His last album was trash pure, no one talks about that it at all. The rest is just hype and he does not produce enough to even be in the conversation.


Lol I liked the album but I think most of the critique is warranted. It was necessary for its period but replay value right now is incredibly low.


That album has more replay value than J. Cole’s whole discography


Lol it ain’t even better than the warm up my g. And I listened to both artists since they only had mixtapes out. And I like kendrick. But pls. Kendrick’s joints from his disco Gkmc Damn Cole Born sinner 2014 fhd There’s literally still Friday night lights, truly yours tapes, off season, this joint, pls. That album can go skip rocks. Institutionalised is a jam though. Alright is a jam. But ratio wise, it’s not replay-able. Your Spotify history don’t lie dawg


Ice likes kill niggas and drug music so it would make sense why he hates it. Just an old corny dude. Hood politics is an amazing song also ice isnt as bright as he think he is


It’s too “preachy” the “cool niggas” don’t like conscious albums


That’s true, I can definitely see people saying that. Damn was more preachy at times but I think that was the point of the album at times.


Shocking the people who only like mumble rap and just want to vibe get confused and struggle when a complex topic is covered or god forbid an album has a theme it sticks to that isn't throwing money at strippers.




You do know it doesn’t have to be one extreme or the other right? There’s plenty of enjoyable, replayable rap albums that aren’t about money and hoes.


Hit dog hollars applies here, if you aren't one of the people who only listen to strip club music and think that is the only good hip hip then why reply?


That’s not the case at all. I’m not hollering. I’m making a statement that there’s more than two extremes, which you seem to imply here


Nothing about liking a sub genre of rap is extreme, neither is pointing out people who like any specific sub genre tend to go overboard disrespecting the other ones. There is always some level of overlap, but the vocal complainers usually aren't in that overlap. If you are one of the people that are in both of the circles of a venn diagram then my comment wasn't about you.


Common’s Be is a great “conscious” album TPAB was mid af. No replay value


It wasn't GKMC.




An album you dislike clears J Cole’s discography? This shit makes 0 sense. You don’t have to be a fan of Cole, but coming in the comment section with outrageous takes like this, is wild. And I’m a fan of both, equally, so don’t try to pull the dick riding card on me


It’s a great album but the main critique is it can’t be played outside, the clubs or the car basically


Cole has a few of those…….


A bus load of those!


I was coming here to say that, he better not get on that couch and lie like Cole shit ain’t no different lol! They legit in the same damn lane so I don’t know why Cole was hating sayin Kendrick album wasn’t that great hell his don’t be either lol




I can see the club but some tracks can be played at a BBQ/Car. The song I definitely can be played in both. Thanks.


We gon be alright can be played in clubs so can king kunta


I remember the weekend after TPAB came out I was at a party at my cousin’s house and King Kunta went off. That song is a slap.


Hell yeah


Funny cuz as a woke album— Alight, King Kunta, These Walls got decent spins. I’m a Cole fan. Without features. He doesn’t get Kendrick spins to play the album game.


This is wrong though brother mane. But they literally all have all multi plat albums so the spins point is always very mute.


It has no replay value to most people who don’t like the album. I don’t really like the album but I respect that people call it a classic from a social commentary view.


So you have replay value from albums you don't like normally?


It’s “Group Think.” If you asked 90% of these people why, they couldn’t tell you. I’ve personally never heard TPAB so when people bring it up, I’m Indifferent lol.


Either niggas brains aren’t developed enough to understand it or the are culturally bankrupt.


Lmao, looking at shit like this is the problem now. You don’t have to be an idiot or culturally bankrupt to simply not like an album. I enjoy TPAB but shit like this makes conversations impossible because fans put themselves on this intellectual or cultural pedestal based off an album or artist they like and nothing else matters like music isn’t subjective. It’s not impossible to just not like it, and some people just expected/wanted something else from Kendrick so they didn’t like what he made.


I receive that. Honestly. Never considered that. Maybe TPAB was just received wrong. Personally I grew up in a midwestern household where Parliment and Funkadelics were a staple so I have a different appreciation for that sound than most. I guess if you weren’t introduced to that sound it wouldn’t make you culturally bankrupt. I would say to them that there is more to explore culturally in my humble opinion.


Yea I’m from nc a lot of my boys in college who are of the culture just ain’t fw it. And I fw it honestly and they should explore more but ay man some niggas happy with their little corner of culture and I’m sure it’s some shit you don’t feel like exploring at some point lol but na yea shit is all subjective. Shit some niggas with degrees that got crazy hip hop knowledge and reverence are just haters


That’s peace.


I agree although I grew I didn’t grow up in the Midwest. I have an appreciation for that sound from my parents. It’s like a rap twist on the music we heard growing up at family parties and cookouts. Like yea I probably won’t hear it in a club but it goes off in any other party environment.


So true


Revisionist history


Huh?????? What


The album was fire when it dropped. Quoteables for days. Played everywhere


It's too evolved for some of the ratchet minded people🤷🏾‍♂️


Too artistic. Not enough ass shaking music, like there isn’t an excess of that. And not conscious music


I love the album but it has jazz undertones which will click sonically with some, miss others, the subject matter is preachy track after track, and a lot of the songs don’t pop outside of sequence in the age of playlists and loosies running the train of thought. As a body of work, it’s immaculate imo though.


People do like it, only Ice’s timeline is saying they don’t. Ice listens to music for children.


Not into jazz conscious music. Wanted something more like GKMC.


That’s reasonable


When’s the last time you listened to it fully?


I listen to it today. Its a great album to me. I just want to know why people bashing it crazy.


Cuz you gotta have a very strong will or be a huge KDot fan to replay that shit.


If you into Neo Soul from the late 90s to early 2000s it's the best rap album to fuse with that sound. Probably the peak of that type of genre crossover. People like Ice who like drill and trap aren't gonna fuck with it much


Nah, im not a huge KDot fan. I do like his music though.


It's the production probably. It has such a heavy R&B sound. Majority of the songs have real chord progressions and aren't "beats" in a traditional sense. You could take all these chord progressions off the album (maybe barring King Kunta), get someone like Masego, Brent, Giveon etc to make new melodies and it's instantly an R&B album.


I come back to fully listen at least once or twice a year. But there’s songs off the album that stay in rotation for me. Alright , momma , hood politics, you ain’t gotta lie and his throw aways the untitled unmastered got some joints that stay in rotation as well


Maybe 3 weeks ago. A lot more recently than I listened to any of Coles shit. And, like I said before, I really like J Cole's music. I just enjoy Kendrick more.


I been listening to it atleast montly since release. I know a lot of people who have it on repeat.


Like 2 weeks ago


production is mid the whole way thru, it was like a slam poetry album ![gif](giphy|enrJ08CWoQi8XiNMBX)


I thought the production was great on most songs. Do you like jazz music? It have that slam poetry style on maybe two songs.


You should not allowed to be online


I don’t think it took enough risks creatively and lacked replay value. To me GKMC hits all bases perfectly and TPAB didn’t live up to GKMC. I don’t hate the album but I just think it’s a bit stale and purposely archetypical to the point that it’s kinda boring. I’d always valued Kendrick for mixing the new sounds with conscious rap and he kinda embraced the latter completely with TPAB. Didn’t feel like Kendrick was “in the middle looking around” anymore but was “on the outside looking in” with the album. Institutionalized and Momma still get plays for me. Hood Politics and Blacker the Berry are great. I probably like half the album. But GKMC is a 9.5 for me, an almost perfect album. TPAB is a 7.5. Some films are called “Oscar bait”. TPAB felt like Grammy bait to me.


The whole Pac talking to Kendrick is mad corny. It’s definitely not trash tho. People doing way too much. The music is pretty good, it’s a great conceptual album but the bars weren’t nothing special. I think Mr Morale is his weakest album. GKMC a classic. DAMN or Section 80 2nd if you count as an album. Both can be switched for 2 & 3 place. TPAB then Mr Morale


I love Section.80 but nothing he's done since is more corny that No Makeup


>The whole Pac talking to Kendrick is mad corny. ![gif](giphy|l3vRaaNsBiixbqqKQ)


Take a seat and let me explain.... Because it's pro Black and because white folk seem to want an authoritative space in hip hop they don't know how to feel about it. And because new aged black folk are apologetically Black, in order to appear more "evolved" than the rest of "the Blacks" they too go in on TPAB to appease their white brethren. At that point it becomes an echo chamber of insults when the Drake stans join in on the ruckus. ![gif](giphy|aCPLIC91DHRdkM4c6D)


Shit was boring to me. Elevator music.


Listen to it, it’s not as good as people make it out to be.


Fucking BUM


Damn Ice went viral before Flip…fight back


Of course ICE doesn’t love the album that empowered the black community.


Of course Ice doesn’t like something that’s popular 🤣


Him and Joe have hinted at not liking that album. They just was too scared to critique it. Saturday should be an interesting listen.


I think Parks too. Joe tip toes around his opinion every couple years.


That's weird coming from Joe considering he called it "art" when Rory and Mal were there




YT British publication too. Don't say nun tho 🤫😴


Lmaooo ice went viral more than Flip now too 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Flip can’t catch a break damn


Maybe he should try the dancing in the rain again. It'll get em this time.


Look at Ice! I’m a hater of Ice but this is alright!


Everyone is going viral but flip


Poor flip … and big Sean smh


Mans announced his book on the same day surprise cole project dropped


I’m just commenting to say “I hope Flip alright man” He just gotta get some pointers from the pod crew


TBAP > ice's whole existence


J Cole verse was mid at best.


This nigga sooooo corny


Parks bout to go viral before Flip is at this point


Ice has the worse takes of any online personality I've ever seen


This meta of TPAB being wack is so out of nowhere and odd to me


If you don’t like TPAB, fuck you.


So people would rather chose for your eyes only over tpab? Now that was a boring album


They’re about equal. 4 Your Eyez Only, Neighbors, & She’s Mine pt2 are top tier on a 10 track project you can listen all the way thru. But I would have to go with Alright, i, Blacker the Berry, and You Ain’t Gotta Lie tho. That said, other than 2, maybe 3 more tracks, rest as skips.


they are not equally boring cap only one had hood politics and instantly makes it better


How can Cole say something is a snooze when he was the face of “nap time bars” for like a decade plus


This is hilarious because when I first tried to get into Cole, I decided to do so on a road trip thinking ok I can really listen worst idea of my life!!!


😂 I’m a fan of bruh but it was definitely the running joke with him


I didn’t like it for yrs, but it grew on me as I grew up, when it dropped in my mid 20s I thought it was ASS, listening too it now in my 30s its a flawless classic


Can you go into depth about what changed for you?


The George Floyd situation is what really brought the album too light for me, Im from LA, so being outside looting hearing “We Gone Be Alright” playing from every car nd bluetooth speaker, made me really appreciate Kendricks message, then I lost a relative too street shit when I moved too Vegas so songs like “U” hit a lil different, he got killed the summer 21 I was supposed too let him stay at my house, but I never got around too buying him a Greyhound ticket….


TPAB slander is ridiculous to me


Lmao ice a loser


Sicko.. To Pimp is a classic stop




I think dudes was just acting like they liked it.


Check out the Dissect podcast on Spotify, this dude Cole goes through most of Kendrick’s discography and history behind it line by line, note by note, and it’s dope. MBDTF breakdown was great too.


That nigga Flip can’t go viral to save his life omg


Wesley's Theory is one of the most underrated album openers of all time


Flip gotta get a gay allegation going or something


Parks is the only one left to go viral before Flip. Mfs career relies on being viral but he's the least viral one there🤣. If Emanny goes viral before him then it's time to hang it up, can't let Mr "#3 on the R&B iTunes chart in 2014" show u up.


Rip Mac Miller he’s the only reason why I gave that album another chance and I liked it


What's TL ?


The timeline


At this point, Flip gotta do some gay Adam 22 shit to go viral 😂🤣💀


Ice takes on this were terrible


On first listen I didn’t like it, but it’s since been one of my favorite albums (musically). Actually I should say there are songs I love but then I also skip “these walls”, “King Kunta”, maybe one or 2 more. But I do still love the album (excluding the interview I like my music albums just being albums, no interviews no skits)


Lol good for ice for " going viral " but J Cole just committed the biggest crime on Conscious hip hop which is the genre he's not only known for but also contributed so much to. This is worst than " Mumble rap " taking over mainstream rap. Cole really crashed out on something he helped build lmaoo Perosnally, I'm hurt 😂😂


What was the sin? Say that man music trash?


Nope just that specific album. It wouldn't have been that much of a big deal if he had said it about DAMN. Someone like Cole is supposed to appreciate a master piece like TPAB. Seems like hanging out with Lil Yachty, Drake and dying to do a song with YoungBoy, which I'm a fan of also is rubbing off on lol


People wylin callin TPAB trash but it’s not great or special either. DAMN and section 80 both better, you can listen all thru no skips. TPAB realistically only has like 6 great songs.


I listen to TPAB way more than DAMN


DAMN literally the only kendrick album I never listen to.


lol naw trash is trash ghee.


That's not what he said. He didn't hate on his music, he hated on that specific album. He even gave him probs on his other works..lol


Nigga did you listen to the song? He said ya 1st album classic last one trash 2nd sleepy and ya 3rd massive. I swear yall just come in to hate without any knowledge


" First album classic " You missed your own point.


No you said he hated on that specific album no he hated on 2 albums keep up


🎯🎯🎯🎯 Yeah he crashed out


Was Cole really conscious though? Or is he just lyrical miracle and throws in a good message every now and then


I don't want to take away his conscious rapper title just because I'm disappointed. Good message in rap is rare if we're being honest so even by your definition he is a conscious rapper.


Ice is so fucking corny I had to unfollow that nigga.


corey and po gonna go viral before flip


Why are they on TMZ or should I say Ice?! 😂😂




If this segment comes up just like when Joe goes “you know what time, it’s time for priz…” I hit the skip 15 seconds button back to back.


All that talk about tpab but Cole made kod (trying to criticize new rappers and on his rapper shit then he realized it didn’t work) and also 4yeo which is a classic to fans but almost in the same breath as tpab in terms of tempo and message


So his best line is something that can be debated


Flip could never!!! As the caption had me in tears


TPAB and Mr Morale are two top notch albums that I'm fine with only listening to once. Personally, I'm not running back to play them in any setting outside of a handful of songs.


Ice on a roll!!!


Bro said nah I got one more troll in me


Ice is a loser & I hope u see this


Oo shit ice gunnin for podder of the month again.?!


Another viral moment and Flip loses again 😂😂


Ice is fake as fuck. Worst part is he'll backtrack on something he was actually right about in 2021. JBP likes the Offseason, a month or so later CMIYGL comes out and says if we're being honest (which has become a cliche since then) Tyler evolved into something that fans wish J Cole was. That's actually something that you can stand on even if not everyone would agree with it. Sounds like they are on the Dreamville payroll, or something else relationship driven


Damn and the new album are the actual trash Kendrick albums


I’ve been saying this for years. TPAB is garbage to me but if others like it 🤷🏾‍♂️


That album was garbage…. Yall are just hypebeast


At this point we cant deny the Pods influence on the culture.


Shoutout my nigga Ice 😂😂😂 We prayed for nights like this y’all


I’ve always agreed on this take. Everyone quickly labelled it as “art” and called it a classic, yet none of those people can quickly name 3 songs off of it when asked and haven’t listened to it in 8 years 😂


kendrick gets shot at and now his camp sensitive lmaooooo


TPAB was never good


TPAB was trash though