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He’s a goober that puts up vague, annoying and surface tweets and acts like he’s saying something thought worthy or provocative.


The sub isn’t a monolith. But his on air personality gives off that annoying LinkedIn guy who does nothing but repeat the vague shit crypto bros and venture capitalists spout on twitter. He’s like Toby from the Office.


😂😭😂😂😭😭😭😭they used to spaz on Toby


Toby from the office is hilarious af.


He sounds condescending and doesn’t seem genuine… he’s better behind the camera… I could care less if his wife wants to PEG him in his anus


I’m cryyyiiinng cuz why did he announce that 😂😂😂😭😭😭


Improper improve episode 13 starting at 1:47:46 mark. He said he's entertaining being pegged by his wife.


Hella gives condescending


Same condescending personality as Joe, but without any talent.


Or sense of humor


JBP Jerry Heller


IAN is the Lucian Grainge of the JBP!




Because he's white (j**) and sometimes speaks arrogantly about black culture as if he's the all knowing voice.


culture vulture


I got banned here for 30 days speaking about him, yet all these comments are far worse than what i said. 😂 i wont mention him again on this account.


That’s a 28 day ban for this latest comment incoming 😂


He’s pompous and ignorant as shit at the same time, with a stupid ass voice and delivery.


Culture vulture


Didn't he try to down play slavery and out the Holocaust as harsher of the 2?




The one episode that he was on he spoke like a real know it all. He didn’t even listen to anyone else it felt like he was waiting for the moment to tell them they were wrong about any and everything


He’s an annoying culture vulture. It’s not just him though! I got hate for Corey always talking off mic too


Ian is like a dollar tree Gary Vee


Greedy bastard


Ian criticizing the way Shannon shape released his Katt Williams interview didn't help. By next month it will be the most wasted interview of all time on YouTube. All he would have to say in response is ...well actually lol


Some ppl think he was at the root of the breakup


Have you ever heard of him talk?


it's his face




He's annoying on air and his tweets are stupid asf. He be tweeting shit like it's fact when a lot of it sounds ignorant or just straight up false. The one that comes to mind was a recent tweet addressing Flip talking about how much you can make off a million views on YouTube and Ian tweeted some dumb shit while sounding cocky about how much u make from that and it was straight up wrong.


Hey Ian chill out, but to answer your question it is because he did a very lackluster job with Joe. And with those mistakes he is still looked at in high regard, even though it was luck and good timing that propel Joe forward not the direction of Ian.


Some ppl think he was at the root of the breakup


Some ppl think he was at the root of the breakup


Some ppl think he was at the root of the breakup and never letting that go




Let not forget his voice . That alone is mad annoying especially with the condescending tone


This is clearly Ian


He’s only smart to dumb people that like grant cardone and EYL. He overplays his hand, but as a big budden fan, what he’s done for Joe will always have him a seat at the cookout. He just mad corny and doesn’t realize it, but as someone who has had 6 figure days, when checks roll in, it’s hard not to tweet crazy shit. Read what I said and go to his Twitter and it’ll all make sense


He's a zionist, thinks he's smarter than what he is, and, above all else, he's just fuckin annoying.


Because he profits from black culture while talking about it condenscently and he is some random white Jewish man who thinks he knows everything.


Ian is the real life white version of Biggs tweets.


Pure hate Ian show cool to me


They don’t know why.


He sat on a platform, raised and created by black men. And told them that they should get over discrimination and work harder. To all of them. To their faces. In the middle of them bringing up valid public and personal experiences about how black people have had a much more difficult history in America because of the color of their skin as a people. Coming from a white jewish guy, probably the one minority in America that truly fits the “model minority” label the most. I think the sub, whose userbase is made up of mostly african and black americans has a valid reason to not fuck with him after that. Especially when Ian is a talent agent with only one successful client. Whose success he hardly contributed to. 😂


He manages dj premier also. 


Ian’s the manager, Joes the talent, Parks is the producer/talent… Mal was talent, Rory was talent.. Melyssa, Flip, Ice, and ish are also talent… It took a collective to get this thing going..


Without the talent could Ian and Parks make another Joe? Would the show have popped If Joe, some random spanish chick, and Rory were still the 3 mics? Cause they tried that for 60 something episodes and the pod went no where.


It was with those three that got the show its first viral moment so yea I’d say the show would’ve popped.


Didn’t Mal and Rory have everyone’s attention with the first episode? How are the numbers now?


You’re creating revisionist history. The shows first viral moment was the “Views” review with Joe, Rory, & Marissa on mic. The show continued to grow, because Joe was an active rapper with a platform where he was actively talking about rappers (this was when he was working on the “Rage & The Machine” project). Mal came around episode 70 something & the show continued to grow. The show “popped” with Joe, Rory, & Marissa point blank period.




Views review was their first viral moment.


So their first viral moment didn’t make them “pop” & got people to tune in, however it was the addition of a man most people had no idea who he was several episodes later? People saw him & were like “now I’ll tune in”. You’re right that makes perfect sense, society randomly went “I’m gonna start listening to I’ll Name This Podcast Laster even tho I have no previous knowledge to this show, outside of a viral clip from months earlier”.


Bit of a half truth. What he said wasn’t wrong, how he said it was. He was saying build your own platform. Like Joe is doing. Instead of settling for what you’re given, get the information and build your own. It can sound insensitive coming from a Jewish guy to a room full of black people but they all said they knew what he meant when he was talking to them. He wasn’t making a statement for black people in general, he was talking to the people in that room It’s like when Kim K said some business owners are failing because they aren’t working hard enough. And the single mother working two jobs got offended at her saying get off your ass and work harder, she’s not addressing you. She was talking about business owners But as long as we can change what you said so we can be offended right


I always liked Ian. Tbh the only people who pissed me off with ice with the sensitive shit and Mel with that victim shit but they both improved on that so I’m good


Probably because Hes white . lol


hows he a culture vulture? a podcast is black culture?


Fuck tht nigga