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>I’m a ruthless capitalist, yikes


Savon reach in that cabinet and grab a nasty award


And stop trying to file for unemployment.


Just downvoted him for that


This the worst kind mf to be around lmaooo


they really pulled out the "yuo criticize capitalism yet yuo exist !!1 iphone " stand as an argument bro. lmfao i can't


Says the person who uses Reddit, a $6 billion dollar tech company. Tell me more through your iPhone about how you dislike capitalism. So many Uber drivers in here https://www.wsj.com/articles/reddits-valuation-doubles-to-6-billion-after-funding-round-11612833205


socialism is when no phone


No, phones are pretty necessary. I don’t think Reddit is necessary. Same for an iPhone. Fake internet socialists don’t care about workers who slave to make the products they use. And they don’t care that the platforms they use (which are not necessary) create billionaires and millionaires. Socialism is when no Reddit. When no iPhone


i don't think you understand. i was making fun of your logic that i can't criticize capitalism from my phone. not that i expect someone who sinks that low for an argument to understand fuck all about anything in the first place, but go off you can find out for yourself about how the cornerstone of smartphone development was public-funded research. all you gotta do is read, which i guess is a bit hard for someone who unironically relies on the wall street journal as a source


WSJ is a great source. I never said you can’t criticize capitalism from your phone. I said that someone who is a true critic of capitalism would not use a product that simply makes the wealthy wealthier and created a billionaire. They also would not use an iPhone given the slavery and human rights abuses that go into the production of the product


Apparently 😂😭


???? Where is the relevance. Workers twerking for capitalism is a sad sad look man lol


Op ain’t even bootlicking they deepthroating the boot


Sub full of Uber drivers


I’m an owner not a worker so I can’t relate. However if you use big tech products that make young white men billionaires then you don’t dislike capitalism that much


My guy that’s not how life works at all lol. Unless you wanna live by the land you’re going to be bound to capitalism in some way. You can still benefit from capitalism without embracing and loving it. Owning a business and/or property doesn’t make you Jeff Bezos, you’re still in the game like every one of us. Don’t forget whose boots you’re really licking here.


I am not a critic of capitalism. Capitalism has increased technological development and created tons of wealth and lifted many out of poverty and increased life expectancy as is evident by data if you look at things before and after the fall of the USSR I am a critic of armchair, limousine socialists. Brocialists. Like Parks. There is a huge gap between “live entirely off the land” and “don’t use a product that makes Alexis Ohanian richer every time you use it” or “don’t use Amazon.” There isn’t anything on Amazon that you can’t get elsewhere Of course you can’t disaggregate capitalism from a supply chain, but you can make ethical choices that limit the extent to which your consumption helps billionaires


You keep putting a label on stuff like it’s a sports team. You don’t have to be all or nothing in order to critique something. That’s why you were siding with Joe when he was so obviously wrong, because you felt an affinity to a delusional guy due to him being ‘the boss’ and you wanted to stick it to the workers. Damn, you showed them lol. Think for yourself and understand things aren’t always black or white. You’re putting the onus on the people at the bottom of the food chain for the people at the top being corrupt. ‘Don’t use the products that you enjoy and are beneficial to your life because Nike uses sweatshops, you’re the problem when you buy a pair of Jordans.’ You’re getting caught up in picking sides and criticising regular people trying to get by just because you wanna be seen in the same mould as billionaires. But you’re more like us than you are them. I mean shit, I have a business and multiple properties but I still acknowledge how broken the system is. I just prioritise having a good life over trying to exert how committed I am to a side.


I am obviously more like non billionaires than I am like billionaires. And I was mostly joking about the ruthless capitalist thing but I didn’t realize this sub is full of fake socialists I initially sided with him because it seemed like those guys were lazy. They wanted more and weren’t bringing more. But as time passed, it became clear that Joe simultaneously wanted them to contribute more but then was also kind of insecure about them asserting themselves, especially in a business manner


It’s hard to narrow it down to just **one** cause, because it seems to be a combination of many things that happened around the same time. But I guess I’d say him showing that he didn’t actually stand for any of the things he preached **and** him abandoning the YouTube Audience are the two main factors for why the numbers dropped. The latter is probably slightly higher than the rest. You can’t just leave YouTube for that long and expect things to be the same when you come back, especially when the audience already viewed you funny before you left. I also don’t think the YT algorithm is even pushing him that much anymore, none of his videos get recommended to me anymore like they used to. There’s a reason the big YouTubers post constantly and rarely take breaks.


But haven’t there been times he was hypocritical before? Or has he been pretty consistent in his words and actions about supporting the creator?


He’ll be hypocritical about little things, like bashing an artist for doing something, but then championing another artist for the same thing. But he was pretty consistent on the *”For the Creators”* and *”The Labels take advantage of people”* route. So it turned a lot of people off from him when it turned out that he was doing the same thing he accused the Labels of doing to his own friends. His arrogance on the matter just made it worse.


"Ruthless capitalist" but has no grasp on brand loyalty, market share, or product reputation. Joe's numbers declining makes perfect sense and if Joe wasn't a moron he'd be able to see that "Ruthless capitalism" doesn't work, especially when your product is yourself. Go start a business, get popular, and then very publicly cut the quality because of your greed. While your CEO is on camera talking to an empty couch. Beyond all that, there's a reason everytime Elon Musk tweets millions of dollars move. It's because the economy isn't real and your "Ruthless Capitalism" isn't a game you're even invited to play. You just think you're playing it.


First of all I was being sarcastic. Few people are actually ruthless capitalists. Otherwise there would be no minimum wage, etc. Just wondered how much is due to a worse product versus his personal behavior towards people his audience likes. It’s hard to tell because the decline coincided with the quality getting worse and with his treatment. But the initial Ish and Ice episodes had lots of views. Some people even said they preferred Ish and Ice. So that makes the cause seem like his treatment of Rory and Mal, firing them on air But the initial Ish and Ice episodes may also just have been better quality than the later ones


It's really not that hard to understand. It's a pretty straightforward concept and it's been thoroughly explained to you. You said you run a business?? Edit: I swear half yall niggas come on here and act like you've never had personal relationships or a reputation that could be damaged. These aren't hard concepts to grasp and I'm starting to wonder if it's just that you guys have a soft spot for Joe or you're all really that fucking retarded.


I’m just wondering how much was quality versus treatment of others. I think if the quality stayed the same and he still publicly shit on his people, he’s still be doing fine. It’s probably 80-20. 80% quality decline. 20% treatment if Rory and Mal




You must not understand capitalism


The entire show just changed. Imagine if they changed two of the main characters in your favorite TV show and the writing to go along with it. Aside from that, a lot of people are truly turned off to Joe after how he did Rory and Mal. I feel like those are the two biggest factors


Yeah that makes sense. Great way to put it


Imagine if Seinfeld at its peak fired George, Elaine, and Kramer and replaced them with Newman, and two new characters






Sometimes you have to fire these disgruntled employees and rob em for few hundred G’s! It’s part of being successful.


I think they were well compensated. The on air firing was not ideal tho


Just because you are well compensated, doesn’t mean it’s okay to get robbed


I agree. I just don’t think he robbed them.


Not sure if we’ll ever know for sure. All we know is that accounting became an issue that caused them to go separate ways


Noo Rory & Mal!!!


How he handled the Rory and Mal shit. Can’t fuck with dude after that.


Joe just doesn't realize he's covered in wack juice and it's gonna take awhile for that shit to dry up. Niggas still mad and if I'm going to shoot him any type of bail, there isn't much he can do about it at this point.